1. Answer the question, “Why am I going to college?”
Many college students really don’t have a clear reason for being there other than the fact that they don’t know what else to do yet. They inherit goals from family and peers which aren’t truly their own. That was how I started college. Is this you as well?
As I’ve stated previously on this blog, the three-semester deal wasn’t my first time at college. I had previously gone to college when I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to be there. In high school I was a straight-A honors student, President of the math club, and captain of the Academic Decathlon team. That momentum carried me forward, and without really ever deciding if it was what I wanted, I found myself with four more years of school ahead of me. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but my heart just wasn’t in it. Consequently, I sabotaged myself in a big way. I blew off my classes and got an education in parties and alcohol. Apparently some administrator was biased against students whose GPA starts with a decimal point, so I was soon expelled.
That experience sent me into a bit of a tailspin. I was in a funk for about six months, mostly just playing video games. Finally in an attempt to re-ground myself, I got a retail sales job and tried to stay under the radar while taking some time to “find myself.” That was the time I began developing an interest in personal development, and boy did it pay off.
A year later I was ready to go back to college, and I started over as a freshman. But this time I knew why I was there. I wanted to be a programmer, and I wanted to earn my Computer Science degree (I later added the Math degree). But it was more than that. I knew I was capable of a lot more, and I wanted to push myself. I wanted to create the richest experience I could. For me that meant a really dense schedule.
Your goals for college will likely be different than mine. What are they? Why are you there? If you don’t know — and I mean really know it in your gut — then you have no focal point for your experience. You may as well not even be there. What is it about your experience that resonates as true for you? What are you there to learn? What do you want to experience?
2. Imagine your ideal college experience.
Once you know why you’re going to college, imagine your ideal outcome. Let it flow outward from the reason you’re there. Whether you’ve already started college or not, stop and simply write down some attributes of your ideal experience. Describe it in as much detail as you can.
Before I returned to school, I spent hours visualizing the kind of experience I wanted to have. I saw myself being challenged but managing it easily and without stress. I saw myself making new friends. I saw myself having a really great time. Most of all I imagined a very balanced experience — a blend of academics, activities, socialization, and fun. The keyword I used was “richness.”
This was a really important step. I didn’t understand the mechanism at the time, but I was pre-programming myself to succeed. Whenever I
encountered obstacles, my ideal vision was so much more compelling that I was always able to find a way to get what I wanted. I became a co-creator of my experience instead of a passive victim of it.
Visualization allows you to make mistakes in advance. If you can’t get a clear visualization, your experience is likely to be just as fuzzy. Debug your visualization until it inspires you.
Real life will of course turn out differently than you visualize. The point of visualization isn’t to predict the future or to restrict your freedom to decide later. The point is to give you more clarity for making decisions right now. Your ideal scene serves as a map that can guide you through the quagmire of options.
3. Take at least one extra class each semester.
Students are taught that 12-15 semester units (3-5 classes) is a “full” schedule. But a schedule that light is hardly full. A person with a full-time job will put in a good 40+ hours per week, and students enjoy every possible vacation day plus spring break, winter break, and summer vacation. If you want to spend four or more years in college, add more degrees or get a job on the side. Don’t feel you have to go at a snail’s pace just because everyone else does.
Now you might be thinking that 12-15 units are supposed to equate to a 40-hour week with all the outside homework and studying, but that’s only going to happen if you do things very inefficiently (which sadly is what most people do). If you follow some of the time-saving tips later in this article, then 15 units should only require a few additional hours outside of class to complete assignments. Obviously I couldn’t have taken 31-39 units per semester if it meant doing double those hours in outside homework. I didn’t succeed by overworking myself.
If you’re an above average student, you can certainly handle an above average schedule. Sometimes we don’t know what we can handle until we push ourselves a little. If you think you can handle 15 units, take 18
or 21. You can easily shave a year off your schedule. Or you may be able to add a minor or a double major.
What about prerequisites? For the most part I simply ignored them, and fortunately at my school they weren’t enforced too well. I found that most of the time a prerequisite is listed, it’s geared towards below average students. Don’t let pointless bureaucracy slow you down if you want to graduate sooner. There’s always a way around it — it’s usually just a matter of getting some random form signed by someone who’s too bored to care either way. A smile and a compliment go a long way.
By the law of forced efficiency, if you put more things on your plate, you’ll find a way to get them done with the time you have available. So if you don’t challenge yourself a little, that extra time will slip through your fingers.
I think the real benefit to a dense schedule isn’t that you’ll graduate sooner. The real benefit is that you’ll enjoy a richer experience. Taking five classes instead of four means more learning, more achievement, and more friends. And what employer wouldn’t be attracted to a student who graduated more quickly than his/her peers? This sort of thing sure looks great on a resume.
4. Set clear goals for each class.
Decide what you want out of each specific class. Is this a subject you’re eager to learn? Do you want to target this teacher for a letter of recommendation? Is this a required class you must take but which doesn’t otherwise interest you?
My goals for each class determined how often I would show up, whether I’d sit in the front or the back, how actively I’d participate, and what kind of relationship I’d seek to establish with the teacher.
For some classes I wanted to master the material. For others I just wanted an A grade. And for others I wanted to set myself up for glowing letters of recommendations from enthusiastic teachers whose native language was English (so the letters would be highly readable and positive).
My mom has been a college math professor for decades. At home she’d comment about students she barely knew who’d ask her for letters of recommendation. Many times she had to turn them down because she just didn’t have anything positive to say in the letter. On the other hand, she was happy to support those students who put in a serious effort. Most teachers want to help you, but you have to let them see your strengths.
Even if you don’t get an A in a particular class, you can still give a teacher plenty of material for a great letter of recommendation if you participate actively and show respect toward the teacher.
This is not about manipulating your professors into lying on your behalf. The simple truth is that the quality of a letter of recommendation ultimately comes down to how much a teacher respects you. Don’t put yourself in the desperate situation of having to request a letter of recommendation from a teacher who doesn’t even remember you — or worse, one who thinks poorly of you. Set yourself up for success in advance. One of my professors learned about my packed academic schedule and expressed interest in learning how I was managing it. We had a very nice conversation about time management techniques. I had several programming classes with this professor and aced them all. I happened to think he was an excellent teacher, I had great respect for him, and I quite enjoyed his classes. When it came time to ask him for a letter of recommendation, he wrote one of the most glowing letters imaginable (”best student I’ve encountered in my career,” etc.).
On the other hand, I had certain teachers who were dowight lousy. I ditched their classes often and learned the material from the textbook. Obviously I didn’t seek out their assistance down the road.
Sometimes you’ll achieve your goals; sometimes you won’t. Even if you do your best, you may still fall short. You may encounter teachers that are unfair, lazy, sexist, racist, or otherwise incompetent. My wife had an overtly sexist professor who would never give a female student a grade higher than a B, no matter how well she did. He would say things like, “If you’re a male, you’ll have to work hard in this class. If you’re a female, just come by my office after hours.” Eventually sexual harrassment charges were filed against him. You’ll have to pick your battles. Some are worth fighting; others are best ignored. Having clear goals will help you decide which is which.
5. Triage ruthlessly.
You don’t need to put an equal amount of effort into every class. Inject extra effort when it’s important to you, but feel free to back off a little from classes that are a low priority based on your specific goals. For me this was an important way to conserve energy. I couldn’t play full out in every class, or I’d burn out, so I invested my energy where it mattered most.
要理解一国的文化就要读些历史,文学,包括诗和散文作品。我国古时儿童入私塾读书,开始读《三字经》,《千字文》,《百家姓》,此外还要读《千家诗》或《唐诗三百首》,也就是要蒙童及早地接触我国传统文化的意思。我们读点英诗,目的与此类似。 北外的何其莘先生说:
要多用词典,多用英语词典。如果读词典读的津津有味,就说明学英语已经上路了。 英语具有较好的基础以后,通读(注意不是略读或跳读)一本浅易的英语语法书会使你有一种豁然开朗的感觉。
做任何事都要掌握其规律,学英语也一样,因此,看一两部浅易的语法书何乐而不为? 张中载
简易读物对打好基础极有用,要多读。 一是数量要多,至少读四十本。二是要重复读,选出十至十五本,读三遍,读到许多问题印在脑子中。设想一下,别人能用一千五百到两千词汇写出几十本书来,如果我们能把这些表达方式掌握住,能够表达多少内容!
英语作文例文点评88篇 (收集于网络)
英语课上老师教给同学们一句英语格言“No Pains, No Gains” (不劳则不获),并让大家围绕如下三方面以这句格言为题写一篇短文。
No Pains, No Gains
People attempting a task may be discouraged in front of difficulties. They start with a great interest and passion. When they find that the task will take much more effort than they thought, their interest diminishes and their passion wanes. At that time, they are likely to have the idea of reaping a good harvest without much labor. The old saying “No pains, no gains” comes as a word of cheer to these discouraged persons. No task that is really worth doing can be done either easily or quickly. No mastery of any knowledge or skill can be gained without painstaking efforts.
We students shoulder the task of learning knowledge that calls for exertion. To improve our grades is what every student wants. We may envy those who have achieved excellence, and wonder what makes them succeed. In fact, their secret of success is no secret. It depends largely on their efforts. Good grades only belong to hardworking students.
Many thanks for the favor you did for me!
该文紧紧围绕题目给出的三方面加以论述,层次清楚,语言流畅易懂。“interest diminishes and their passion wanes” 中词语搭配讲究,“reaping a good harvest without much labor” 用另一个习惯表达法点出了“No Pains, No Gains”的含义,同时又避免了重复。文章句式灵活,长短搭配得当,使文章朗朗上口,虽然是议论文,但却没有枯燥之感。
Where there is a Will, There is a Way
No man can win success without strong will. We hear some men have got good results, but hardly realize that the great men had been making more efforts before they achieved success.
Success requires an unusual amount of energy to overcome difficulties. So it is important for us to have great resolution.
Some men tend to be afraid of difficulties. If they meet with some difficulties, they will give in. So they get nothing eventually.
So let's make up our minds, stick to it and surely win success in our career.
Focus on the most important things to do to help your organization be successful. Don't focus on the easiest things.
The way to success
Everyone tries to achieve success in his/her career. But some finally attain their aims while others fail. Why? Some continue their cause to the end through long period of hard struggles, but others are easily disappointed and stop halfway.
Strong will, perseverance and diligence are the three essentials of success. A man of strong will and perseverance always has an inflexible spirit. He sticks to his cause no matter how tough it might be. Life is short and we have too much to do. Without diligence no one can achieve anything.
I believe that where there is a will there is a way, and that success belongs to those who can make constant efforts.
Don't be afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.
这是一篇议论文,作者首先提出问题,再提出自己观点:意志坚强、锲而不舍、勤奋,是成功的三大要素。作者在结尾,巧妙地运用了谚语“where there is a will there is a way”,使文章增色不少。
坚强的意志(Man's Strong Will)请以下面三句分别作为三段段首的主题句,写一篇以坚强的意志为题的文章。
Strong will is universally regarded as a very praisable quality.
There have been many examples that success can be achieved by strong will.
It is not easy to cultivate a strong will.
Man's Strong Will
Strong will is universally regarded as a very praisable quality. It is neither genius nor extraordinary ability that gives us power to deal with and overcome whatever hardship that befalls. It is strong will that enables us to endure the trying situation and to attain our goals. Strong will gives us light when we are in the dark, and encouragement when we are frustrated. With this meritorious quality, no enemy can overwhelm us, and no obstacles can stand in our way. As the saying goes, where there is a will, there is a way.
All pain helps to make us rise, how-ever much we may hate it at the time.
There have been many examples that success can be achieved by strong will. During the Long March, the Red Army soldiers met with the greatest hardship men have ever experienced. They had nothing to eat but grass roots and barks of trees. It was their strong will that made them defeat the hardship. Helen Keller, a strong willed American blind woman, mastered the English language and became a well-known educator. Such instances abound, and suffice it just to enumerate the two.
Develop a high tolerance for ambiguity----you'll be more satisfied.
It is not easy to cultivate a strong will. First of all, we must set up a firm faith in our cause, namely, the cause
of communism, and be ready to devote our lives to it. Secondly, we must learn from strong-willed persons, especially, from revolutionary martyrs who fought for communism to the last drop of blood. Finally, we should boldly go through trials and hardships to train our will so as to get rid of the weak points of our moral character.
本文为议论文。首段的“neither?nor?”“It is strong will that?”,和“no enemy?no obstacles?”的运用,加强了文章的语气,突出了坚强意志的重要价值。段末的格言起到了画龙点睛的作用。第二段用了红军二万五千里长征和海伦?凯勒这两个例子,有力地证明了坚强的意志能使人获得成功这一主题。末段谈如何培养坚强的意志,层次清晰,观点正确,具有说服力。
以“Don't Stop Halfway”为题写一篇议论文。
论证具体 结构完整 字数100—150
Don't Stop Halfway
When a man is doing some work, he desires some benefit from it. In order to get this benefit, the must do the task to the end and completely finish it.
To finish a task, whether hard or not requires patience and firmness. Therefore when you have some work to do, you must do it faithfully, irrespective of the difficulty. Difficulties and obstacles are unavoidable; if you turn your back on meeting them, you will succeed in nothing, but if you can overcome them, you will accomplish something.
To stop halfway is very bad. Suppose that a precious stone is at a great distance from you and you want to obtain it; you must reach for it; you must not stop halfway. If you stop halfway, you will not only get nothing, but also lose something, because your time and strength will be wasted.
It is a good thing for one to do one thing at a time, and never stop halfway.
Cultivate a reputation for being reliable and hardworking, even if it means bucking peer pressure.
Nearly everybody regards failure as a bad thing. The efforts we have made seem to be of no use and we feel very disappointed. Some people even lose the courage to start again or lose interest in life when the failure is a very great one.
But failure can also benefit us. It can teach us a good lesson and make us experienced. Also, we can realize our own shortcomings and get a better knowledge of ourselves. So when we start again, we can succeed more easily.
Therefore, failure not only disappoints us but also benefits us. When we fail, we should make full use of our failure and learn from our experience. Then, we may succeed in the future.
Life is made up of ambiguous victories and nebulous defeats----claim them all as victories!
Is Failure a Bad Thing
Failure is quite a common thing in our life. As long as we do things we will surely encounter difficulties. Of course we should try our best to get over them, but in many cases, it is not so easy, or even impossible. Then how should we face failure?
Different people take different attitudes towards failure. When faced with failure, some people become frustrated and lose their selfconfidence. They refuse to make any further efforts. These people will probably never amount to anything in life. Some people just don't fear failure. They firmly believe that failure is the mother of success. As a result, not only can failure stop them, but they draw useful lessons from it and try even harder. Such people are sure to succeed someday.
As for me, I don't think failure is a bad thing. Failure can never discourage me but only eich my experience and steel my will. With this positive attitude in mind, I will try hard in anything I'm determined to accomplish and attain success in the end.
Is Failure a Bad Thing?
Failure is a common thing in our daily lives. As students, We sometimes fail to get high scores on our examinations. When we play game, we sometimes can't avoid losing to others. And there are times when we fail to do satisfactory work. All these failures happen naturally and almost every one of us has had such experiences.
However, there are different attitudes towards failure. Some people lose heart in failure, they think the world has come to an end. Some people don't take failure seriously and just ignore it, while some others learn much from it.
In my opinion, what really counts is not failure itself, but what we think of failure and do after failure. As long as we believe in ourselves and don't give up, and in the mean time learn something from our failure, We'll certainly be successful in the end. So I'm never afraid of failure, for I believe that failure is not a bad thing, but the mother of success.
表达思想清楚,内容比较充实,文字流畅,句子结构多样。第一段、第二段主题句简练而贴切,句间衔接比较自然,用词造句有不少闪光点,如:the world has come to an end 等。
It is usually better to be honest than dishonest.
One of the worst things about lying is that it results in a guilty conscience.
Honesty makes you happy and gain a good reputation.
We often praise somebody because of his diligence and honesty. So all the people think that honesty is a virtue and that it is the best policy.
It is usually better to be honest than dishonest. People tend to believe an honest man, no matter what he does and what he says. On the contrary, dishonest people are not trustworthy. For this reason, honest people are always more successful than the dishonest. So it is better to be honest because it can help you succeed.
One of the worst things about lying is that it results in a guilty conscience. If a person tells lies, his face will turn red and his heart will beat faster. He will always live in fright.
Honesty makes you happy and gains a good reputation. All people consider what you've said true and trust you just because you are an honest man. Therefore, you can say what you like and do what you like without fear. You will feel very happy. Likewise, just because of your honesty, people respect you and love you. Gradually, you will gain a good reputation. To be honest will ensure you a happy life.
On the Truth
Truth is an attitude of the mind. It is important, if one does not wish to inconvenience and bore his or her friends. It means telling no lies and never backing out of one's word.
But it is more important to know what is the truth, and not to slide into those untruthful habits of thought which are so pleasant and so easy.
There is a word named “the victory habit of mind”. People who have this mind are unduly preoccupied by what was socially and morally convenient. One should have the courage to think uncomfortably, since it is only by rejecting the convenience that one can come to think the truth.
Truth, is an attitude of the life.
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