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时间:2017-02-22 07:44:52 来源:免费论文网


冯曦妤《The Glorious Death》





领略完美丽的谷底林海,我们要开始爬向离地高约20余里的长白山巅中心点,群峰环抱的美丽天池。天池实际湖面高度为2194米,是我国最高的火口湖,不愧有“天池”之称。天池的湖水面积为98平方公里,湖水平均深度204米,最深处达373米,是我国最深的湖泊。 据考证长白山以前是一座火山,天池就是这座火山的喷火口。自清乾隆以后,长白山就停止喷火,原来的喷火口就成了高山湖泊。冬季的天池,如玉盘翠珠,美丽壮观;登至天文峰顶时,山顶很凉,周边都是火山灰形成的山,没有任何植被。天池像一块瑰丽的碧玉镶嵌在雄伟的长白山群峰之中,白云缭绕,五色斑斓,波光岚影,群峰环抱,蔚为壮观。池边群峰竞秀,山野如洗;池上蓝天映衬,丽日当空;池中奇峰倒映,细波水蓝。置身山巅池边,真如同神仙一般。向下俯瞰,洁白的天池山峰环绕,好似一个天然的冰上舞台。天池孤悬天际,没有入水口,只有出水口,但湖水却终年外流不息,自11月末封冻到第二年6月解冻,冰层厚度达1.2米。满山顶的瑞雪点点片片,像似一个美丽的少女身披着那洁白的衣衫。给人一种“白山少女白衫湿”的素美境界,令人如痴如狂。另外长白山的雾淞也独具一格,在天池湖畔,在瀑布周围,在白河两岸,氤氲缭绕的雾气,染白了树木的枝叶,白了山石,也染白了大地。满山遍野,就象绽开了一片片洁白的梅花??美丽的长白山美人松婉若秀美颀长,婀娜多姿的一个个婷婷玉立、浓妆淡抹的长白美女,在招手欢迎远来的游客。


徒步登山约半小时,我们看到了69米落差的长白大瀑布。长白大瀑布位于天池北侧,乘槎河尽头。乘槎河流到1250米处便形成落差为68米的瀑布,因系长白山名胜佳景,故名长白大瀑布。由于落差大,在两条雪龙似的水柱猛烈冲击下,溅起浪花无数,飞雪漫天,崖下形成20多米深的水潭。湍急的流水柱入二道白河,即松花江正源。长白大瀑布挂在群峰竞秀的半壁天堑上,景致蔚为绮丽壮观。 到过长白山的人,都为那宏伟壮观、奔腾不息的长白大瀑布所迷恋!那银流似从天而泻,落地声如雷贯耳。在这里,泉水是蓝色的没有污染。由于长白山的灵气,这水也透着灵气,用矿泉水瓶灌上一瓶这么有灵气的泉水,亲自喝一口,或带回一瓶给家人品尝,共同分享一下这灵山秀水的僻佑。

陈慧琳《Love Paradise 》





何洁 《小永远》






《My Boy》




广播前的各位听众朋友们大家早上好,这里是周一至周五每天为大家准时送出的校园早班车,我是今天的主播李仕钰,今天是5月25号,星期三。下面为大家播报武汉今天的天气情况。今天多云,最高气温27摄氏度 ,最低气温20度。 这期的节目我给大家介绍的就是贵州。



石头寨位于贵州省中部的黄果树风景名胜区,距离著名的黄果树大瀑布只有六公里,这是一个布依族村寨,寨子依山傍水,而寨子里几乎所有的建筑,都是由石头和石板建造而成,所以叫做“石头寨”。走进寨门,就像走进了石头的世界。街道是石头铺的,房屋是石头垒的,屋顶也是石板盖的。 石头寨是扁担山48个布依寨的一个,依山傍水,四周群山秀丽,寨前田连阡陌,寨后绿树成荫。白水河上建有一座三十多米长、五米多宽的五孔石桥,更增添了石头寨的秀色。

石头寨旅游的最大景观便是观石头建造的民居,它以石为墙,以石为廊,以石为柱,以石为瓦。石头寨,当地布依语称之为“板波森”,其意是“背靠石山,世居石屋”。石屋层层叠叠,沿着山坡自下而上,布局井然有序。有的石屋房门朝向一致,一排排并列;有的组成院落,纵横交错;有的石屋有石砌围墙,有石拱门进出。寨边竹林、树下安置着石凳、石椅与石桌,可供休憩、娱乐。 房间一般是单数,格局,也有 沿袭下来的规矩。民居的主体部分,都是利用石头来搭建的,只有在梁、柱等地方,才会使用少量的木材,而石头与石头的接缝处,也只是用了少量的沙浆来粘结。一般用来盖房子的石头分成两种,一种是搭建主体结构的块石,还有一种则是用来作屋瓦的片石。

从外表看是一种以大小不统一、又各具有一定方正形的规则石头,通过错落有致的垒砌而成的坚固房屋。然而,这些民居在建造时却是颇有讲究的:石房依山而建,建房前看中一处地房后,就地开采石料。石屋屋基很高,一都在两米以上,所以家家都砌有进门的石台阶。这里的房屋不用一砖一瓦,建房时先用木料穿榫作为屋架,也有先砌两边石墙,中间架木柱,房架立好后,砌石墙四面“封山”,有的用薄石板隔房间,有的用石块垒砌,有的还要用石柱支撑。房屋无论三间、五间、中间总堂屋,左右两边为卧室。房屋均分为两层,中间铺木板,下层关牲口,上层住人。房屋的外墙体用大小不等的石头来砌合,用石灰混凝 墙面上勾缝虎皮墙;砌石半缝紧密,线条层次匀称。石头寨的房顶的盖法,吸收了歇山顶的基本建筑样式,规整中富含变化,冬暖夏凉,实用而独具特色。寨里的男人,个个都会石匠活儿,手艺代代相传。在石头寨地区盖房子,一般都不对石头进行特别精细的加工,不规则的长方形、菱形、三角形及多边形的石块,经过石匠们的巧手,总能有不同的垒砌组合。 数百年来,它一直不为外人所熟知,可是当都市文明对古老历史的向往慢慢演变一种时尚的追求之后,这种原生态的民族风情,便吸引了不少好奇的游客。随着黄

果树风景区的进一步开发,到石头寨来游玩的人,也越来越多。 石头寨距今,已经有六百年的历史了。石头之所以成为这里主要的建筑原材料,是因为这个地区独特的地质和气候条件,在这里用石头盖房子,不仅造价比较便宜,节约木材,不怕火灾,而且舒适耐用,冬暖夏凉。石桥、石屋、石路,就连生产和生活的许多工具,也都是用石头做的。不光是这里,在石头寨所在的扁担山区,有四十八座类似的布依族村寨,也都是利用石头作为主要的建筑材料。这些石头建筑,历经多年的风雨冲刷,越发显得洁白,在秀丽的群山环抱之下,构成了一幅幅山野的图画。石头的坚韧和沧桑,在这里默默契地守护着历史,见证着生活的每一个变化。




布依族能歌善舞. 男女老少在阵阵锣鼓声中,从四面八方汇聚在一起,尽情咏唱着似乎永远也唱不完的歌。山歌对唱一般由未婚青年男女参加,是布依族青年男女相互表达感情的方式之一。布依人恋爱自由、婚姻自主,男女之间常常是以歌定情。男女初次对歌,一般都是集体对唱。双方有意者,便约定时间、地点单独对唱。歌场上对歌,一般由一男对一女,或一群小伙对一群姑娘,赢者在获得荣誉的同时,也获得了爱情。三月初四到初六,布依山寨歌声如潮,无论是在路边绿树下,河边岩石上,还是山腰的绿荫深处,都是青年男女对歌的地方,无论是山头、溪旁,还是认为无人踏过的深草地里,都会听到那悠扬的歌声。日落西山,夜幕降临,在湿混的流水边,静静的小桥头,神奇的竹林中,不时传来甜甜的歌,悄悄的情话。听:“花连树来树连根,钥匙连锁锁连门,钥匙只连一把锁,小哥只连妹一人”。这是小伙子的心声。姑娘的表白更巧妙,如“妹家门前一棵桃,十人过路九人摇,别人过路摇不动,小郎一到自会摇”。 布依族人很快乐,他们常常喜形于色,人与人之间的沟通都用山歌作媒介,比如男孩碰上自己心仪的女孩,他便会用山歌去试探,女孩也会在山歌里回应,山歌都是现编词,歌词里一般就能判断出人品与才能,其实比汉人通电话通信来得更为直接,他们唱山歌时不忌讳旁边有多少人,几乎每个人都是透明的,有时大群女友会一起联合刁难一个男孩,而男孩也并不生气,一一对答.在社交场合和青年男女谈情说爱时,常常用歌表达自己的感情。


篇三:Amusement parks旅游节目广播稿

C: Welcome to listen to Tavel Time,I’m your friend Caroline.

B: I’m Brandon.

C: Brandon,do you remember what was the happiest feeling in your childhood?

B: Well,then it must be when my parents take me to the amusement park.

C: I love amusement parks.

B: So do I and every little child.

C: I’m sorry ,but you are not a little child.

B: Well,Teenager,maybe.

C: So, in today’s program,we will introduce some incredible amusement parks to you guys. B: Sounds great,can’t wait.


C: At first,we will come to the Tivoli Gardens

B: Or simply Tivoli

C: Which is a famous amusement park and pleasure garden in Copenhagen[,k?up?n’heiɡ?n], Denmark. The park opened on 15th August 1843 and is the second-oldest operating amusement park in the world.

B: With 4.033 million visitors in 2012,Tivoli is the second-most popular seasonal theme park in the world, the most-visited theme park in Scandinavia and the fourth most-visited in Europe, only behind Disneyland Paris, Europa-Park Rust and the Efteling.

C: sounds exciting.

B: Don’t worry,we will talk about Disneyland Paris, Europa-Park Rust and the Efteling one by one. C: the park is best known for its wooden roller coaster, as some people call it, the Mountain

Coaster, built in 1914. It is one of world's oldest wooden roller coasters that is still operating today. An operator controls the ride by braking down the hills so it won't gain too much speed. It is an ACE Coaster Classic.(经典太空过山车)

B: Another roller coaster, The Demon, features an Immelmann loop, a loop, and a zero-G roll all during the ride time of just one minute and forty six seconds. An old roller coaster, Slangen, was removed to have enough space for The Demon. Demon is situated next to the concert hall.

C: The Tivoli also has the world's second tallest carousel(旋转木马)[‘k?r?’s?l], The Star Flyer, opened in Tivoli in 2006. Eighty meters high and built by the Austrian company Funtime, it offers panoramic[,p?n?’r?m?k](全景的) views of the city.

B: On 1 May 2009, Tivoli opened the new ride Vertigo(眩晕的), a looping(环形的)plane ride where the rider pilots the ride, able to control the plane.

C: The newest ride, Aquila, opened on 11 April 2013. It is a giant swing and spinner with

centrifugal [s?n’tr?fj?gl](离心的)powers up to 4 G, named after the constellation [?k?nst??le??n](星座)of the Eagle.

B: It also has The Tivoli Youth Guard ,which is a music ensemble of boys and girls aged 8–16 dressed in uniforms reminiscent[?rem??n?snt](怀旧的)of those of the Royal Danish Guard

complete with bearskins. It was founded in 1844 and gives concerts, makes parades, stands guard at the garden's buildings and monuments at special occasions and represents the gardens at various events.


B: Let’s turn to the Europa-Park ,which is the largest theme park in Germany and the second most popular theme park resort in Europe, following Disneyland Paris.

C: The park is home to twelve roller coasters, the oldest being the Alpenexpress Mine Train,

where a powered coaster speeds through a diamond mine, – and the newest coaster being Arthur, a suspended (悬挂) powered rollercoaster and dark ride combination. Europa-Park has very high capacity rollercoasters and attractions meaning the park can accommodate up to approx(大约) 50,000 guests per day.

B: It is also the location of the Euro Dance Festival.

Euro Dance Festival, located annually at Europa-Park since 2007, is best known for its wide range of music and dancing styles. These are Ballroom Dance, Argentine Tango, Swing Dance, Hip Hop and Breakdance. A combination of dancing classes and shows and a trade fair caters for the

needs of both beginners and professionals including dance instructors and choreographers. Since its foundation it has taken place for four days every year in early spring.

C: Europa-Park host dozens of events throughout the summer season.

B: The biggest of these include the Midsummer Party, when the theme park hosts a fireworks display and is open until midnight. Horror Nights takes place through October evenings and features a range of halloween horror mazes, rides and shows. For the last week of the main season, the park hosts a daily firework show and music production.

C: During the main summer season, the park opens at 9:00 am and closes from 6:00 pm. Closing time is extended by up to 3 1/2 hours, depending on how busy the park is. This is usually the case on weekends and holiday periods. The park opens selected rides 30 minutes early for hotel guests. Europa-Park has opened for winter since 2001, and it is widely believed the park will gradually extend opening so that it is opened year round.

B: A small number of rides, including Silver Star are closed in winter due to the weather, although from the 2012-2013 winter season, Blue Fire was added to available attractions - so long as

weather permits. Wodan was also added from the 2014-2015 winter season. Such a philosophy of only operating certain rides during winter is commonplace amongst most theme parks in Europe, as temperatures can often dip below freezing.

C: During the winter season, the park opens at 11:00 am and closes at 7:00 pm. The park opens selected rides 1 hour early for hotel guests. Although the park does extend closing time if it's busy, this doesn't happen as often in the winter seasons, partly due to low temperatures in the evening. <MUSIC>

B: Efteling [??ft??l??] is a fantasy-themed amusement park in Kaatsheuvel in the Netherlands. The attractions are based on elements from ancient myths and legends, fairy tales, fables, and folklore.

C: The park was opened in 1952. It has since evolved from a nature park with a playground and a Fairy Tale Forest into a full-sized theme park. It now caters to both children and adults with its cultural, romantic, and nostalgic [n??st?ld??k] (伤感的)theme, in addition to its wide array[ ??re?](系列)of amusement rides.

B: It is the largest theme park in the Netherlands and one of the oldest theme parks in the world. It is twice as large as the original Disneyland park in California and predates it by three years.

Annually, the park has more than 4 million visitors. Over the years, it has received over 100 million visitors.

C: The success of Efteling has been attributed largely to its high-quality ride designs and

architecture, in addition to its pleasant greenery and gardening. The park, under the aegis of its creative directors, has always had high standards. When Anton Pieck was asked to design the initial (初始的,首要的)fairy tales for the Efteling, he made sure the park would live up to his personal high standards. There would be no use of cheap building materials, plastic or concrete. Pieck's illustration (例证)style, somewhat grim(严肃的) and dark but yet also romantic and nostalgic, was the thematic base on which most future expansions(膨胀) were built.

B: Pieck worked for Efteling until the mid-1970s, when his position as chief designer was passed on to the younger Ton van de Ven. Van de Ven had already been working for Efteling for several years and Pieck was very pleased with his work. The Haunted Castle, which opened in 1978 as the park's first new large attraction, was Efteling's first to be designed entirely by Van de

Ven ,although he used some ideas from joint brainstorming sessions with Pieck Later, he designed several more rides and new fairy tales, leading him to be considered by some as the world's best 'imagineer' after Disney.

C: Van de Ven continued his work until 2002, when he retired. A new team of imagineers is

currently working on new Efteling attractions.Efteling currently covers approximately 2,000,000 m2. This area has changed only marginally(稍微) over the course of its history. However, the park's foundation owns a much larger area of land, covered mostly with young forest, some grassland, roads, and an 18-hole golf course.

B: The park is divided into four themed areas or 'realms'. Originally, the park was divided into four areas called North, West, East, and South, with most of the park's historical rides and attractions, like the Fairy Tale Forest, located in West. When the park reorganized its infrastructure in the late 1990s, it also changed the areas' names. North was changed toTravel Realm(王国), West became Fairy Realm, East becameRough Realm, and South became Other Realm.

C: Efteling was largely built in an existing pine tree forest located in a rural area, giving it a 'nature park' feeling. Together with its large ponds and gardens, its abundant green space is rather unusual among the world's leading theme parks.
