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时间:2017-02-20 06:23:40 来源:免费论文网

篇一:english articles


从小到大,有些经历肯定让你终身难忘。请你用An unforgettable experience为题写一篇词数120左右的英语短文,要求包含下列要点:




An unforgettable experience

_ Life is full of various experiences, some of which are unforgettable. I still remember the hiking experience with my classmates for 16 km a year ago. That summer day, we set off early in the morning, thinking it would be great fun to walk for so long a distance. However, with the weather getting hotter and hotter, I found my legs heavier and heavier. What’s worse, my feet began bleeding because of long time pressing against the shoes. At one point, I even wanted to give up. But I managed to drag the rest of the way to the destination.

Though not pleasant, this journey was impressive and rewarding. I learnt that life is a long journey like this. No matter what happens, we should never give up, and we will finally achieve what we want to.






参考词汇:勤俭节约 thrifty (adj.) 美德virtue


你是一个遇事总爱抱怨的人吗?你是不是总会为自己的失败找寻借口?如果是这样,那么你应该立刻停止抱怨,开始为自己的生活负责任。因为一个成功的人首先一定是一个敢于负责任的人。请以“Take Responsibility for Your life”为题,写一篇120词左右的短文。短文必须包含如下3个部分:

1. 负责任的好处

2. 逃避责任的坏处

3. 呼吁读者作出正确的选择

关键词: 责任responsibility 抱怨 complain借口excuse

Take Responsibility for Your Life

Are you always blaming others for things that don’t go exactly the way you want? Are you making excuses for goals unmet or tasks that missed your deadlines? If that is what you are, stop it, and start to take responsibility for your life. Taking responsibility does a lot of good to your life. By taking responsibility, you can take a clearer look at yourself, set more achievable goals, and make more detailed plans. Those who are responsible for their lives are always ready to translate their thoughts into action and thus good consequences are most likely to follow.

In contrast, avoiding responsibility will block your way of going ahead. Those who like seeking excuses tend to waste their time on unnecessary complaints and miss the essential part of the matter they are dealing with. So great success are never expected to visit such individuals.

Taking responsibility is actually just a matter of decision,and it’s you yourself and no one else who can make it for you. Please go into action right here, right now and take responsibility for your life.

4. 在明天的英语口语课上,你班要进行题为Schools in the future的5分钟演讲活动,请你根据下列要点提示,写一篇100词左右的发言稿。

1. 未来学校的教室里将用电子屏幕代替黑板,将不再使用粉笔;

2. 未来的师生将可以在家里通过视频连线上课,每周到校两天即可;

3. 未来的校园将变得和公园一样美丽可爱,很多课将在露天讲授。

提示:电子屏幕electronic display screen

One possible version: Hello, everyone! Talking about schools in the future, I really have something to say. Firstly, I suppose the classrooms in the future will be equipped with electronic display screens instead of blackboards. So chalks will be driven out of classrooms, which makes the studying area cleaner than ever.

Secondly, children in the future don’t need to go to school every day because teachers will give lessons at home and students will be able to learn at home via the Internet. They’ll only need to go to school two days a week to attend meetings or parties.

Finally, the school yards will be as beautiful as parks and many courses will be taught in the open air, allowing students more time to get close to nature. Isn’t it cool? That’s all. Thank you!


假如你是新华中学的学生李华,最近看到一所外语培训学校招聘兼职辅导员(part-time tutors)的 广告,想在高考结束后去应聘, 请根据下列提示写一封求职信。

提示:1. 自身优势(擅长英语口语和写作,担任班长团结同学、乐于助人);2. 应聘理由(想充分好利用假期时间,为大学挣学费并积累一些社会经验);3.想法及打算(希望成为一名教师,希望得到和别人合作的机会)。注意1.可适当发挥以使行文连贯 2.词数:100左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)


Dear Sir or Madam,

I’m very glad to learn part-time tutors are wanted in your training school and I’d like to have a try. I am a student who will graduate from high school soon. I do very well in my English lessons, especially

in oral and written English. Besides, I’m a monitor and often help others with their English. Before going to a university, I will have a long history, during which I’m determined to do a part-time job like this to make the best of the holiday. What’s more, I can earn some money for my future studies. Last but not least, I can get some valuable social experience. I’m going to work hard if I get this chance. I hope I will have a chance to co-operate with you.

I’m looking forward to your reply.








Dear Wang Lin,

I am terribly sorry to hear that you have been ill for a few days and

Dear Wang Lin,

I am terribly sorry that you have been ill for a few days and I hope that you will get well soon. You often stay up late at night, which is really a bad habit. Staying up has done great harm to your health and I hope that you can give up the bad habit.

To keep healthy, you should have enough sleep and take regular exercise. Taking proper exercise can make you active and keep you fit. In addition, you should eat a balanced diet, which is helpful to your health. Your,

Li Hua

Dear Wang Lin,

I am sorry to hear that you have been sick for three days.Are you feeling better?I know you're always working hard in daily life,since you never go to bed before the midnight every day.But it is not a good habit to stay up late at night.It can harm your health and your energy that you may feel exhausted and low-spirited on next day.Don’t worry about the classes.I will lend you my notes after you come back to school.Now what you need is just a good rest and a balanced diet.Perhaps we should have sports together regularly after you come back to make us stronger.Take good care of yourself and I hope you will recover soon!

Best Wishes,

Li Hua

9.书面表达 (共25分)

请根据你对下面漫画的理解, 以“Should we help the old who fall down on the street?”为题, 用英语写一篇作文。



2.分析不愿扶老人的原因, 至少两点;



1.参考词汇:肇事者: trouble maker


Should we help the old who fall down on the street?

As we can see in the picture, an old man falls down on the street, but no one offers help to him. The

passers-by fear that they will be mistaked for the trouble maker.

The picture reflects that many people are not willing to help the old who fall down on the street. Several factors may contribute to this phenomenon. Some people refuse to help the old because they don’t think they can give the old correct medical care due to a lack of professional skills. Another major reason is that they are afraid of being charged with knocking him or her down and getting themselves into trouble if they help the old.

As for me, we should help the old who fall down on the street. As we all know, it is a traditional Chinese virtue to show respect for and take good care of the old. If we come across an old person falling down on the street, we can lend him or her a helping hand by calling the medical care centre. I hope there will be less indifference and more warmth in our society.


李华曾经超重而且不愿意运动, 通过运动与节食后,他现在完全变了。请根据以下图片,写一篇100词左右的短文,并简要发表你自己的看法。




3.参考词汇:overweight, balanced diet。

overweight balanced diet

One Possible Version

Li Hua is no longer the boy he used to be – he has changed greatly. Only a year ago, he was overweight and a little lazy. He got tired easily and did not like sports. His favorite meal was fried chicken and chips. One day, he r ealized that he couldn’t continue like this. So, he decided to change. He started to exercise. He ran on the school playground every day. He also began eating a balanced diet of more fruits and vegetables, and less meat. These changes helped him lose a lot of weight. He is now a very happy boy in very good shape, and he is always so active. What can we learn from LiHua to feel better and look better? We should all be careful about what we eat and make sure that we get enough exercise.

12.书面表达(满分25分) 青少年研究专家Susan Beacham 在自己的英文网站上开辟专栏,邀请大家分享心目中的“最好礼物”。她认为,礼物贵在心意,应为之付出时间和精力。假设你是李华,请用英文发贴,内容应包括:

1. 赞同Susan 的看法

2. 你收到或送出的最好礼物是什么

3. 该礼物的意义




Dear Susan Beacham,

I am a high school student from China. ______________________________

I am a high school student from China and I am quite for your opinion about best gifts: the value of gifts lies in its intension so we should devote more to them.

The best gift I’ve ever received is a book from my English teacher, Debbie, which she brought to me when she returned from her holiday in USA. The book’s name is Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul: The Real Deal: Friends. I value this book because it shows me how to keep the balance of friendship in a positive way. And I must thank my favorite teacher for her care about me because she found me at loss dealing with friends at one time. Reading it, I have been inspired and balanced myself in life and study.









