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时间:2017-02-16 06:43:54 来源:免费论文网






关于雾霾天气的作文:保护环境刻不容缓 江苏省南京市浦口区汤泉小学六年三班 蒋羽洁 今天早上起来,感觉胸口很闷,像被一块大石头压着一样。 去候车的时候,大“雾”弥漫,树木边像围绕着仙气一样,路过的车都开着灯行驶,它们好像播放着“慢动作”,身在雾中却不知前方的路。一路跑到候车地点,我贪婪地吸收着空气,但这味道却不像平常雾那样吸起来舒服,只感觉那么凝重,不干净。 原来这不是雾,是雾霾! 通过查阅资料我知道了雾霾是空气中因悬浮着大量的烟、尘等微粒而形成的浑浊现象,能见度小于10千米。通称雾霾。 我的家乡——汤泉,素有“苗木之乡”美称。这里都有这种雾霾,可见,现在的环境有多么糟糕! 现在环境差都是人们不重视,不保护环境导致。许多人吃的零食袋子、易拉罐等许多东西都随地乱扔或不扔到正确的垃圾桶里;许多人乘车时在车里吃过的垃圾都直接打开车窗扔出去,都不说把垃圾拿在手上下车时扔进正确的垃圾桶里??现在的人生活富裕,几乎每家都有小轿车,然而这些小轿车排放的尾气严重的污染了环境,使空气变得浑浊。许多家工厂更可恶,直接把污水排放到干净的小河里,让那些自由的小鱼小虾失去了家园,甚至没有了生命?? 一次无意间跟爸爸谈到了他们小时候的环境:“河里的小鱼小虾多了去了河水非常清澈,拿个篮子下去一沉上来,小鱼在篮子里活蹦乱跳的。你的爷爷奶奶还不知道我和你大伯经常偷咸肉去河里钓鱼,竹竿一下去不到一分钟钓了半框子小鱼。


Pollution haze

Recently, there arises a pressing problem confronting the protection of the environment. It is the haze weather, an air pollution in which is mixed up with dust, smoke and other dry particles. This phenomenon has aroused wide concern towards air quality.

As to this problem, there are several reasons accounting for my viewpoint. The most important reason for this is manufacturing operations. Many factories were over measure produced the smog that had over the standard and the smog seriously influence the air quality. The second important reason for this is motor vehicles. There is no denying that gas emission of private car is a great evil of air pollution. The third important reason is industrial fuel burning, I think. Industrial fuel burning leads to a large number of dust and poisonous gas breathed by people, healthy or not. All of above are manmade sources. Natural sources can include windblown dust, and soot from wildfire.

It has done great harm to our daily life. For example, everything around disappears from our sights. Many people, especially children and seniors, even find it difficult to breathe. As a result, local hospitals are crowded with people who have problems with their noses and lungs. In addition, many traffic accidents happen just because of the heavy haze weather.

Effective measures should be taken as soon as quickly to reduce the smog weather. In people, for one thing, people should go to walk or school by the public traffic, such as the bus and the underground. For another, it is indispensable to plant more trees. In government, taxing the owner of private cars should be adopted properly. According to me, I won’t waste anywhere, and go to school on foot.

I firmly advocate that all of us should take pains to protect our environment. If we work together to be able to do such measures, our environment will getting better and better and haze weather will vanish completely.
