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时间:2017-02-15 15:46:59 来源:免费论文网




①three②one ③four ④nine ⑤seve


_________名 姓____________级 班 __________号 考(测试时间:50分钟,满分100分)


认真做好每一道题,再仔细检查,你可以得到更高的分数!加油!祝你取得好成绩!Good luck !

一.找出下列每组单词中不同类的单词。(10分) ( ) 1. A. face B.tenC. five ( ) 2. A. mouthB. mouseC. monkey ( ) 3. A. body B. blue C. black ( ) 4. A. breadB. crayon C. cake ( ) 5. A. red B. purple C.plane二、把下面的句子翻译成中文意思。(10分)

1、Here youare . Thank you . ________________。 2、I like hot dogs. _______________________。 3、Can I have some milk ?_____________________。4、Happy birthday to you! _________________________ 。5、How are you ? Fine. Thank you_____________________。 三、把下面数字从小到大排列,只填序号。(10分)

n⑥two ⑦eight⑧ten ⑨six ⑩five ( ) ( )( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、从B栏中找出与A栏相应的答句。(20分) (A)

)2.What’s your name ?B.Me, too.

. C.Sure ,here you are . )7.Where’s your nose ? G. I ‘m nine

like hot dog . H.Nice to meet you, too. .Let’s go to school. I. My name ‘s John. 五、从A、B、C三个选项中选出所给单词的正确词义,将其标(每小题2分,共20分) ( )1. school A. 学校 B. 尺子C. 橡皮 ( )2. mouth A. 鼻子 B. 手指C. 嘴 ( )3. blueA. 蓝色的B. 白色的C. 粉红色的 ( )4. duck A. 鸭子B. 猪 C. 兔子 ( )5. bread A. 蛋糕 B. 热狗C. 面包

( )1.Good morning. A.Thank you. ( ( )3.See you ( )4.Happy birthday . D.Good morning. ( )5.Nice to meet you. E.Bye ( )6.How oldareyou ? F.Ok.

( ( )8.I ( )9( )10.Can I have chicken ?J.Here it is .


( )6. three A. 四 B. 三 C. 五( )7. ten A. 十 B. 八 C. 六 ( )8. juiceA. 果汁B. 牛奶 C. 水 ( )9. elephantA. 鸟 B. 大象 C. 猴子 ( )10.red A.红色的 B. 绿色的 C. 橙色的 六、单项选择。(20分)

( ) 1. —Can I have some chicken?_________ A. Sure. Here you are. B. Very well, thank you.

( ) 2. —What’s your name? _________ . A. This is Bai Ling.B. My name is Bai Ling. ( ) 3. 你想向别人介绍你的朋友John,应该说________ A、Hello! I’mJohn .B、This is John . ( ) 4. 我国国旗的颜色有:________

A. red and white B. red and yellow ( ) 5. 与别人道别时,我们应该说_________ A、Hello! B、See you .

( ) 6. 要把某样东西给别人,通常应该说_________ A. Here you are. B. May I have a look?

( ) 7. 别人赞扬你的东西很漂亮时,你应该说:


A. Thank you.B. No.

( ) 8. 询问别人的年龄,你应该说:________ A. How old are you?B. How are you? ( ) 9. 当别人感谢你时,你应该说:________ A. Thank you. B. you are welcome. ( )10. 要邀请别人喝牛奶,可以说:________ A. Have some milk!B. I like milk.

七、 把相应的中文句子填在英文题号前。(10分) ) 1、 Who’s that woman? A. 这个男人是谁?)2、 What a big fish !B. 这是我的奶奶。)3、 Where are you from? C. 那个女人是谁?)4、 Who’s this man?D. 好大的鱼啊! )5、 This is my grandma. E. 你来自哪里?

(((( (


一、1---5A A A B C 二、1、 给你。谢谢你! 2、 我喜欢热狗。 3、 我能喝一些牛奶吗? 4、 祝你生日快乐! 5、 你好吗?好的,谢谢你! 三、 26 1 3 1095 7 4 8 四、1---5D I E A H 6---10 G J B F C 五、1---5A C A A C 6---10 B A A B A 六、1---5 A B B B B 6---10 A A A B A 七、1---5 C D E A B

篇三:最新天津市2016-2017年三年级上英语期末综合测试卷 (10)



一、听音选 出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入括号内。(每题1分,共10分)

( )1.A. use B. bus

( )2.A. shop B. short ( )6.A. hard B. high

( )7.A. people B. pilot

( )3.A. winner B. worry

( )4.A. lovely B. really ( )8.A. lake B. like ( )9.A these B. those

( )10.A.clever B.careful

( )5.A. fix B.feed


( )1.Do you use ______ in England? A. chopsticks

B. fork

( )2.It’s _______for Chinese people. A. hard B.


( )3.Sam’s ________ are wet. A. shortsB.


( )4.I can jump __________.A. far B.


( )5. I’m going to _______________. A. do long jump B.

do high jump

( )6.This is Linda. She’s going to be a ____.A. driver B. teacher

( )7.This__________, I’ll go to Hong Kong. A. Saturday B. Sunday

( )8I’m thirsty.Can I have have a ______.A. drink B. water

( )9. They are going to go to Shanghai by________. A. ship B. plane

( )10.Iris is going to go to Hainan in _____holiday. A. winter B. summer


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )(


( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )


( ) 1. A. What are you going to be?B. What are you going to do?

( ) 2. A. There are stone animals.B. There is a camel.

( ) 3. A. She’s got a pet cat. B. He’s got a pet dog.

( ) 4. A .Can I run fast? B. I can run fast.

( )5. A .Have you got a stomacher ache?B. Have you got a herdacher?


( ) I’m going to go to Hong Kong.

( ) Are you going to go to Hong Kong?

( ) What are you going to do?

( ) I’m going to swim in the sea.

( ) No, I’m not.

( ) Hi! Where are you going?

( ) My grandma lives there.

( ) We’re going to go to Hainan.

