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时间:2017-02-15 14:21:37 来源:免费论文网



1) 史密斯太太对我抱怨说,她经常发现与自己十六岁的女儿简直无法沟通。

Mrs. Smith complained to me that she often found it simply impossible to communicate with her 16-year-old daughter.

2) 我坚信,阅读简写的 (simplified) 英文小说是扩大我们词汇量的一种轻松愉快的方法。

I firmly believe that reading simplified English novels is an easy and enjoyable way of enlarging our vocabulary.

3) 我认为我们在保护环境不受污染 (pollution) 方面还做得不够。

I don’t think we’re doing enough to protect our environment from pollution.

4) 除了每周写作文外,我们的英语老师还给我们布置了八本书在暑假里阅读。

In addition to/Apart from writing compositions on a weekly basis, our English teacher assigned us eight books to read during the summer vacation.

5) 我们从可靠的消息来源获悉下学期一位以英语为母语的人将要教我们英语口语。

We’ve learned from reliable sources that a native English speaker is going to teach us spoken English next term/semester.

6) 经常看英语电影不仅会提高你的听力,而且还会帮助你培养说的技能。

Seeing English movies on a regular basis will not only improve your ear, but will also help you build your speaking skills.

7) 如果你们对这些学习策略有什么问题,请随便问我。我将更详细地进行讲解。

If you have any questions about these learning strategies, please feel free to ask me. And I’ll explain them in greater detail.

8) 那个加拿大女孩善于抓住每个机会讲汉语。这就是她为什么三年不到就熟练地掌握了汉语口语的原因。

The Canadian girl is good at seizing every opportunity to speak Chinese. That’s why she has gained a good command of spoken Chinese in less than three years.


1) 幸好附近有家医院,我们立刻把他送到了那里。

Fortunately there was a hospital nearby and we took him there at once.

2) 胜利登上乔治岛 (George Island) 后,船长向指挥部 (the headquarters) 发了一份无线电报。

After succeeding in landing on George Island, the captain sent a radio message to the headquarters.

3) 他决心继续他的实验,不过这一次他将用另一种方法来做。

He is determined to continue his experiment but this time he'll do it another way.

4) 她在读这部小说时,不禁想起了她在农村度过的那五年。

When she read the novel, she couldn't help thinking of the five years she had spent in the countryside.

5) 玛丽觉得单靠自己的力量执行她的计划是困难的。

Mary thought it difficult to carry out her plan all by herself.

6) 我们认为他不能在一刻钟内走完那段距离,但他却成功地做到了这一点。

We didn't think he could cover the distance in a quarter of an hour, but he succeeded in doing it.

7) 甚至在他的医生告诉他患有肺癌之后,奇切斯特仍不肯放弃环球航行的宿愿。

Even after his doctor told him he had lung cancer, Chichester would not give up his old dream of sailing round the world.

8) 我正忙着做一种新的捕鼠 (rats) 装置时,马克走来拖着我出去看花展了。

I was busy making a new device for catching rats when Mark came and dragged me out to a flower show.


1) 那位名演员似乎很乐意在剧中扮演一个次要角色。

That famous actor seemed content to play a minor part in the play.

2) 国庆节要到了,咱们把寝室彻底(thorough)打扫一下吧。

National Day is round the corner. Let's give our bedroom a thorough clean.

3) 她非常勉强地同意让一位年轻医生为她做手术。

She agreed, very reluctantly, to be operated on by a young doctor.

4) 他们已安排好让我们明天去游览长城,我相信我们在那儿一定会玩得很开心。

They've arranged for us to visit the Great Wall tomorrow. I'm sure we'll have a good time there (we'll enjoy ourselves there).

5) 老人读完信后失望之极,竟用颤抖的手指把它撕得粉碎。

After reading the letter the old man was so disappointed that he tore it into little bits with trembling fingers.

6) 老两口为他们的孙子感到骄傲,因为他在第28届奥运会上获得了两枚金牌和一枚铜 (bronze) 牌。

The old couple were proud of their grandson, who won two gold medals and a bronze at the 28th Olympic Games.

7) 即使他的祖母不能来参加他的生日宴会,她也会寄给他一件可爱的礼物。对这一点汤姆深信不疑。

Even if his grandmother could not come to his birthday party, she would send him a lovely present. Tom was sure of that.

8) 昨天是玛丽的二十岁生日。她父亲寄给她一双靴子,她母亲为她买了一盒巧克力 (chocolates),而她的男朋友则带给她一束红玫瑰。

It was Mary's twentieth birthday yesterday. Her father sent her a pair of boots. Her mother bought her a box of chocolates. And her boyfriend brought her a bunch of roses.


1) 接受这份工作就得经常在周末上班,但约翰并不在意。

To take this job would involve working on weekends frequently, but John didn't mind.

2) 众所周知,肺癌至少部分地是由于吸烟过多而引起的。

It is well known that lung cancer is caused at least in part by smoking too much.

3) 我祖父母说,发明电视的那个人曾住在他们那个地段。

My grandparents said that the man who invented television had once lived in their neighborhood.

4) 我提议咱们会后马上去办公室找史密斯教授,邀请他参加我们的英语晚会。

I propose that we go to find Prof. Smith in his office right after the meeting and invite him to our English evening.

5) 她因那病开过两次刀,身体十分虚弱,几乎站不起来。

Having been operated on twice for the disease, she was so weakened that she could barely stand up.

6) 教育家们认为,伴随着电视机长大的一代人,在电视机前花的时间太多,以致没有足够的时间学习了。

Educators think that the generation growing up with television spend so much of their time in front of the TV that they do not have enough time to study.

7) 我真希望你能拿出一个比这更好的解决办法 (solution) 来。

I do hope that you can come up with a better solution than this one.

8) 乍一看,这幅画并不好,但经过仔细观察,我们才发现它的确是一幅杰作 (masterpiece)。

At first glance the picture didn't look very good, but after examining it carefully, we found that it was indeed a masterpiece.


1) 简从书架上拿了一本杂志,开始东一页西一页地随便翻阅。

Jane picked up a magazine from the bookshelf and started reading here and there at random.

2) 我随信附上这篇故事的几张插图。

With this letter I enclose some illustrations for the story.

3) 那幢古老的建筑物四周有一圈高墙。

The ancient building was enclosed by a high wall.

4) 格林大夫忙着研制一种治艾滋病 (AIDS) 的药物,但从下月起他就能安排时间在星期一上午看二十个左右的病人了。 Dr. Green is busy working on a cure for AIDS, but from next month on he'll be able to fit in twenty patients or so on Monday morning.

5) 他讲了个故事来说明为什么在详细查看其条款 (provisions) 之前决不要在任何合同上签字。

He told a story to illustrate why you should never sign any contract before you have examined its provisions in detail.

6) 他们老是对她说她有数学天才,她感到很不好意思。

She was embarrassed when they kept telling her she had a genius for mathematics.

7) 天知道我们那个傻小子什么时候能中学毕业。

God knows when that dumb kid of ours is going to graduate from high school.

8) 亨利的最近一部小说和他女儿的第一本书都于三个月前出版,令他们惊讶的是,后者已经售出一百多万册。

Hey's latest novel and his daughter's first book were both published three months ago, and to their astonishment, the latter has already sold over a million copies.


1) 据报道,那条铁路曾因洪水而停止修建。

It was reported that the building of the railway had been held up by a flood.

2) 罢工结果,资方接受了工人的要求。

The strike resulted in the management's accepting the workers' demands.

3) 煤矿工人们决定为争取更好的工作条件举行罢工。

The coalminers decided to go on strike for better working conditions.

4) 我很想买这本英文词典,遗憾的是我身上带的钱不够。

I'd like very much to buy the English dictionary. Unfortunately, I haven't got enough money on me.

5) 我想先和你讨论一下这篇文章的英译稿,然后再把它寄给霍布斯先生。

I'd like to talk over with you about the English translation of the article before sending it to Mr. Hobbs.

6) 那位外国专家希望在三年内达到所有的目标。

The foreign expert hopes to achieve all his aims in three years.

7) 一个科学家要跟上本领域的新发展,你认为必须做些什么?

What do you think a scientist must do in order to keep up with the latest developments in his field?

8) 作者认为,如果优秀工人经常得到加薪和提拔,他们就会有更大的生产积极性。

The author thinks that if excellent workers get frequent pay increases and promotions, they will have greater incentive to produce.


1) 萨姆买不起他极想要的那种照相机,因为那相机太贵了。

Sam could not afford (to buy) the camera he longed for because it was too expensive.

2) 整个上午他都在忙于写那篇故事,只是偶尔停下来喝杯茶。

He was busy writing the story all the morning, only breaking off occasionally to have some / a cup of tea.

3) 他是个富人家的儿子,不过看上去已经家道中落了。

He is the son of a wealthy family, but he seems to have come down in the world.

4) 他常利用她缺乏生意头脑(business sense)而欺骗她。

He often took advantage of her lack of business sense to cheat her.

5) 王教授,请您赏光来参加我们星期六的英语晚会好吗?

Prof. Wang, would you do us a favor by coming to our English evening this Saturday?

6) 看外表他一点也不像是个八十多岁的老人。

He does not seem to be an old man in his eighties, considering his appearance.

7) 他们肯定没打算把他培养成一名工程师,我猜想他们永远也不会这样做。

Undoubtedly they do not have the intention of making an engineer of him, and I suspect they never will.

8) 我怀疑这家工厂什么质量控制也没有。经过一周的观察,我发现情况果真如此。

I suspected there was no quality control whatsoever in the factory. After making observations for a week I found this was indeed the case.


1) 我很幸运,在我年轻的时候就学会了许多不同的技能。

I am lucky to have acquired a wide range of skills when I was young.

2) 这些画价值在五千万美元左右,绝不能直接暴露在阳光之下。

These drawings, which are worth something like 50 million dollars, must not be exposed to direct sunlight.

3) 我儿子写出他第一首诗的时候,我就知道他有天赋。

I knew my son got talent when he composed his first poem.

4) 由于流感(the flu)在社区传播,她用暖和的冬衣将自己裹起来,以防传染上这种疾病。

As the flu was spreading in the community, she wrapped herself in warm winter clothing to avoid catching the disease.

5) 被告(defendant)否认他曾经向政府官员付钱以获得合同。

The defendant denied that he had ever made any payment to the government official to get a contract.

6) 我吃惊地看到,当他妻子泄露了一个家庭秘密的时候,他掴了她一记耳光。

I was startled to see he slapped his wife in the face when she revealed a family secret.

7) 他说他掌握了一个关于战争的秘密文件,这使每一个在座的人都大为吃惊。接着他啪地一声打开公文包(briefcase)便开始读起来。

He astonished everyone present by saying that he possessed a secret paper about the war. He then snapped open his briefcase and began to read it.

8) 当他渐渐地获得了信心的时候,他的语调变得自然了,说起话来也就自然脱口而出了。

As he gradually acquired confidence, his tone became natural and his words came out spontaneously.



1、 上司还是觉得他们的工作没有达到要求。

The boss still thought that their work fell short of his requirements.

2、 出海5年里,亨利获得了航海的实践经验。

Five years out in the ocean gave Hey some practical experience in sailing.

3、 系主任很烦躁,他发觉学生当中几乎没有热运动方面比较强。

The dean was upset that he found few of the students were doing well in athletics.

4、 珍妮参加了比赛而且赢得了奖项。

Jane took part in the game and won the award.

5、 能够见到老朋友,我说不出有多高兴。

I could not describe my happiness to see my old friends.


He busies himself in answering letters and didn’t notice the arrival of his wife.

7、 简真正的问题是她缺乏信心。

Jane’s real problem is that she lacks confidence.

8、 学校已经选出最好的乓乓球运动员。

The school has picked out the best table-tennis players.

9、 她满腔热情地投入到工作当中。

She throws herself into the work with great enthusiasm.


He did not fully appreciate the significance of signing the contract.


You will be paid according to the amount of work you have done.


I see no reason why my watch doesn’t work.


Australia is one of the few countries where people drive on the left.


She was lying on the couch, reading her fashion magazine.

15、马文·哈里斯的理论是,如果某一动物活着比死了更有价值,那么它就被保留下来。 Marvin Harris’ theory is that if an animal is much more valuable alive than dead, it will remain.


We longs for a bed after several days of camping.


It was a mystery to me how Jim managed to get here before us.


She was delighted to have an opportunity to talk with someone who shared her interest in classical music.


Trees have blossomed with new life at the dawn of a new season.


The mountain forms a natural barrier between the two countries.


There is singer material among these young girls.


The new principal shows great concern about those troubled kids.


Every one of us has elected the active boy president of our student council.


Focusing on the development of inferior community is crucial to the foundation of harmonious society.


Only half of the students who have signed up for the course showed up last night.


You may not like her ,but you have to admit that she’s good at her job.


We can deliver goods to your door if you like.


Rather than allow the vegetables to go bad, he sold them at half price.


As many as ten to twelve people were found living in a single room.


The store has a special department to handle customer complaint.


He imposed on me his own idea about the issue.


How do your parents divide their labor in your family?


Large numbers of post-war migrants have brought changes in technology in this county.


In this country, the taxation burden has been shifted from companies to individuals in the past ten years.


It is estimated that the population of this country will reach 20million by the year 2030.


It wasn’t until my marriage ended that I really started to grow up.


Their marriage broke up.


I know this idea sounds a little crazy, but it may be worth a try.


She intended to catch the early train, but she didn’t get up in time.


I’ve made an effort to drink less tea and coffee.


He was weighing his words carefully this time ,although he wad foul-mouthed in many cases.


It was their first meeting and John was determined to make an impression.


The airline has assured travelers that there that there will be no further delays.


There’s a distinct smell of cigarettes in the classroom.


I prefer this teaching method that involves all students in active learning.


I will work hard in the pursuit of liberty and happiness.


After retirement, his father took up mountain climbing.


A writer friend told me to just put my head down and write good works.


I fell back on skills I had learned years ago to earn a living for myself.


We hope our explanation for his behavior will prove more or less helpful.



1、a wise guy 骄傲自大的人。


Alic's all right, I guess, but sometimes he's such a wise guy. 据我看,亚历克这个人还不赖,不过有时候太狂妄自大了。


Who's the wise guy that took my lunch box?


2、a shrinking violet 畏首畏尾的人。


George has a very good mind. He would rise fast in the world if he weren't such a shrinking violet.


3、a backseat driver 不在权限范围内而指手划脚的人。

在美国开车出门是许多人生活的一部分。开车的技术当然每个人都不一样,一般来说,开车的人都不太愿意被别人指指点点。所以我们把那些老是喜欢在后面给开车的人提出不必要的指导和建议的人叫做backseat driver。

One place where you find lots of backseat drivers is in politics. 要说指手画脚的人,在政界你可以找到好多。

4、a wet blanket 令人扫兴的人。


I'm sorry to be such a wet blanket, but I'm afraid I have to go home now. 我让大家扫兴,实在太对不起了。不过,我现在必须回家啦。

5、a late bloomer 大器晚成的人。


Paul was such a slow worker at first that we almost fired him, but he proved to be a late bloomer.


6、an apple polisher 拍马屁者。


You should take much care of him, and he's a real apple polisher. 你可得多留心那小子,他可是个货真价实的马屁精。

7、an ugly customer 粗暴的人。

Ugly是ugly behavior(行为丑恶)的意思,指使用暴力,威胁他人。Customer原意为"顾客",转用于表示"一沾上边就会有麻烦的人"。

When he starts drinking, he can become an ugly customer.


8、a visiting fireman 远方的客人。


I'm behind in my work because our office had three groups of visiting firemen this week.


9、an Indian giver 送东西给人而日后往回要的人。


Toby may have given you these books, but don't start celebrating yet. He's famous for being a Indian giver.


10、a name-dropper 以仿佛很熟悉的口吻谈到著名人物的人。


Most social climbers are name-droppers.


11、an eager beaver 工作卖力的人。

Beaver海狸是一种哺乳动物,前肢比后肢短,趾有爪,擅长挖掘,忙于筑坝。所以用eager beaver来喻指"干劲十足的人,积极、努力又热心的人"。

He seems never to know what tiredness is, and he's really an eager beaver. 他似乎从不知什么叫累,真是个用功的人。

12、mall rat 喜欢逛购物中心的年轻人。


I used to be a typical mall rat hanging around watching the crowds, especially the girls. But now I join the football club, and I have no time. 我过去是个典型的逛购物中心迷,在那里看人,特别是女孩子。但是现在我加入了足球俱乐部,就没有时间了。
