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时间:2017-02-09 07:28:05 来源:免费论文网


java is everything

as is known to all,the internet of things has a lot of curriculun,which include

courses in software and hardware.in these courses,my favourite is the introduction

to java programming.

i think i enjoy the process of learning the java programming.when we had class,the

teacher taught us the knowledge of this course in detail.in spare time,i always do

some exercises to consolidate what has been learnt. text a


i. answer the following questions according to the text.

1. the internet of things refers to uniquely identifiable objects (things) and

their virtual representations in an internet-like structure. the term internet of

things was first used by kevin ashton in 1999.

2. it stands for radio-frequency identification. it is often seen as a

prerequisite for the internet of things.

4. in the iot, physical and virtual ?things? have identities, physical attributes,

and virtual personalities.

5. the original idea of the auto-id center is based on rfid-tags and unique

identification through the electronic product code.

8. embedded intelligence can be more clearly defined as: leveraging the capacity

to collect and analyze the digital traces left by people when interacting with widely

deployed smart things to discover the knowledge about human life, environment1interaction, as well as social connection/behavior.

9. in an internet of things, the precise geographic location of a thing — and

also the precise geographic dimensions of a thing — will be critical.

10. currently, internet of things frameworks seem to focus on real time data

logging solutions like pachube: offering some basis to work with many things and have

them interact. future developments might lead to specific software development

environments to create the software to work with the hardware used in the internet

of things.

ii. translate the following terms or phrases from english into chinese and vice


1. deploy 1. v.展开,配置2.








10. capability framework tag n.索引vi.做索引 barcode identify intranet n.体

系结构 sensor 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. n.(实际)能力,性能,容量,接受力 n.构架,

框架,结构 n.标签,标识 index n.条形码 vt.识别,鉴别 n.内联网 architecture n.传感

器iii. fill in the blanks with the words given below.

6. devices 7. size 8. speed 9. affordable 10. seamlessiv. translate the following passages from english to chinese.passage one


源于auto-id center,该中心创建于1999年,以麻省理工学院(mit)为基础。 该想法简单应用却困难。如果所有的罐头、书本、鞋子或汽车部件都装备微小的识别设






这个系统能够瞬间识别任何一种物体。 2物体的因特网能够编码500亿到1000000亿物体并跟踪这些物体的移动。每个人周围都

有1000到5000个物体。 passage two 物联网——这就是我们要去的地方 憧憬未来,每个“物”都可以连接到互联网。物联网将带来革命性的变换,改变我们与

环境交互的方式,更重要的是改变我们的生活方式。 每个东西都连接到互联网的想法并不新鲜,但正逐步成为现实。当2008年连入互联网“物”



品生产中取得进展。它甚至也许能减少贫困。 另一方是怀疑论者,他们警告说物联网的不断增长以及我们对它的日益依赖都具有固有


text b


i. answer the following questions according to the text.

1. the first large scale application of the internet of things technologies will

be to replace the bar code in retail.

2. the retailers will have item identification unified from the producer, through

the storage, the shop floor, cashier and check out, as well as theft protection.

3. for the consumers they offer the possibility of avoiding long check-out lines

and having the product history available, which will improve food safety and protect

consumer rights in case of failing products.

5. the innovation in logistics normally does not change the industry

fundamentally. it allows improving efficiency of processes or enables new value

adding features.

6. executable codes in the tags enable the thing in transit to make intelligent

decisions on its routing based on information received either via readers or

positioning systems.

7. present day logistics is based on established supply chains from manufacturer

to consumer.

8. smart biodegradable dust embedded inside pills may interact with the

intelligent tag on the box allowing the latter to monitor the use and abuse of medicine

and inform the

3pharmacist when new supply is needed.

9. the public began to pay attention to food safety.ii. translate the following terms or phrases from english into chinese and vice


1. fundamentally 1.

2. coexistence 2.

3. feedback 3.

4. 供应链 4.

5. intervention 5.

6. 条形码 6.

8. assemble 8.

9. stability 9.

10. flexibility 10.4 adv.基础地,根本地 n.共存 n.反馈,反应 supply chain n.干涉 bar code adj.

不兼容的;不相容的;互斥的 vt.集合,聚集,装配 n.稳定性 n.弹性,适应性,机动性,

柔性 text a


i. answer the following questions according to the text.

2. machines that store the information we seek on the internet are servers.

4. two of the most important protocols are the transmission control protocol (tcp)

and the internet protocol (ip).

5. it stands for hypertext transfer protocol.

6. one machine can find another through the massive network by the ip address

each device connected to the internet has.

7. the version of ip most of us use today is ipv4, which is based on a 32-bit

address system. one big problem with this system is that were running out of addresses.

8. packets are parts of a file that range between 1,000 and 1,500 bytes. packets

dont necessarily all take the same path -- theyll generally travel the path of least


9. because packets can travel multiple paths to get to their destination, its

possible for information to route around congested areas on the internet.

10. phone calls over the internet also convert conversations into packets using

the voice over internet protocol (voip). ii. translate the following terms or phrases from english into chinese and vice


1. packet 1. n.数据包



conversation fiber 2. 3. n.会话,交谈 n.光纤 5篇三:物联网专业英语翻译目录

章节1 介绍物联网

1.1 “物联网”概念的起源

1.1.1 麻省理工学院自动识别中心

1.1.2 当物联网离开实验室来到光天化日之下

1.1.3 国际电信联盟

1.2 物联网的通常定义

1.3 物联网的发展


1.3.2 工业视角



1.4 欧洲的物联网研究和科技发展

1.4.1 设定场景

1.4.2 在第7届研究构架项目中信息通信主题5

1.5 国际电信联盟互联网报告2005:物联网

1.5.1 什么是物联网?

1.5.2 2020:生活中的一天

1.6 计算思维


2.1 泛在计算

2.1.1 核心概念

2.1.2 历史


2.2 无线传感网络


2.2.2 特征

2.2.3 标准和详细说明

2.2.4 应用

2.3 嵌入式系统

2.3.1 介绍

2.3.2 历史

2.3.3 特征

2.3.4 嵌入式软件体系结构

2.4 并行和分布式技术

2.4.1 并行计算

2.4.2 分布式计算

2.5 人工智能和决策支持系统

2.5.1 人工智能

2.5.2 决策支持系统

2.6 云计算

章节3 物联网技术

3.1 rfid标签东西

3.1.1 rfid的定义

3.1.2 rfid标签

3.1.3 规则和标准

3.1.4 应用

3.1.5 安全和隐私问题

3.2 感觉东西的传感技术

3.2.1 传感器的定义

3.2.2 传感器类型

3.2.3 机器嗅觉

3.3 移动网络技术

3.3.1 移动通信技术的发展

3.3.2 移动网络的演变

3.3.3 m2m

3.4 智能技术

3.4.1 什么叫“智能”技术?

3.4.2 智能卡

3.5 纳米技术及微型化

3.5.1 纳米技术

3.5.2 微型化

3.6 分布式数据存储

3.6.1 分布式数据库

3.6.2 对等网络节点的数据存储

3.7 物联网安全

3.7.1 物联网安全构造

3.7.2 安全问题的关键技术章节4 对在发展的世界的影响

4.1 移动中的东西

4.1.1 零售

4.1.2 物流

4.1.3 制药

4.1.4 食品

4.2 无处不在的智能设备

4.3 环境和生活

4.3.1 健康

4.3.2 智能居家

4.3.3 运输

章节5 新兴的挑战

5.1 标准化

5.2 人、安全和隐私

5.3 对人在物联网中的政策

5.3.1 教育和信息

5.3.2 立法


ladies and gentlemen,

our seminar had lasted four days. it has achieved tremendous success. more than 20 professors and scholars spoke at the conference. many more aired their views freely at group discussions, which proceeded in a friendly and lively atmosphere. we all benefited greatly by attending this conference.

ladies and gentlemen, you have my best wishes for your still greater achievements in your career of science.

now, i declare the conference closed.

thank you




怎么与英语“交朋友”呢?老话说“光说不练假把式”,可着句话用到英语上就不灵了。英语就是要读。多听、多读、多模仿。大声读!大声读对自己就是一种鼓励。读的多了,就会背了,语感就养成了。不少同学不敢大声读英语,怕读错了同学们笑话,搞不好还会被老师批评。其实犯错并没有什么大不了的,学英语就是要无法无天,要天不怕地不怕。不要畏惧读英语,读错是很正常的,学习哪有不犯错的?我也经常读错,但我知道,错了再改,我就跑到了前面。 英语不是学出来的,而是在汗水疯狂练出来的!


学习,难免要碰钉子。俗话说:世上没有不带刺的玫瑰。不要因为一次失败 ,就放弃你原本决心要达到的目的。前车之覆,后车之鉴,每次失败后获取的经验,都是一笔宝贵的财富。把英语大声地读出来,不要有任何顾虑,永远不要怀疑自己。和卫星上天比起来,英语根本算不了什么。 采得百花成蜜后,为谁辛苦为谁甜。踏踏实实地学,学习就象是一条充满泥泞的小路,只有经过了风雨,才可以见到美丽的彩虹。
