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时间:2017-01-23 06:33:01 来源:免费论文网

篇一:my meaning of life...

As we grow, we learn many things about life. Some of these lessons are easy and some are difficult. What is the best way to learn them? Some believe that they can learn best by listening to the advice of others, while some people believe that it is better to learn through personal experience. Both methods have their advantages.

In the first case, learning by listening to others, we have the benefit of learning from others’ mistakes and are thus being able to avoid them ourselves. We can take advantage of the experience and wisdom of our friends and family. This will help us to make better decisions and avoid costly errors. Furthermore, the people who know us well can advise us effectively because they understand our strengths and weak nesses. At the same time, they are sometimes able to see situations more objectively than we are.

In the second case, learning through doing, we have the advantage of gaining meaningful experience. We will no doubt better remember the lessons we learn when we enjoy the rewards or suffer the consequences ourselves. Moreover, we can often develop other skills through personal experience and can learn from our mistakes.Finally, no two people are exactly alike. Therefore, what family and friends think may be suitable for them, but not appropriate for us.

Given a choice between these two ways of learning about life, I would still choose the former, learning through the advice of others. This is because I believe I should take advantage of all the resources available, and the experiences of my family and friends are a valuable resource. For example, if I were preparing to take my first trip abroad on my own, the advice of others who have already experienced such a trip could only help me. Just as we can learn from history, we can learn from the past actions of those close to us.

In conclusion, I find advantages in both ways of learning. Although I prefer to learn by listening to the advice of others, that does not mean I will forgo learning through my own experiences. It does mean, however, that I will approach new experiences with the added benefit of my family and friends’ good advice.


As is apparently revealed in the cartoon above, the sheep lives happily in an optimistic state of mind, ignoring the threat of a dark shade, because he believes that where there is shadow, there is sunshine①. What is conveyed in the picture is both positive and illuminating。

As far as the purpose of the drawer is concerned, I think he intends to remind us of the importance of optimism. If the sheep in the cartoon feels anxious and pessimistic about the dark shade all day long, he can by no means have a comfortable and happy life. Examples like this are

numerous, but I think the following one will be convincing enough. If there is half a cup of water, the pessimist may cry over it because they have only a half, while② the optimist may cheer for it because they still have a half. Obviously, they will have different perceptions and feelings③ toward the same life。

There is no denying that, most optimists have a high happiness index, which can hardly be experienced by pessimists. Therefore, we must read our life with a positive attitude. What’s more, the optimistic attitude can infect others strongly, meaning that we will find that all the friends around us are optimistic if we observe them in the same perspective. As a result, an atmosphere of optimism and happiness could be naturally set up. Therefore, let’s keep the famous line of Shelley, the well-known poet, in mind for ever, that is, “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?”④ The goals of my life.(关于人生目标的英语作文)

The goal of my life is living a simple happy and healthy life.

What I want is a simple life not a complicated one.Because what my job or career offers me are difficult issues which I must handle them properly, and sometimes they are so boring and tedious,but I have to do.So after a day's work, I want to have a break and do some things which would provide me happiness and a harmonious life. It is so simple like that, I have a supper with my families talking some funny and humourous topics,

or I sit on grass with who I loved looking at the beautiful sky and counting the numbers of the stars. It is simple, but very harmonious and romantic. From Joozone.com.

I also want to spend sometime on my hobbies,such as playing table tennis,badminton,basketball and so forth.I like sports very much and I believe it will benefit me all my life.What I gained from sports are not only speed,strength and skill but also competitiveness,teamwork and so on.Sports could give me a strong and energetic body and a healthy life. The goals of my life are just written as above,and they will be pursued by myself all my life.


My Life Plan

About one fourth of my lifetime has passed away,I try to look back but people always say it's better to look ahead and make an appropriate and all-round plan for the future.So I want to arrange something in advance just to make my road easier to step on. Well,now let me share my life plan with you.

So far I'm still a college student,what I need to do at present is study hard and take extracurricular activities actively. So after graduation, I may hunt for a decent job to earn money as much as I can.With enough money,I can do many things that I have once wished.Then buying a beautiful big house and a car will no longer be problems.At last,I may have my own family in which I can find the true love that i have ever experienced when I was a little kid.Perhaps,this is everyone's life plan,especially nowadays,people are getting more material and realistic though they're still eager to feel something spiritual.

However,what I really want is by no means like that way.I want to have some special and meaningful events happen in my life which will bring me lots of surprise and happiness. I guess when i have the ability to earn money,i will try

to heal the world.Even though i am an insignificant and powerless person with no eminent background,i can donate my money to those people who are stucked in poverty and pain;i can adopt those abandoned poor animals;i can be a volunteer to where the world needs me.That's where the meaning of my life lies in.Maybe if I can find a good companion with the same ambition as me,i won't be alone.

Different people may definately have different ways of looking at the world and putting their future events in order.My life plan is long-term work that i have to use my practice to prove whether it's really suitable for me.Of course,there's still too much room for thinking about the future and making a disciplined and firm schedule.But the most important thing that have to be kept in mind is figure out what you want your life to look like and act the way you intend to do. My career planning

Talking about career,I've been planning since my first year in the university.

I always knew that I wanted to apply for english-related jobs.My dream career is an english interpreter.And I want to be an english teacher after I quit the interpreting job.I don't just want to be confined by one job.Changing my career once or twice,I can acquire different experience and eich my life.As part of my career planning I made a strict schedule for myself to keep to.In my first year in university,I extended my vocabulary and learned grammar very hard.I knew that I should have a thorough grounding in english if I wanted to use it fluently in the future,especially if I wanted to translate freely.In grade two,I began to apply for some part-time interpreting jobs.I knew that I should gain enough work experience, so as to win in the exceedingly competitive job market.Moreover,I got to know more foreigners,who would help me a lot with my future job.Now In grade three, I begin to send my CV to foreign-owned companies for internship.I clearly know that it is too late if I send CV to apply for jobs when graduation is close-at-hand.In grade four,if the company where I have the internship is content with me,I would stay there after graduating from the university.If not,I would send CVs to other companies.After earning enough money and acquiring enough experience,I would change my career into an english teacher.Being a teacher I would have more spare time to be at my disposal.With my good mastering of english I think I am qualified for an english teacher.As for the teaching skills,I would certainly attend some good teachers' classes to learn from them.I would also communicate with the students to get to know what they are thinking and what they really need.During the years as a teacher,I would teach the students my own way of english learning,show the outside world to them,and introduce new ideas to them,so as to broaden their horizons.

篇二:Life's meaning

Class: English 1 Name: Tracy Student ID 2012303108

Life’s Meaning Is Experience

Throughout the human history, hundreds of thousands of philosophers explored the meaning of life.Some of them think the essence of life is mere matter; some others think life is the creation of the almighty God or just an illusion. Basically as ordinary people whose primary job is not to figure out what is exactly the meaning of life, we can simply see life as an opportunity of experience.

The universe, or we say the world, is quite diverse and rich. We should feel lucky that we are endowed with life by the mysterious nature so that we can see different scenery and have some intersections with those who are as lucky as us. Most of us are so busy with study and work under unimaginable pressure, but they seldom stand out and see their life and the world form an aesthetic perspective. There is no doubt that money, reputation and social status are important things to add decorations to a splendid life, but they are unnecessarily the ultimate meaning of life. Since we humans will all die some day in the future without knowing where we are going to and what we can take away, it is likely that some may think life is a joke or just a vain drama in which everyone is struggling tiredly. When I was a child, every time I passed the cemetery I would sigh that those dead in tombs would never have the chance to see how the world changes and how much technology can alter the world and the lifestyles of people. Moreover I would regret that my life was so short that I was going to fail to see the end of the planet or the world. Now after finishing twenty years of my life, I suddenly realize that the meaning of our life is not just an

achievement of success, an important position or a sum of wealth. For heroes, the meaning of life might be devotion; for politicians, the meaning of life might be the success of several campaigns; for doctors, the meaning of life might be saving more lives. But after all, these various meanings can be generalized into the word experience.

Life is not eternal but an excerpt of the whole history. We’d better be positive toward the meaning of life and the end of it. We are here to experience no matter whether what we experience is good or not because both good things and bad things are by themselves the beauty of life.

篇三:Meaning of life

Meaning of life

Sometimes I think the life is very simple. In fact, nobody could explain what life is. I always think about this question. I wondered the answer to this question. But nobody have ability to answer it.

What is the purpose of life? I think life can be divide into there parts. They are “Born”, “Grow” and “Die”. They are simple, but it is also hard to understand. I try to get to know, but I’m fail.

Now I think the life is made up of goals and challenge. We should do our best to make them come true. We need to know what to do. How to do it and when to do. I sometimes think life is a kind of purpose.I thinks it hard to be a knowledge man. Because a knowledge man may know what life is? But I doubt nobody could be a man who knows what all the answer to the question.

Now what can we do? I think we should do things we think it is important for us, and what we must to do. Try our best to make the life be more colourful.

Sometimes we really need to be happy. Because life belongs to a man who has a prefect feeling everyday. I like a proverb which is “God helps those who help themselves.” That’s true. I think the meaning of life is being a happier, kinder and humorous man. To be happy is more important, isn’t it?
