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Lexicology morphologysemantics etymology lexicography word Semantic field morphemelexememorphallomorph affix( prefix suffix) Free morpheme( bound morpheme) reference( denotation connotation sense) Conceptual meaning( connotative meaning social meaningaffective meaning

Reflected meaning collocative meaning thematic meaning)root(stembase) polysemyhomonymy old English(middle English Modern English) inflection derivation Compounding(conversion blendingshorteningclippinginitialism backformation) Synonymy synonym antonymy antonym hyponymy hyponym meronymy collocation Idiommultiword verb proverbentryheadword bilingual dictionary(monolingual dictionary learners’ dictionary)dialect(register) style contexttaboo(euphemismslangjargon )meaning shift(broadening narrowing)mental lexicon(active vocabularypassive vocabulary)metaphor prototype attribute


西 南 石 油 大 学 试 卷 第 1 页 共 10 页

西 南 石 油 大 学 试 卷第 2 页 共 10 页

西 南 石 油 大 学 试 卷 第 3 页 共 10 页

西 南 石 油 大 学 试 卷第 4 页 共 10 页

西 南 石 油 大 学 试 卷 第 5 页 共 10 页



Chapter 5 Word Meaning

The meanings of “Meaning” Reference(所指):

It is the relationship between language and the word. It is the arbitrary and conventional. It is a kind of abstraction, yet with the help of context, it can refer to something specific.

Concept(概念):It is beyond language is the result of human cognition(认识),reflecting the objective world in the human mind.

Sense(意义):It denotes the relationship inside the language. ‘The sense of an expression is its place in a system of semantic relationships with other expressions in the language.’

Motivation(理据):It accounts for the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning. 1) Onomatopoeic motivation(拟声理据) 2)Morphological motivation (形态理据) 3)Semantic motivation(词义理据)4)Etymological motivation (词源理据)

Types of meaning

Grammatical Meaning(语法意义):indicate the grammatical concept(become important only in actual context) Lexical Meaning (词汇意义)

Lexical meaning and grammatical meaning make up the word-meaning

Lexical meaning has 2 components: Conceptual meaning(概念意义) and associative meaning(关联意义) Conceptual meaning(概念意义): also known as denotative meaning(外延意义)

Associative meaning(关联意义):[connotative隐含意义,Stylistic风格意义,Affective感情意义, Collocative搭配意义]

Chapter 6 --Sense relation and semantic field (语义关系和语义场) Polysemy(多义关系) Two approached to polysemy: diachronic approach(历时方法) synchronic approach (共时方法) Two processed of development: radiation (辐射型)and concatenation (连锁型) Homonymy(同形/同音异义关系)

It refers words different in meaning but either identical both in sound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling. Types of homonyms

1)Perfect homonyms(完全同音同形异义词)2)Homophones(同音异义词)3)Homographs(同形异义词) Origins of homonyms

1)change in sound and spelling 2)borrowing 3)Shortening(缩略)

The differences between polysemes(多义词) and homonyms(同音同形异义词) ).

1)Homonymy refer to different words which happen to share the same form and polysemy are the one and same word which has sevral distinguishable meaning.

2)Homonymy are from different sources. Polysemy are from the same source. 3)The various meanings of polysemy are correlated and connected to one central meaning.Meanings of different homonymy have nothing to do with one another.

values: Polysemic and homonymous word are stlyistically useful to achieve humour or irony(反话,讽刺),or to heighten(提高) dramatic effect.

Synonymy (同义关系):one of two or more words in the English language which have the same or very nearly the sam

e essential meaning : absolute synonyms and relative synonyms Sources of synonyms(同义词) are : 1)Borrowing 2)Dialects and regional English 3)Figurative and euphemistic use of words 4)Coincidence with idiomatic expressions

Antonymy (反义关系)

It is concerned with semantic opposition. Antonyms can be defined as words which are opposite in meaning. 1)contradictory terms (矛盾反义词):these antonyms truly represent oppositeness of meaning, such antonyms are non-gradable. They cannot be used in comparative degrees. (single/married)

2)contrary terms (对立反义词):antonyms of this type are best viewed in terms of a scale running between two poles or extremes.(old/young) 3)relative terms(关系反义词):(parent/child)sell/buy Some of the characteristics of antonyms反义关系的特点

1)antonyms are classified on the basis of semantic opposition

2)a word which has more than one meaning can have more than one antonym 3)antonyms differ in semantic inclusion 4)contrary terms are gradable antonyms The uses of antonyms

To express economically the opposite of a particular thought for the sake of contrast.(idiom:now and never) To form anithesis(对比法) to achieve emphasis by putting contrasting idea together.(proverbs and sayings:easy come , easy go)


Hyponymy deals with the relationship of semantic inclusion. The meaning of a more specific word is included in that of another more general word. For example, a cat is hyponym of animal Superordinate and Subordinate (118) Semantic Field(词义场)

Viewing the total meaning in this way is the basis of field theory

e.g.(apple, pear, peach,date,mango,orange,lemon, etc. make up the semantic field of ‘fruits’) The semantic field of the same concept may not have the same members in different language. e.g.(aunt in English, may means “父亲的姐姐, 妈妈的姐姐,父亲哥哥的妻子” in Chinese.(122)Chapter 6 Changes in Word Meaning词义的演变

Vocabulary is the most unstable element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in form and content. Comparatively the content is even more unstable than the form.

Types of Changes 词义变化的种类(extension,narrowing,degradation,elevation and transfer) Extension or generalization词义的扩大:is the name given to the widening of meaning which some words undergo.[companion (old)one who shares bread (ex)a company]

Narrowing or specialization词义的缩小:is the opposite of widening meaning. When a common words is turned into a proper noun, the meaning is narrowed. [meat (old)food (na)flesh of animals]

Elevation or amelioration of meaning词义的升华: the process by which words rise from humble

(粗陋的) beginnings to positions of importance. [knight (old)servant (el)rank below baronet从男爵]

Degeneration or pejoration词义的贬降:A process whereby words of good origin fall into ill reputation or no-affective words come to used in derogatory sense.[silly (old)happy (de)foolish]

Transfer词义的转移:Words which were used to designate指明 one thing but later changed to mean something else have experienced the process of semantic transfer.(140)

Causes of Semantic Change词义变化的原因 Extra-linguistic factors 141

1 Historical reason 2 Class reason (elevation or degradation) 3 Psychological reason

Linguistic factors:the change of meaning may be caused by internal factors with in the language system.

Chapter 8 Meaning and Context 意义和语境

Context in its traditional sense refers to the lexical items that precede or follow a given word. Modern linguists have broadened its scope to include both linguistic and extra-linguistic contexts.Two types of context

Linguistic context:It refers to the words,clauses,sentences in which a word appears. It may cover a paragraph,a whole chapter and even the entire book.

1) Lexical context:It refers to the word that occurs together with the word in question.

2) Grammatical context:It refers the situation when the meaning of a word may be influenced by the structure in which it occurs. Extra-linguistic context:In a broad sense,it includes the physical situaion as well.it embraces the people, time, place, and even the whole cultural background.

The role of context语境的作用 Elimination of ambiguity消除歧义

1)Ambiguity due to polysemy or homonymy.

2)Grammatical structure can also lead to ambiguity Indication of referents限定所指 Provision of clues for inferring word meaning 提供线索以猜测词义

Chapter 9 English Idioms 英语习语 Idioms: are expressions that are not readily understandable from their literal meaning of individual elements. In a broad sense, idiom may include colloquialisms(俗语), Catchphrases(标语),slang expressions (俚语),proverbs(谚语),etc.They form an important part of the English vocabulary.

Characteristics of Idioms

Semantic unity 语意的整体性 words in the idiom they have lost their individual identity

Structural stability结构的稳定性: the constituents要素of idioms cannot be replaced, inverted or changed, deleted or added to, not even an article.

The fixity of idiom depends on the idiomaticity.习语性表达习惯

Classification of Idioms

1 idioms nominal in nature 名词性习语 (white elephant累赘物)

2 idioms adjectival in nature形容词性习语 (as poor as a church mouse) 3 idioms verbal in nature 动词性习语 (look into)

4 idioms adverbial in nature副词性习语 (tooth and nail 拼命) 5 sentence idioms 句式习语 (never do things by halves)

Use of idioms:习语的使用 (stylistic features, rhetoric features and their occasional variations) Stylistic features 文体色彩〔colloquialisms(俗语), slang 俚语,literary expressions〕 The same idiom may show stylistic differences when it is assigned(指派)different meaning

Rhetorical features 修辞色彩 (phonetic manipulation 语音处理,lexical manipulation and figures of speech) phonetic manipulation 语音处理 : alliteration头韵、 rhyme押韵

lexical manipulation:reiteration(duplication of synonyms同义字重复) [scream and shout] repetition [out and out]、juxtaposition (of antonyms)反义词并列 [here and there]

figures of speech : Simile(明喻)、Metaphor(隐喻)、Metonymy(换喻)、synecdoche(提喻)、Personification(拟人法)、 Euphemism(委婉词) Variations of idioms习语的变异形式:addition,deletion,replacement,postion-shifting,dismembering(分解)179

Chapter 10 English Dictionaries 英语字典

Dictionary: presents in alphabetical order the words of English, with information as to their spelling ,pronunciation, meaning, usage , rules and grammar, and in some, their etymology(语源) Types of dictionaries:

Monolingual & bilingual dictionaries

Monolingual dictionary: is written in one language (LDCE,CCELD). The headword or entries are defined & illustrated in the same language.

Bilingual dictionary: involve two languages (A New English-Chinese D, A Chinese-English D)Linguistic and Encyclopedic dictionaries

Linguistic dictionary: aim at defining words and explaining their usages in the language (spelling, pronunciation, meaning, grammatical, function, usage and etymology etc.)可以是单语或是双语的 Encyclopedic dictionary: encyclopedia (百科全书):is not concerned with the language per se(本身)but provides encyclopedic information. Concerning each headword (not pronunciation, meanings, or usages) but only information.

Encyclopedic Dictionary: have the characteristics of both linguistic D and encyclopedia (<Chamber’s Encyclopedic English Dictionary>)

Unabridged, desk and pocket dictionaries Unabridged D: basic information about a word: its origin, meaning, pronunciation, cognates(同词源的),usage, grammatical, function, spelling, hyphenation, capitalization, derived forms, synonyms and homonyms(同音异意) <Webster’s Third New International Dictionary> Desk D: medium-sized [50,000-150,000] Pocket D: about 50,000 entries or fewer

Specialized dictionaries: concentrate on a particular area of language or knowledge, treating such diverse topics as etymology, synonyms, idioms, pronunciation, usage in language, and computer, engineering, literature and a variety of other subjects.

Use of the dictionary

1 read the contents page to find out quickly what information is included in the dictionary 2 read the guide to the use of the dictionary

Three good general dictionaries 3本常用字典

Longman dictionary of contemporary English (LDCE) new edition(1987)朗文当代英语词典 新版 Collins COBUILD English language dictionary (CCELD) (1987)科林斯合作英语词典 A Chinese-English dictionary (revised edition) (CED)(1995)汉英字典修订版

( 增加:English dictionaries can be divided into 11 types according to different specialized purposes. General Dictionaries for Current English通用现代词典,Dictionaries Complied on History Principles按照历史原则编纂的词典,Etymological Dictionaries词源词典,Pronouncing Dictionaries发音词典,Dictionaries of Synonyms同义词词典,Dictionaries of Idioms and Proverbs习语和谚语词典,Dictionaries of Slang俚语词典, Classified and Illustrated Dictionaries分类词典,Encyclopedic Dictionaries百科全书性质的词典, Dictionaries of Dialects方言词典, Dictionaries of Place Names地名词典 )

Supplementaries for terms:

1. word equivalent(等同词):denotes an idiom or set phrase representing a semantic unit and funtioning as a single word in a sentence.

2. register(语域): It's one of the main factors that has led to the growth of sociolinguistic reaserch has been the recognition of fact that language is very variable phenomenon,and that this variability is not haphazard(偶然性,任意性)

3. dismembering(肢解):It is what I mean by breaking up the idioms into pieces,an unusual case of use of idioms particularly in literature or popular press to achieve special effect
