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时间:2017-01-22 06:28:02 来源:免费论文网


名词的可数与不可数讲解1.Uncount nouns used as count nouns 不可数名词作为可数名词 Although substances are usually uncount nouns... 尽管主语通常是不可数名词…… Would you like some cheese? Coffee keeps me awake at night. Wine makes me sleep. ... they can be also used as count nouns: 他们也可以作为可数名词:2. Some nouns have both a count and an uncount form: 有些名词可以同时作为可数和不可数名词: We should always have hope. George had hopes of promotion. Travel is a great teacher. Where did you go on your travels? 3. Nouns with two meanings 名词具有两种意义 Some nouns have two meanings, one count and the other non count: 有些名词有两种意义,一种是可数,另一种是不可数: His life was in danger. There is a serious danger of fire. Linguistics is the study of language. Is English a difficult language? It’s made of paper. The Times is an excellent paper. Other words like this are:4.Uncount nouns that end in -s 以-s 结尾的不可数名词 Some uncount nouns end in -s so they look like plurals even though they are singular nouns. 一些以-s 结尾的不可数名词,尽管他们看起来像是复数,但是他们是单数名词。 These nouns generally refer to 这些名词通常有:Economics is a very difficult subject. Billiards is easier than pool or snooker. 5. Group nouns 集合名词 Some nouns, like army, refer to groups of people, animals or things, and we can use them either as singular nouns or as plural nouns. 有些名词,如 army, 代表的是一组人, 动物或者事物, 这些单词可以作为单数和复数名词。We can use these group nouns either as singular nouns or as plural nouns: 这类词可以作为单数或复数名词来使用: My family is very dear to me. I have a large family. They are very dear to me. (= The members of my family…) The government is very unpopular. The government are always changing their minds. 政府总是会改变他们的想法。 Sometimes we think of the group as a single thing: 有时候,我们可以把这类词当成一个单独的事物: The audience always enjoys the show. The group consists of two men and three women. Sometimes we think of the group as several individuals; 有时候,我们也可以把这类词看成许多单独的个体: The audience clapped their hands. The largest group are the boys. 6.Two-part nouns 由两个部分组成的名词 A few plural nouns, like binoculars, refer to things that have two parts. 一些复数名词,如 binoculars,代表了有两个部分的事物。These binoculars were very expensive Those trousers are too long. To make it clear we are talking about one of these items, we use a pair of … 为了弄清楚我们谈论的事物,我们用 a pair of 来形容: I need a new pair of spectacles. I’ve bought a pair of blue jeans. If we want to talk about more than one, we use pairs of … 如果是多于一

,就用 pairs of: We’ve got three pairs of scissors, but they are all blunt. I always carry two pairs of binoculars.记单词: 记单词:?promotion [pr?'m?u??n] n.[C]1.提升,晋级 2.促进,增进;发扬;提倡 3.(企业等的)发起,创建 4.(商品等的)宣传,促销(活动)? ?snooker ['snu:k?] v.[T]1.使陷入困境,使受挫折 blunt [bl?nt] a.1.钝的 2.率直的,直言不讳的,不转弯抹角的;生硬的;耿直的 3.(感觉、理解力等)迟钝的 v.[T]使钝;使迟钝;使减弱 v.[I]变钝;变迟钝 n.1.钝器,钝物 2.【俚】现钱 3. 【美俚】大麻烟卷 ?substance ['s?bst?ns] n.1.[C] 物质 2.[U] 实质;本质;实体;本体 3.[U] 本旨,主旨;要义;真义 4.[U] 财产,财物 5.[U](质地的)坚实,牢固?meaning ['mi:ni?] n.1.[U,C](声音、文字、信号等传递的)意义,意思 2.[U,C](想要表达的)意义,意思 3.真正重要性,价值 4.[U,C](作家或艺术家要表达的)意义,含义,思想 5.[U] (人生的)意义,价值,目标 adj.=meaningful? ? ?linguistics [li?'gwistiks] n. 1.语言学 billiards ['bilj?dz] n. 台球 binocular [bi'n?kjul?]n. 双目望远镜 a. 用两眼的,给两眼用的?spectacle ['spekt?kl] n. 1.【复数】眼镜 2.[C,U]精彩的表演;壮观的场面 3.[C]壮观的景象 4.【单数】奇特的现象,出人意外的情况 5.【习】make a spectacle of yourself 出洋相,出 导


1. 可数名词

Apple and chair are both COUNTABLE nouns ,because they are things we can count ;there can be more than one of them ;


An apple 一个苹果(a为元音字母)

Three apples 三个苹果

A chair 一把椅子

Two chairs 两把椅子

These nouns can be used in the plural and can be used with a or an when they are singular


In the dictionary ,[ C ]means countable,and [ U ]means uncountable , If a noun does not have a [ C ] or a [ U ] printed by it, this means that is always countable.

在本词典中,[ C ]表示可数,[ U ]表示不可数。如果一个名词的后面没有标注[ C ]或[ U ],这就是说,这个名词在任何情形下都是可数名词。

2. 不可数名词

Sand and water are UNCOUNTABLE nouns, because they are substamces which cannot be counted;

Sand 沙 water 水

Sand 和 water 是不可数名词,因为它们是无法数的东西。 These nouns are not usually used in the plural.


There are some nouns ,like love and beauty (ABSTRACT nouns ) which cannot be counted because they are not physical things like apples and chairs .These are uncountable nouns too.

有些名词,如love 和beauty (抽象名词)也不能数,因为它们不像苹果和椅子那样是具体的东西,所以也是不可数名词。

3. 同时是可数与不可数名词

Some nouns ,like light and coffee, can be [ C ](countable) in the meaning and [ U ](uncountable) in another , When they are [ C ] they can become poural ,When they are [ U ]they cannot ,For example ;

有些名词,如light 和coffee ,在某种意义上是可数名词,而在另一种意义上是不可数名词。当用作可数名词时,就可以变成复数;用作不可数名词时,就没有复数形势。例如:

[ U ] the light of the sun(不可数)阳光

[ C ]Turn on the lights (可数)开电灯

[ U ]a jar of coffee(不可数)一瓶咖啡

[ U ]a pot of coffee (不可数)一壶咖啡

[ C ]Three coffees please.(可数)请来三杯咖啡。


◇语法术语英汉对照表◇ A

abstract noun 抽象名词 active voice 主动态 adjective 形容词 adjunct 修饰性状语,结合性附加语 adverb 副词 adverbial 状语 adverbial clause of condition 条件状语分句 adverbial clause of purpose 目的状语分句 adverbial clause of cause 原因状语分句

adverbial clause of result 结果状语分句 affix 词缀

agreement/concord 一致关系

alternative question 选择疑问句

anaphoric reference 后照应

antecedent 先行项 aspect 体

assertive word 肯定词 attitudinal disjunct 态度评注性状语

auxiliary verb/auxiliary 助动词 B

basic clause pattern 基本句型

be- passive be-型被动态 be- subjunctive be-型虚拟式

bound morpheme 粘附词素

broad reference 广阔照应 C

cardinal numeral 基数词 cataphoric reference 前照应

central determiner 中位限定词

classifier 类别词

clausal ellipsis 分句性省略 clausal substitution 分句性替代

clause 分句,从句 cleft sentence 分裂句 climax 层进法

closed-class word 封闭性词类

collective noun 集体名词 command 祈使句 common gender 通性 common noun 普通名词 complement 补语 complex clause 复杂分句 complex object 复杂宾语 complex sentence 复杂句 compound complex sentence 并列复杂句 compound sentence 并列句

compound word 复合词 coherence 连贯性 cohesion 粘着性 conditional 条件句 conjunct 连接性状语,连接性附加语

conjunction 连词

content word 实义词 contextual meaning 上下文意义

coordination 并列 coreference 共指关系 coreference pro-form 指代词

countable noun 可数名词 count noun 计数名词 D

dangling modifier 无依着修饰语

deep structure 深层结构 definite article 定冠词 definite specific reference 确定特指

demonstrative determiner 指示限定词

demonstrative pronoun 指示代词

demonstrative reference 指示照应

dependent clause 附属分句

derivative 派生词 descriptive grammar 描写语法

determiner 限定词 direct object 直接宾语 direct speech 直接引语 discourse 篇章,语篇 disjunct 评注性状语,分离性附加语

double negation 双重否定 downtoner 弱化词 dynamic verb 动态动词


earlier time 先时性 -ed participle clause -ed分词分句

ellipsis 省略 emphasizer 强化词 end focus 句尾焦点 end weight 句尾重心 exclamation 感叹句 existential sentence 存在句

explanatory conditional 解说性条件句

external negation 外部否定 F fall 降调 fall-rise 降升调 feminine gender 阴性 finite clause 限定分句 finite verb 限定动词 finite verb phrase 限定动词词组

first person 第一人称 focal element 焦点成分 form 形

free morpheme 自由词素 fronting 前置 full sentence 完全句 functional word 功能词 future in the past 过去将来时间 G gender 性

general question 一般疑问句

generic reference 类指 genitive case 属格 get-passive get- 型被动态 given information 已知信息

grammar 语法

grammatical connector 语法纽带

grammatical meaning 语法意义 H

headword 中心词 hierarchical structure 层次结构

hypothetical meaning 假设意义

hypothetical past time 假设性过去时间

hypothetical present time 假设性现在时间 I

imaginary present time 想象性现在时间

implicational conditional 引申性条件句

implied conditional 含蓄条件句

indefinite article 不定冠词 indefinite personal pronoun 不定人称代词 indefinite pronoun 不定代词

indefinite specific reference 非确定特指 independent clause 独立分句

indirect object 间接宾语

indirect speech 间接引语 individual noun 个体名词 infinitive clause 不定式分句

inflection 屈折变化 information focus 信息中心

-ing participle clause -ing分词分句

interjection 感叹词 internal negation 内部否定

interrogative pronoun 疑问代词

intransitive verb 不及物动词

inversion 倒装 K

kernel sentence 核心句 L

later time 后时性 lexical connector 词汇纽带

lexical meaning 词汇意义 linear structure 线性结构 linking verb 连系动词 logical connector 逻辑纽带

logical necessity 逻辑必然low-rise 低升调 M

main clause 主句 main verb 主动词 marginal modal auxiliary 边际情态助动词

masculine gender 阳性 mass noun 不可数名词 material noun 物质名词 meaning 义

minor sentence 不完全句 modal auxiliary 情态助动词

modification 修饰 morpheme 词素

morpheme word 单词素词multi-word verb 多词动词 N

negative word 否定词 neuter gender 中性 new information 新信息 nominal ellipsis 名词性省略

nominal substitution 名词性替代

non-assertive word 非肯定词

non-finite clause 非限定分句

non-finite verb phrase 非限定动词词组

non-restrictive modifier 非限制性修饰语 noun 名词

noun genitive 名词属格 noun modifier 名词修饰语 noun phrase 名词词组 nucleus 调心

nucleur pattern 调心型 O

object 宾语

object complement 宾语补语

objective case 宾格 obligation 义务 of- genitive of-属格 one-member sentence 单成分句

open-class word 开放性词类

operator 操作词 ordinal numeral 序数词 P

paragraph 段落

parallel construction 平行结构

passive voice 被动态 past perfective 过去完成体

past perfective progressive 过去完成进行体

past progressive 过去进行体

past tense 过去时 perfective aspect 完成体 permission 许可 personal pronoun 人称代词

personal reference 人称照应

phonology 语音(语音学、音位学)

phrasal-prepositional verb 词组介词动词

phrasal verb 词组动词 phrase 词组

possessive determiner 物主限定词

possessive pronoun 物主代词

possibility 可能

postdeterminer 后位限定

postmodifier 后置修饰语 postponement 后置 predeterminer 前位限定词

predicate 谓语

predicate verb 谓语动词 predictability 预测 prefix 前缀

premodifier 前置修饰语 preposition 介词 prepositional verb 介词动词

prescriptive grammar 规定语法

present-future time 与现在时间有联系的将来时间 present perfective 现在完成体

present perfective progressive 现在完成进行体 present progressive 现在进行体

present tense 现在时 primary auxiliary 基本助动词

primary derivative 原始派生词

pro-form 替代词

progressive aspect 进行体pronoun 代词

pronoun reference 代词照应

proper noun 专有名词 pseudo-cleft sentence“拟似”分裂句

pure future time 单纯将来时间 Q

question 疑问句 R

real conditional 真实条件句

real past time 真实性过去时间

real present time 真实性现在时间

reference 照应关系 reflexive pronoun 反身代词

relative adverb 关系副词 relative clause 关系分句 relative determiner 关系限定词

relative pronoun 关系代词restrictive modifier 限制性修饰语

rhetoric 修辞

rhetorical question 修辞疑问句 S

same time 同时性 second person 第二人称 semantics 语义(语义学)semi-auxiliary 半助动词 semi-negative word 半否定词

sentence 句子

sentence group 语段,句群

sentence modifier 句子修饰语

simple clause 简单分句 simple past 一般过去时 simple present 一般现在时

simple sentence 简单句 situational meaning 情景意义

sound 音

special question 特殊疑问句

specific reference 特指 split infinitive 分裂不定式 squinting modifier 偏斜修饰语 statement 陈述句 stative verb 静态动词 structural meaning 结构意义

structural word 结构词 style disjunct 方式评注性状语

subject 主语

subject complement 主语补语

subjective case 主格 subordinate clause 从句 subordination 从属 substitution 替代 substitution pro-form 替代词

suffix 后缀

surface structure 表层结构 T

tag question 附加疑问句 tense 时

tense system 时制 third person 第三人称 time 时间 tone unit 语调组 trailing sentence 拖沓句 transferred epithet 转移修饰语

transitive verb 及物动词


uncountable noun 不可数名词

unique reference 独指 unity 统一性

ueal conditional 非真实条件句 V verb 动词

verb phrase 动词词组 verbal ellipsis 动词性省略 verbal substitution 动词性替代

verbless clause 无动词分句

volition 意志 W

were-subjunctive were-型虚拟式

wh- question wh-问句 whenever-type conditional whenever-型条件句 word 词 Y

yes-no question 是非问句 Z

zero article 零冠词
