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时间:2017-01-22 06:22:52 来源:免费论文网

篇一:{{B}}Section A{{ B}}Well-meaning fr









篇二:Color Meaning

Color Meaning


Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love.

Red is a very emotionally intense color. It enhances human metabolism, increases respiration rate, and raises blood pressure. It has very high visibility, which is why stop signs, stoplights, and fire equipment are usually painted red. In heraldry, red is used to indicate courage. It is a color found in many national flags.

Red brings text and images to the foreground. Use it as an accent color to stimulate people to make quick decisions; it is a perfect color for 'Buy Now' or 'Click Here' buttons on Internet banners and websites. In advertising, red is often used to evoke erotic feelings (red lips, red nails, red-light districts, 'Lady in Red', etc). Red is widely used to indicate danger (high voltage signs, traffic lights). This color is also commonly associated with energy, so you can use it when promoting energy drinks, games, cars, items related to sports and high physical activity.

Light red represents joy, sexuality, passion, sensitivity, and love.

Pink signifies romance, love, and friendship. It denotes feminine qualities and passiveness.

Dark red is associated with vigor, willpower, rage, anger, leadership, courage, longing, malice, and wrath.

Brown suggests stability and denotes masculine qualities.

Reddish-brown is associated with harvest and fall.


Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.

To the human eye, orange is a very hot color, so it gives the sensation of heat. Nevertheless, orange is not as aggressive as red. Orange increases oxygen supply to the brain, produces an invigorating effect, and stimulates mental activity. It is highly accepted among young people. As a citrus color, orange is associated with healthy food and stimulates appetite. Orange is the color of fall and harvest. In heraldry, orange is symbolic of strength and endurance.

Orange has very high visibility, so you can use it to catch attention and highlight the most important elements of your design. Orange is very effective for promoting food products and toys.

Dark orange can mean deceit and distrust.

Red-orange corresponds to desire, sexual passion, pleasure, domination, aggression, and thirst for action.

Gold evokes the feeling of prestige. The meaning of gold is illumination, wisdom, and wealth.

Gold often symbolizes high quality.


Yellow is the color of sunshine. It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.

Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy. Yellow is often associated with food. Bright, pure yellow is an attention getter, which is the reason taxicabs are painted this color. When overused, yellow may have a disturbing effect; it is known that babies cry more in yellow rooms. Yellow is seen before other colors when placed against black; this combination is often used to issue a warning. In heraldry, yellow indicates honor and loyalty. Later the meaning of yellow was connected with cowardice.

Use yellow to evoke pleasant, cheerful feelings. You can choose yellow to promote children's products and items related to leisure. Yellow is very effective for attracting attention, so use it to highlight the most important elements of your design. Men usually perceive yellow as a very lighthearted, 'childish' color, so it is not recommended to use yellow when selling prestigious, expensive products to men – nobody will buy a yellow business suit or a yellow Mercedes. Yellow is an unstable and spontaneous color, so avoid using yellow if you want to suggest stability and safety. Light yellow tends to disappear into white, so it usually needs a dark color to highlight it. Shades of yellow are visually unappealing because they loose cheerfulness and become dingy.

Dull (dingy) yellow represents caution, decay, sickness, and jealousy.

Light yellow is associated with intellect, freshness, and joy.


Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. Dark green is also commonly associated with money.

Green has great healing power. It is the most restful color for the human eye; it can improve vision. Green suggests stability and endurance. Sometimes green denotes lack of experience; for example, a 'greenhorn' is a novice. In heraldry, green indicates growth and hope. Green, as opposed to red, means safety; it is the color of free passage in road traffic.

Use green to indicate safety when advertising drugs and medical products. Green is directly related to nature, so you can use it to promote 'green' products. Dull, darker green is commonly associated with money, the financial world, banking, and Wall Street.

Dark green is associated with ambition, greed, and jealousy.

Yellow-green can indicate sickness, cowardice, discord, and jealousy.

Aqua is associated with emotional healing and protection.

Olive green is the traditional color of peace.


Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.

Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness. In heraldry, blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity.

You can use blue to promote products and services related to cleanliness (water purification filters, cleaning liquids, vodka), air and sky (airlines, airports, air conditioners), water and sea (sea voyages, mineral water). As opposed to emotionally warm colors like red, orange, and yellow; blue is linked to consciousness and intellect. Use blue to suggest precision when promoting high-tech products.

Blue is a masculine color; according to studies, it is highly accepted among males. Dark blue is associated with depth, expertise, and stability; it is a preferred color for corporate America.

Avoid using blue when promoting food and cooking, because blue suppresses appetite. When used together with warm colors like yellow or red, blue can create high-impact, vibrant designs; for example, blue-yellow-red is a perfect color scheme for a superhero.

Light blue is associated with health, healing, tranquility, understanding, and softness.

Dark blue represents knowledge, power, integrity, and seriousness.


Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.

According to surveys, almost 75 percent of pre-adolescent children prefer purple to all other colors. Purple is a very rare color in nature; some people consider it to be artificial.

Light purple is a good choice for a feminine design. You can use bright purple when promoting children's products.

Light purple evokes romantic and nostalgic feelings.

Dark purple evokes gloom and sad feelings. It can cause frustration.


White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. It is considered to be the color of perfection.

White means safety, purity, and cleanliness. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a successful beginning. In heraldry, white depicts faith and purity.

In advertising, white is associated with coolness and cleanliness because it's the color of snow. You can use white to suggest simplicity in high-tech products. White is an appropriate color for charitable organizations; angels are usually imagined wearing white clothes. White is associated with hospitals, doctors, and sterility, so you can use white to suggest safety when promoting medical products. White is often associated with low weight, low-fat food, and dairy products.


Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery.

Black is a mysterious color associated with fear and the unknown (black holes). It usually has a negative connotation (blacklist, black humor, 'black death'). Black denotes strength and authority; it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color (black tie, black Mercedes). In heraldry, black is the symbol of grief.

Black gives the feeling of perspective and depth, but a black background diminishes readability. A black suit or dress can make you look thinner. When designing for a gallery of art or photography, you can use a black or gray background to make the other colors stand out. Black contrasts well with bright colors. Combined with red or orange – other very powerful colors – black gives a very aggressive color scheme.



Monocular cues (单眼线索)

–Our brain also uses information from the stimulus that does not involve our use of both eyes视空间知觉的线索包括单眼线索和双眼线索。单眼线索主要强调视觉刺激本身的特点,双眼线索则强调双眼的协调活动所产生的反馈信息的作用。单凭一只眼睛即可利用单眼线索(monocular cue)而相当好地感知深度,艺术家们特别擅长利用单眼线索制造作品中的深度等空间关系。单眼线索很多,其中主要的有如下几种。(1)对象的相对大小(2)遮挡(occlusion)(3)质地梯度(4)明亮和阴影(5)线条透视(6)空气透视(7)运动视差(8)眼睛的调节


1)Is perception innate or acquired?

?Restored Vision (视觉恢复)

?Figure-ground –Inborn

?Shape, form, depth, motion perception—experience

?Sensory Deprivation (感觉剥夺)

?Conclusion: There is a critical period shortly after birth when certain stimulation must take place for normal sensory and perceptual development.

2)How flexible is our perceptual system once it is formed?

–Perceptual adaptation (知觉适应): adjustment in perception in correspondence to changed visual input.

?Distorted goggles experiments (变形眼镜实验)


Perceptual Set (知觉定势)

Our experiences, assumptions, and expectations (i.e., learned schema) may give us a mental readiness to perceive things in a certain way. 知觉定势是由过去经验和环境中事物之间的关系而产生的对感知世界的一种知觉启动. :因为以前的经验和知觉的影响,而产生的对以后事情发生是的一定模式的反映



mental activity associated with processing, understanding, and communicating information 思维(或认知),是所有与信息加工,理解,记忆和交流相关联的心理活动。


1)心理表象 Mental Images (mental representations of a previously stored sensory experience, including visual, auditory, etc.) 2)概念(Concepts)A mental grouping of persons, places, ideas, events, or objects that share common properties Priming:When one concept is ‘activated’, others nearby in the network are primed 3)语言Language(a form of communication using sounds and symbols combined according to specified rules)


1)Trial & error:试错法,尝试错误:一种通过尝试各式各样的方法或理论直到错误被充分地减少或杜绝从而达到正确的解决方法或令人满意的结果的方法

2)Algorithm:A systematic, step-by-step problem-solving strategy, guaranteed to provide a solution算法:通过按部就班的程序使结果得以论证或使问题得以解决

3)Heuristic:A rule of thumb that allows one to make judgments that are quick but often in error直觉:采取简单的策略解决问题

4)Insight 顿悟:突然的灵感


1)思维定势Mental Sets(persistence in using strategies that have worked in the past)

2)功能定势:指人常常带有一种倾向,即总以为认知对象的功能和作用是固定的,一成不变的.Functional Fixedness(thinking of an object as only functioning in its usual way)

3)证实偏见:问题解决中的一种主要障碍,即倾向于搜集可以证实自己观点的信息资料Confirmation Bias(preferring information that confirms preexisting positions or beliefs, while ignoring contradictory evidence)

4)信念保持Belief Perseverance(The tendency to cling to beliefs even after they have been discredited)



Heuristic[estimating the probability of something based on how well the circumstances match (or represent) a previous prototype]

易得性直觉:依据记忆所提供的信息的可用性来判断事物Availability Heuristic(judging the likelihood of an event based on how readily availableother instances are in memory)


1)语声Phoneme(smallest unit of speech or sound)

2)语意Morpheme(smallest meaningful unit of language)

3)语法Grammar(rules specifying how phonemes, morphemes, words, and phrases should be combined to express thoughts(Syntax(rules for word order)Semantics(system of using words to create meaning))


定义:Distances people try to keep between themselves and others at different occasions. Four Zones of Interaction:

1st Zone: Intimate Distance

2nd Zone: Personal Distance

3rd Zone: Social Distance

4th Zone: Public Distance




the words we speak or things we do.

Adaptors/manipulators are nonverbal behaviors we engage in to help our bodies adapt to the environment around us, occur as a reaction to an individual's physical or psychological state. Emblems are nonverbal behaviors that convey a message by themselves.

Facial expression for feelings.

Regulators are nonverbal behaviors we engage in to regulate the flow of speech during a conversation,e.g., Head nods, eye contact, postural shifts, back channel signals, etc


.Birth–Cooing, crying, gurgling

.4-6 months–Babbling咿呀语期

.12 months–First words单词语期

.2 yrs & up双词语期

–Telegraphic speech电报式语言

–Overextension外延过宽(婴幼)在概念形成过程中普遍存在的一种言语现象。他们受知识经验水平限制,思维概括水平不高,对概念内涵认识不清,缩小了概念内涵的范围,从而在 概念形成时导致外延过宽,如把苹 也当作“蔬菜”。这种现象在婴儿身上特别常见,随年龄的增长、知识经验的增加及抽象概括能力的提高,逐渐消失,为科学概念所代替。帮助儿童克服外延过宽的方法是丰富儿童的词汇,多进行各种事物之间的比较,使他们逐渐能区分概念与概念之间的异同。)

No one disputes the stages of language development

There are two main questions in terms of what it all means

–Is language acquisition a product of nature or nurture–Skinner vs. Chomsky

.Skinner: Children learn language the way animals learn mazes

.Chomsky: The brain is hard-wired for learning lang.

–Critical period

.During the first few years of life, we are most receptive to language learning

.What comes first –thought or language?

–Both: sometimes children use words to communicate what they already know and sometimes they form concepts to fit the words they hear


Bilingual Individuals’ Brain (Kim, Relkin, & Lee, 1997)

.Late bilinguals: exposed to a second language in early adulthood, acquired conversational fluency.

.Early bilinguals: exposed to two languages during infancy.

.Internal sentence-generation task: to ‘‘describe’’ events that occurred during a specified period of the previous day (morning, afternoon, night

.Bilinguals who learned their second language later in life, one part of the brain is active when they hear their second language and another when they hear their native language (both in Broca’s area).

.Bilinguals who learned the second language early in life showed activation in the same part of the brain, regardless of whether they were hearing their second language or their native one.


Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

1)Language influences people’s perception of the world

.“Weak version”: Linguistic relativity语言相对论: Lexical and syntactic differences are accompanied by non-linguistic cognitive differences. (I.e., one term vs. two),Thus Cultural differences in thinking are accompanied by linguistic differences between cultures.

.“Strong version”: Linguistic determinism语言决定论: Cultural thinking differences were direct results of differences in their languages.

2)Language, counting & arithmetic

.The greater regularity of number names in Chinese, Japanese and Korean as compared to English or French facilitates the learning of counting behavior beyond 10 in those languages.

.Another advantage is earlier mastery of ‘place value’ (understanding that in # 23 there are 2 tens and 3 ones)

3)Language and counterfactual reasoning

Counterfactual reasoning: Reasoning about a hypothetical situation

–English has a special verb form (called the subjunctive)

–Chinese has no subjunctive form to explicitly mark hypothetical statements

11 Spearman的G因子(1904)

–Proposed that general intelligence (g) underlies all mental abilities

–Factor analysis

.A statistical technique used to identify clusters of test items that correlate with another. Thurstone’s Primary Mental Abilities

–7 factors which correlate but not enough to represent 1 underlying factor

.Verbal comprehension, word fluency, number facility (math), associative memory, perceptual speed for stimulus recognition, reasoning, and spatial visualization

12 Sternberg三重智力理论


1)–情境智力Contextual Intelligence (实践智力Practical Intelligence):

.“Street smarts”


2)–成分智力Componential Intelligence (分析智力Analytical Intelligence):

.执行控制成分Executive Control

.元成分Basic mental processes

.心理操作成分Elements of Componential Intelligence measured by traditional IQ tests

3)–经验智力Experiential Intelligence (创造智力Creative Intelligence)

.Performance varies based on the novelty of a task

.One’s experiences within a culture lead to differential performance

.Reflects the ability to cope flexibly and creatively with problems

13 Gardner多重智力理论

–‘Frames of Mind’

–There are seven types of intelligence

.Linguistic: verbal aptitude

.Logical-mathematical: mathematical aptitude

.Spatial: ability to visualize objects

.Musical: ability to appreciate the tonal qualities of sound, compose, and play

.Bodily-kinesthetic: ability to control movement

.Interpersonal: ability to understand people

.Intrapersonal: ability to understand oneself

14 Galton研究

–Believed that intelligence was inherited

–Based intelligence on:

.Muscular strength

.Size of your head

.Speed at reacting to signals

.Your ability to detect slight differences



15 比奈西蒙量表





16 Turnman智商的概念




intelligence quotientIQ =mental age x 100/chronological age

.This doesn’t work for adults & was adjusted

17 陆军甲种乙种测验
















18 瑞文渐进测验

瑞文渐进测验(Raven Progressive Matrices),简称为瑞文测验,是由英国心理学家瑞文
