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时间:2017-01-16 07:35:07 来源:免费论文网



















1 城建档案工作的发展简史


2 城建档案管理模式的现状

2.1 组织成立


2.2 机构归属



2.3 业务范围


2.4 法规建设


3 总结


In our country probably set up 5000 archives, specially used to store some of the information of urban construction, mainly in various municipalities, provincial capitals, provincial capital cities and counties and cities. From the point of view of the whole country, and the provincial capital and the provincial cities and counties of urban construction archives in maturity, personnel allocation and management technology is the best. So this article will be above the urban construction archives as the main description of the object. The main way of writing this paper is to investigate the field; make the questionnaire; use the telephone one to one interview; collect all kinds of information on the official website and use the corresponding software for scientific analysis.

1 a brief history of the development of urban construction archives

China's urban construction archives work and no other country has a long history. It was initially subject to the attention of the relevant personnel probably to the time axis back to 1980s. As early as in late September of 1980, China's State Council in the meeting of national technical archives special explanation: urban construction planning, maintenance, management and extension is based on the urban construction archives, the city is to the city as a unit for the management of urban construction archives, the leader is served by the municipal people's government management of urban construction work of key personnel. Urban infrastructure archives are established by the local municipal construction commission or the city construction department, in order to focus on the management of urban infrastructure archives. According to the some related laws and regulations, clearly defined the departments of city construction must set the corresponding work of urban construction archives management institutions or to the deployment of personnel to deal with the city's urban construction archives management affairs. The category of urban construction archives is different from different aspects, for example, from the object level, it belongs to the category of archives; from the level of procedure, it belongs to the field of construction administration. So that it not only in the business and content across the traditional theory of archives management, and it in the management mode also has unique characteristics, become Chinese characteristics of archival undertaking a indispensable factor.

2 current situation of urban construction archives management mode

2.1 organizations to set up

Through many aspects of the search can be drawn, the earliest urban construction archives is the Nanjing archives and Shenyang archives, they are established in November 1980 and December, respectively, in 1980. In 1981, and added several urban construction archives, including Beijing Municipal Archives, archives of the Tianjin city and Chongqing Municipal Archives and Wuhan City Archives, and so on a total of 10 municipalities directly under the central government, as well as the vice provincial level cities established in turn. In 1982, Guangzhou City, the urban construction archives and Changchun City, the establishment of urban construction archives. In 1983, Xiamen City, the urban construction archives was established; in 1984, Shenzhen urban construction archives is also completed; two years later, the formal establishment of the Hangzhou urban construction archives; after a few years, Harbin City, the urban construction archives and the Shanghai City Archives officially put into operation. In this way, the 19 municipalities and the deputy provincial urban construction archives have been built. From the above various archives of the establishment of time, most of the domestic urban construction archives are built in the 80's, and almost all were built in 1981. Is in this period, the state has promulgated a series of urban construction archives related documents, also shows that the attention of important documents in our country each city leaders and relevant staff, a profound comprehension of the spirit of national and historical development of the urban construction archives work with very good explanation.

2.2 institutional ownership

In 19 municipalities directly under the central government and sub provincial cities in the urban construction archives, most of the archives management work is done by the parent unit in the City Construction Committee, small number of archives management work referred to by the city planning bureau to be responsible. But there is a home in Shenzhen archives is the situation

with the above different, its time in 2004 before is belongs to the Shenzhen City Construction Bureau to be responsible for, in 2004 the year is by the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of archives to take over, the more exact said in Shenzhen archives by the Shenzhen Bureau of archives after taking over, the original Shenzhen Municipal Urban Construction Archives Museum ceased to exist. And obtained from the investigation of various materials, we can know, the urban construction archives is basically by the administrative department in charge of urban construction work in the Department to be responsible for the basic work of urban construction archives, no matter what kind of system, is inseparable with the area covered by the city where it corresponds to the Department in charge of urban construction business, say from this level, the rapid development of follow-up and the establishment of the urban construction archives is with the government's administrative functions difficult to separate, namely urban construction archives of now all our achievements are due to the administrative functions of government departments.

2.3 business scope

A large part of the urban construction archives are mainly responsible for the business has following several parts: the first is to firmly carry out and implement laws and regulations issued by the national or provincial and city some of the management of urban construction archives work; second is to earnestly study, planning the future development of the urban construction archives; then is responsible for where the city of urban construction archives work guidance and supervision; finally, to do a good job of receiving, storage and use of urban construction archives work. A part of the urban construction archives also urban construction archives preparation, research and development, as well as audio and video file management into its own "service". From the urban construction archives of various internal institutions and the development of a number of tasks can be clearly divided into the urban construction archives business mainly have the following: the archives of the rules.








