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时间:2017-01-12 07:11:13 来源:免费论文网


China Environmentalists Slam Inaction over Smog

2013-12-09 19:24:42 XinhuaWeb Editor: Xing Yihang The smog that blanketed over 100 cities in half of China last week has rekindled 重新点燃criticism of insufficient efforts in the fight against air pollution.

Among urban residents, severely polluted air has become a main source of complaints and frustration over health concerns. Late last week, the Air Quality Index (AQI) in dozens of cities in eastern China topped or neared 500. AQI of over 300 cities is defined as "serious pollution."

Many rushed to buy face masks and air purifiers to ward off 避开,挡住the choking smog, a result of decades of breakneck economic growth. The dirty air even forced all primary and middle schools in the eastern city of Nanjing to close for two days.

"The smog is everywhere," said Xiong Yuehui, head of the science and technology department of the Ministry of Environmental Protection, at a meeting on Sunday in Shanghai. "If one place is

free of smog, then it will be a news," he said.

The world's second-largest economy does not lack the technology and funds needed to clean up the air, but lacks the implementation of concrete efforts, Xiong said.

About 22 million tonnes of sulfur dioxide二氧化硫 are emitted 向空气中发出。。。into the air untreated each year while the remaining two thirds of the total emissions, or 40 million tonnes, have their sulfur removed, according to data from the ministry.

However, Luo Jianhua, secretary-general of the China Environment Service Industry Association of the All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce, expressed doubt about the authenticity of the sulfur removal rate. He believes that many polluting companies often shut down their pollution treatment facilities to cut costs.

Bian Cheng, chairman of environmental protection equipment manufacturer Keda Industrial Co., Ltd., blamed loose supervision for the smog and called for tough law enforcement.

Wu Xiaoqing, vice minister of environmental protection, said the agency was working to put in place a responsibility system to punish government officials for environmental degradation.

Xiong said the ministry was also working to toughen environmental protection standards. "The new standards approved last week called for some 2,000 cement plants nationwide to improve pollution treatment facilities," the official noted.

Meanwhile, many cities nationwide will enforce limits on emissions of fine particles in mid-2014, forcing many highly polluting plants to upgrade their pollution treatment facilities, according to Xiong. Many blame China's coal-dominated energy mix 能源结构,混合能源for the pollution, and Bian agrees that coal is the main cause of smog. However, he said, China can only go so far in minimizing coal consumption.

It cannot be completely replaced by gas and therefore the current priority is to promote cleaner use of coal. "If coal can be used in a cleaner way, the air quality would then see a dramatic

improvement," according to Bian.

Coal can be converted into gas and with high standards on desulfurization烟气脱硫 and denitrification 脱氮in place, he added.


龙源期刊网 .cn

我国新闻媒体雾霾天气报道的经验及启示 作者:郑保卫 张峡












1. 北京时间1月10日夜间至11日上午,受区域大雾影响,北京各地区细颗粒物PM2.5浓度已连续若干小时达到300微克以上,不少地区已升至400微克以上,各环境空气质量监测站点空气质量普遍达到6级,属严重污染级别。

2. 北京时间1月13日10时59分,位于天津市中心的复康路、南京路、香山道等监测点最近24小时AQI均值分别为385、366、357,空气质量等级为“严重污染”

3. 1月7日-14日一周内,黄淮东部、江淮、江南北部出现霾的日数有3-5天,京津冀地区霾的日数有2-3天;天津、郑州、石家庄等城市出现重度污染,部分城市重度污染持续时间长达6天。

4. 据广东省环境监测中心监测,至1月12日18时,珠三角62个空气质量监测站有49个出现PM2.5超标,占全部站点的79%。其中,位于珠海和中山的3个站点录得PM2.5中度污染。广州市环保局公布的29个站点中,也有23个站点出现超标状况。

5. 1月4时27分,江苏气象台变更大雾橙色预警信号。盐城等9个地区出现能见度小于200米的雾并将持续。在苏北的盐城建湖县,能见度更是持续低于50米。

6. 1月29日,长沙市火车站、雨花区、马坡岭等8个监测点空气质量显示为第五级、“重度污染”。 29日下午6点,仅沙坪与湖南中医大的空气质量等级未进“重度污染”的队伍。而火车站空气质量令人担忧,AQI指数高达270,接近“严重污染”。


1. 河北省空气质量自动发布系统2月28日10时实时发布数据显示,除秦皇岛、承德外,河北省其他城市均为空气质量重度污染以上级别,其中石家庄、廊坊、保定等6市达到空气质量严重污染级别。 2. 3月19日杭州遭遇今年以来最厉害的一场灰霾天气。杭州市气象台也因此发布今年首个霾黄色预警信号。下午1点时,市区的最低能见度只有1300多米。


雾霾主要集中在1-3月份,只是今年我国的雾霾较为严重的时候集中在 一月份。


A 集中在中东地区(像黄淮东部、江淮、江南北部)

B 持续时间长(部分城市重度污染持续时间长达6天)

C 污染十分严重(可从图片还有一些数据中看得出来)

D 主要集中在1-3月份
