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时间:2017-01-02 09:26:07 来源:免费论文网



Part I: Vocabulary and Structure

Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.

ignorant cultural sign up for gap

barely intelligent check in memoir

muscle ballroom

Correct answer cultural

the drama club. Correct answer sign up for

3. I felt embarrassinglywhen I couldn't answer the professor's question.Correct answer ignorant

Correct answer barely

year. Correct answer gap

has been home to many lovely concerts and dances. Correct answer ballroom

7. After youto the hotel, call me and we can meet for dinner. Correct answer check in

. Correct answer muscle


Section B: Choose the best way to complete the sentences.

11. Please send all correspondence to my new place of __C__.

A. resident B. residents C. residence D. residue

12. The professor tried to __A__ us that there would be no surprise test next week.

A. assure B. sure C. ensure D. pressure

13. My paper is about nature's ability to _D___ potential threats.

A. inspect B. infect C. deflect D. detect

14. The student did an __C__ thing when she returned the money she found.

A. admire B. admiring C. admirable D. admiringly

15. We learned about the __D__ people in that country experienced throughout history.

A. persecute B. persecuted C. persecuting D. persecution

16. Would you like a small __A__ of my coffee?

A. sip B. nibble C. swallow D. bite

17. Be careful you don't __B__ the paint!

A. spell B. spill C. spoil D. sip

18. Tom felt foolish and __D__ when he showed up for the final exam without a pencil.

A. adequate B. adequately C. inadequately D. inadequate

19. Before class, I met my friends at the school __C__ for lunch.

A. library B. gymnasium C. cafeteria D. ballroom

20. After graduation, Cindy framed her __B__ and hung it on her bedroom wall.

A. certificate B. diploma C. qualification D. record

Section C: Complete each sentence with a suitable word.

21. bed for a good night's rest. Correct answer up into

22. How could you sleep last night? Ymust have heard the thunderstorm! Correct answer surely

23. She is American, so many people are surprised that she can speak Chinese an accent. Correct answer without

24. The whole situation was so ridiculous that I simply burst laughter. Correct answer into

25. ; he wanted it but could not afford it. Correct answer admiringly

26. She explained that the class was about the so-called childrenthe Renaissance. Correct answer of

27. If you learn the history of your country, it will provide youa priceless insight into your culture. Correct answer with

28. the biology class? Correct answer for

29.Correct answer barely

Correct answer In

Part II: Banked Cloze

Questions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.

Tanya wants to study abroad in Europe. To prepare herself, she reads online about places she

might like to go. She needs to do enough research to make an informed and (31) .One of the main reasons she wants to study abroad is because she doesn't want to graduate and be (32) of other countries and cultures.

She is looking for a unique (33) experience that she can't have at home.

What about Paris? The school and the city are both wonderful. However, prices for a decent (34) in Paris are too high — she can't afford it. Madrid? She looks (35) at the beautiful campus in the picture on the school's website. How she would love to be there! However, without speaking

Spanish, Tanya decides she would feel sadly (36) studying in Madrid.

Then Tanya thinks about London. They speak English there and the school prices are reasonable. Also, the (37) would be very convenient to travel around the city without a car. Tanya decides to

(38) up for a semester in London.

She is surprised that she was able to surf the Internet and make a decision without moving a (39) ! Tanya is very excited for the time she will spend in London. Maybe she will even write a(n) (40) of her experiences! Correct answer

(31) intelligent (32)ignorant (33) cultural (34) residence (35) admiringly

(36) inadequate (37) subway(38) sign(39) muscle(40) memoir


Part I: Vocabulary and Structure

Section A: Complete each sentence using the correct word or expression from the box.

manufacturer popularity enormous highly

emotion confess trait slippery

melt perception flavour luxury

paste region juicy nonsense

properties despair release vitamins

1. . Correct answer flavour

2. texture of tofu adds to the experience of eating it. Correct answer slippery

3. Do you know whichof China is famous for spicy food?Correct answer region

4. perception

5. Sarah shook her head inas she realized she would never learn how to make sushi.

Correct answer despair

6. of coffee among young people in China. Correct answer popularity

7. . Correct answer paste

8.Correct answer confess

9. The new French restaurant wasrecommended by a review in the local newspaper.

Correct answer highly

10. answer vitamins

11. The furniture had to work overtime to fill all the orders from new restaurants downtown. Correct answer manufacturer

12. I must have inherited from my father.Correct answer trait

13. The herb appears to have healing that cure people with skin disorders. Correct answer properties

14. amount of beef is eaten by Americans every year.Correct answer enormous

15. She only likes to travel in complete : first-class tickets, fine wines, and expensive food.Correct answer luxury

16. Don't let the chocolate bar sit in the sun too long or it will everywhere. Correct answer melt

17. I went fishing with my brother last weekend but had to small. Correct answer release

18. Correct answer juicy

19. Correct answer emotion

20. The idea that donuts and cookies are healthy foods is total ! Correct answer nonsenseSection B: Fill in each of the blanks with a suitable word.

21. Mexico, is famous for tacos and burritos, actually has a wide range of dishes. Correct

answer which

22. — the specialty of his

hometown. Correct answer of

23. me; I can take it or leave it. Correct answer on

24. a smoker's body even after they have washed their hands. Correct answer to

25. The Chinese, are famous tea drinkers, grow much of the world's green tea. Correct answer who

26. The couple spend an enormous portion money dining out and travelling. Correct answerof

27. Nearly every country's food is available in New Ybread to Japanese sushi and Chinese dumplings. Correct answer from

28. Small, light dishes of different foods are popular in many places, including Hong Kong and it's called tapas. Correct answer where

29. I really don't like snails, but Julia loves them! I guess there's just no accounting taste. Correct answer for

30. tools needed to eat some seafood just seems silly to me! Correct answer of

Part II: Banked Cloze

Questions 31 to 40 are based on the following passage.

Sheila (31) took a class trip to a bubble gum factory. While she was there, her class took a tour and saw how the (32) makes thousands of sticks of gum each and every day! While many fads come and go, the (33) of bubble gum has remained constant for many years.

On the tour, Sheila's class learned that gum is made from many different ingredients that are

initially (34) together into a warm, sticky mixture. Sugar, syrup, and flavouring are then added to the mix. The factory was making grape gum, which is Sheila's favorite (35) , while her class was visiting.

Once the mixture is complete, (36) machines blend and smooth the gum so that it can be

flattened and cut into sticks. Some of the gum mixture is also squeezed into a(n) (37) and made into gumballs or other fun shapes. After the gum cools, more machines wrap each individual piece. The gum is then packaged and sent to stores.

Learning how bubble gum is (38) really gave Sheila a sense of appreciation for how difficult it is to make her favourite snack. After the tour, each student was allowed to take one (39) of gum to chew on the way home. Sheila chose grape; it was so (40) and delicious! Correct answer

(31)recently (32) manufacturer (33) popularity (34) melted (35) flavour (36) enormous

(37) mould (38) manufactured (39) mouthful (40) juicy

Part III: Reading Comprehension

Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage.

Many countries are famous for unique and delicious foods. China, Italy, France, India, and Japan are just some of the countries with famous national cuisines. In the past, people had to travel great distances in order to sample foods from other countries. Today, it has never been easier to try food from a different country every day.

One of the most popular foods around the world is pizza. Though pizza has historical and cultural ties to Italy, many different types of pizza have developed outside of Italy and several have been adopted as signature dishes of the respective region.

Pizza first appeared in Italy as a type of flat bread that was inexpensive and easy to make. By the 18th century, residents around Naples in southern Italy were famous for their baked flat breads covered in tomato sauce. To this day, people still travel to Naples to sample pizza in its birthplace

and Neapolitans (residents of Naples) are proud of this heritage. Indeed, the city continues to be famous for its delicious pizza.

One of the first (and still most popular) varieties of pizza is called the Margherita, named after Queen Margherita of Savoy. This variety was her favourite because the colours of the ingredients matched the Italian flag — red (tomatoes), white (mozzarella cheese), and green (basil leaves). With increased trade, travel, and immigration throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, cultural traditions and cuisines spread around the world. Today, pizza is very popular in many countries, including the United States. New York City and Chicago are particularly famous for their unique styles of pizza. Pizzas today are also available with nearly every topping imaginable: mushrooms, peppers, sausage, pineapple, and anchovies, to name only a few. If you can think of it, chances are that someone's already tried putting it on a pizza!

41. Which of the following best describes "signature dishes" (Para. 2, Line 3)? A

A. Most famous food. B. Most expensive plate. C. Autographed plate. D. Most expensive food.

42. Why was the Margherita pizza named after Queen Margherita of Savoy? D

A. It was the first pizza ever made.

B. It was the first pizza she ever ate.

C. It was the most popular pizza in Italy.

D. It was her favourite type of pizza.

43. Which of the following is NOT a cause for the spread of cultural traditions? C

A. Immigration. B. Trade. C. Cuisine. D. Travel.

44. What can you infer was probably the first topping ever put on a pizza? B

A. Mushrooms. B. Tomato sauce. C. Mozzarella cheese. D. Sausage.

45. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT one of the most famous varieties of pizza? C

A. Neapolitan pizza. B. Chicago deep-dish pizza. C. France-style pan pizza. D. New York-style pizza.


1. The researcher had a __B__ that academic achievement was linked to culture.

A. suspense B. suspicion C. suspect D. suspicious

2. I would love to go to graduate school but the __D__ cost is too great.

A. finance B. financing C. financier D. financial

3. It is absolutely __C__ for children to learn foreign languages as early as possible.

A. criticism B. critic C. critical D. criticize

4. There is no one I __A__ more than Albert Einstein. He's the reason I began studying physics.

A. revere B. reverent C. reverential D. revel

5. The human brain is capable of __B__ thought, making us entirely different from any other animal on Earth.

A. irrational B. rational C. ration D. rationing

6. Studies have shown that computers are __D__ learning tools.

A. effect B. affect C. affective D. effective

7. Shawn's paintings are some of the most __B__ I have ever seen!

A. create B. creative C. creativity D. creatively

篇二:This is first working self-driving car, and it's too cute to live

This is Google's first working

self-driving car, and it's too cute to live

Google's self-driving car prototype

Back in May, Google unveiled the prototype of its own self-driving car — a purpose-built vehicle that was designed to test the technologies needed to make human drivers superflous. Those cars were so radical they didn't even have a steering wheel, a choice that the state of California ordered Google to change before it would allow testing on public roads. Today, Google revealed a fully working version of its self-driving vehicle, one with not just a wheel and brakes, but functioning headlights, scanners and much of the same bouncy attitude preserved. That's because it's not just the technology which Google plans to push forward with this vehicle, but the idea of having such machines on the road — even if they're too cute to live.

In a Google+ post, the self-driving vehicle team said the car above was "our first complete prototype for fully autonomous driving," with basic details that the previous vehicle lacked. Google expects to keep testing the car on its closed course for the next few months, with driving on public

roads set for sometime early next year.

If Google's SDC — I don't know of another model name for this thing — looks like it's not up for the daily freeway commute, that's because its currently limited to 25 mph. At that speed, the car qualifies as a "neighborhood vehicle" under federal laws, and doesn't have to meet the same crash-test standards of full-sized vehicles.

Matthew Inman, the artist known for "The Oatmeal" web comics, said today he had been for a ride in the Google car, and noted the same kind of limitations that plague all self-driving technology; easily confused sensors, trouble with bad weather and the question of how aggressive the car should be with other drivers. He also said the cuteness was a key component: Google was trying to minimize any angry feelings other drivers might get from seeing them on the road.

"By turning self-driving cars into an adorable Skynet Marshmallow Bumper Bots, Google hopes to spiritually disarm other drivers," Inman said. From an auto design point of view, the Google car looks like a cross between an old Crosley Hotshot and a Dalmatian puppy. Cuteness has not been a traditional strong point for vehicles; see the original Plymouth Neon for a car that tried to run with cuteness and failed. If and when Google decides to build a fully road-going vehicle, it will need one that can protect passengers in high-speed crashes regardless of how smart the software will be. That's just one of the challenges to overcome before this puppy hits the road for real.


CuteEditor使用详解 收藏

CuteEditor是一款功能非常强大,支持图片上传、文件下载和word类似的文字编辑器。对于新闻 发布系统和博客之类的系统,是非常的方便的。


1、将以下文件考贝到你站点根目录下的bin内(这些在CuteEditor6.0/bin下都可 以找到)







CuteSoft_Client包含CuteEditor文件夹和example.css,放了控件图片,文件之类的数据example.css它指定了 编辑器的样式。(在2.0下可能要把dialog文件夹里面的




把example.css文件拷贝到相应目录,并设置EditorWysiwygModeCss属性。 如:EditorWysiwygModeCss="/admin/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/themes




先在工具箱空白处右击选择 “添加选择项”,给选项卡添加一外名称为:CuteEditor。再在该选项卡中右击,选择“选择项 ”,在弹出的对话框的“.NET Frameword组件”标签中选择要添加的DLL文件即可。



2)EditorWysiwygModecss设为:CuteSoft_Client/example.cs,需要把example.css文件放到该目 录下。



<%@ Register TagPrefix="CE" Namespace="CuteEditor"

Assembly="CuteEditor" %> 如果是按照第4步从工具箱中拖放到页面的话,则此代码会自动生成,不需要要手动添加。

<CE:EDITOR id="Editor1" runat="server" Width="700px"

FilesPath="~/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/"EditorWysiwygModeCss="../example.css" ThemeType="Office2003_BlueTheme"></CE:EDITOR>


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EditorWysiwygModeCss="~/Admin/CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Themes/example.css" ThemeType="Office2003_BlueTheme" ></CE:Editor>


可修改CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Configuration\AutoConfigure文件夹下的文件,改便 CuteEditor工具栏按钮的显示或排列。





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EditorWysiwygModeCss :设置样式

ThemeType :设置风格

AutoConfigure :选择功能是简单还是复杂的

Text :设置加载时候默认内容

MaxHTMLLength :设置最大长度

BreakElement :默认“回车”产生什么HTML

URLType :没发现有什么区别

ResizeMode :自动长度(长度设置的几中形式)

ReadOnly :是否为只读

CustomCulture :设置语言类型 china 为zh-cn

EditCompleteDocument :设置是否完整的HTML页面代码(也就是说是不是包括html头) AllowPasteHtml :是否允许粘帖HTML代码

EnableContextMenu :在文本里是否显示右键菜单


1)控制工具拦显示:在CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Configuration/AutoConfigure 里设置

2)控制右键显示:CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor /Configuration/ContextMenuMode里设

3)设置权限:CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor /Configuration/Security里设置


CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Configuration /Security修改“Security”文件夹中的“Default.config”文件即可


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4)设置工具拦按钮具体功能:CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Configuration/Shared 里设置

5)设置工具拦按钮具体功能:CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor/Configuration/Shared 里设置

6)设置语言:CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor /Configuration/Languages里设置

7)添加字体:CuteSoft_Client/CuteEditor /Configuration/Shared/Common.config里设置

感觉 CuteEditor 每处都可以 改变,因为它整体思路都是用摸板,具体体现形式写在配置文件里面。用户修改配置文件或是它提供的属性就可以实现自己的功能!



Editor1.Text = "Default Text"; //服务器端方法

var editor =

document.getElementById('<%=Editor1.ClientID %>'); //JavaScript方法 var editorText = editor.getHTML();


修改上传文件的总大小(以Flash为例):Editor1.SetSecurityMaxFlashFolderSize(1000); 修改单个上传文件的大小(以Flash为例):Editor1.SetSecurityMaxFlashSize(kb);//默认KB为单位


由于上传的文件统一被放置到uploads文件夹中,可以通过程序控制为每个用户建立一个上传的文件 夹。代码如下:

using System.IO;

string username = Session["username"].ToString() ;

fullPath = Server.MapPath("uploads\\") + username;

if (!Directory.Exists(fullPath))




Editor1.SetSecurityGalleryPath("~/uploads/" + username);


就是 SetSecurityGalleryPath这个方法可以设置上传路径,这样就可以实现每个用户独立一个文件,甚至可以分配空间大小等。

Editor1.SetSecurityGalleryPath("~/uploads/" + username);




Editor1.SetSecurityMaxImageDimension(width,height);//设置图片上传尺寸 Editor1.SetSecurityMaxImageSize(kb);//设置图片上传文件大小




打开CuteSoft_Client\CuteEditor\Configuration\Security \Default.config文件 找到

<security name="filenamePattern" />



