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时间:2016-12-31 13:25:03 来源:免费论文网


Star English Radio Station born.

On the afternoon of 15 December 2012, a press conference of Star English Radio Station's foundation was held in the Fijian Medical University.At the invitation of Miss Li Binbin, spokeswomen of Star English Radio Station,Miss Huang Chen, the director of Star English Radio Station ,Miss Yu Yandie,the vice director,met journalists from home and abroad and answered their questions.

The school of foreign languages of the Fijian Medical University officially passed a resolution of establishing a radio station broadcasting in English language which is substantially different from the school radio station. To a considerable extent,its foundation highlight the strength of language.On the one hand, it stimulates the passion of English learning of whole college students.On the other hand, it will create friendly atmosphere of learning languages that can involve all students and engage them in the entire process.

Owing to the existence of the school radio station,whether to establish Star English Radio Station is questioned by the majority of journalists.Worse of all,some suggested that there is no necessary establishment of Star English Radio Station.Miss Huang responded:“The idea was wrong.Because we can improve our English listening by VOA news and BBC news.Besides,it can broaden our horizon through the program of English and American cultural scenery.What is more, our radio station is planning a new form of net--Internet Radio Station of Fujian Medical University ."

When it come to the question about how to compete with the school radio station ,the vice direction said:"Now we are in the era of information,China Youth Broadcasting Network,our official micro blog,is a durable competitive advantage."As for the conflict of broadcasting time, Star English Radio Station will do their outmost to negotiate with the school radio station,and then make a meticulous adjustment.If possible,Star English Radio Station will broadcast programs from 17:00p.m to 18:00.

The director conscientiously said that Star English Radio Station will set up distinctive columns including BBC news and VOA news,campus news ,study guide ,English and American cultural scenery and so forth.There is no denying the fact that its foundation eiches college students' leisure time.Miss Huang was also responding to a reporter's question about the the details of the department structure.It consists of six department such as editorial department,director department.

As to the all-important question of how to choose radio manuscripts.The director said:" Not only can professional reporters write the radio manuscript but also ordinary students can contribute to Star Broadcast Station."But she laid stress on the importance of the quality of radio manuscripts. Likewise, she also referred to the duty of different departments and management regulations. And then the vice director illustrated the meanings of its name that S stands for solidarity;T stands for time;A stands for achievement; R stands for responsibility.

At the same time,a journalists from Venus put forward two questions about how to deal with different levels of comprehension of students and how to satisfy students' needs. The answers were ambiguous. The vice director just said:"they will care for the feelings of the audience and enhance mutual communication" They also told journalists that they will have a lot of opportunities to cooperate with other radio stations and are bound to attract more audience.

The press conference, which lasted for nearly two hours. Upon its conclusion,the director Huang exchanged greetings with the Chinese and foreign journalists. The whole audience gave the passionate applause.









英语新闻广播最能抓住听、观众注意力的地方也就是语调的丰富多彩性。据统计,一般常用的语调大致可以归纳为11 类:高升调、低升调、高降调、低降调、高降升调、低降升调、高升降调、低升降调、高升降升调、高平调和低平调,而且语调高低之间的音域为八度。一般来说,句子的开头使用高平调,句中则是高升调,低升调,句尾为高降调或低降调。根据报道的内容及记者的心情,这些语调自由组合,变化无常,给听、观众带来莫大的听觉享受。一般来讲,越是慢速的报道,升调的比率就越高。


虽然播音员的发音吐字清晰,音质浑厚,具有穿透力,但在说话时会把句子中含有信息量的单词读得长些、重些,而那些虚词或语法意义大于语义的词就会读得又快又弱,听起来好像单词都被压缩在一起了。如:I'm’going to’see it as’usua1.


由于新闻报道的语速较快,所以连读出现的频率很高。连读可分为以下几种情况:(1) 辅音和元音之间的连读。例如:acup of tea,an hour,stand up 等;(2)/r/音与元音之间的连续。例如:faraway,for instance,later on 等;(3)两个元音之间的连续。当一个以元音结尾的单词后面跟着另一个以元音开头的单词时,很多人也常常把这两个元音之间加上“y/j/”或“w/w/”的音,将它们连接起来。例如:go(w)on,any(y)other,I(y)am,how(w)old 等。


浊化、省略和缩读的运用把音省略或连接起来,使英语广播听起来就像流水一样,既轻松又流畅,给人一种跳跃、活泼的感觉。浊化就是把清辅音发成与之相对应的浊辅音,因为把浊辅音发出来比清辅音更节省气力。一般来讲,在音节开头如果有两个在一起的清辅音,那么第二个清辅音就要浊化,常见的有/st/,/sk/,/sp/,/str/等四种情况,如stand,school,stick 等。但要注意当这些辅音组合在词尾时并不需要浊化。如:fist,risk,mist 等。省略的使用是为了使语流更流畅。一个最重要的省略现象就是失去爆破。两个辅音连续在一起时,往往前者失去了爆破。如:blackboard,post—card,September 等。另外在连贯的语流中,由于音的弱化,会导致一些音完全消失。如:castle/’ka:sl/等。另外,/h/音省略在美国英语中也是很常见的。如:yoghurt,askhim,ask her 等。缩读是为了使语言更加连贯,如人们常常把I am 说成I’m.



新闻报道涉及政治、经济、义化、军事、科学等社会各个方面,使用的词汇常常超出学生所掌握的范围。据VOA 的Voice 杂志称,Special English 常用的词汇量是l500 个左右,Standard English 常用的词汇量则在4000 个以上,此外还有大量专有名词,包括人名、地名、国家、政党组织、传媒机构、宗教、武器装备等。另外,新闻用词大多比较简短,经常采用单音节或少音节的词。新闻撰稿人为求标新立异、生动形象、节省时间,有时还会使用一些通俗而富有表现力的新词或缩略词。要听懂这些短小音节的词需要大脑在听音的瞬间做出迅速的反应和判断。


新闻跑在时代的最前面,像录音机一样反映并记载了世界的发展和变迁。每逢新事物出现,与之相关的新词便会率先在新闻中露面。以下这些新闻中经常使用的词便是社会发展过程中新事物出现的见证。Non—aligned country 不结盟国家Artificial breeding 人工受精ATM(automatic teller machine) 自动柜员机伴随着大量新事物的出现,大量的新词也接踵而至,这给学生听力造成了困难。


由于各种机构、组织、条约等的全称比较长,所以在英语新闻中经常使用缩略词。例如,UN 指“the United Nations”,是“联合国”的缩写;IMF指International Monetary Fund,是“国际货币基金组织”的缩写,还有OECD(Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development 经济合作和开发组织),OPEC(Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries 石油输出国组织)等。对于这些缩略词既要了解意思又要知道正确读音。



就新闻报导的句法结构而言,一般使用结构简短的句子,但有时为了在一个句子中包含尽可能多的新闻事实或信息,会采用合并句子(sentence combining)的方法,即将原先两句或两句以上方可表达的事实充塞在一个句子中,因而也就出现了结构复杂、松散、冗长的句子。尤其是新闻的导语部分,常常是一个扩展的SV(0)句型,满缀着从句、名词性修饰语、人名、地名以及表示时间、数量等的成份,而在听力理解的过程中,因为是开篇的第一句话,听者往往会因为一时没有进入状态而忽略了它。


为了减少听众理解的困难,并增加亲切感,广播新闻英语往往较多使用日常生活中的常用词汇,句子较为口语化。广播新闻是通过声音传播的媒介,所以同报纸新闻这一书面文字传播媒介相比,差异较大,句子中经常使用一些短小的比较口语化的词来代替较长的书面语。例如:ban-prohibition,restrain,interdict 禁止,遏止,制止;Cut-abridgement,reduce(reducti0n),curtail 减少,缩减。句子的口语化使得新闻中插入的成分较多,句子较长,结构松散,这就让学生有机会对其新闻内容的理解产生误会,因此,增加了学生听懂的难度。


新闻播报不同于其他形式的听力材料,它在结构上有自身的特点。VOA 和BBC 英语新闻播报在形式和结构上大多采用“倒金字塔法”(the inverted pyramid form)或“时间顺序法”(chronological style)。熟悉这两种写作方法,对于听懂新闻广播会有很大的帮助。




时间顺序法顾名思义就是按照时问的先后顺序来报导的。这一体裁多用于体育比赛、文艺演出、灾难、交通事故以及犯罪案件等等。按此结构写出的消息通常由开头(beginning 即导语部分)、按时间顺序叙述的一系列新闻事实(events in sequence)和结尾(ending)几个部分组成。这种报导方式的重要之处在于其主题一般放在最后,所以听者必须认真听其中的每一句话,才能更好的把握事实,了解全部。





看英文报纸及听英语广播一向被认为是提升英文能力的好方法,可是许多人发现摊开报纸,打开收音机,脑子却有“寸步难行”的感觉,因为处处是看不懂、听不懂的词。事实上,不管是听、说、读、写都要有足够的词汇量才能胜任。虽然广播新闻英语用词浅显,可是新闻涵盖面广,有政治的、经济的、环保的、灾难的,不一而足。英文报纸看不懂,可以一看再看,慢慢查词典,可是广播新闻英语稍纵即逝,必须要即听即懂,所以词汇量对听者来说尤为重要。初学者不妨先把英文报纸相关报道剪下,仔细阅读后再听写录下的新闻,或先听写录下的新闻再参考报纸的报道,许多听不出来的词,可在报纸中找出。此外,为了不使报道显得单调,播音员会在同一则新闻中用不同的词指相同的事。在一则有关地震报导中,除earthquake 还用了quake 及temblor。想增加某类新闻的词汇量的话,可以在一段时间内,固定收听某种新闻。重大新闻通常会连续报道好几天,每天把这些报道集录,再配合读报纸上的报道,可以很快熟悉这类新闻的词汇。


听者对意群及抑扬顿挫的掌握与语法程度的好坏有密切关系,这里所谓的语法程度主要指的是对英文句子的熟悉度而言。广播新闻英语基本上是以“主词+ 动词+ 受词”的句子多,问题是主词、动词、受词都可能有修饰词,而修饰词中常省略许多词。因此,不熟悉英文句子结构的人,听了一个句子往往不知道主要部分何在,而对句子结构掌握得法的话,会自然地把听到的信息按其抑扬顿挫及语法功能归纳成各个意群。




BBC英语新闻-1: 苹果超过60%的整体收入来自智能手机

The technology giant, Apple, has reported lower-than-expected sales of iPhones in the last quarter, due in part to the economic

slowdown in China. It sold almost 75 million of the devices, the slowest rate of sales growth since the iPhone was launched nine years ago. Even though Apple's profits rose to more than 18 billion dollars, BBC's North America technology correspondent, David Lee, said the sales figures were concerning.“These quarterly results are still record-breaking, still the biggest profit ever recorded. But that crucial thing, in fact, the iPhone, for the first time since it was launched back in2007, is now looking, well, is now in decline. And so that is being seen as a big problem for investors, because the iPhone is really what brings in the money for Apple, more than 60% of Apple's entire revenues from that smart phones.”



China has announced the end of its decades long policy ofrestricting most families to have only one child. The officialXinhua News Agency says that all couples would be allowed tohave two children citing a statement from the rulingcommunist party. John Sudworth reports from eastern China.

“China is obsession with birth control began with Chairman Mao and became national law afterhis death. Few policies anywhere can have affected so many lives so profoundly. This mothertells me she had no choice but to have abortion. You either go willingly or the governmentcomes for you, she says. In recent years, the one child policy had already been relaxed with anincreasing number of exceptions and exemptions. Now it’s finally going, but its replacement by atwo-child policy is a sign that the communist Party is not yet ready to fully relinquish controlover female fertility.”

birth control 计划生育

abortion 堕胎,流产



A corruption watch dog says nearly all countries in the MiddleEast and North Africa have opaque defense budgets withalmost no parliamentary accountability. In a new report, theLondon based Transparency International says secrecy acrossdefense and security establishments remains the norm in theregion. And the ensuing corruption was having a big impact on the rise of terrorism. He said onlyJordan and Tunisia published their defense budgets. BBC news.



Hello, I’m Julie Candler with the BBC news. Poland’sConservative Law and Justice Party has won a decisive victoryin parliamentary elections following a campaign in which it tooka tough line towards the European Union and migrants. An exitpoll suggests it has secured 39% of the vote. The party'scandidate for Prime Minister Beata Szydlo said she was grateful for the support of the Polishpeople.

“We have won because we have been consistent in facing all the challenges ahead of usand we followed in the footsteps of the late President Lech Kaczyński. We worked hard and wewere humble about the work as well as the reality surrounding us. We wouldn't have won had itnot been for the Polish people who told us about their expectations and needs and who were inthe end voted for us.”

Within the past hour, leaders from central European countries in Balkan states have reached anagreement on a plan to tackle the migration crisis. It includes providing shelters for tens ofthousands more people by the end of the year. The president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker said that Balkan countries must start by registering migrants arriving at theirborders.

“The only way to restore order to the situation is to slow down the uncontrolled flows ofpeople. The policy of waving for people to neighboring countries has to stop. I want to be clear,people must be registered. No registration, no rights.”

Exit polls in Argentina’s presidential election suggest the candidate of the governing party DanielScioli has won the most votes, but will have to face a run-off next month. The Centre-right mayorof Buenos Aires Mauricio Macri appears to come second and will challenge Mr. Scioli on November22nd. Wyre Davies reports from Buenos Aires.

Daniel Scioli as the official candidate of the ruling Peronist Populist party which dominatesArgentine politics is a clear favor to win. The fact that the maybe run-off shows how the dividedthe country is after ten years of Christina Fernandez de Kirchner's governing, her fans havesupported to say she's done fantastic things with new welfare program spending billions onhelping people out of poverty, and also renationalizing the national airline, the national oilcompany and forging these new alliances with Russia and with China. But the opponents ofcourse say the economy is in a mess and there is no money in the central bank and inflation rateis running at dangerously high levels.

Polls have closed in Guatemala in a presidential election run-off between an ex-comedian and aformer first lady. Opinion polls gave the actor Jimmy Moralesa clear lead over Sandra Torres, whoseen by many as part of the country’s political elite. Turnout was low. Both candidates promisedto fight corruption following the resignation and arrest of President Alejandro Maldonado inSeptember. World news from the BBC.

The US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump has said the world would be a better placeif Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were still in power in Iraq and Libya. Speaking to CNN,Mr. Trump described the Middle East region as a disaster that had blown up around presidentObama and Hillary Clinton.

The governor of the Egyptian city of Alexandra has resigned after torrential rains caused widespread of disruption and a number of death. Five people were electrocuted when an overheadpower cable fell into a flooded street. Thousands of vehicles across the city were partiallysubmerged and many homes flooded. In Israel, high winds knocked down trees and toppledcranes.

Saudi Arabia Supreme Court has rejected an appeal against a death sentence passed on aprominent Shia Muslim cleric. Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr was a vocal supporter of anti-governmentdemonstrations during the Arab Spring.

The British racing driver Lewis Hamilton has won the Formula One world championship for a thirdtime. He secured the title with victory in the US GrandPrix in Texas. Hamilton thanks everyonewho'd supported him.

“I cannot really find the right words right the second to tell you howamazing this feels and just that I couldn't have done without this team who have powered me forthe last three years and retaken me on board and really help lurching me with the car and justfaultless.”

In the Rugby World Cup, Australia has beaten Argentina to make it through to the final nextSaturday, will, now, take on New Zealand. The Wallabies won by 29 points to 15. Ourcorrespondent in Sydney, here is Jon Donnison.

“This’s been an amazing tournament for theSouthern Hemisphere, all four semi-finalists from the Southern Hemisphere and an amazing finalnext week for this part of the world. Amazingly, these two teams who have both won the WorldCup twice have never met in the final. But in terms of sporting rivalries, at least in this part of theworld, they don't get much bigger than the all blacks against the Wallabies in Rugby Union.” BBCnews.


exit poll:投票后的民意調查

candidate :候选人

reached an agreement :达成协议

migration :移民




candidate :候选人

presidential election:总统大选

torrential rain:暴雨

disruption :中断,毁坏


submerge:淹没; 把…浸入

death sentence:死刑


championship :冠军












There’ve been large rival rallies in Germany to mark the firstanniversary of the anti-immigrant Pegida. Police say that20,000 Pegida supporters were met by a similar number ofcounter demonstrators in Dresden. Scuffles broke out as policetry to keep them apart. There are fears that Pagida is becomingmore radical in response to Germany’s decision to take in hundreds of thousands of refugees thisyear. From Berlin, Damien McGuinness reports.

“Numerous government ministers have accusedthe movement of using xenophobic hate speech to incite violence. This year, in Germany, therehave been almost 500 attacks on refugees or their homes. On a Saturday, a female politiciaesponsible for refugee housing was stabbed in the neck. She survived, but the assault hasshocked the country as that calls the authorities to clamp down on the racist slogan that Pegidarallies.” World news from the BBC.



xenophobic :排外



assault :袭击
