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时间:2016-12-28 07:26:15 来源:免费论文网


Once, I heard of that marriage is a pair of shoes, we should find it which is suitable of ourselves. Indeed, marriage is important to all people's life. All of us need to make a full psychological and material preparations. Marriage needs love to hold. What is love. Love is a purely personal relationship without power and duty. It develops only due to our own feelings. Love is the communication of emotions, but marriage is totally different. Marriage comes from love, but marriage is not equal to love. Marriage is the beginning of a new life. And a lot of things can be changed. Before marriage, we can do what we want to do. We can not be as free asa single man. But after marriage,we have an open relationship with a lot of people. After it, we need to responsible for each other and learn to share. Both of us need to share everything we owned. Actually, marriage is more complex than love. We can say love is the slave of the feeling. Marriage is the art of two people to get along. Marriage is not only a long road, but also bumpy. If the two guys are not good at manage it and do not learn to tolerant and accommodate each other, the road will go very hard. Love, in such mutual consumption, will gradually lost its luster.

Marriage which is happy needs the suitable character. Happy marriage needs the both to tolerate and understand each other. If there is no patience and tolerance in marriage, and every one only consider their

own feelings, each of them will not be happy. When time goes on, they would want to escape. Marriage can be said to be a learning, and all of us are students. We need to study it carefully and learn how to manage it.

篇二:my viwepoint on marriage 我对婚姻的看法 英语作文

My Viewpoint of Marriage

Different people have various viewpoints toward marriage cause they have different roles and stands.QianZhongshu,an eminent writer who prefaces his book A Surrounded City with ‘Marriage is a surrounded city which people encircled want to flee from while those who stand out the city are eager to step into’. However,Jane Austen started her book Pride and Prejudice with ‘It is a truth universally

acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune must be in want of a wife’.

In my point of view,marriage is a warm harbour in which we can seek shelter,it is also a destination of our life voyage after we leave parents’home or we are no longer under the protection of our parents.

So we must choose marriage cautiously and then try our best to make a perfect place where we can live happily with another person.However,we can’t manage it on our own without cooperating with him. In other words,choosing a marriage means choosing a person to live with.In consequence,we should choose the husband cautiously.

As for me,first,my husband must show his parents filial obedience.Parents are those who love us best.How dare we expect he loves us if a person even treats his parents ill? I believe there is love existing between man and woman,while I believe in the

emotion which can be developed after living together a long time in marriage.A man can fall in love with his wife momentarily,but only when he regards his wife as a real family member can his love lasts longer.Seldom a man can endure the marriage with a woman when he is not love her any more or even hate her.However,there is enough space for manoeuvers if a man treat his wife as an indispensable family member.Second, a husband should have strong responsibilities.A man with strong

responsibilities is reliable.On one hand,he will work hard to make us happy.On the other hand,he may do not anything that will hurt his wife.Maybe,most of the men are fond of the new and tired of the old,but a man who has strong responsibilities will make his mind rather his emotion control his behaviour.

Last but not least,a husband should have similar outlook on life and value with his wife.Because it is a horrible thing to live an entire life with a person whom we have nothing to talk with.

Now let talk about the protagnists in the Nettle.To tell the truth,I don’t like the woman in it.I don’t blame her for leaving a person whom she doesn’t want to live with.I do blame her for leaving her family.She just moves out and almost keeps no connection with her husband.They can get together to cope with their

marriage.Though their marriage is too far gone, they can still be good friends.And also I hate that she hope an affair with Mike.Much as she loves Mike,she shouldn’t break a whole family at another poor woman’s cost.She can take Mike as a close friend or a brother whom can exchange life and work experience.

Fortunately,they don’t lose their mind and do something that will hurt others.Of course it is a pity that they don’t meet each other any more.


英语演讲与写作作业6 邵小潍

Homework: Many people in modern society find it hard to make decision,

what should be given priority, marriage or career?

When it comes to what should be given priority, marriage or career,

deferent people may have deferent opinions. Some may think that marriage is more important than career , they think family is the necessities. If they lose their job, they can find another though which may not as well-condition as before. But if they become a bachelor or a single, they may feel lonely and have a passive attitude toward their life. Even some young people may commit suicide when they break up with their girlfriend or boyfriend. However , some people are more rational than emotional. Though the marriage is very important thing in one’s life, but they think the career would be given priority. To some extent, career is the basic of marriage.

Actually, few people in our modern society want to have a naked marriage, and as what the TV series shows, the naked marriage may have many problems in their future life. As we can see, without career and material wealth , marriage just like the castles in the air.

From my point of view, if we want to have a happiness life after

marrying with someone, we must become more dependent and strong fist. Because when you marriage and even have a baby in the future, you and your husband or wife may face more problems than premarital. And I don’t think that becoming a full-time wife or full-time husband is a good chosen. Many may say that the child need to be took care of and the couple should be divided their labor. Actually ,this is a mislead thought, many child in our society are just come from single family and become successful in the future, they even just have one parent , they may bring up in dependent which is good to their future life. And if one become a full-time wife or

husband, they may pay much attention to their husband or wife, which may give much pressure to them, which can cause many problems in their marriage.

What’s more, the family is just like an organic machine, they need

sources and material basic to make it operate well. So we need to give the priority to our career. You may say that happiness is not relate to the money or career ,if they love each other, they do not care about anything , the old proverb said that “For love ,I will sacrifice my life” , but you may forget the The following sentence “For freedom ,I will sacrifice my love”. Just imagine that if your full-time wife live without any career and she pay all her attention to you, she may become more sensitive and want to know what are you doing in every 5 minutes, what is your feeling of your

marriage? Still feel it happiness? Actually not! Because you may think that you lose your freedom and this may bring much more quarrels.

I think the marriage should be build on the basic of career. If one have his or her own career, this may help they have more ability to be

responsible for their family, they can have a positive attitude towards their life and do not become idle everyday. Just when they have a stable career, they may have a ability to think their marriage, they can think what they can bring to their children and their lover.

To sum up, the answer to this question is obvious, there is no doubt

that the career should be given priority.

