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时间:2016-12-28 07:22:03 来源:免费论文网


Strong earthquake hits China

A powerful earthquake measuring 7.8 has hit China's southern province of Sichuan, shaking buildings as far away as Beijing, Shanghai and Bangkok.

It was not immediately clear if there were any casualties or damage from the tremor which the the US Geological Survey (UGS) earlier put at 7.8.

The epicentre of the quake was 93 kilometres north of Chengdu.

Wenchuan, which took full force of the quake, has a population of 111,000 people.It is in an ethnic Tibetan area in Aba county which recently saw violent clashes between Tibetans and Chinese authorities.

According to some reports there was a second earthquake measuring 3.9 which hit the Beijing district of Tongzhou at roughly the same time.

Telephone lines in the affected area are jammed and there are still no reports of casualties.

Reports from Thailand say high buildings in Bangkok continued to shake several minutes after the tremors began.

We felt continuous shaking for about two or three minutes. All the people in our office are rushing downstairs. We're still feeling slight tremblings, said an office worker in Chengdu.

China's tallest building, the Jinmao Tower, and other highrise buildings in Shanghai's financial district were evacuated after tremors were first felt.

People were shouting 'get out, get out', so we all ran out of our dorm, said a student surnamed Zhang at a university in nearby Chongqing.

A spokesman for the China Earthquake Administration said it was still checking the epicentre and scale of the tremor.英语作文 China Wenchuan earthquake Like many people in the UK, the team at BBC Learning English have been shocked and saddened by news of the earthquake in Sichuan province. We would like to extend our condolences to those affected by this terrible natural disaster. Below is a special report on the earthquake and the rescue operations taking place.

和在英国的很多人一样,BBC 英语教学组的全体成员对五月十二号发生在四川省的地震消息感到震惊和悲痛。在这里我们对受害者表示最深切的哀悼,向那些受地震影响的人们深表同情。下面是对这次地震和地震营救行动的一篇特别报道。



What a disaster(灾难)!So far,it's reported that more than 60,000 people died in the SiChuan earthquake.What's more, millions of people there have become homeless.And they are still in the danger of illness and other difficulties. Anyway, thanks to all the kind people, in and abroad,the situation has been changing well.But we still work hard at it,especially to build houses for those homeless people and cure the injured people.

What can we do now? Besides doing our own job well,we can donate money to them.We firmly believe that with the party and the government's strong leadership, and with the people of all nationalities throughout the country to aid,this earthquake relief will be a victory!


If you have received possibly have the earthquake warning, continues to maintain listens to the local broadcasting

station newest report and the suggestion, like the suggestion switches off the liquid gas, the power source. Greatly but the heavy object from high will put on to take away. The jar, the glass, the chinaware and other brittle things admit in the low

cabinet, the baggage shelf should have keeps off the hand by to prevent the object whereabouts. The cabinet gate should shut tightly, moves away to be hanging the object.

Below prepares the goods by to prepare urgently needs: Fresh fresh water and emergency food, flashlight, fire extinguisher. Is far away these possibly to fall is pounding your thing, possibly can eradicate in outdoors trees, in the small town construction even if enough is sturdy cannot destroy, the chippings also possibly fall. Runs away spacious to place most ideal, but if does not have the enough time,stays is possibly safer in the room, on the avenue speech, the gas piping or the electric wire which bursts can increase the risk. Passes in and out the human is most dangerous, extremely easily is wounded by the building in bricks and stones.

In room: When the earthquake occurs, if in the indoors, stays in inside, extinguishes the fire, is far away the glass is specially the big window (including mirror and so on). In the room quoin or has the good strut internal way is good seeking asylum place. Perhaps the low ground or the basement can provide the best survival opportunity. Hides in under the table bottom or other firm furniture, this not only can provide the protection to you, moreover also has the big breath space.

When store, is far away the big cargo exhibition hall, thesecargos possibly can drop down. Also is loaded with the elevator in the multilayered building in the office, in-situ hides in the desk bottom. Do not enter the elevator, the staircase also possibly can crowd the panic-stricken people. . Che Zhong: As far as possible quickly and safely stops - but stays in the vehicle may avoid hit by the whereabouts object. Crouches in hiding under the seat, if has the thing to fall on the vehicle, you will be able to obtain the protection. When vibrates stops down, the attention

observation obstacle and possibly appears danger: Destroyed the electric cable, damages the path and collapses bridge. Outdoors: When outdoors lie in the ground, do not have to run. This can throw down, also possibly is embezzled by the crack. Is far away the big construction. Toward derground walk or do not enter the gallery, this can cause to be stranded. Like you already prepared to the outdoors, did not return to in the building. The earthquake causes any construction not too to be all reliable for the first time, if then again occurs slightly shakes, the building can cave in. Is safer to the summit. In the pitch earth stone is easy to fall, if crushes by the number thousand ton heavy soil block or the rock (they

to have fearful speed), very little has the opportunity which fortunately survives. Rolls equally on the place like the ball changes the survival.

Beach place: So long as under the cliff cannot the suitable security, but because the tsunami follows the

earthquake but to come frequently, therefore after vibrates stops leaving the beach as soon as possible to the higher open field shift. The aftershock risk did not like the tsunami to be so fearful.

如果你已经收到了地震的预警,仍然应该继续听当地广播站的最新报道和建议,比如液化气或电源的处理建议。最好把贵重物品带走, 瓶子,玻璃,瓷器和其它易碎的东西放到低的柜子里,行李架应该远离以避开下落的物品。柜子的门应该关紧,把悬挂的物品拿下来。准备物品以便警急需要:新鲜的水和应急食品,手电筒,灭火器。有可能掉落的物品砸到你的东西,一些小的建筑如果足够结实不会毁坏,碎石也可能掉下来.跑到宽阔的地方是最理想的,但是如果没有足够时间,在房间里呆在原地更安全,煤气管道或电线烧起来会更危险。进出穿行会很危险,及其容易被建筑物的砖头或石块砸伤.








Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Hand in Hand We Stand. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese:

1. 汶川地震是中国遭受的一次大灾难;

2. 一方有难,八方支援,人们纷纷行动起来共同抗震救灾;

3. 我们能做些什么。



Hand in Hand We Stand胀??呼酪傎??http://bulo.hjenglish.com/myfeed/?版权所有沪江网??傎酪呼??胀

On May 12, 2008, an 8.0-magnitude earthquake struck Sichuan. Thousands of people lost their lives and even more people were left homeless. But, hand in hand, the Chinese people faced this disaster with compassion and courage.People across China offered to make donations energetically. Relief materials and funds were continuously pouring into quake hit areas. What’s more, several rescue teams and medical professionals, at home and abroad, was sent to the earthquake stricken areas to search and rescue the survivals.

As far as we students are concerned, we should provide our helping hands for the earthquake stricken compatriots. We can donate our spare money to the suffering people who are in urgent need of food and medicine. Blood donation is also of vital significance for those injured people. Students who are equipped with professional skills can volunteer to the earthquake stricken areas to rescue more lives. Besides, our spirit support and sincere prayers can help the broken hearts overcome the temporary disaster.悐錢?????娵http://cet.hjenglish.com?版权所有沪江网娵?????錢悐

第一段开门见山,指出地震发生的时间和地点。其中,hand in hand “手挽手”、face this disaster with compassion and courage“用热情和勇气面对灾难”属于高分表达,为文章增色不少。

第二段直接说明全国人民对灾区的捐助情况。What?s more的使用使文章层次分明,结构清晰。make donations“捐赠”、pour into“涌入”这些都是高分表达。

第三段阐述自己作为学生能为灾区做点什么。Besides进一步说明,支持不光包括物质方面,还包括精神方面。As far as one is concerned是表达自己观点时的常用句型;in urgent need of “急切需要”;be equipped with“具备”均为高分表达。
