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中国外交部新闻发布会发言人常用语 abogar por 主张

acuerdo 协定

administración 政府

alianza 联盟

amenaza recíproca 相互威胁

aprender las lecciones de la historia 以史为鉴

armamento 军火

asunto interno内政

auto control 自我克制

bando independentista 台湾分裂势力

batalla 战役

buena vecindad 睦邻

buena vecindad y amistad 睦邻友好

caracterizarse por 以。。为特点

Carta de la ONU 联合国宪章

chantaje nuclear 核讹诈

cinco s de coexistencia pacífica 和平共处五项原则 coexistencia pacífica 和平相处

comunidad internacional 国际社会

conceder importancia a 重视

concerniente a 有关的

condenar 谴责


conflicto 冲突

conflicto regional 地区冲突

consenso 共识

convenio 协议

declaración 宣言

definido 明确的

dependencia recíproca 相互依存

derechos humanos 人权

derivado 来源于

descartar 排除


diplomacia 外交

disputa 争端

distensión 缓和

economía 经济体

economía abierta 开放式经济

economía mercantil 市场经济

eje 轴心

en gran medida 很大程度上

en términos generales 从总体上看

enérgicamente 坚决

enfrentamiento 对抗

equilibrio 平衡

equilibrio de fuerzas 力量平衡

erradicar 根除

escalada del conflicto 冲突升级

esforzarse por 努力

estabilidad 稳定

estado soberano主权国家

estrategia 战略

estrategia fundamental 基本战略

expansión 扩展

de tensión 焦点

globalización 全球化

grupo 集团

guerra 战争

guerra fría 冷战

guerra santa 圣战

hegemonismo 霸权主义

inflación 通货膨胀

integración 一体化

integración política y económica 政治和经济一体化

territorial 领土完整

intervención 干涉

intervenir 干涉

intransigencia 态度强硬

ley internacional 国际法

libre comercio 自由贸易

libro blanco 白皮书

liga 同盟

litigio 纠纷

litigio internacional 国际纠纷

mal 邪恶

mercado mundial 世界市场

militarismo japones日本军国主义

internacional 国际垄断

multipolarización 多极化

negociación secreta 秘密谈判

neocolonialismo 新殖民主义

nuevo orden político-económico internacional 国际政治经济新秩序 objetivo prioritario 优先目标

OMC 世贸组织

ONU 联合国

oponerse 反对

organismo internacional 国际组织

organización internacional 国际组织

país desarrollado 发达国家

país en vías de desarrollo 发展中国家

país industrializado 工业化国家

país neutral 中立国

país nuclear 核国家

partido nacionalista 国民党

pauperización relativa相对贫困


perjuicio 损害

persistir 坚持

política exterior 外交

posición 立场

postulado 主张

postura 态度,立场

potencia 大国

primordial 重要的

problema 问题

problema internacional relevante 重大国际问题


protocolo-carta 议定书

recesión económica 经济衰退

recurrir a 诉诸

reflexionar 反省

refugiado 难民

relaciones de socio 伙伴关系

relaciones económicas internacionales 国际经济关系 relaciones este-oeste 东西关系

relaciones exteriores外交关系

rendir -cultos 参拜

resolver pacíficamente 以和平方式解决

responder a 符合


salvaguardar 维护

sanción económica 经济制裁

sistema de relaciones internacionales 国际关系体系 soberanía 主权

soberanía nacional 国家主权

tendencia 趋势

tomar parte activa en 积极参与

tráfico de droga 毒品贩运

tratado 条约

un país, dos sistemas 一国两制

unificación pacífica 和平统一

Unión Europea 欧盟

Viejo Continente 欧洲大陆

viejo orden económico 旧经济秩序

zona de libre comer


外交部发言用词解析: 1、亲切友好的交谈——谈的不错;2坦率交谈——分歧很大,无法沟通;3交换了意见——基本各说各的,没有达成协议;4双方充分交换了意见——双方吵得厉害;5增进了双方的了解——分歧很大;6严重关切——可能要干预,但很可能歇菜;7表示极大愤慨——拿人家真没辙




Q: The third cabinet under the administration of Shinzo Abe will be formed today. What is China's

comment on that? What are China's expectations for China-Japan relations?

A: We noticed that Japan will form a new cabinet. The Chinese side will deal with relevant issues in accordance with diplomatic conventions.

Maintaining the enduring, stable and sound development of China-Japan relations is in the fundamental interests of the two countries and the two peoples. China holds a consistent position that bilateral relations between China and Japan should be advanced in the spirit of learning from the history and facing up to the future on the basis of the four political documents between the two countries. It is our hope that the Japanese side can meet us halfway, earnestly implement the four-point principled agreement, and make continuous efforts to improve and develop bilateral relations. Meanwhile, we also hope that Japan can stay on the path of peaceful development and contribute constructively to regional peace, stability and development.

Q: Concerning the hacker attack against Sony Pictures, the US side said that it would make certain form of "response" to the DPRK, and the controversial film The Interview would meet the audience as

scheduled. What is China's comment on this? Will China help the US investigate the case at its request? A: We have noted relevant reports. It is hoped that parties concerned can keep calm and exercise restraint, and properly address relevant issues.

China holds a clear and consistent stand on safeguarding cyber security. We are opposed to any form of cyber attack and cyber terrorism conducted in any way. Given the anonymous and transnational nature of cyber attacks, conclusion must be drawn based on sufficient, professional and complete factual grounds. We will only make our judgment based on facts, and deal with relevant issue in compliance with principles of international law and domestic law of China.

Q: First, 21 people were apprehended by the Chinese police when attempting to sneak across China' s border with Vietnam. Do you have more details? Has the Chinese government been in touch with its Vietnamese counterpart on this? Second, the ROK side said that it was seeking cooperation of the Chinese authority to deal with the cyber attack on its nuclear power plant operator. Does China know about this? Will you cooperate with the ROK side on this matter?

A: On your first question, I have no specifics, but I can tell you in principle that illegal immigration disturbs the normal international order of entry and exit, and undermines the common interests of the international community. China is consistent and firm in combating illegal immigration, and advocates normal personnel exchanges in accordance with law. This is also the consensus shared by a majority of countries in the world. China is willing to join hands with our neighboring countries and countries concerned to fight against illegal immigration crimes and safeguard security and stability of all countries and the region.

On your second question, I am not aware of the specifics. China's principled position is consistent. The Chinese side is firmly against all forms of hacking activities. Hacker attack is an issue faced by the entire world. We are ready to carry out constructive dialogue and cooperation with all countries to rise up to this challenge.

Q: According to media report, Myanmar villagers protesting against the Letpadaung mining project collided with the local police. One local woman was killed and many others injured. Will this incident influence the development of the mining project?

A: We have taken note of relevant reports and the statement made by the company concerned. We express our concern and regret over the injuries and death, and hope that the incident can be properly handled.

I'd like to underscore that China and Myanmar have been friendly neighbors through the years, and that mutually beneficial cooperation meets the common interests of the two parties. The Chinese government always requires Chinese companies investing overseas to abide by local laws and regulations, honor their social responsibilities and obligations and focus on environmental protection. The Chinese side is ready to work with the Myanmar side to conduct cooperative projects that are mutually beneficial, prompt local economic and social development and benefit the two countries and the two peoples.

Q: On December 22, Tunisia's independent high authority for elections released the initial result of its presidential run-off. Leader of the Nidaa Tounes party Beji Caid Essebsi won the election. What is China's comment on this?

A: China applauds the smooth presidential election in Tunisia and its political transition process that is coming to a successful end, and sends congratulations to Mr. Essebsi. China hopes that Tunisia can make further strides to realize long-lasting stability, prosperity and development of the country, and stands ready to work in concert with the Tunisian side to advance the friendly relations of cooperation between the two countries.






Q: Uzbekistan held an election of the Legislative Chamber of the Supreme Assembly on December 21. What are China's comments on this? A: China congratulates Uzbekistan on the smooth running of its

parliamentary election. At the invitation of the Uzbek Central Election Commission, China sent an observation mission to Uzbekistan. The Chinese mission spoke highly of the election which was held in a democratic, open and transparent way and fully demonstrated openness and inclusiveness of the Uzbek political process. As a friendly neighbor and strategic partner of Uzbekistan, China sincerely wishes for greater achievement by the Uzbek people in the course of national development.

Q: There are reports saying that China Unicom is the main service provider to DPRK's network. Can China provide more details about the Internet outage in the DPRK? The American side has required

China to send a message to the DPRK that the hacker attack it launched against America is unacceptable, but the Chinese side hasn't responded to the US yet. The American side also asked the Chinese side to find out if there are DPRK hackers working in China, and if there are, to send them back to the DPRK. But China has no response to that either. Why is that? Besides, the DPRK said that it hoped to carry out joint investigation with the US, but the US has not answered to that call. What are China's comments on this? A: I have no information on that. China holds a clear and consistent position on maintaining cyber security. As I said yesterday, China is against all forms of cyber attacks and cyber terrorism, including cyber attacks launched by any country or individual by using facilities beyond its own national borders against a third country. China's stand is pretty lucid. We notice the statement made by the DPRK side, and we hope that the US and the DPRK can communicate on this matter.

Q: There are media reports saying that China is likely to be involved in the Internet outage in the DPRK. What is your comment on this? A: You mentioned that some media use speculative words such as "likely" in their reports. Reporting based on assumptions instead of factual grounds is irresponsible and unprofessional. We hope that media concerned can say more and do more things that will help increase mutual trust of all parties and advance international constructive cooperation on cyber security.

Q: It is reported that China will send a 700-strong United Nations (UN) peacekeeping mission to South Sudan early next year. This will be the first time for China to send an infantry battalion to UN

peacekeeping operation. What significance does it bear?

A: At the invitation of the UN, China will send 700 peacekeeping infantry troops to South Sudan, the first time that China sends a peacekeeping infantry battalion to UN peacekeeping operation. This shows the importance China

attaches to safeguarding international peace and security and the support China extends to the UN, and

demonstrates that China is taking a more extensive and in-depth part in peacekeeping operations. It is also a proof of China taking international responsibility as a major country. Being a firm supporter and active participant of UN peacekeeping operations, China contributes the most peacekeepers among the five permanent members of the UN Security Council. China has sent nearly 30,000 peacekeepers to UN peacekeeping operations. As we speak, there are over 2,100 Chinese peacekeepers performing their duty in conflicting areas. With the growth of China's national strength, we will continue to staunchly support and participate in more UN peacekeeping

operations, and make more and new contributions to safeguarding world peace and security.

Q: China expressed opposition to the discussion of the human rights record of the DPRK in the UN

Security Council, but the DPRK situation is still added to the agenda of the Security Council. Does China have anything to say about this? A: China is opposed to putting the DPRK situation on the Security Council's agenda under the excuse of human rights issue. It is China's consistent position that human rights issue should not be politicized nor be used as an excuse to pressure other countries. The Security Council is not an

appropriate place to step in human rights issue. It should focus on addressing issues that are genuinely relevant to world peace and security.

The situation on the Korean Peninsula is still complex and sensitive. We hope that members of the Security Council and relevant parties can put more weight on promoting denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and safeguarding peace and stability of the Peninsula, do more things that are conducive to easing the situation, and refrain from any words or actions that may escalate the tension.





共向联合国维和行动派遣了近3万人次维和人员,目前仍然有2100多名维和人员正在冲突地区为和平值守。随着中国国力继续增强,我们将继续坚定支持并扩大参与联合国维和行动,为维护世界的和平与安全做出新的更大贡献。 问:中方表示反对在联合国安理会讨论朝鲜人权问题,但朝鲜局势仍被列入安理会议程。中方对此有何评论?答:中方反对以人权问题为由将朝鲜局势列入安理会议程。中方一贯反对将人权问题政治化和借人权问题向别国施压。安理会不是介入人权问题的适当场所,应集中精力处理真正事关国际和平与安全的问题。当前朝鲜半岛局势依然复杂敏感。我们希望安理会成员及有关各方以推动朝鲜半岛无核化和维护半岛和平稳定大局为重,多做有利于局势缓和的事,避免任何可能导致紧张局势升级的言行。

Q: Does the Chinese side agree with the US side that the DPRK should take responsibility for the cyber attack against Sony Pictures? Has China been engaged in any conversation with the US? What Kind of message will China send to the DPRK? Will they be told that their behavior is unacceptable?

A: China holds a consistent and clear position on maintaining cyber security. China is against all forms of cyber attacks and cyber terrorism, including cyber attacks launched by any country or individual by using facilities

beyond its own national borders against a third country. China is poised to carry out constructive cooperation with the international community in safeguarding peace and security of the cyber space on the basis of mutual respect and mutual trust.

Last night, Foreign Minister Wang Yi talked to US Secretary of State John Kerry on the phone. Secretary of State Kerry expounded on the US side's view and Foreign Minister Wang Yi reiterated China's relevant position.

Q: The joint session of Romania's parliament swore in Klaus Iohannis as the country's new president on December 21. How does China view this and what are China's expectations for China-Romania


A: Klaus Iohannis was sworn in as Romania's new president yesterday. President Xi Jinping has sent

congratulatory message to him.

Romania is one of the earliest countries that have established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. Since diplomatic ties were established, China-Romania relations have enjoyed consistent development that is sound and stable, and new progress has been achieved in exchanges and cooperation covering various fields. This year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral relations and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of comprehensive partnership of friendly cooperation between China and Romania. China highly values developing relations with Romania, and stands ready to work with the Romanian side to elevate bilateral relations while taking the anniversary as a new starting point.

Q: It is reported that the Angolan police massively arrested and detained Chinese citizens in a credentials check campaign. Please confirm this and give us more details about what China has done.

A: Upon learning the massive arrest and detention of foreigners including Chinese citizens by the Angolan side, the Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Embassy in Angola have lodged urgent representations with the Angolan side, requiring it to earnestly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens in Angola and

properly handle this case as soon as possible and in accordance with law. Most of the Chinese citizens who have legal residential documents have been released the same day, while a small number of Chinese citizens are still
