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毕业设计(论文)题目:二语习得中的情感因素研究综述及其对外语学习的启示学院: 系: 专业:

学生姓名:学号: 指导教师: 课题的背景与意义



































1.1 论文研究方向

1.2 论文目标

1.3 内容介绍


2.1 情感因素

2.1.1 克拉申的情感过滤假说

2.1.2 情感因素的界定

2.1.3 情感因素的类别

2.2 情感因素与二语习得的关系


3.1 动机的定义

3.2 动机的类型

3.2.1 融合型动机和工具型动机

3.2.2 结果型动机、任务型动机和控他欲动机

3.3 影响学习动机的因素

3.4 在二语习得中培养和激发学习动机的措施


4.1 焦虑的定义

4.2 焦虑的类型

4.2.1 促进型焦虑和抑制型焦虑

4.2.2 气质型焦虑、状态型焦虑和情景型焦虑

4.3 二语习得中焦虑产生的原因

4.4 焦虑对二语习得的影响

4.5 应对二语习得中焦虑的措施


5.1 态度的定义

5.2 态度的性质

5.2.1 积极的态度

5.2.2 消极的态度

5.3 影响态度形成的因素

5.4 态度对二语习得的影响


6.1 树立自信心及正确的态度

6.2 制定正确的学习策略,进行自我评估

6.3 建立良好的师生关系,创造轻松的语言环境



2009年9月15日-9月25日 学生认真思考,定出论文写作方向

2009年9月26日-10月9日 英语系毕业论文动员,确定指导学生名单 2009年10月13日指导老师与学生见面会



2009年12月初 《本科生毕业论文过程管理手册》的领取 2009年12月10日学生上交指导老师已签字的开题报告 2009年12月15日第一次毕业论文选题审议会

2010年12月30日 第二次毕业论文选题的学生上交指导老师已


2010年1月5日 第二次毕业论文选题审议会

2010年1月10日-本学期末 对于已通过审题的学生指导老师完成任务书


2010年1月15日-下学期初 学生继续完善论文写作思路及开题报告,完



Larsen-Freeman, D., & Long, M. An Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000 It describes the researches on second language acquisition.

Krashen,S. Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning[M]. Oxford: Pergamon, 1981It introduce Krashen’s theory on second language acquisition.

Ellis,R. Understanding Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994 It describes second language acquisition.

阿诺德,(英)( Arnold, J),《情感与语言学习》,北京:外国语教学与研究出版社,2000主要介绍了情感与语言学习的关系

丁言顺,《第二语言学习研究与外语学习》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,2004 主要介绍了二语习得和外语学习方面的理论与研究


1. 本学期学习《语言学教程》,通过课上卢老师认真的讲解,对语言学类论文的


2. 在学习过程中,同过阅读书籍,二语习得中的情感因素产生了浓厚的兴趣。

3. 在图书馆有相关的书目。

4. 中国期刊网也有相关的文献资料。


指导教师(签名):年 月 日


Book Report

The Study of Second Language Acquisition (Second Edition)

By Rod Ellis

Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 2014, 1142pp, 78yuan

ISBN 978-7-5446-3388-8


Professor Rod Ellis is the deputy head of the Department of Applied Language Studies and Linguistics at the University of Auckland, NewZealand. He is a leading theorist of task-based language learning. This book is written for two main kinds of readers. One is students of SLA research—those beginning their study of L2 acquisition and who wish to obtain an understanding of the SLA. The second kind of reader is the SLA researcher. With the proposing of the concept ?interlanguage,? SLA has become an independent disciplinary and many of its research achievements have been applied into the teaching practice which obtained great effects. As a graduate student majoring in English, learning from this book will benefit us a lot.

Main chapter of this book

This book is altogether 1142 pages which make it impossible for me to read and understand it in one semester, so I choose several chapters that I?m interested in. Now, I will introduce the main contents of these chapters in the following parts:

Part one provides the background against which the story is sketched of how SLA as a field has developed to the present day. Beginning with an introduction, Ellis illustrate “what is SLA” in chapter one by presenting a number of case studies. He then provides a framework within which he explores the field. This is the chapter that not only sets the tone but also lays out the blueprint for what the ensuing chapters follow.

Part three and part four are concerned with how SLA is explained. Ellis first addresses the external factors to be considered in Chapter 6 and 7. Chapter 6 examines the relationship of input and interaction to SLA, where the methods employed (e.g. descriptive methods, experimental methods, self-report methods, and introspective methods) for investigating input and interaction are reviewed and relevant findings on L1 and L2 acquisition are discussed. When he moves on to

elaborate on the social aspects of SLA in chapter7, Ellis put emphasis on major recent theoretical expositions, including the inter-group models, language socialization and so on. In this part, I mainly focus on the learning of chapter 9. Key concepts in sociocultural theory such as mediated learning, mediation through social interaction, private speech and new development in SLA research, including corrective feedback, collaborative dialoguing, and metatalk, which are essential to activity theory, are all new perspectives to the conventional SLA researchers and are covered in this chapter.

Part five has only one chapter and readers will enjoy some light-heated reading in the less technical nature of the content as well as its closer relationships to classroom practice. Individual learner differences such as intelligence, working memory, language aptitude, learning style, personality, motivation, anxiety, learning strategy, and the relatively new addition to the field, willingness to communicate, along with learning strategies, are addressed in chapter 13. Despite the unequal weightings given to the different factors, Ellis has been very successful in updating reader on how the research community takes stock of research on “willingness to communicate” by looking at its situated and dynamic nature.

The above are the chapters I focused on in this semester, other parts of this book mainly concerned with the cognitive and psycholinguistic aspects which are beyond my current understanding level, so I hope I can finish the reading of this book in the next semester.

The evaluation of this book

As to the general design of this book, it is reader-friendly inn penmanship and lucidity in exposition. Its clear organization makes it possible for the readers to catch the main point of each chapter. The unique feature of this book is that it takes stock of current thinking and it doesn?t evaluate the stand or fall of any kind of point of view. The author?s macro-view of SLA requires from readers a deeper level of intellectual engagement and critical thinking about what and how the SLA should be, as Ellis approaches these theories by subjecting all of them to relatively unbiased scrutiny. In one word, frequently written and systematically presented, with many tables summarizing research findings in various chapters, people no matter what level you are can definitely learn and benefit a lot from this book.

Gains and reflection

After reading this book, I really learned a lot from it. First, I have a better understanding on the current research status of second language acquisition abroad as well as the up-to-date research trends. Second, I learned a lot of research methods from it which is useful for me to conduct my research. Finally, I make clear my future research direction. At the same time, I can?t help thinking why China doesn?t have any books which enjoy the international influence.

The research of SLA abroad started back in 1960s. The whole development experienced the following stages: contrastive analysis, error analysis, interlanguage, morpheme acquisition, UG and SLA, linguistic typology, corpus linguistics. However, the SLA research started rather late in China. Though great achievements have been achieved, little of them have been applied to the teaching practice. In a word, nowadays, the research trends focus on studying SLA from the perspective of cognition and using the research method of corps.

As to the research method, 高一虹once conducted a survey. The research result is that in Chinese journals, the experimental research only takes 22 percent while 57 percent in English journals which shows a big gap. In SLA research, the method can be classified into two categories: qualitative research and quantitative research. The former includes case study, naturalistic observation, introspective or diary studies. The later consists of experiment study, correlational study and survey. When we conduct research, we should choose the most appropriate methods according to different situations. Nowadays, it is better to combine the qualitative research with the quantitative research together so as to obtain great achievements.

During the process of reading this book, I find that I am extremely interested in the relationship between individual differences and second language acquisition. It is commonly believed that the level of the second language a child can reach not only influenced by all kinds of situations and classroom teaching methods, but also affected by individual differences, which includes age, aptitude, motivation, attitude, personality, leaning style and so on. On my point of view, learning is our own thing. Only when a student really wants to work hard from deep of his heart can he finally achieve success in learning. As a matter of fact, the study on the relationship between

individual differences and SLA is of great significance. The researchers of individual differences emphasize its importance so in their research design, they often focus on finding out the marked differences between SLA learners. However, the theories and researches of SLA put their attention on the situations, input and learning process and ignore the function of individual differences. Though Ellis has listed many factors which have influence on SLA, the problem is that the current research still can not work out how these factors affect the path and rate of SLA. All these factors are an integrated one which we cannot artificially divide them when doing research. During my graduate studies, my goal is trying to find out how these factors affect SLA and applying my research achievements into teaching practice so as to improve the teaching effectiveness and contribute a little to the course of China?s education.

My future career plan is to be a secondary school English teacher, so what I learned and researched at present will definitely be beneficial for me in my future work. Teacher is a glorious career which is of heavy responsibility. We often say that we can not change others but we change ourselves. However, it is a teacher that can change a person?s whole life. I am the one who was deeply influenced by my university teacher. Unlike other teachers in the university who devote themselves into scientific research in order to get professional titles, he is a person who really like classroom teaching and wholeheartedly for the students' benefit. I think I have acquired the basic qualities a qualified teacher should have from him.

From this book, I learned that a teacher can help the students to improve their academic performance from the following aspects: first, the teacher should exchange his teaching methods so as to make his classes lively and interesting. Second, set the example for the students and establish a harmonious relationship with students, by doing so, the students? motivation in learning a foreign language can be improved. Finally, teachers should treat every student equally without discrimination. Since we know there are differences between individuals, our teachers should take both the inferior and top students into consideration, trying to find the shinning point of them. If possible, the teachers can try to teacher students in accordance of their aptitude. Although difficult, it is quite possible to achieve this if a teacher can put his heart into applying their principles into teaching practice.

Another thing which impressed me deeply after reading the book is that in foreign countries, the starting point of the research is from ones interest or actual requirement. So in this book, Ellis doesn?t judge the merit of any research. Whatever is reasonable for being. Even the same research can have the different results. However, in China, we are confined by many things. Whether the research is easy to conduct? Whether the research is cater to the mainstream? Rarely will appear such circumstance that a student?s research result is opposite to a master in this field. We always advocate innovation and creativity. Under this environment, when will the society actually achieve this final goal?

As has been said above, I have to admit that my book report is a little bit disorderly and unsystematic, but it is really what I have learned and though after reading the book. We can not change the society, but I can change myself, I hope that my future research can really be helpful to China?s education, even if a little, I will still get full of sense of accomplishment.



姓 名:____________________







[1] 该论文选题属



□心理语言学 □语用学



□计算语言学 □文体学

□跨文化交际/ 英美文学、文化 □社会语言学


其他 _____________________

[2] 该生对选题所属领域的研究现状和相关文献的熟悉程度

□ 了解所有与论题相关的理论、研究方法、研究成果和结论,并能在基础


□ 了解与选题相关的主要理论、主要研究方法、主要研究成果和结论,并


□ 对与选题相关的研究和文献有一定的了解,但仍有不少重要的理论和研


□ 完全不了解与选题相关的研究现状。

[3] 该生对所选课题要解决的具体问题是否明确

□ 十分明确。

□ 基本明确。

□ 不甚明确。

□ 完全不明确。

[4] 该生所选课题范围

□ 选题恰当,能在一年半至两年半之内完成。

□ 选题过大,无法在规定的时间内完成。

□ 选题过小,达不到博士学位的水平。

[5] 选题的理论和/或实践意义

□ 具有重大的理论和/或实践意义,具有前瞻性和开拓性。

□ 有相当的了理论和/或实践意义,但只是对现有研究的局部补充。

□ 理论和/或实践的意义不大,只是对现有研究的模仿。

□ 没有任何理论和/或实践意义。

[6] 该生是否已经找到结局问题的方法




[7] 该生所提研究方法的可行性

□ 完全可行

□ 基本可行,但仍需进一步完善

□ 完全不可行,必须推倒重来。

[8] 该生在开题报告中所显示的语言和文章组织能力是否能胜任博士论文的写作

□ 完全能胜任。

□ 基本能胜任,但还需进一步加强。

□ 不能胜任。


[] 我认为该生论文题目可以通过,不用修改。该生可以开始学位论文撰写。

[] 我认为该生选题可以通过,但必须根据以下意见进行重大修改,并得到导


[] 我认为该生论文题目应暂缓通过。该生必须根据以下意见进行重大修改,


[] 我认为该生论文题目不能通过。理由陈诉如下。
