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回族,有人口约9,820,000人(2000年人口普查数据),是中国少数民族中人口较多的民族之一。主要聚居于宁夏回族自治区,在甘肃、新疆、青海、河北以及河南、云南、山东也有不少聚居区。 回族是回回民族的简称。在长期历史过程中吸收了汉族、蒙古族、维吾尔族等生活习俗。 汉语为回族的通用语言,在日常交往及宗教活动中,回族保留了大量阿位伯语和波斯语的词汇,在边疆民族地区,回族人民还经常使用当地少数民族的语言。 回族有小集中、大分散的居住特点。在内地,回族主要与汉族杂居;在边疆,回族主要与当地少数民族杂居;大都分布于水陆交通线上,因此经济文化较为发达。 回族主要从事农业,有的兼营牧业、手工业。回族还擅经商,尤以经营饮食业突出。喜爱摔牛的运动,喜食炸油香。


回族是以中亚细亚阿拉伯、波斯族系为主体,兼容吸收了蒙、汉、维以伊斯兰为强有力核心而凝结成的一个天授的穆斯林民族。回族和其他穆斯林民族一样,以认主独一为民族向心力。 其不可战胜力由此可见一斑。


回族人信仰伊斯兰的生活方式。在居住较集中的地方建有清真寺,由阿訇主持宗教活动,经典主要是“古兰经”,信徒称“穆斯林”。生活习俗固守回族传统,遵循教规,不吃猪肉。 伊斯兰教在回族的形成过程中曾起过重要作用。清真寺是回族穆斯林举行礼拜和宗教活动的场所,有的还负有传播宗教知识、培养宗教职业者的使命。清真寺在回族穆斯林心目中有着重要位置。 按伊斯兰教历,每年1 2 月1 0 日为古尔邦节。每年的这一天,形成了宰牲献祭的习俗沿袭至今。 另外,伊斯兰教规定,每年教历9 月定为斋月。在斋月里要封斋,要求每个穆斯林在黎明前至落日后的时间里,戒饮、戒食、戒房事??其目的是让人们在斋月里认真地反省自己的罪过,使经济条件充裕的富人,亲自体验一下饥饿的

痛苦心态。到教历1 0 月1 日即斋戒期满,举行庆祝斋功完成的盛会,这一天就是开斋节。开斋节这天,人们早早起床、沐浴、燃香,衣冠整齐地到清真寺作礼拜,聆听教长讲经布道。然后去墓地“走坟”,缅怀“亡人”,以示不忘祖先。


回族分布较广,食俗也不完全一致。如:宁夏回族偏爱面食,喜食面条、面片,还喜食调合饭。甘肃、青海的回族则以小麦、玉米、青稞、马铃薯为日常主食。油香、馓子是各地回族喜爱的特殊食品,是节日馈赠亲友不可少的。民间特色食品有酿皮、拉面、大卤面、肉炒面、豆腐脑、牛头杂碎、臊子面等。多数人家常年备有发酵面,供随时使用。城市的回族一年四季早餐习惯饮用奶茶。 肉食以牛、羊肉为主,有的也食用骆驼肉,食用各种有鳞鱼类,如北方产的青鱼、鲢鱼、鳇鱼等。鸽子在甘肃地区的回族中被认为是圣鸟,可以饲养,但不轻易食用。如有危重病人,征得伊玛目(宗教职业者)同意,可作补品食用。 回族长于以煎、炒、烩、炸、爆、烤等各种烹调技法,风味迥异的清真菜肴中,既有用发菜、枸杞、牛羊蹄筋、鸡鸭海鲜等为主要原料,作工精细考究,色香味俱佳的名贵品种,也有独具特色的家常菜和小吃。西北地区的回族民间还喜食腌菜。 回族饮料较讲究,凡是不流的水、不洁净的水均不饮用。忌讳在人饮水源旁洗澡、洗衣服、倒污水。回族也喜饮茶和用茶待客,西北地区回族的盖碗茶很有名。宁夏回族还饮用八宝茶罐罐茶也很有特色。 回族的典型食品主要有:清真万盛马糕点、羊筋菜、金凤扒鸡、翁子汤圆和绿豆皮等。青海省西宁市,回族著名的万盛马糕点影响很大。河北石家庄的金凤扒鸡、保定的马家卤鸡和白运章包子,辽宁沈阳市的马家烧麦,义县的伊斯兰烧饼,陕西的牛羊肉泡馍,湖南常德市的翁子汤圆、绿豆皮、牛肉米粉在当地都很有名气。盛行于宁夏南部的清真筵席菜五罗四海、九魁十三花、十五月儿圆等套菜驰名全国。“五罗”是指五种炒菜同时上齐,“四海”是指四种带汤汁的菜肴一次上桌。“九魁”、“十三花”、“十五月儿圆”分别是九碗、十三碗、十五碗菜的谥美之词。








二是甜食占有一定的地位。这和阿拉伯穆斯林喜欢吃甜食有一定的渊源关系。阿拉伯穆斯林妇女生下小孩后,用蜜汁或椰枣抹入婴儿口中,才开始哺乳;宁夏回族婴儿出生后,也有用红糖开口之俗。回族著名菜肴中,有不少是甜菜,如它似蜜、炸羊尾、糖醋里脊等。米面中的甜食就更多了,如凉糕、切糕、八宝甜盘子、甜麻花、甜馓子、糍糕、江米糕、柿子饼、糊托等,宁夏回族还把穆斯林的传统美食油香做成了甜食,调制面团时,给里边加入蜂蜜、红糖等。 三是在菜肴中牛羊肉菜比重很大。回族特别喜爱吃牛羊肉,这和伊斯兰教的饮食思想有关。伊斯兰教倡导食用牛羊鸡鸭鱼等肉,禁戒猪驴骡及凶禽猛兽之肉。刘智在《天方典礼》中说“饮食,所以养性情也”,“凡禽之食谷者,兽之食刍者,性皆良,可食”,又说“惟驼、牛、羊独具纯德,补益诚多,可以供食”。伊斯兰教所倡导的食物,都是佳美的食物。所谓“佳美的食物”,马坚先生解释说,就是纯洁的、可口的、富于营养的食物,更具体地说就是要有良好的外观形象、鲜香的嗅觉口感和丰富的营养价值。以羊为例,性情温顺,自身洁净,其肉美味可口,同时还对身体有滋补食疗作用。羊肉成份中含蛋白质、脂肪、维生素及钙、磷、铁等矿物质。经常食用羊肉,可以开胃健力,散寒助阳,益肾补虚。 日常饮品













当人们封了一天斋,快到开斋时,斋戒的男子大多数都要到清真寺等候。听见清真寺里开斋的梆子声后,就在寺里吃“开斋饭”了。开斋时,若是夏天,有条件的先吃水果,没有条件的喝一碗清水或盖碗茶,而后再吃饭。这主要是斋戒的回民在夏天首先感到的是干渴,而不是饥饿。若在冬天,有的人讲究吃几个枣子后再吃饭。相传穆罕默德开斋时爱吃红枣,所以回民现在也有这种习惯。 斋戒期满,就是回族一年一度最隆重的节日之———开斋节。



新疆地区的回族,在节前要扫尘,粉刷房屋。男人要理发,男女都要沐浴、换新衣。全家吃“粉汤”。这种习俗,在全国各地都大体相同。 有许多回族青年在开斋节举行婚礼,使节日更加热闹,展示出绚丽迷人的色彩。



回族为什么要宰牲过古尔邦节呢?人类的古代先知之——易卜拉欣夜间受到安拉的启示命他宰杀爱子伊斯玛仪献祭,考验他的信仰。易卜拉欣把刀磨得闪闪发光,非常锋利。并问他的儿子:“儿子啊,爸爸真的不忍心下手啊!你走吧。”但是,他的儿子仪斯玛仪说:“万物非主,唯有真主!爸爸,我们是真主的仆人,来到这个世界只为拜万能至大的主。”当伊斯玛仪侧卧后,易卜拉欣把刀架在儿子的喉头上。这时他伤心痛哭,泪如溪流。这时,安拉派天仙吉卜热依勒背来一只黑头羚羊作为祭献,代替了伊斯玛仪。这时易卜拉欣拿起刀子,按住羊的喉头一宰,羊便倒了。这就是“古尔邦”的来历。其中那种对主的忠诚,以及孝敬父母的毅然决然,是后世人要学习的。是全人类学习的楷模 。

古尔邦节,还要举行一个隆重的宰牲典礼,这就是节日里,除了炸油香、馓子、会礼外,还要宰牛、羊、骆驼。一般经济条件较好的,每人要宰一只羊,七人合宰一头牛或一峰骆驼。宰牲时还有许多讲究,不允许宰不满两岁的小羊羔和不满三岁的小牛犊、骆驼,不宰眼瞎、腿瘸、缺耳、少尾的牲畜,要挑选体壮健美的宰。所宰的肉要分成三份:一份自食,一份送亲友邻居,一份济贫施舍。 宰牲典礼举行后,家家户户又开始热闹起来,老人们一边煮肉,一边给孩子吩咐:吃完肉,骨头不能扔给狗嚼,要用黄土覆盖。这在古尔邦节是一种讲究。肉煮熟后,要削成片子,搭成份子;羊下水要烩成菜。而后访亲问友,馈赠油香、菜,相互登门贺节。有的还要请阿訇到家念经,吃油香,同时,还要去游坟,缅怀先人。这种庆贺节日的形式多种多样,各地互有异同。有些地方除了参加聚礼和访亲问友外,还组织各种文娱体育活动。新疆地区的回民在古尔邦节,无论男女,喜欢组织各种游艺活动,欢天喜地,格外热闹。








外国语学院2010级英语师范五班丁小玲 学号:222010310011130

TheNingxia Hui Autonomous region is the biggest Hui settlements in China, bred the innumerable outstanding children of hue nationality, but also to condense the unique characteristics of the hue nationality culture. As a Kingie hue children, my hometown of the hue culture is bumpy, thus arranges a part and discuss foreign-related.


1. The Origin of Kingie hue(宁夏回族) people and its historical evolution

As early as in the Tang dynasty, there were many Muslim sergeants and businessmen from the western regions worldwide lived in Ningxia,. In the northern song dynasty, Ixia (西夏)period, Muslim guests from the east traveled through the Joaquin and Yumen and then arrived in China. The early Yuan, with the Mongol army?s arrival from the east, the people of all ethnic groups in central Asia and Arab and Persian Were constantly issued or immigrated to China. At that time, war and farming accounts for very important position. So the Middle East Muslims were mainly grouped in the form of animal husbandry hang, into Quinn Chemung". At the same time, the craftsmen and businessmen, scholars, palm teach, different identity to officers scattered all over the country, there were quite a number of people kept on staying in N anoxia, they were called "Hughie"(回纥). According to the Yuan, record of the history, to Yuan eight years (1271) in September, Quantize Kublai Khan "sign and tan gut army"; to Yuan ten years (1273), Quantize ordered the "Chemung sing, anywhere in the club, and made up people, etc. According to the regulation, they "mount for the fight, the Tongue dismount feed". The Yuan dynasty in Kingie area of Mongol forces, there are quite a number of people believe in Islam, become one of the Kingie hue ethnic origin.



Diet: Muslim food with the tea culture

Muslim strictly abide by the Koran "regulation, fast pork, alcohol, and fasting, and the blood of animals and the dead animals, also don't eat a horse, donkey and mule, the dog. Islamic think pigs are unclean "filth", drinking, gambling, worship like, been swamped with (false) is "Hushing". Common eat sheep, and oxen, camel and grazing ruminants group of animals.

Hue menu in Kingie Hue food culture is an important content of the autonomous region of Sichuan hotel restaurant capital more than 50% is Muslim. Here, people can enjoy not greasy don't Shan of Muslim food, Muslim food, like hand grasp boiled mutton, lamb, braised mutton hotpot, steamed rice, etc., are rich stomach the characteristics of local delicacies. Sanzi(馓子), is one of the traditional food in Ning xia Hue. Its ingredients, production is very exquisite, the researchers in kingie sansei strands together, not only eat up crisp delicious, and exquisite modeling beauty.

GaiWanCha(盖碗茶) is one of the features of the tea culture in Kingie hue. GaiWan(盖碗), on the cover, under have tray, wankou outsole small, beautiful modeling, light and exquisite. The tea and ingredients also has exquisite, the so-called "eight taste tea"(八宝茶), "ten taste tea" and so on the different making method. Often say "eight taste tea" (also called "time tea"), ingredients are: tea, sugar (or rock sugar), red jujube, walnuts, GuiYuanRou(桂圆肉), sesame, raisins, apple slice, etc. When drinking will cover the bowl and gently dislocation, and the scent is not only excessive but as well as memorable.

Health: the world's most exquisite clean sanitation of ethnic groups



清真菜谱是宁夏回族饮食文化的重要内容,自治区首府银川的饭店餐馆50%以上是清真的。在这里人们可以品尝到不腻不膻的清真菜、清真食品,像手抓羊肉、清炖羊肉、清蒸羊肉、羊肉焖肚饭等等都是富有地方特色的美味佳肴。馓子,是宁夏回族传统食品之一,其配料、制作都很讲究,宁夏的馓子股细条匀,不仅吃起来香酥可口, 而且讲究造型美。盖碗茶,是宁夏回族茶文化的一大特色。盖碗,上有盖,下有托盘,碗口大底小,造型美观,轻巧玲珑。沏茶与配料也有讲究,有所谓“八味茶”、“十味茶”等不同的沏法。通常说的“八味茶”(也叫“八宝茶”),配料有:茶叶、白糖(或冰糖)、红枣、核桃仁、桂圆肉、芝麻、葡萄干、苹果片等。饮用时将盖与碗轻轻错位,清香四溢,回味无穷。

3、Health: The most exquisite clean sanitation of world's ethnic groups

The hue nationality in China's nationalities is in love in the cleanness; speaking hygiene is also famous; and it is also the most exquisite clean sanitation of ethnic groups. The hue nationality in the long process of historical development, and gradually formed a set of unique health customs. Bath room equipment, wash with (soup bottle, hanging tank), in the mosque and each the hue family, are necessary. The hue nationality in a service in general to bath, the hui's bath, can be divided into big net(大净) and small net(小净). "Mu" is called as small net while "bath" is called as net. Small net, hue often call " 阿卜代斯" (Persian), small Jing is wash hands, mouthwash, QiangBi(呛鼻)i,wash a face, wash the feet. Big net, hue people often called "service suri"(乌苏里) (Arabic), big net is to use clean water washing the whole body. Before the rice then empress also wants to wash their hands "small net", etc. The hue nationality has big difference with the Han people in the food hygiene habits, especially in meat; they have strict exquisite, must according to Islam killing. Marriage: "er Meredith", "information," and "play the groom"



瓶、吊罐),在清真寺及每一个回族家庭,都是必备的。回族在做礼拜时一般要沐浴,回族的沐浴,可分为大净和小净。“沐”即小净,“浴”即大净。小净,回民通常称“阿卜代斯”(波斯语),小净是洗手、漱口、呛鼻、洗脸、洗脚。大净,回族群众通常称之为“务苏里”(阿拉伯语),大净就是用清洁的水洗涤全身。饭前便后也要洗手“小净”等。回族在饮食卫生习惯上与汉族有较大差别,特别是肉食方面有严格的讲究,须按伊斯兰教规宰杀。 4Marriage: "er Meredith", "information," and "play the groom

Kingie hui's distinctive marriage customs varies from famlies living in mountains and rivers; urban and rural have different marriage custom and uneven. Generally speaking, in the countryside, the young men and women hit it off, let the right person ", the woman's family must firstly to the man "see and come"(看家); That is the man?s condition and sees a wait for a circumstance, such as various aspects are satisfied, then through the matchmaker reply. The man get good news, they bring a matchmaker soon with the woman's house to say "seliamu(色俩目)", the woman's parents happy pick seliamu, show that formally agreed to two marriage, the daughter no longer be girlfriend of others. Since then, the man, he ZeJi home, send DingHun dowry. The woman's family also prepares clothes, hats, shoes, etc to the future "son-in-law doll" as gifts. To get married one day, both home particularly lively. The wedding ceremony is mainly, morning on the first please just finished "the ritual" the imam and ManLa to home "er Meredith," said the gratitude of Allah. And then the imam of the bride and groom is to read "suffer ha" (in Arabic read 证婚 word), and asked whether the bride and groom to married. Answer agrees, the imam announced in public: "from now on, you both to be joined." And told the couple to respect and love each other, both a lifetime, after the ceremony is busy "play the groom", can't let him literally into the bridal chamber, the groom in general to please him, protect people or cover, ready to burst into the bridal chamber. If they be congratulations people blocked, will the black powder POTS, ink, etc to the groom on surface, wipe until a "black pack Mr." only in bridal chamber. Some places do not play the groom play in-laws. When the bride into the bridal chamber, the ZhongXiangQin surrounded by her into the yard, ears hang two strands of red peppers, head wear broken straw hat, hang a 3-ton bell made around the neck, in the PiAo in all men's forced to fall on the hair donkey turn loops and laugh words. The hues people think, get married three days without size, don't play not busy. Wedding night and "chamber". The young men and women to be unique to the bride and bridegroom show "show", both neither is outrageous, and that rolling in the aisles, lively abnormalities. Three days later the bridegroom accompanies the bride "HuiMen", i.e., visiting her mother.


宁夏回族的婚俗别具特色,因居住在山川、城乡的不同,婚姻习俗也不尽一致。一般在农村,男女青年情投意合,愿结良缘,女方家人首先要到男方“看家道”,即看男方的条件和为人等情况,如各方面都满意,随即通过媒人回话。男方得到佳音后,很快与媒人一道带上见面礼到女方家说“色俩目”,女方家长愉快接“色俩目”,表明正式同意两家联姻,女儿不再许与他人。此后,男方家便择吉日,送聘礼定婚。女方家也相应给未来的“女婿娃”准备好衣、帽、鞋等礼物。到了结婚这天,双方家里格外热闹。结婚仪式主要是,当天早晨首先请刚做完“晨礼”的阿訇和满拉到家里过“尔麦里”,表示对安拉的感恩。然后是由阿訇为新郎新娘念“尼卡哈”(用阿拉伯语念证婚词 ),并问新郎新娘是否愿结为夫妻。回答同意后,由阿訇当众宣布:“从现在起,你们俩正式结为夫妻。”并且告诫一对新人要互敬互爱,白头到老,仪式结束后是热闹的“耍新郎”,不能让他随便进洞房,新郎一般要请姐夫等人保驾或掩护,准备冲进洞房。如不慎被恭喜的人挡住了,要将锅底黑粉、墨汁等往新郎面上抹,直到抹成“黑包

公”时才放进洞房。有些地方不耍新郎耍公婆。当新娘入洞房后,众乡亲把公婆簇拥到院子里,耳朵上挂两串红辣椒,头上带上破草帽,脖子里挂一个铜钟,反穿皮袄,在众人的逼迫下,倒骑毛驴转圈圈,逗笑话。回族群众认为,结婚三天没大小,不耍不热闹。 新婚之夜还要“闹洞房”。青年男女们别出心裁地让新郎新娘表演“节目”,既不出格,又使人捧腹不已,热闹异常。三天以后新郎陪新娘“回门”,即回娘家。

5 Clothing: a very colorful hue dress

The Hui?s clothes are to keep the features of its nationalities, the present a very colorful style. The hue nationality clothing is distinctive in the head. Men have all pleased with white cloth of making love round cap. Round cap with a white color, grey, blue, green, black colored, points spring, summer, autumn, winter seasons to wear. General Chun Xia wearing white hat autumn most, winter wear black or gray. Round cap points two kinds, one kind is flat roofs, one kind is hexagonal spire. Pay attention to the person, still round cap with elegant design. The women of hue nationality wear a covering. A covering also has exquisite, older women wear white, show white generous; Middle-aged women wear black, show grave elegance; Unmarried woman wearing the green, show pure and fresh and beautiful. Many married women usually also wear white or black belt eaves round cap. Round cap point?s two kinds, one kind is to use BaiPiao cloth into, with white line or black silk thread woven, often made beautiful geometric designs. Hue man wear white shirts as their Clothing,, tank top out love (villagers say "vest"), white sox, white cloth tall canister cloth big file slacks, etc. Hue older women wearing black or brown headscarves in winter summer DaiBai so and have pierced the habit of faded pants. Young women, green or blue winter DaiGong head scarf, summer DaiGong, green and yellow color of thin ShaJin. The women of hue nationality mountain love to wear rust spend shoes, and pierced earrings membranes of habit.



6. Fortress MuLin fan

The traditional "MuLin fan 'poem is made of metal red bone green fan, each weight in 2 kg, the biggest characteristic is flexibility. The "just 'fan fan was born the wind,' soft 'thousand, is not only of the women of hue nationality traditional' self-defense ', or can reflect the hue nationality traditional culture and islamic doctrine essence of martial arts types.

"Fortress MuLin fan" although the movement is simple, but the standard is very difficult to achieve, light a "ma bu" or horse stance will stand a month of hard to put heavy ShanZiWu out continuous and "to" the effect is more difficult, the requirement is to low center of gravity, "ma bu" or horse stance want firm, wrist to live, poses more to stretch the atmosphere.

Contemporary "fortress MuLin fan" nearly lost; only in kingie hue nationality areas such as Gansu

gathered could see it.


传统的?塞上穆林扇?是金属质地的红骨绿扇,每把重量在2公斤以上,最大的特点就是刚柔相济。?刚?时扇扇生风,?柔? 时千回百转,不仅是回族女子的?传统防身术?,还是能体现回族传统文化和伊斯兰教教义精髓的武术种类。


当代“塞上穆林扇”以近失传,只有在宁夏甘肃等回族聚集地区才有可能看得到。 Last name: unique way of taking last name

The Hue?s last name has its national characteristics. One is taking a word from the sages and ancestors? Islam name as their name. Such as Ma, wan and, Ann, Jing, etc. The second is the name of the grandparents was divided into several surname. Such as Na, Shan, Sa, Su etc. Third. it is the name given by emperor. Such as Lee, Da, Hui, Zhang, white, etc. Four is named after national and place names. Such as back, Yang, lock, etc. Five is the Han ethnic groups have appeared in the Hui nationality fusion after Han have surnames, such as iron, flower, completed, fire, etc.



8.Festival: the three important festivals in Ningxia Hue

Ningxia Hui Hui nationality with the nation, there are three big festival every year, and that is how the holy day, eid al-fitr, jamie's day. Eid al-fitr is Arabic "er DE Philip tuor" free translation, China's Gansu, Qinghai, Yunnan, the Hui nationality, also known as the "big er virtuous," southern ningxia Hui mountainous area is called "little er DE". Every year the Islamic calendar September is the Muslim month of fast, into the Ramadan, male full 12 one full year of life, female full 9 years old and above all of the hui nationality to fasting, also called BaZhai lent or closed. Reason is not clear, the kid of mountaineering, and the women and the sick menstrual period and needs not fasting. Fasting during a month during the day, not into the food, and the end of January, see crescent, fast to complete, and the next day the namely for eid al-fitr. Eid al-fitr rose up early in the morning, the Hui bath clean body and put on clean clothes, began in the home Fried incense oil, sanzi. Morning, go to the mosque to HuiLi. Weeks later, still weak and poor sick to the people scattered stick out what, so called eid al-fitr "modern day". Then please go for deceased relatives? imam grave, honoring the outlaws. Go after the grave, visits, mutual congratulations, invite relatives neighbor home, for hospitality. Hui Muslim eid al-fitr to pay special attention to celebrate the scene is very grand, so called "Hui nationality Chinese New Year".

How is the day speech translation of "er DE began", "er DE YiZu ha", contain "sacrifice" and "dedicated, so it is also called" feast "and" sacrifice festival ", "filial piety and festival", "er DE festival". General in seventy days after the id al-fitr held. This festival belongs to Muslim pilgrimage homework ceremony range. Islamic rules, JiaoLi early December, Muslim pilgrimage to mecca, the last day of the pilgrimage, began to celebrate. On this day, Hui Muslim [bath, put on
