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时间:2016-12-08 07:39:45 来源:免费论文网


赏石刻 念亲恩

授 课 人:林美豆


2、体会艺术大师们在《父母恩重经变相》十组雕刻作品中把父母养育儿女的辛劳过程以写意的雕刻手法跃然传神于石壁之上; 教学重点:1、每一幅画都是人们所熟悉的生活情节,使人们在观赏艺术的过程




一、 组织教学,搜索同学们对大足石刻的了解有多少;(课件1)

二、 学习新课;

1、 教师提问:你还知道哪些?教师展示一幅大足石刻图形(睡佛),提问学生是否知道这尊石刻的名称?教师讲述:宝顶卧佛是宝顶大佛湾最大的一尊造像,也是大足石刻最大的一尊造像。全长31米。这尊佛像是横卧着的,人们就叫它卧佛。佛经里没有这种叫法,应该叫释迦涅盘圣迹图。“涅盘”实际上就是死了的意思,但它和一般人所说的死又不一样。涅盘是佛教的最高境界,是修行圆满,从生老病死以及各种欲望忧虑的苦海中解脱出来,进入“不生不死”、尽善至美的理想境地。这也是众生皈依佛法后所追求的最高理想。 释迦头北脚南,背东面西,右侧而卧。两眼半开半闭,似睡非睡,安祥,平静。在释迦面前从地里涌出18弟子,或内向,或外向,或合掌而立,或手




4.展示课题:赏石刻 念亲恩




第一组:怀胎守护恩 第二组:临产受苦恩

第三组:生子忘忧恩 第四组:咽苦吐苦恩





8.结合作品介 :大足石刻是世界文化遗产,凝聚了劳动人民的血汗和智慧,给后人留下了不可磨灭的艺术价值。

三、 课后拓展:艺术大师们在这里把父母养育儿女的辛劳过程以写意的雕刻



四、 一起唱一首《感恩的心》表达儿女们对父母的养育之恩的感激之情。

五、 课后作业:







Dazu County, located in the southeast of Sichuan province, is 271 kilometers away from Chengdu and 163 kilometers away from Chongqing


大足取丰足之意。 Dazu County was founded in the first year of Ganyuan(758-760,emperor) in Tang dynasty (758 A.D.), and the name suggests that of “harvest and abundance (Dafeng, Dazu)


While another reason why it is called Dazu is that in ancient time steps of giant appeared in Baoding mountain。

现大足县境内保存有晚唐late Tang至南宋(约公元890---1279年)间佛教为主的石窟群40余处,石刻造像6万余尊

Now within the county, over 60,000 statues ,coming into being between late Tang dynasty to Nan song dynasty (about 890-1279),center in more than 40 groups of caves,mainly on the theme of Buddhist


Particularly ,the Stone sculptures combined of Buddhist, Confucianism, Taoism are very rare during Chinese grottoes。


Opening to the public, the stone sculptures in great Baoding FOWAN and Beishan are reserved quite well


The great Baoding FOWAN is a U-shaped valley, whose rock-face is some 500m long and 15-30m high。


Stone sculptures are on the sheer cliff in three sides of east, north and south.

这里的石窟造像是南宋高僧赵智凤主持建造的 all these are in the charge of a well-known monk called Zhao Zhifeng(1159-1249) in Nan song dynasty。

这里没有北方佛寺镇守山门的四大天王there are no gods guarding gates of temples of Buddha in northern china such as Four Heavenly Kings(Virudhaka,Dhrtarastra,Virupaksa,Dhanada )、哼哈二将brothers Heng and Ha(the two sculptured fierce-looking gods)

Instead of them are superior gods from Taoism是道教尊神:太上老君Lord Laozi (the founder of Taoism)(道教的祖师)、gods of mountains山神及玉皇大帝and Jade Emperor道教仙国的主宰(the governor in the heaven of Taoism)、王母娘娘the Heavenly Queen Mother (the mother of Jade Emperor)。他们在此能镇水患辟邪It is said that they can protect the local people from suffering flood and devil spirits。

宝顶大佛湾最著名的石刻,要数长31米、高6.8米的释迦涅盘圣迹图了 The most fabulous statue there is Buddha nirvana of the figure with a length of 31m and height 6.8m

大足石刻遗迹与1961年被中国国务院定为全国重点文物保护单位。In 1961 this area was listed by the State Council as one of the fist cultural heritage places under state protection

1999年12月3日被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。Further more, in December 3rd, 1999, UNESCO listed Dazu Stone Carvings as a world cultural heritage site



Simple introduction

(物件)the Dazu Rock Carvings are made up of 75 protected sites containing some 50,000 statues, with over 100,000 Chinese characters forming inscriptions and epigraphs. (地址)The sites are located in Chongqing Municipality within the steep hillsides throughout Dazu County, located about 60 kilometers west of the urban area of Chongqing. It includes Mount Beishan, Mount Baodingshan, Mount Nanshan, Mount Shizhuan, Mount Shimen and the highlights of the rock grotto are found on Mount Baoding and Mount Beishan.

(时间)The Dazu Rock Carvings are a series of Chinese religious sculptures and carvings, dating back as far as the 7th century AD, The earliest carvings were begun in 650 AD during the early Tang Dynasty, entury, when Wei Junjing, Prefect of Changzhou, pioneered the carvings on Mount Beishan, and his example was followed after the collapse of the Tang Dynasty by local and gentry, monks and nuns, and ordinary people during the Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms Period (907-65). In the 12th century, during the Song Dynasty, a Buddhist monk named Zhao Zhifeng began work on the elaborate sculptures and carvings on Mount Baoding, dedicating 70 years of his life to the project.



佛像的正中有一香案,上面摆着香花水果等各种供品。香案上香烟缭绕,上达云端。云端上有女像9人,有说是天女,有说是释迦眷属。如是眷属,中间是释迦母亲摩耶夫人,左边是他姨妈。摩耶夫人生下释迦几天就死了,释迦由他姨妈带大,右边是释迦的妻子,是邻国的一个公主,长得非常漂亮。这三个都比释迦先死。她们在天宫闻得噩耗就率众眷属从天而降,手捧鲜花水果,迎接释迦圣灵。 Sleeping Buddha is one of the largest statues at Dazu Rock Carvings. its total length is 31 meters. This statue is recumbent, so people call it the sleeping Buddha. In fact , there is not the name in the sutras, and it should be called the graph of Sakyamuni nirvana. " Nirvana " means that one person gets freedom from sorrow and gets into the heaven .. The picture gives people the solemn and quiet feeling , not panicked.

Buddha’s head faces to north ;his feet face south; his back faces west ;his right arm lies on the stair . His eyes are half-closed, half-sleepy , serene and calm. In front of Buddha from Earth appear 18 disciples, introverted or extroverted, praying or stand, or holding flowers, fruit, or a fortune, or standing still to watch him for a long while , very grieved. It expressed the disciples’ respect and attachment .

Buddha has a median incense table, on which stood a fragrant fruit and

various gifts. Incense table smoke cloud, come. On a cloud like 9 people, there is right, there are said to be Shakya family. If household, middle is the Buddha mother Maya, on the left is his aunt. Maya had died a few days of Sakyamuni Buddha, brought up by his aunt, on the right by his wife, is a neighbor of the princess, looks very beautiful. The three than Sakyamuni died. They smell bad rate in the temple household drop from the clouds, holding flowers fruit, welcome by the Holy spirit.


大足石刻“千手观音”雕凿于南宋中后期,该造像在88平方米的崖面上刻有1007只手、眼,造像龛高7.7米,宽12.5米,集雕塑、彩绘、贴金于一体,状如孔雀开屏,金碧辉煌。建成800多年来,“千手观音”造像因受风化等多种“病害”侵蚀,曾多次修复。最近一次大面积贴金是在清代光绪15年,距今已100多年。 Golden Hands Buddha at Dazu Rock Carvings is famous as " art treasures of rock carvings in the world " .It is the most exquisite carving during Dazu rock

carvings. It owns the most sophisticated technology, and the most

rehabilitating times . its artistic attainments is very high , and has a extensive influence, which can be regarded as " national treasure in national treasure ". Dazu stone ": Golden Hands Buddha " was carved in the late Southern Song Dynasty, the statues in the 88 square meters of the cliff face was carved with 1007 hands, and eyes .The statue niche, 7.7 meters high, 12.5 meters wide, gathered sculpture, painting, gilding in one,, like a peacock, with glittering articles of gold and jade. It has been built more than 800 years until now , " a Buddism godness Guanyin Bodhisattva sculptures " due to weathering and other " disease " erosion, has repeatedly repair. A recent large area gold is in the Qing Guangxu 15 years, now has more than 100 years.


Baodingshan cliffside images was carved in the Southern Song Dynasty years, Dazu Dafowan rock carvings as the main body, Xiaofowan rock carvings as the minor body. There are over 360 giant sculptures, Liudaolunhui statue, Guangdabaolou Pavilion, Huayansansheng statue, Golden Hands Buddha as the most famous.

南山,古名广华山。山顶上原有道观,名玉皇观。南山石刻造像缘起于南宋时期(公元1127~1279年),属道教造像。明清两代稍有增补。Mount Nanshan, whose ancient name is Mount Guanghua. At the top of the mountain was once Taoist temple , named as Yuhuang temple.. Carved stone statues from the Southern Song Dynasty ( 1127 ~ 1279), belong to Taoist statues. They were slightly repaired during the Ming and Qing Dynasties two generations .


Mount Shizhuan Cliffside images gather typical Buddhism and Taoism, Confucianism at the one place. It is seldom seen within carvings.

石门山造像开凿于公元1094~1151年(北宋绍圣至南宋绍兴二十一年)。石门山摩崖造像为佛教、道教合一造像区,尤以道教造像最具特色".Mount Shimen statues were built in the year 1094 to 1151. Shimen mountain Cliffside image gathers Buddhism and Taoism at one place. Especially ,Taoist statues are the most shining.


Mount Beishan Cliffside images was carved in the late Tang Dynasty,

ended at the Southern Song Dynasty. Mount Beishan ,Whose original name is Longgang mountain. There are nearly 10000 statues, 51 statues themes ,regarding Buddhism Mizong as the main theme.
