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时间:2016-11-29 11:18:37 来源:免费论文网









龙佳丽:班级班长,一个很害羞的女孩儿,很少笑,是老师的好帮手,是女生中的好女孩,她只有优点没有缺点,经常来往钢琴教室。 岩朵朵:除了姚琪比她漂亮一点,世上基本上没有比她更漂亮的女孩子了,她文静、高贵、优雅,她多才多艺,在男生眼中她是才女,是




冬妮亚:和夏油美是天大的仇家,光听她们的姓就能感觉出来:一个夏,一个冬。冤家路窄成同桌,成绩较好。也能拉出一手好提琴。 丁心:一名转学生,她很爱看书,可以和古龙龙说上几连成语接龙,喜欢唱歌,不善于表现自己。

















个点就会心跳加速,守在电话旁,等着电话响,电话一响,老激动了,接电话前,还要拼命清嗓音,害怕一开口,紧张过度,哑然失声。 在初中的三年,有关与你所有细枝末节,无形中已经深深刻在心里,直到初中毕业,直到高中毕业,直到上大学。













3、鸟语花香的校园,幼稚童真的青春,清水芙蓉的年华,羞羞哒哒的时光,着力奔跑的岁月,都在心间镌刻着,不曾远离。——题记。 梦里穿越锦瑟的流年,我站在春暖花开季节中聆听那悠悠飘来的天籁,风动轻,幡动静,淡淡的茉莉花香,抚平了炙热闷骚的夏天,吻乱了我的浮生。








假设你是红星中学的学生李华,请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序, 为校刊“英语园地”写一篇短文,记述你参加学校“社团招新”活动的整个过程。




The new term began and the school clubs were looking for new member.


The new term began and the school clubs were looking for new members.

Last week, we were attracted by a poster, saying all the clubs would gather on the sports field during the lunch break on Friday, and we could join the club we like. Everyone was excited about it.

After lunch on Friday, we crowded onto the sports field. I was amazed at the number


variety of the clubs: the Cartoon Club, the Guitar Club, the Basketball Club and so on. It was not easy to make a choice. But I decided to join the Basketball Club, because I love sports. I signed up and so did some other students who shared my interest. In the end, we took a picture together, smiling and happy as if we had been friends for a long time.

I believe my school life will be more interesting because of basketball and new friends.


The new term began and the school clubs were looking for new members. When I was heading for lunch at school yesterday, a colorful poster caught my attention. Looking closely, I learned that all the school clubs would set up stands on the playground on Friday noon to attract new members. Looking forward to adding colors to my school life, I decided to take a look on Friday.

The playground was crowded when I got there. Various kinds of school clubs took part in the activity, such as the cartoon club, the guitar club and so on. My heart was lit up when I saw the poster of the basketball club, where a lot of students had already gather to eoll. I used to be keen on playing basketball, and at that moment, with a sudden desire to pick up my old hobby, I walked straight to the table of the basketball club. After exchanging some basic information, I signed my name in the application from without hesitation. To my delight, all the former members gave me a warm welcome.

The most exciting moment came when the chief of the club took a photo for us new members. We all smiled brightly in the picture. I believe joining this club will be a new start of my school life.


The new term began and the school clubs were looking for new members. Last Wednesday, a notice of the recruitment was put up on the school bulletin board, saying it would take place on Friday noon on the playground. I found it hard to remove my eyes from those well-decorated club posters. With a strong desire for a colorful club experience, I decided to give it a try.

On Friday noon, I headed for the playground with tremendous excitement. Upon my arrival, I found myself lost in large crowds of people. There were various kinds of clubs, like the Cartoon Club and the Guitar Club, to name just a few. The clear voices of the club sponsors kept ringing

around my ears. In front of the stand of the Guitar Club even stood a guitarist playing a beautiful tune, which was really pleasant to ears. Only when the banner of the Basketball Club came into sight did I realize what I was really fascinated about.

Without hesitation, I went up and grabbed an application form to fill in. It didn’t take me long to finish the form with a few simple questions about my basic information. Soon I was more than pleased to be informed of being a new member of the Basketball Club. All of the members of the club gathered together to have a photo taken. When the shuttle(快门)was pressed, our broad smiles were captured at that very moment.

Joining a school club not only gave me a golden opportunity to make new friends, but also represented a brand new term, which was sure to be splendid and unforgettable.


假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华,最近你校举办了“感动我校的人物”评选活动。请根据以下四幅图的先后顺序, 将此活动的全过程记述下来,向校报英语专栏投稿。注意:1.文章的题目自己给出2.词数不少于60.


Recently, there came a vote of “People Moving Our School”. A large and attractive poster with the photos of all the candidates on was put up on the bulletin board, which surely caught students’ eyes.

At lunch break, the computer rooms were open to us where we could browse the website to download the video that recorded their moving actions. Accompanied by my friends, I watched the video attentively. A lady moved me most, for she cleaned the stairs at night when we all went home. Every day we enjoyed the bright and clean stairs without awareness of her unseen kindness.

Then it was time to vote for the moving people in our school. We carefully took down the people’s names on the prepared paper and queued in line to put the paper into the voting box placed on a table in our school park. As I put the paper into the box, a wave of excitement surged through my heart.

The most exciting moment came when the final result was declared,. Four people were given the prize to award their kind action. Sitting on the seat, I was pleased to find that the lady I voted for was among them. As they received the award, a long round of applause burst out in the hall.

Through the activity, I realize that a kind act can bring joy and hope to others and it surely does.


People moving our school

Last week, our school held a “People moving Our School” election. A poster with photos of the six candidates was put up on the bulletin board on Monday, saying it would take place in the garden On Wednesday. With a strong desire to get involved in the school activity, I decided to serve as a responsible voter.

In the hope of getting a better look at the candidates, my friends and I visited our school websites during the lunch break. While we were surfing the Internet, the school cleaner caught my eyes. Tears kept welling up in my eyes when the scene came into my sight where the cleaner cleaned up the corridor for us without any complaint. I made up my mind to choose her for her praise worthy work.

It was not long before the voting day came. Queuing in order in the garden, all of us placed our votes into the voting box solemnly. My stomach fluttered with nervousness when I was

waiting for the result to come out.

It eventually turned out on Friday four candidates, including the cleaner were elected. It was in the school auditorium that the award ceremony took place. No sooner had they stepped onto the stage than we gave them a long round of thunderous applause. A wave of warmth flooded over my heart as their hard work and selfless devotion were rewarded with sincere admiration.

The experience is meant to stay fresh in my mind, reminding me that not only should I always be grateful to others for their kind act but I am also supposed to do my own bit to make contributions to our school.


1. 公告栏张贴了一份通知,上面写道社团招新在周五中午在操场举行。


2. 它吸引了许多学生的注意力,包括我的。


3. 在星期五的中午,我万分激动地前往操场。


4. 我一到达,就发现自己置身于人山人海和各种俱乐部中。


5. 招新工作井然有序,每个俱乐部搭起了自己的摊位,告知学生他们自己的特色。 ______________________________________________________________________________

6. 在吉他俱乐部的摊位前,甚至坐着一个吉他手正弹着一首美丽的曲调,非常得悦耳。 ______________________________________________________________________________

7. 只有当篮球俱乐部的横幅映入眼帘的时候,我才意识到真正令我着迷的是什么。 ______________________________________________________________________________

8. 我毫不犹豫地走上前去,拿起一份申请表就填了起来。


9. 所有的俱乐部成员聚在一起拍了张照片,当快门按下的时候,我们灿烂的笑容将定格在
