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时间:2016-11-28 10:59:05 来源:免费论文网




记得这部影片上映不久,我就一口气看完了它,感觉那叫一个字——爽!荡气回肠的动作画面,振奋人心的音质效果使我回味无穷······一个字总结——这部影片,好! 又一次看这部影片,我的感受与上一次大不相同,原因有很多,一是我比以前长大了,长了许多知识;二呢,我长大了几岁又使我增添了许多阅历,开阔了眼界,感受自然会不同。 影片的主人公自然是熊猫——阿宝其次是浣熊师傅以及他的五个徒弟“勇猛五将”——娇虎、金猴、仙鹤、灵蛇、螳螂,还有一个邪恶的化身——太郎。












这一句电影中乌龟大师说的话。昨天已成为历史,过去就不可能重来;明天是未来,还没来到就是未知的;今天才是最真实的,把握今天的时间才是最重要的。乌龟大师是要告诉阿宝把握时间,勤学苦练,也是要告诉我们要珍惜时间,不要浪费一分一秒,认真学习,认真读书,长大成为一个有用的人才。 “宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来”,每一个人都有自己的梦想,只有努力付出、奋勇拼搏,才能梦想成真呀!


Kung Fu Panda is a lazy panda, he works in a small store, one day he went to a selection of dragon to a temple of the competitors, in coincidence lazy panda was chosen as the Dragon contender, first everybody doesn't like the panda, because he is very lazy, he didn't like learning kung fu, but we have no way to deal with him.A few days later, the teacher found that the pandas like one thing - eating, panda like eating very much. In order to eat he can do anything, the teacher by training this way it, finally become a first-class master of Kung Fu panda.

It is mainly a fat panda dreams of becoming a kung fu master, and a coincidence that dream become a reality. Of course we need experienced a series of difficult to achieve success.

In the movie what impressed me most was the film in a series of Chinese elements, from the name we can know it is this. Of course, not only have kung fu, and other Chinese elements. In this film, everywhere is full of meaningful dialogues.Such as"To make something special, you just have to believe it's special."

See the "Kung Fu Panda > I think as long as you work hard, everyone can succeed






篇三:功夫熊猫一观后感 1500 words


1.明确写作方向:Philosophy I learned from the movie.(there is much

philosophy in it.)


支撑——总结(but how?)







You Must Believe

A panda, Po, never thought about being a hero of Kungfu, but he made

it under the helping of Ooyway, Shifu, the Furious Five and also his own

efforts. Interest is the best teacher. Po, a fat panda whose family is making a

living by selling noodles in a small valley, dreams of being the most

heroic hero who is the great master that everyone feared and loved. Every

night after he falls in asleep, he dreams about Kungfu and the wonderful

life he spend with his awesome Kungfu. He does love Kungfu not only in

the dreams but also in his real life. Po puts the action figures of his idols,

the Furious Five, on his window sill where he can see them in the first

sunshine when he opens his eyes every morning. When he sees the poster that saying Ooyway will choose the Dragon Warrior, he is very cheerful and he even urges every customer to go to the Jade Palace to watch the performance without paying for their meal. Po goes to the Jade Palace, but he cannot climb that high with a heavy noodle cart and a fat body, but he always persists in bringing himself back a souvenir. However, when he climbs the last step, the gate has been closed; he racks his brain trying to utilize almost everything to get into it. He tries harder, desperately harder to watch the performance. Finally, he falls into the Jade Palace by igniting the fireworks. He dose all these things just for only one purpose, it is the ardently love for Kungfu.

There’s no accident. Because TaiLung get out of the prison, Ooyway must choose someone to be the Dragon Warrior to defeat TaiLung and bring peace to the small valley and to Shifu. Every one of the Furious Five has their own distinguishing feature of Kungfu such as claws, wings and venom, but Po has nothing related to Kungfu. At the day that Ooyway choosing the Dragon Warrior, Po fell out of the sky on a ball of fire and fell in front of Tigress, and then, he became the Dragon Warrior. It seems that he cannot be the answer to the problem, but this panda has a big body just like TaiLung’s, and he is such a big fan of KungFu, and he will never quit. When Po is upset, he found the Sacred Peach Tree of Heavenly Wisdom and ate the peaches. Just under the tree, Po meets

Ooyway and realizes his mission. He has become the real Dragon Warrior by reasons, not by accidents.

Never quit. Everything depends on his own effort. Ooyway chooses Po as the Dragon Warrior, but the master thinks the Dragon Warrior is absolutely not someone like Po, the Master Shifu even does not want to stand closely with Po, and the Furious Five ridicules Po, they said that the Dragon Warrior cannot be a fat panda who cannot even see his toes, Po has fat butt, flabby arms and ridiculous belly, and he knows nothing about Kungfu, all these things just show that Po cannot be the Dragon Warrior. Everyone thinks Ooyway chooses Po is all by accident. Under so much pressure, he doesn’t quit but does what he should do. After talked with Ooyway, Po realized that he concerned too much about what the past was and what the future will be. Yesterday that selling noodles is history, tomorrow that not comes yet is mystery, but today he was chosen to be the Dragon Warrior in Jade Palace is a gift, it is a wonderful present for Po. So he gets up early, excepting to learn to do a full split. The Master Shifu and the Furious Five throw him a curve ball, but he says,“A real warrior never quit. And I will never quit.” Even when the Master Shifu throws him out of the Jade Palace, he comes back again. No matter how many times the Master Shifu wants to get rid of him, he still stands up and comes back. Po loves Kungfu, and he believes that he can be a qualified apprentice. Nothing is impossible for a willing heart.

(态度决定高度/ 态度决定一切)Po’s attitude towards Kungfu differs from TaiLung’s. Po gets an appropriate method of learning Kungfu for himself. Master Shifu teaches him in accordance with his aptitude which makes Po realize his full potential. Po is a layman of level zero, and Shifu found that Po can make very difficult acts when he is very hungry and sad, so Shifu made a different plan for Po’s training. Tigress said Shifu is not heartless before TaiLung, the first ever to master the thousand scrolls of KungFu. Shifu train others apprentices the same way but not the same efforts, and then Shifu receive different results form them. Po is a special one, just like TaiLung, so Shifu figures out his own way to train Po. Shifu asked Po to trust in him as he comes to trust in Ooyway. Everyday of Po’s former life is something of boring, he stayed because he thought Shifu is the one who can change him to a new panda by special methods, and Shifu did it. Shifu trains Po with delicious food and Po tells him to take his opponent’s strength and use it against him, Po absorbs and applies these things in fighting with TaiLung. And he even figures out the WuXi Finger Hold himself. He proves that he is not a big fat panda who treats KungFu like a joke; he is the real Dragon Warrior.

Evil can never prevail over good. TaiLung is a poor guy who loves Kungfu; too, he wasn’t just a student. He was found as a cub at the gate of the Jade Palace. Master Shifu raised TaiLung as his own son. TaiLung is a gifted baby, and with the caring of Shifu, when this little boy showed

talent in Kungfu, Shifu decided to trained him, believe in him and told him he was destined for greatness. But TaiLung is greedy and dark in his heart, he wanted the Dragon Scroll what is not belongs to him. Being refused by Ooyway, he laid waste to the valley and he tried to take the scroll by force but failed. He is dreaming about that he can get everything after he get out of the prison. He is a symbol of darkness, he has too much desires in his heart, but Po is different, he is very simply, what Po wants to do is just learning Kungfu, he want nothing but bloody knuckles, broken bones and his dream of Kungfu. So the heart of Po is pure, and eventually, he beat TaiLung. Evil can never prevail over good.

Everything is possible.(作为一个分论点重新处理,不放在结尾) We must let go of the illusion of control. No matter what you do, everything will have a good result if you are willing to believe in it. You just need to believe, promise me you will believe. You must believe.
