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篇三:A Basic Analysis on the Happy Prince (王尔德 快乐王子的读后感)

A Basic Analysis on the Happy Prince 吴佩珊 32013130007 经贸翻译班

Asoneof the most controversial and popular writers in 19th century, Oscar Wild has been continually enjoyed a high reputation owing to his brilliant wit, sparkling conversation and daring genius until today.Though a productive writer he is and numerous quotations are quoted frequently by his readers after a century of his death, his most famous article remains a fairytale—the happy prince. Why such an articlewhich originally was wrote for his son as a bedtime story has attached so great the importance in the history of literature? Today, I’m going to analyze the reason in the perspective of aestheticism.

First, I want to give a brief introduction to the fairytale. The Happy prince tells a tragic but beautiful story. In a town where many lower class people lead miserable lives, a statue named "Happy Prince" stands high above the city. One day, a swallow on his way to Egypt meets the statue and finds it crying for viewing various scenes of people suffering in poverty from his tall monument. In order to help the poor, the swallow becomes the massager of the happy prince to take the ruby from his hilt, the sapphires from his eyes, and the golden leaf covering his body to the poor. When snow approaches, the Happy Prince is stripped of all of his beauty. His lead heart breaks when the swallow dies as a result of his selfless deeds. The statue is then destroyed and melted leaving behind the broken heart and the dead swallow. However, an angel finds them and deems them as the two most precious things in the city, thus they are taken tothe God and enjoy eternal

lives in the garden of paradise.

As we all know, Oscar Wilde is a representative of Aestheticism. One of his celebrated theses is that- “Art for art’s sake.” It is not difficult to find that he spares no effort to inject the authentic feeling into lines in his works. The authentic feeling is embodied in several aspects —— from the delicate language to the imaginative pictures which the words bring to readers, together with thoughts behind lines.

In Happy prince, Wildedescribes the prince like this: “He was gilded all over with thin leaves of fine gold, for eyes he had two bright sapphires, and a large red ruby glowed on his sword-hilt.” What a beautiful prince he is, full of jewelry on his body, admired by whole town’s people. Similar authentic descriptions are easy to find in the article. When it comes to the swallow meeting the prince for thefirst time, the author illustrates the prince’s sadness as “tears were running down his golden cheeks.” When the swallow refers to Egypt he is longing for, he says, “In Egypt the sun is warm on the green palm-trees, and the crocodiles lie in the mud and look lazily about them. My companions are building a nest in the Temple of Baalbek, and the pink and white doves are watching them, and cooing to each other.” Whenever I read these words, I can draw a beautiful picture in my mind. It is really an enjoyablething to read these poetic words.

In addition to language, the spirit of the article is full of aestheticism. In the Happy Prince, the prince represents the truth, the kindness and the love. And the swallow is deemed as the paragon of loyalty. The former sacrifices itself to help the poor and in the end loses all his jewelry and becomes shabby, poor, and even “little better than a beggar”. Its external surface is no longer beautiful. It is teared down by councilors who once

praised him. The swallow, in order to keep his promise and accompany the prince, losing the opportunity to fly to the warm Egypt,finally die. Both of them seem do not have a happy ending in the realistic realm but this slightly tragic ending has an aestheticism power. They were chosen by the angel as “two most precious things in the city” and come to the paradise after their death. In my opinion, what the author want to express is that the external beauty will pass away sooner or later, only the inner beauty can be immortal. Besides that, the author satires the pragmatism by the university professor’s comments: “As he is no longer beautiful he is no longer useful." From my perspective, on the contrary, most beautiful things are always “useless”. Good sceneries during a trip, witty remarks in a literal work, and passionate melody of a symphony——they all bring us the feeling of aestheticism but they are useless in practical life. The value of the aestheticism lies in that they make our sights softer when we gaze at the imperfect world. They are redemption in our mental world rather than tools in the world in front of our eyes.

What I want to discuss deeper here is the relationship between the swallow and the prince. In some way, their attachment reflects a sense of aestheticism. It is an ideal state of friendship. In the Happy Prince, the swallow once and once again tells the prince that he is going to leave. But every time, after the prince pleads that;” Swallow, Swallow, little Swallow,” it turns back its determination and helps the prince to help people. When the prince loses its eyes, it says, "You are blind now, so I will stay with you always.”The last time, when he knows that he is going to die, he asks the prince to kiss his lip to express his love.After that, he sleepsforever at the foot of the prince. Here, the author writes,” At that moment a curious crack sounded inside the statue, as if something had broken. The

fact is that the leaden heart had snapped right in two. It certainly was a dreadfully hard frost.” Here, I recall the Little Prince and his rose shaped by Saint-Exupery. They are both loyal friends who love each other deeply, willing to defend the love using their whole life. I believe this kind of love is the ultimate relationship between people which are longing for by everyone. This relationship is so pure, clean and selfless that only death can make them sacred and undestroyed.

“I was a man who stood in symbolic relations to the art and culture of my age,” said Oscar Wilde in that curious literary document, De Profundis. “Few men hold such a position in their own lifetime, and have it so recognized.”Whathesaid is true. Fairytales are not only read by children and I think the reason why many adults like me love fairy-tales is that they give them an opportunity to exam their souls and to revive their sleeping spirituality.
