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时间:2016-11-27 15:48:08 来源:免费论文网



Good morning Ladies and Gentleman,welcome to Tai an.Today is my first time to be your tour guide.My name is 盛华玮. First,i wanna express my excitement and my heartfelt welcome to all of you and i hope we can get along well with each other and have a good trip.


Tai an is well known for Mountain Tai.The name of Mountain Tai was appeared in Bible.Many friends will ask me the meaning Tai.“Tai”means huge and peaceful,representing with chinese hope for peace and prosperity.

泰山位于山东省的中部,东临波澜壮阔的大海,西靠源远流长的黄河,凌驾于齐鲁大地。主峰海拔1545米。泰山有着深厚的文化内涵自古以来就受到中国人的景仰,被誉为“五岳之首"几千年来为历代帝王封禅祭天的神山。泰山所蕴含的文化内涵是世界上任何一座山都没有的,像长江、黄河一样,泰山现在已经成为了中国人的象征。 Mountain Tai is located of Shang Dong Province.The magnificent sea to its east and the long history river to the west.It’s top rising 1545m above sea level.Mountain Tai has a profound culture.It known as the“First of the five sacred mountain”since ancient times

it has been respected by chinese.For several thousand years it had become the holly mountain which emperors of the past dynasties worshiped.It contains the culture if has no rival on other mountain in the world.Just like the Yellow river and Great Wall.Mountain Tai now is the symbol of chinese.


Party a round square is composed of two parts,implies the philosophy china ancient world elements,therefore,also known as the world plaza.The square was built in 2000,covers an area of about 35000square meters,the square length of 36 meters.


Reached the zhong tian gate,here is the second door on tai shan.Zhong tian gate has 847meters above sea level.In 1983,Huang xian built on the north side of Tai shan ropeway Tian men station.



Five doctor, in fact this is a tree, in 219 BC, Qin Shi Huang Deng Taishan, half-way encounter the storms, so flurriedhide under the tree to shelter from the rain.Because the tree has the contribut,the emperor was dubbed "the five doctor".


Taishan Ying ke pine at Taishan east road bends five doctor pine on the west side of the mountain. Today, Taishan ying ke pine has more than 500 years of age. Taishan Ying ke pine crowns a long branch is put the umbrella, as would form to meet the eight party to Taishan tourists.


Sheng xian fang west cliff,engraved with the“world cross Tai”.Tai means luck and prosperous.World cross Tai bolize heaven and earth in Tai shan.


We're going to climb to the top of Taishan's eighteen disc. Taishan has 3 eighteen disc said, from the mountains to Longmen as the"slow eighteen", then to "Shengxianfang is neither fast nor slow and eighteen",and to the South Gate "compact eighteen", a total of more than 1630 order. " 征服十八盘,就来到了南天门。唐代诗人李白登山到此,曾写下“天门一长啸,万里清风来”的诗句.后来到了元代,道士张志纯认为这个地方离天很近,想把它比做天庭的入口,取名并题匾“南天门”Conquer eighteen disc, came to the South gate. Here called before three days, climbing to the Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai, wrote "Tianmen a chosho, Wan Li Qingfeng" verse. Later in the Yuan Dynasty, the Taoist priest Zhang Zhichun think this place is very near to the entrance, it is heaven, name and title plaque "South Gate"

游客朋友们,现在在我们面前的这座古建筑就是碧霞祠了,它是泰山现存最完美的建筑。碧霞祠是泰山神碧霞元君的祠宇,始建于宋代大中祥符二年。整组建筑巍峨严整,气势恢宏,金碧辉煌宛如天上宫殿。 那么碧霞元君是何许人呢?传说她是天仙玉女,她在中国道


Ok!My friends the ancient building in front of us is the Bi Xia Temple.It is the most perfect building in Mountain Tai.It’s the temple to the Mountin Tai goddess Bi Xia yuan jun which was constructed in song dynasty,it complex well arranged,splendid looks like a palace in heaven.Who is Bi xia yuan jun? In legend she is a fairy lady.Her status in Taoist is very high.She will give lucy and happyness when people pray in front of her.

碧霞祠是以山门为界,分内外两院。外院有歌舞楼、东西两阁,左右钟鼓楼。歌舞楼下有一大池,人称“宝藏库”大家是不是会想到里面会有很多宝贝啊!其实它是香客焚表进香之地。 我们现在来到了院内,院内东西两侧各立清代皇帝乾隆御碑一通。


The Bi xia temple is devided by the main gate into two courtyands .The front courtyard has a tower for singing and dancing,the bell tower and the drum tower respectively on the left and the right.Under the tower for singing and dancing is a fire floor called“treasure house”,you will think this is a treasure.Actually this is a placeto pray.tThe main building in the reacourtyard is the hall of Bi xia yuan jun which houses the bronze statue of mountain taiand


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcome to Tai’an. Welcome to Mt. Taishan.

Being a symbol of the Chinese nation, Mt. Taishan has all along been esteemed as the first of the Five Sacred Mountains in China, a divine mountain, and a holy mountain, and other hills or mountains never enjoy such a status. With a height of 1545 meters, its majesty and splendor is incomparable. There is a famous “saying, “Scaling Mt. Taishan makes one feel superior to the whole world”, as it creates a feeling of regal dignity and imperial majesty.

Mt. Taishan is mainly made up of natural sights as well as man-made sights. There are four scenic areas on Mt. Taishan, the East and West Routes, the Mid-heaven Gate----junction of the two routes, and the Jade Emperor Summit.

“Serenity” characterizes the east routes. It is the best option to take for a climb up Mt. Taishan. Many cultural relics and historic sites bear witness of the past history. Attractions include Daizong Archway the place where Confucius had visited, Jingshi Valley, Hutian Pavilion, Mid-heaven Gate, Five Pines Pavilion and Eighteen Bends.

“Vastness” characterizes the west route, famous for its natural scenery. The winding highway forms the main path. Beautiful ridges and peaks form a silhouette speckled with long and narrow valleys, enigmatic and charming waterfalls and crystal-clear rippling streams. The International Mt. Tai Climbing Festival is held there annually, and people from many different countries come to participate in, and enjoy the event. The main sights of the west route include Longevity Bridge, Black Dragon Pool, Remains of Tian Sheng Fort and Fan Cliff.

With a height of 847 meters, the Mid-heaven Gate forms the crossing of the east and west routes. In the “Sacrifices-to-Heaven Hall”, people can get a fantastic view of the mountain. On the east lies the pretty Mid-stream Mountain; to the west is the wandering Phoenix Valley; in the south is the wispy and misty Wen River and to the north is the hanging cloud ladder, a scenic spot called Five Pines Pavilion.

This is the highest peak of Mt. Taishan. At the peak lies the Jade Emperor Temple, where a bronze statue of the Jade Emperor is worshipped. You can enjoy the beauty of suise in the mornings in the east pavilion and the golden belts of Yellow River in the west pavilion. The most spectacular feature of the Jade Emperor Summit is the carpet of snow---indeed a marvelous spectacle to behold.

In China, we often use Mt. Taishan to glorify a person’s devotion to the country. And as one Chinese saying goes, “Though death befalls all men alike, it may be weightier than Mt. Taishan or lighter than a feather”, and the long existing Chinese idioms “as firm as Mt. Taishan” and “as weighty as Mt. Taishan”. Thus Mt. Taishan is of significant importance in Chinese minds.















Mountain Tai Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome to Taian .Taian is well known in the world becase of Mountain Tai .Are you ready ?Let'go!The name of Mountain Tai was first recored in BOOK OF SANGS.Many friends have ask me why Mountain Tai ."Tai"means hugges.symoness and peace.Expressing the aspairations of Chinese for peace and prosperity .

Mountain Tai lies in center Shangdong Province .With the magnificent sea to the east and the long yellow river to the western towing in Shandong .Its mean peak rising 1545 m above sea level.

Mountain Tai has a profound cultural connotaion.Since ancient times it has respected by Chinese and it known as the "First of the five sacred mountains".For several thousand years Mountain Tai had become the holly mountain where emperors of the past dynasties worshiped and offered Sacrifices to Heaven and earth.It contains the culture on other mountain in the world is compilble .Just like the Yellow River ,Great wall.Mountain Tai now is the symble of Chinese

Ok! My friends the ancient building in front of us is the Bixia Temple. It is the most perfect building in Mountain Tai .It's the temple to the Mountain Tai goddess Bixia yuanjun. The Bixia Temble was first constructed in Song dynasty in1009.The arhitedtural complex is well-arranged. Grandus and it looks like a palace in Heaven.

Who is Bixia yuanjun ?In legend she is a fairy lady.Her statues in Taoist is very high.She will give lucy and happness when people pray in front of her.

The Bixia temple is devided by the main gate into two courtyards.The front courtyard has a tower for singing and dancing .two atices in the east and the weste. the bell tower and the drum tower respectively on the left and the right.Under

the tower for singing and dancing is a fire floor called "treasure house" .You will think this is a treasure .Actually this is a place for pilgrims burn incense.

Now we look at the four bronze the statues of Black dragon.wight tiger .Zhaogong ming and Liuting are enshrined inside the main gate .

Now we come to the courtyard.Two amperior stilis written by emperor QianLong of qing dynasty.Respectively erected on the east and weast.

The main building in the rea courtyard is the hall of Bixi yuanjun which houses the gilded bronze statue of Mountain Tai Bixia yuanjun .And hands the two large plaques"Fu sui hai yu " that means happiness brings peace and stability to the country.And"zan hua dong huang " that means civilizing the people under heaven.

Now give you some time for free visit half an hour later we will visit the next attraction"Tang cliff".
