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时间:2016-11-26 15:35:43 来源:免费论文网

篇一:西街 英语介绍

West Street

Guilin is a wonderful destination for landscape tourism and the glorious symbol of Guangxi. I want to introduce the famous pedestrian street of Guilin, Yangshuo county: West Street.

West Street is located in the center of Yangshuo County. It is a total length of 517 meters, 8 meters wide and have marble pavement and in the shape of S curve. The housing having an antique flavor, strong local characteristics. A variety of tourist souvenirs, snacks in the streets. Its full of exotic night is fascinating and charming. West Street is a street with the longest history in Yangshuo. West street was founded in 1674, both sides is the legacy of low brick houses in the Qing Dynasty and white red window, showing the elegance of primitive simplicity of Lingnan architectureIt was the place where Mr. Sun Zhongshan made a speech and famous artist Xu Beihong had lived here for a period of time. It was the place that hundreds of thousands of presidents or prime ministers who hanging around the street from more than one hundred and fifty countries,. For instance, Clinton, Nixon, Kissinger, Mrs. Thatcher, Hu Zhiming, Sihanouk and so on were all came here.

After the Founding of New China, the Sino-Soviet relations in good stage. In the mid 50's,some experts who in order to aid China?s government from Soviet and Eastern European countries always visit Yangshuo. This is the earliest to foreigners in Yangshuo after the liberation. When the Soviet Union was the famous oil painter Maximov as well as some photographers to Yangshuo. At that time, the Soviet union's well-known painter Maximov and some photographers had been to Yangshuo. "Crocodile" pictorial of the Soviet union and the “Soviet Union Illustrated Publications” are published Yangshuo East Gate piers and West Street streetscape works of art and photos.

Yangshuo West Street is also called Foreigners? Street, which having history of more than 1400 years. West street is still small southern towns and villages construction scale, but show the international flavor of the humanities landscape. Here the bars, hotels, Internet cafes, crafts calligraphy and painting shops? decoration style

is mostly Chinese mixed with western culture that having English signs. Crafts calligraphy and painting shops, restaurants, bar attendants, ordinary residents, even the old lady who sell fruit on the street can speak fluent English. In every corner of West Street, you will often see groups of different color of skin of tourists sitting around and playing together .Sometimes ,they will drink beer, coffee and have some cookies.

Actually, visiting West Street is a kind of experience: her thick rustic atmosphere with pure petty bourgeoisie, and the simple folk are embraced surprising international element like authentic Italian coffee and western food, the ancient Chinese painting, the most avant-garde casual fashion, mandarin, English, French, Italian and Spanish...Diet: “Beer Fish”, a famous local specialties in Yangshuo, very particular about the use of materials. The fish is pulled out from the Lijiang River. Delicious smell of beer and fish to ensure that lets your appetites as said “If you do not eat, you would not know its taste, in turn, you will never forget its favor. “Beer fish?s unique flavor to attract a large number of tourists, who gave full of praise after eating. It is recommended ”Peng Dajie beer fish”, “tao house authentic beer fish”.

Traffic guidance: It is 65 kilometers from Guilin to Yangshuo, you can go to Guilin bus station to take the bus or luxury direct bus, because the car trip sent to Yangshuo every 15 minutes. Yangshuo County?s network of waterways, highways, in addition to county and from cruise ships, buses, taxi, local transport all can meet the basic needs of tourists. Guilin to Yangshuo can take a cruise. Tourism in Yangshuo, the main means of transport should be the bicycle. Yangshuo County?s area is not large, at the same time, many quite good views almost in the countryside, such as Yulong River. Other points also essentially in Yangshuo County within a radius of 10 km, and bicycle rentals are cheap, environmental protection and that it has become the preferred means of transport in Yangshuo.

Yangshuo climate: the average temperature is 25 ℃, the highest temperature is 32 ℃, suitable for spending holidays throughout the year. April to July is the rainy season.Yangshuo West Street Bar:

The balcony Café Bar: You can drinking coffee and listening bimonthly water

under the bridge.

Karst Cafe:Pizza and steak are delicious

Café China:Roast chicken is very delicious, but you should make an appointment in advance, beef and mashed potato pie is also good.













小马的天: 一边喝咖啡,一边聆听双月桥下流水。

喀斯特中西餐厅: 比萨和牛排都很好吃。

原始人: 里面的烤鸡很好吃,但要提前预约,牛肉土豆泥派,也不错。


Li River 漓江

The fantastic Li River is the important component of Guilin scenery. It is located at Mountain Cat in Xinan county in the northeast of Guilin.It was 170 kilometres long , passing through guilin, Yangshuo then to Gongchen river in Pingle county.

Li River, between Guilin and Yangshuo, was 84 kiometers like a jade ribbon winding among thousands of the hills. Along the river, the rolling peaks, steep cliffs,green hills and clear water constitue a fascinating hundred-mile pictures gallery.

Li River scenery is known to all not only for its green hills, clear water, fantastic caves and spectacular rocks but also for its

wonderful deep pools, springs and waterfalls.Moreover, people can enjoy the different beauties of Li River scenery at different seasons and weathers. In fine days, reflections of the hills in clear and greenish water are specially pleasing to the eyes, but it is more charming under rainy and foggy weather. The hazy view of the

drizzling rain and lingering clouds give birth to a wonderful paradise for tourists.

Reed Flute Cave芦笛岩

Located at the northwest of GuilinCity, 5 kilometers away from the centre of the city, the cave is a famous scenic spot, mainly offering a magic fairyland ,full of stalactites, stalagmites, stone columns, in fantastic shapes and colours .you also can appreciate the amazing landscape and rural scenery here.

The length of the cave is 240 meters,but the whole distance of touring can last 500 meters. There are too many things for you to appriciate. a large amount of stalactites and stalagmites has a kind of natural beauty , and their endless variety of remarkable scenes also will impress you .vistors in the cave could undoubtedly evoke breathless admiration from domestic visitors and foreign visitors.

Elephant Trunk Hill 象鼻山

An elephant-like hill stands majestically at the confluence of the Lijiang and Yangjiang rivers, and faces the Zi-Zhu Island on the opposite side of the Lijiang. Arching its long trunk into the river, this seeming elephant sucks water ceaselessing,its shape is vivid and its pose is full of energy. No wonder it takes the name "Elephant Hill".

Seven Star Park 七星公園

Situated on the eastern side of the Li River, Seven Star Park is the biggest park in Guilin.Its takes its name from Seven Star Hill consists of seven peaks which are supposed to resemble the star pattern of the Ursa Major( Big Dipper )constellation; four peaks in the north are called Putuo Hill; three in the south are called Lunar Hill.The famous Seven Star cave is at the half up the Putuo Hill.The cave is deep and mystical with stalactites of various descriptions inside.The Minor East River winds its way through the Flower Bridge and along the foot of the Lunar Hill southwards.Reflections of the green peaks and the Flower Bridge compose changing painting on the water.Seven Star Park,which is characterized by

Karats features,cmbodies the beauty of green hills,cute rivers,odd caves and lovely rocks ofGuilin Landscape.

Yangshuo Impression of Sister Liu 印象劉三姐

Presented by the eminent director Mr. Zhang Yimou right after the sensational movie HERO, this cultural night show, also named Splendid Lijiang River and Night Traveling through melodies and pictures will show you a unique man-made landscape of smoke, mists and clouds, as well as a brand new sightseeing and music. The picturesque landscape and fisherman’s songs crystallize the charm and civilization of LijiangRiver. The night show certainly will bring you one of the greatest pleasures of your life.

Yangshuo Introduction 阳朔介绍

Yangshuo, a county within the prefecture of Guilin, is situated to the south of the city. It is often said that 'the hills and rivers of Guilin are the best, while Yangshuo is the best of Guilin'. The county therefore is often listed in itineraries for travelers to Guilin.

Yangshuo is typical of the Karst formation. The Li River provides picturesque landscapes while the river reaches

Water-Dropping Villages to Yangshuo , stretching an area of 60 km . (37 miles) are the cream parts. Verdurous hills, jade rivers, peculiar caves and elegant stones present a splendid array of opportunities to visitors. Altogether there are 16 rivers and thousands of hills within the region. Moon Hill and YulongRiver , the called 'Little Li River', are just two of the most enticing scenic spots in the county. The

famous opera Impression on Sanjie Liu drew its inspiration from this natural landscape and sets it as the huge theatre to play the

performance. Sanjie Liu is a legendary fairy from a Zhuang ethnic girl whose songs are said to be unparalleled. Climbing rocks,

exploring caves, cycling along the nearby roads or just walking by the river provides an exciting experience to tourists.

What makes the county even more magical and mysterious are its attractive cultural and human sights. The county has a long history of more than 1,400 years. There are 11 nationalities living here, including Han, Zhuang, Yao , Miao and others. The exotic dress, various traditional customs and colorful festivals are most charming, especially their adept antiphonary songs and grace ful dances.

篇三:桂林景点介绍 中英


英文名称:Li River

















Originating in Mountain Maoer in the north of Guilin, the Li River flows southeast for about 437 km before pouring into the South China Sea. The most scenic area is from urban Guilin to Yangshuo which covers 83 kilometers. Crystal clear water, spectacular Karst hills, traditional black tiled

villages, water buffalos and fishing cormorants are what you can see while standing on the opening deck or sitting inside the flat bottomed cruise boat. After a fantastic cruise from Guilin city to

Yangshuo, you will believe that the scenery of Guilin ranks first under heaven, and you will also find that the traditional Chinese paintings are nothing from imagination but real things. A 40 minutes drive from Guilin city takes you to the Zhujiang Wharf where the start of the Li River cruise is, and after about 4 hours you will be arriving at Yangshuo (The cruise covers only part of the normal ride in dry season due to the lower water).

Boat types: Normal boat, Environmental boat, deluxe boat

Lunch types: Chinese style, Chinese and Western buffet

Wash rooms: Squatting style, sitting style

Decks number: 2-3(decks that tourists can step on for view)

Cruise time: 4 hours (from March to Nov.. In other seasons it might be different due to the different wharfs and lower water)

Capacity: 65-120 tourists

Starting time: 0900, 0930

Prices: 350-500yuan (including a lunch on board but not including land transfers from Guilin to wharf or from Yangshuo back to Guilin)

Embark wharfs: Zhujiang Wharf, Mopanshan Wharf

Disembark wharfs: Yangshuo, Xingping (needs to notify in advance)

Distances and driving time: Guilin-boarding wharf, 24km, 40 minutes drive

Yangshuo-Guilin, 80km, 90 minutes drive


英文名称:Elephant Hill Park




象鼻山位于桂林市内桃花江与漓江汇流处, 是桂林名山之一, 主要景点有水月洞、象眼岩、普贤塔、云峰寺及寺内的太平天国革命遗址陈列馆等。象鼻山海拔200米,高出江面55米,长108米,宽100米。由3.6亿年前海底沉积的纯石灰岩组成,由于地壳抬升,距今1.2万年前漓江缩小,加速了水月洞的发育,形成一个东西通透的圆洞,酷似一头巨象伸长鼻子吸饮江水。国家首批4A级景区,占地11.88万平方米,早在唐宋就成为著名游览胜地,有1000多年的游览史。宋蓟北处士《和水月洞韵》诗: “水底有明月, 水上明月浮。水流月不去, 月去水还流。”形象地描绘了这一景致。自山脚有石阶而上山顶,山顶有修建于明朝的普贤塔。






Elephant Hill, also called Elephant Trunk Hill known as one of the most famous hills in Guilin, is located at the intersection of the Li River and Peach Blossom River. The solitary Elephant Hill is 200 meters above sea level, 55 meters above the Li River water, 108 meters long and 100 meters wide. The limestone that deposited at the sea bottom 360 millions years ago formed the rock, and a cave from west through east came into being about 12,000 years ago as the river water washed and dissolved the stone, and the rock with the cave looks just like an elephant sucking water with its trunk. As the first group of scenic spots that are listed as AAAA level tourist attractions in China, the park covers and area of 118,800 square meters and became a famous tourists attraction in Tang Dynasty. On the top of the hill is a two-storey pagoda built in the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644)

surrounded by green trees. The north seat of the second floor is inlaid with an image of Bodhisattva Puxian. The pagoda looks like a precious vase on the back of an elephant seen from distance and many beautiful legends about the pagoda with good wishes are said among people. There are stone steps leading to the top of the hill where you do get a view of the city, but climbing the Elephant Hill is not recommended by us due to the steep steps.

Opening time: 0800-1800

Price: 40yuan

Visiting time: about 40 minutes

Location: city center, intersection of the Li River and Peach Blossom River

Notes: climbing is not recommended due to the steep steps.


英文名称:Fubo Hill Park


















Fubo Hill, 213 meters above sea level, 63 meters above the ground, is located on the western bank of Li River. It gets its name as the hill stands half on the bank and half on the River, but some other people say because a general of Han Dynasty called Fubo returned pearls near the Pearl Return Cave. There are Pearl Return Cave, Sword Testing Stone, Thousand Buddha Cave, Thousand Men Pot and Bell Pavillion in the park. Thousand Men Pot and Bell Pavillion were built by the order of daughter of Dingnan King in 1669 in memorial of the achievement of the king. In the Pearl Return Cave and the Thousand Buddha Cave there are hundreds of Buddha statues carved on the stone surface. A climb of 320 steps leads to the top of the hill where you may see the great view of the city which stands among those green hills.

Bell Pavillion

Located at the south foot of the hill, Bell Pavilion is 4.7 meters high, 4.5 meters wide and 4.4 meters long, and there is an ancient bell which is 2524kg kept in the pavilion, hence the name. The bell was casted in 1669 Qing Dynasty in memorial of the achievement of the Dingnan King. The King was named Kong Youde who used to be a Ming Dynasty general and came to the southern China with Manchu nobles, was given a title of Dingnan King which administrated Guangxi. The next year he hang himself as a rebellion took place in Guilin. 15 years later, his daughter had a temple called Dingyue built here and a giant bell casted.

Pear Return Cave

There are many stone carving relics in this cave which are the essence of Fubo Hill. In 863 there was still no land path into the cave, but water way by boat from the east, hence the name East Cave which used to be the name of Pearl Return Cave. In 1079 both East Cave and Pearl Return Cave were used when people called the cave. There were even many legends concerned with this Cave. Sword Testing Stone

Located in the Pear Return Cave, Sword Testing Stone is near the entrance of Thousand Buddha Cave. The stone is not connected at the lower part and looks hanging down from above. Legends say it was General Fubo who cut through the stone with his sword in order to test his sword, but some say it was the Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, the first emperor of Ming Dynasty. A more reliable way is that the Li River water keeps washing away the lime stone of this piece of rock and dissolved gradually the lower part of the rock.

Thousand Buddha Cave

It is inside the Fubo Hill, which covers an area of 133 square meters and there are stone steps that lead you up. 239 Buddha statues were carved here in late Tang Dynasty which was about 1140 years ago.

Opening time: 0800-1800

Price: 30yuan

Visisting time: 40-60 minutes

Location: western bank of Li River, about 2 km to the north of the Elephant Hill


英文名称:Diecai Hill (Piled Silk Hill)








Diecai Hill, 223 meters above sea level and 73 meters above the ground, about one kilometer to the north of Fubo Hill, is located on the west bank of Li River. It consists of Mingyue Hill, Xianhe Hill, Yuyue Hill and Siwang Hill. From distance it looks like piled silk, hence the name. Also it was called Osmanthus Hill and Wind Cave Hill as there were many osmanthus trees and there was a cave on the half way up which is always windy. There are Diecai Pavilion, Yuyue Pavilion, Memorial Tablet of Zhai and Zhang, Yangzhi Hall, Wind Cave, Wangjiang Pavilion and Cloud Catching Pavilion. For over 1000 years it has been reputed as Perfect Combination of River and Hills. A climb leads to the top-Cloud Catching Pavilion where you are rewarded a fantastic view of urban Guilin which stands among green hills.

Opening time: 0800-1800

Price: 30yuan

Visiting time: 60-90 minutes


英文名称:Seven Star Park










Covering an area of 120 hectares and located on the east bank of Li River, Seven Star Park is the largest comprehensive park in urban Guilin. From the Liberation Bridge you can see the 4 peaks of Putuo Hills and the 3 peaks of Yueya Hills which appear to look like the Big Dipper, hence the name. There are green hills, clear water, and deep cave in the park, including the Flower Bridge, Putuo Hills, Seven Star Cave, Camel Hill, Yueya Hills, Hidden Dragon Cave, Stone Tablets and Chinese Civilization Wall which are the must for tourists.

Opening time: 0800-1800

Visit time: 40-60 minutes

Location: east Li River Bank, 2km from city center

Notes: Giant Pandas and other animals are not available in the park. Seven Star Cave is normally not included in visiting the park, additional ticket is required if visit the Cave.


英文名称:Seven Star Cave









Seven Star Cave, also named as Qixia Cave and Bixu Cave, is located at the half way up of Putuo Hills and reputed as Fairy Cave. There are 3 layers in the grand Seven Star Cave and middle layer is open for tourists. The widest space inside is 43 meters and highest 27 meters, and the temperature is about 20 degrees centigrade all year round. Since Sui an
