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时间:2016-11-26 14:49:02 来源:免费论文网


Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome to the temple of Heaven. (After self-introduction) preserved cultural heritages of China. There are basically two kinds of visitors who come here: local pensioners who do exercises here in the morning and evening and sightseers both from home and abroad. All in all ,there are 12 million visitors very year. Now we are going to go along the route that leads to the alter. It will take roughly one hour. Mind you ,the emperor also walked along this route to pay tribute to the God of Heaven. (Along the Southern Sacred Road leading to the Circular Mound Altar) The largest group of architectures ever to be dedicated to Heaven ,the Temple of Heaven served as an exclusive altar for Chinese monarchs during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was decreed that rulers of successive dynasties would place altars in their own capitals to worship Heaven and pray for good harvest. But why ? The ancient Chinese believed that Heaven was the supreme ruler of the universe and the fate of mankind ,and thus worshiping rites dedicated to Heaven came into being. The Heaven the ancient Chinese referred to was actually the Universe, or nature. In those days, there were specfic rites of worship. This was especially true during the Ming and Qing dynasties when elaborate ceremonies were held. The Temple of Heaven was built in 1420 during the reign of Emperor Youngle of the Ming Dynasty. Situated in the southern part of the city ,this grand set of structures covers an area of 273 hectares. To better symbolize heaven and earth ,the northern part of the Temple is circular while the southern part is square .The whole compound is enclosed by two walls, a square wall outside a round one. The outer area is characterized by suburban scenery, while the inner part is used for sacrifices. The inner enclosure consists of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest and the Circular Mound Altar. (Along the Imperial Passage leading from the Southern Lattice Star Gate in front of the Circular Mound Altar) the Circular Mound Altar is enclosed by two walls ,each containing four groups of Souther n Lattice Star Gate, each in turn consisting of three doors, with 24 marble doors altogether. Standing on the passage facing north, you will notice that with each pair of doors on is narrower than the other. This reflects the feudal hierarchy: the wider door was reserved for monarchs, while the narrower one was used by courtiers. 1 2


Ladies and Gentlemen:

Welcome to the temple of Heaven. (After self-introduction) preserved cultural heritages of China. There are basically two kinds of visitors who come here: local pensioners who do exercises here in the morning and evening and sightseers both from home and abroad. All in all ,there are 12 million visitors very year. Now we are going to go along the route that leads to the alter. It will take roughly one hour. Mind you ,the emperor also walked along this route to pay tribute to the God of Heaven.

(Along the Southern Sacred Road leading to the Circular Mound Altar) The largest group of architectures ever to be dedicated to Heaven ,the Temple of Heaven served as an exclusive altar for Chinese monarchs during the Ming and Qing dynasties. It was decreed that rulers of successive dynasties would place altars in their own capitals to worship Heaven and pray for good harvest. But why ?

The ancient Chinese believed that Heaven was the supreme ruler of the universe and the fate of mankind ,and thus worshiping rites dedicated to Heaven came into being.The Heaven the ancient Chinese referred to was actually the Universe, or nature. In those days, there were specfic rites of worship. This was especially true during the Ming and Qing dynasties when elaborate ceremonies were held.

The Temple of Heaven was built in 1420 during the reign of Emperor Youngle of the Ming Dynasty. Situated in the southern part of the city ,this grand set of structures covers an area of 273 hectares. To better symbolize heaven and earth ,the northern part of the Temple is circular while the southern part is square .The whole compound is enclosed by two walls, a square wall outside a round one. The outer area is characterized by suburban scenery, while the inner part is used for sacrifices. The inner enclosure consists of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest and the Circular Mound Altar.

(Along the Imperial Passage leading from the Southern Lattice Star Gate in front of the Circular Mound Altar)

the Circular Mound Altar is enclosed by two walls ,each containing four groups of Southern Lattice Star Gate, each in turn consisting of three doors, with 24 marble doors altogether. Standing on the passage facing north, you will notice that with each pair of doors on is narrower than the other. This reflects the feudal hierarchy: the wider door was reserved for monarchs, while the narrower one was used by courtiers. On the day of the ceremony ,the emperor would don his ritual costume and be ushered in by the official in charge of religious affairs. He ascended the three terraces in the forefront to pay tribute at the alter.

(Atop the Circular Mound Alter)

we are now on the top terrace of the Altar, or the third terrace .Each terrace has a flight of 9 steps. At the center of this terrace lies a round stone surrounded by 9 steps. At the center of this terrace lies a round stone surrounded by 9 concentric rings of stone. The number of stones in the first ring is 9, in the second ,18, up to 81 in the 9th ring. Even the number of carved balustrades on these terraces is a multiplee of 9. But why?

According to ancient Chinese philosophy, yin and yang were two opposing factors. Heaven and the odd numbers belonged to yang while the Earth and even numbers belonged to yin. Nine was the largest heavenly number accessible to man . What is more, the ancient people also believed that heaven consisted of nine layers and that the emperor` s abode was on the uppermost tier.

Once more look at the round stone in the center. The upper terrace is nine zhang (a Chinese unit of length, one zhang equals 3.3 meters ) in circumference ,while the middle is 15 zhang, the lower, 21 zhang. Classified as yang numbers, the sum of these numerals is 45 zhang which was meant to symbolized success. What is more, by applying the concept of odd numbers and strengthening nine and its multiples, the concept of heaven was thus illustrated and realized . The concept of nine will also be mentioned when we visit some other buildings.

Now I will give you a brief account of what happened here annually on the Inter Solstice. The memorial tablet dedicated to Heaven would be set up on the north side of the terrace, while tablets dedicated to the emperor `s ancestors would be enshrined on the flanks. The service would begin around 4 o` clock in the morning. All of the lanterns would be lit .In the foreground, a sacrificial calf is being barbecued. On the square in front of the altar, the emperor, under heavy escort of nearly a thousand courtiers, princes of royal blood ,musicians, dancers and uniformed soldiers, would slowly ascend the altar to offer sacrifice and pray in honor of Heaven. When the service drew to a close ,the sacrifice offered in front of the memorial tablets would be incinerated .All of participants would watch the thick smoke rise upward as if they were seeing God off .Music and dancing would follow .In the end ,the emperor would return to the Forbidden City secure in the belief that he would be blessed and protected by Heaven until the next winter Solstice.It is interesting to note that ,the stone in the very middle of the altar was of major importance ,since it was where the emperor used to stand to say his prayer. The stone ,which is known as the God`s heart Stone, is peculiar in that it is characterized by a specific acoustic phenomenon: it made the emperor` s voice clearer and louder, thus adding to the mystic atmosphere of the service .You can try this out by yourself. (Proceed northward to pass through the Lattice


(In front of the Gate of glazed tiles)

this structure is known as Heaven` s Storehouse. It is entered through the Gate of glazed Tiles. The roofing ,beams, and brackets are all made of glazed tiles or bricks. This is the only structure of its kind in china today .

the Heaven` s Storehouse was where memorial tablets dedicated to the gods were kept. Douglas Hurd, a former British foreigh secretary ,once said , ?°God attends to His affairs on the Cir4cular Mound Altar but stays here. ?± Now let` s go in to to see it (Go through the left side door)

(In the courtyard of Heaven` s Storehouse)

this is the Imperial Vault of Heaven, the main structure of Heaven` s Storehouse. It was built in 1530 and is 17 meters in height and 19 meters in diameter. The structure feature blue roofs topped by a gilded ball ,and carved wooden doors and windows. It is decorated with colored paintings. Founded on a 3-meter-hign round marble terrace ,the building also features a gigantic carved marble ramp laid in the stone staircase leading up to the front entrance.. The ramp is carved in ?°Two dragons Playing with a pearl ?± design in relief. We will enter the main hall by going up the stone staircase on the eastern side.

(On the marble terrace of the main hall)

the arch of the hall is buttressed by 16 giant pillars on two rings. On top of the pillars there are gilt brackets supporting a circular caisson ,or covered ceiling .The ceiling is characterized by a golden coiling dragon design. The 8 pillar of the inner ring are painted scarlet and decorated with golden lotuses.

To the north of the hall there is a marble pedestal. Atop it ,up a wooden flight of 9 steps, is where the major tablet dedicate to Heaven was enshrined. On each flank four tablets are enshrined in honor of the ancestors of the Qing emperors. In the annex hall in hornor of the ancestors of the Qing emperors. In the annex halls in the courtyard, there are tablets dedicated to the deities of the sun, moon ,constellation, cloud ,rain, wind and thunder.

(Echo Wall and Triple ¨Csound Stones)

Aside from exquisitely laid out architectures, Heaven` s Storehouse is also famous for two structures with peculiar acoustic features, i. E. the Echo Wall and the Triple- Sound Stone. A mere whisper at any point close to the wall can be heard clearly on the other side, although the parties may be 40 or 50 meters apart. This is possible because the wall is round and hermetically constructed with smooth ,solid bricks. In front of the steps leading away from the halls is the Triple Sound Stone. If you stand on the first stone and call out or clap your hands, the sound will echo once; on the second stone, the sound will be heard

twice; and on the third stone, the sound will repeat three times. Hence the name. (Go out through the right door and stroll along the circular path northward)

(Nine-Dragon Cypress)

the Temple of Heaven is also famous for its cypress trees-there are more than 60,000 cypress trees in all ,among which over 4,000 are more than one hundred years old ,adding to the solemn atmosphere of the temple .This tall cypress was planted more than 500 years ago. Its thick branches and twisting trunk resembling nine coiling playful dragons; thus it is known as the Nine-Dragon cypress. It is said that this tree was here to welcome the monarchs. Now it is here to welcome visitor from all over the world.

(In the south of Chengzhen Gate)

now we are back again on the Central Axis. This brick-arched gate is known as Chengzhen (Adopting Fidelity) .This gate is the northern gate of the Circular Mound Altar and the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest. The Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest is situated at the extreme end of the axis. It was used by the emperor in the first month of every lunar year for services dedicated to good harvest.

(On the Red Stairway Bridge)

entering the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest, we set foot on a raised passage 360 meters long, which the emperor also took to proceed to the hall. This broad north-south walkway, called Danbiqiao (Red Stairway bridge), connects the two sets of main building in the Temple of Heaven and constitutes a single axis.

The passage is divided into left, control and right paths by the cross arrangement of slabs. The central and the widest path is known as Heavenly Thoroughfare , which was reserved exclusively for God; nobody, including the emperor, was allowed to set foot onto it . The emperor used the path on the east ,which is known as the Imperial Walk. The ministers and princes used the one on the west .Interesting enough ,there is no walkway left for ordinary people. This is because the Temple of Heaven used to be off-limits to them.

Contrary to appearances, this walkway is not a bridge at all . But how so ? This road is 4 meters above the ground and there is a cavern underneath that was reserved for sacrificial oxen and sheep. The cattle were slaughtered at a slaughterhouse about 500 meters away and brought here for sacrifice. All in all ,it can be said this walkway did serve as bridge and can be looked upon as the first cloverleaf in Beijing. Looking back at the thoroughfare, you may realize that this walk is gaining height toward its northern end. As people approach the architectural group of the Hall of Prayer for good Harvest, the flanking groves of cypress recede and perspective widens. Here you are in Heaven. (Costume-Changing Terrace)

the marble terrace up ahead is called jufutai, or CostumeChanging Terrace. It is located to the east of the Red Stairway Bridge and covers a space of 25 square meters .IT has marble Slab balustrades. The day before the service ,officials in charge would put up a yellow satin tent on the terrace for the emperor to change out of his yellow dragon robe into blue ceremonial clothes. After the service, the emperor would return to the tentand change back into his imperial robe before returning to the palace. (Proceed to the South Gate of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)

(At the Gate of Prayer for Good Harvest)

this structure is called the Gate of Pray for Good Harvest. We can catch a slight glimpse of the central building ,the Hall of Prayer for Good harvest, though the colonnade of the Gate. A gigantic and lofty group of buildings, the complex includes the Gate of Prayer for Good Harvest, the hall of prayer for good harvest, eastern and western annex halls ,the Huanqian (Imperial heaven) Long corridor, Heaven Kitchen, slaughterhouse, etc.the annex halls were symmetrically built on a

1.5-meter-hignbrick-and-marble terrace ,to set off the loftiness and magnificence of the main hall .This unique building ,38 meters in height, is characterized by a cone-shaped structure with triple eaves and a top that is crowned by a gilt ball. The roofing is made of blue glazed tiles, the color of the sky .Underneath the roof, the beams and bracket are decorated with colored paintings. The base of the structure is a triple-tiered, circular marble terrace. At a distance, the terrace looks like a gigantic, spiraling cloud with the structure perched on top of it .

Today the hall of prayer for good harvest is the hallmark of Beijing, which enjoys a prolonged history of civilization.

(At the base of the Hall of Prayer for Good Harvest)

The base of the hall is a triple-tiered, circular marble terrace, which is 90 meters in diameter and 6 meters in height ,covering a space of 4,000 square meters. Meticulous accuracy was given to the layout of the structure. In the middle of each three-tiered flight of stairs, there is a giant marble ramp carved in cloud, dragon and phoenix designs. To set off the ramps, the top of the balustrades and downpipes are designed with corresponding floral scrolls. In southern part of each tier, a gigantic bronze incense burner is placed. Sandalwood was burnt in them when rites were observed.

(In front of the hall of Prayer for good harvest)

climbing up this marble terrace, we see the main hall ,a masterpiece of ancient China. Looking up you will see the caisson, or covered ceiling, characterized by complex designs of dragons and phoenixes. In and out , the hall is decorated with colored drawing of dragons and phoenixes. Without the use of steel ,cement and nail, and even without the use


A brief introduction to Tiantan

(a) content

1, Tiantan, "the world's most" sentence attribute

2, the construction time of Tiantan

3, the location of the Tiantan

4, park overview

5, historical evolution

(two) the location: Tiantan South Gate profile board

(three) the tour guide word

Dear friends, now we come to the temple of heaven, first of all, I to you a simple introduce, Temple of heaven is the existing largest ancient imperial worship architecture group in the world, it is the Ming and Qing dynasties emperor worship, pray Valley and rain. The temple was completed in 1420 ad, is located in the southeast of the Forbidden City, the park covers an area of 273 hectares, is four times the area of the Forbidden City. There are three groups of important buildings in the central axis from south to north, followed by the Circular Mound Altar and the imperial vault of heaven and qiniandian. In addition, in the garden of the west side of fasting palace building, the whole garden planted pines, solemn, is an ideal place of worship.

In the Ming Dynasty, the temple of heaven is built at the beginning of the implementation of heaven and earth worship, not only worship and sacrifice, the location is the hall of prayer for good harvests. Located in the altar of prayer for good harvests. Later, in the north of the capital design Ditan, special sacrifice, and on the south side of the hall of prayer for good harvests built the Circular Mound Altar and the imperial vault of heaven, special worship, which formed today's pattern and scale. In 1900, allied forces invaded Beijing, Tiantan has not survived. In this play the gangster stole and destroyed invaders, numerous precious cultural relics, the unpardonable crime.

Finally a kleptocrats Yuan Shikai in heaven here, but the days are not people's wishes, Yuan Mou only 83 day emperor addiction will die. After the liberation, the state repeatedly funding to rebuild the temple of heaven, but is no longer in order to heaven, but to to the world, to the world left a legacy.

1998 Tiantan was listed as a UNESCO heritage list. Good! Now I'll show you around.

Two, the Circular Mound Altar

(a) content

1, the role of the Circular Mound Altar

2, the construction of time and place

3, architectural features

4, around the display

5, Tianxin stone

(two) the position: the Circular Mound Altar in the corner of the door

(three) the tour guide word

Everybody Now we come to the Circular Mound Altar area. As a matter of fact, it is real "Temple of heaven", because this is used by the emperor in the winter solstice heaven offering roof. The Circular Mound Altar was built in the Ming Jiajing years, namely ad 1530, located at the southern tip of the courtyard, I first give you introduce the furnishings of the Circular Mound Altar in the courtyard. Please see the west, there is a very high bar of wood, it is called at the poles, is the time used for hanging lantern. You may ask: what heaven hanging lanterns? Of course I have to hang up! When Heaven time is not in the daytime, but at the moment is seven before suise, the morning four fifteen. You see, in a dark winter night, when people are in bed sleeping, emperor worship of heaven, it is hard enough, hang a lantern light, not too right? However, the emperor light is unusual, it must be "Kyrgyzstan light is shining". So now, please guess what the lamp pole is how high? Now I announced the correct answer: pole height is nine feet nine feet nine inches, why not add enough 10 feet? Certainly a reason, good, please first guess, I'll tell you later. Not only the pole is not in general, the lantern is not general, two meters high, two meters in diameter six, enough style! But the general have to say the lantern Beaulieu Tunghsiao treasure wax with a three meters, 30 cm in diameter, 12 hours of continuous combustion, neither cut Lahua, also does not flow wax oil, is the year of emperor worship special treasure wax.

Look at the east of the green building, its name is firewood stove is in sacrificial ceremony after the end of the burning wish board and sacrifice. This is the fetters of iron furnace, were ceremony when furnace burning pine rod, pine and cypress, and burn some sandalwood, a time flames and smoke, which not only increases the solemn mystery of atmosphere and in the cold winter night to the emperor brought a glimmer of warmth, really serve multiple purposes!

Now, without further ado, I give you introduce the Circular Mound Altar, it is a three story circular Shitai, why to be offering roof design into a round it? Because the ancient people think that the day is round, the ground is square, since it is the roof, the natural to be designed into a round. Ordinary people see this offering roof with marble construction of, but designers is digital "Nine"

built the roof of the mysterious offerings. Now we are going to look for those mysterious "Nine" they hide in where.

(near the Circular Mound Altar Huanqiu altar in front)

Hearsay is true, seeing is real, here we may wish to a pedal for, please side board on which a set of steps, while counting the steps have how many levels (from the ground floor room in the end layer, because there are fewer people, large area) one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, just nine steps (the guests exactly the east side of the platform layer). Upwards and two set of steps (it is also one of the nine grade, the Huanqiu Tandong, South, West, north of the mouth, each register altar mouth has upper, middle and lower three steps, each step is nine grade. Now we have found the 12 "Nine". We look again, at the foot of the bottom of the altar altar diameter 21 feet, there is no "Nine", middle diameter of 15 feet, there is no "Nine", "nine top" Zhang, a "Nine", if the three layer diameter additive is 45, 59415. It not only has "Nine" and "Five", a symbol of the emperor's "Ninth Five Year Plan" on the respect. It is Art beats nature! So, other places also have "Nine"? Yes Please get on the two level "Nine", we take a look at the top.

(on the east side of the Circular Mound Altar top, no place)

Ladies and gentlemen, do you feel the smell of "Nine" is thicker now? Please look at the center of the surface of the altar, a circular stone blocks, it is called heavenly center stone. Surrounded by a layer of a layer of the fan-shaped slabs, the first ring's nine dollars, and the second is "Nine" Eighteen block. The third ring is 999 27 block until the edge of a ring for 9981 block. Look in the middle, it consists of ten nine blocks to eighteen nine block, bottom to nineteen nine blocks to 27 a nine block, namely three altar, each layer paving slate of nine rings, each ring of stones are multiples of nine, since a times to 27 times, so that, and three layer altar is paved 3402 pieces, namely 378 "Nine".

Remember? We have just seen at the pole high nine Zhangting nine feet nine inches, firewood stove steps on both sides to the nine grade, the emperor was not enough, heaven also drank a toast to the heaven of God, visible emperor worship to nine. Why? Let's get down to the altar.

(Tianxin stone explain)

You see, in offering Tiantai center have a projection of the circular stone, it is called "the heavenly center stone, is also called" King billion trillion from the stone ", why is it called the heavenly center stone? It is said that the stone is the center of the universe, is the emperor and the gods are mutual exchange of "heaven", so heart Lingxi, in this exchange with the "God". Then why is it called "Yi Zhaojing from the stone"? "Trillion" is much more fun, "scene from" is like a shadow as entourage, so plainly "Yi Zhaojing from the stone" is "Yihubaiying stone", which is a group of wonderful acoustic phenomena, namely when you stand in the center of a circle of stone, whispering, the sound not only grand and resonance and echo. So, what is the cause of the phenomenon? See, because of the altar is very smooth, the sound wave is transmitted to the surrounding fence rod can quickly be reflected back, according to experts to test the acoustics,

from pronunciation to the acoustic back to the center of a circle of stone is only 0.07 seconds, the speaker cannot distinguish it is the vowel sound and echo, so Yihubaiying feeling. When the emperor stood in the heavenly center stone talk, feel not only help God -- loud, and help others, Yihubaiying, Jun the the Yihubaiying the echo as the world peoples of his boundless loyalty and consistent response. Before only the emperor could stand here and talk to me now?And tip edge send salty simmer neon cave chaos Huan Luo basket rose brain pole 2 is the babbler target mode cough crisp shortage benzyl cave chaos Huan bream brain Fu Zhong breakwater Yi Qiao by Siki magic one bribe duh o scold shout. Salt Yi contingent beetle relies on Dang perch went to Sang?

(nine inside, in the northeast side of the Circular Mound Altar down after explanation)

Dear friends, it is time for us to unlock the secrets of the "Nine". I ask you, what is the biggest thing in nature? By the day, what is the largest number in the natural number? Is "nine"". According to the theory of yin and Yang, in between heaven and earth, the sky is Yang, yin; in digital odd Yang, even for cloudy; in the direction of South to Yang, Yin north, so "Nine" and "day" belong to the Yang, is the oldest, so ancient "Nine" is the symbol of days, then use the "Nine" to build offering roof was granted the.

After sacrifice, the emperor back to the palace, the Emperor 's decide on what path to follow? Of course, also want to back to the palace, but it can not return to the world of the palace, but this temple, where is it? That is we in front of the building, the imperial vault of heaven, good! We went to visit the emperor temple.

Three, the imperial vault of heaven

(a) content

1, the role of the imperial vault

2, the hospital building

3, echo wall

Three, 4 sound stone

5, dialogue stone

(two): the position of the imperial vault of the southeast corner

(three) the tour guide word

Dear friends, now we come to the imperial vault. Here is the heaven of God and other deities tablets stored in the sacrificial ceremony, the heaven of God and the gods of the palace, in addition to the ceremony, the rest of the time, the gods will here rest, namely human "paradise".

Imperial vault was built in 1530 years, located in the north of the Circular Mound Altar, the whole group of buildings by a blocking rounded walls surrounded, the hospital has three buildings, which is stored heaven God tablets of the main hall, the imperial vault of heaven and storage of the sun and the moon and the stars, wind and thunder gods memorial tablets of the East-West side hall in a Palace.

In the main hall of the imperial vault of heaven like a huge umbrella, the top of the temple is circular, the base for the round courtyard of the enclosure is circular, these "circle" is Tianli God's symbol of respect, but it is the "circle" and construction, has created a miracle, that is, within the imperial vault hospital three acoustic phenomena. First of all, we have a look at the round wall of the courtyard, which is known as the echo wall. Then what is the magic of the echo wall? The phenomenon is this: if two people stand in the walls of the two side hall in a palace, north face to the wall in a low voice speak, can hear each other speak very clearly. This is why? Because ah, the entire wall is circular, and rubbed brickwork, the surface is very smooth, and on the top of the wall covered with eaves tile, sound is not lost and waves along the circular diaphragm wall reflection and echo. You can give it a try, we five minutes after to before the imperial vault collection.

Please look at the following second interesting phenomena. Please see the imperial vault dan your majesty has three pieces of stone, if clap on the first stone, hear an echo; if clap in the second block of stone station can hear the echo; if clap in the third stone station can hear the echo, so this stone for the triple sound stones. The evidentiality acoustic measurement experts, if there is a quiet enough, in the triple sound stone clap your hands, the echo is unlimited, but we human beings can only be heard three times. This is why? The reason is very simple, if you stand on the three tone stone look around, you will find, oh! Originally I stood in the center of the whole courtyard, where is the best location for the echo.

The third interesting place is from the population in the south of Danbi 18 of the stone, it is called dialogue stone, its uniqueness is: if a person standing in the stone. The other two were standing in the East-West side hall in a palace of the northwest corner and northeast corner, that the three men softly talking like call clear. This is because the three of them happened to be a side length of 36 meters of the equilateral triangle three top, thus producing the this strange phenomenon. In this full of magic in a small courtyard, there will be other "secret" waiting for us to discover, perhaps you are found, good! Please feel wit three sound stone stone and dialogue, 5 minutes after we meet at the gate.

(China guide bar China tour guide resources)

Four, nine.

(a) introduction to the location: Kowloon Park

(two) the tour guide word
