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Do you want to go to a movie部分教案

时间:2019-06-27 00:37:33 来源:免费论文网

Do you want to go to a movie部分教案 本文关键词:教案,movie

Do you want to go to a movie部分教案 本文简介:Doyouwanttogotoamovie部分教案  年级七年级课题Unit9SectinA  时间2017.11  

Do you want to go to a movie部分教案 本文内容:

Do you want to go to a movie部分教案

  年级七年级 课题Unit 9 Sectin A


  <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 A chair is at the des and the ther chair is next t the bed. The bcase is beside the des, and I have an Chinese bs and ne English dictinar in the bcase.I have a gd picture, t. It is n the wall near the bed. M dll is n the bed and ball is under the bed.M r is sall, but it is clean and tid. I lie it ver uch.读完这篇,请你画出我的房间:

  来源:网络整理 免责声明:本文仅限学习分享,如产生版权问题,请联系我们及时删除。

Do you want to go to a movie部分教案