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时间:2018-11-09 10:33 来源:免费论文网





我们常常看见这样的画面:地铁上、饭馆里,乘电梯、过马路,生活的每一个缝隙都被手机填满。朋友聚餐、家人团聚, “低头族”依旧忙着看微博、聊微信、玩游戏,就算搭话也是敷衍了事。 “低头族”的队伍正在壮大,从年轻人到中老年人,甚至孩子也在加入。 “低头族”源自英文单词Phubbing,是一个杜撰的单词,由phone(手机)与snub(冷落)组合而成,大意是因玩手机而冷落了周围的人的行为。2012年这个词被收进了澳大利亚全国大辞典。很显然,信息时代的无礼与冷漠正在全球蔓延。







(3)低头族,请抬起头来。 “低头族”除了容易导致交通事故、损害身体健康外,长此以往会制造人际“沟壑”。不少人手机中的熟人、朋友成百上千,在现实生活中却是“孤家寡人”,没有一个可以倾心交流的人。


(5)切莫被科技所“害”。 科技的发展是为了人们生活得更加便捷,如果不能正确应用,或许被科技所“害”。正确运用科技吧,现实世界总比虚拟世界真实和温暖。



莎士比亚没有黑莓,亚里士多德没有iphone,他们过得也很好;基督教在没有博客的年代传向全球,耶稣在山上训诫时没有用PPT作展示。 “所有的科技

对快乐生活来说,完全没有必要”,英国《卫报》曾对科技如此评价,引人深思。 如今, “低头族”一词,又触动了我们的神经。地铁上、饭馆里,乘电梯,过马路,“低头族”生活的每个缝隙都被手机占满。朋友聚餐、家人团聚, “低头族”依旧看微博,聊微信,玩游戏,就算搭话也是敷衍了事。“低头族”的队伍正在壮大,从年轻人到中老年人,甚至孩子也加入其中。我们从他们的身上,看到的是信息时代的理性缺失与冷漠。信息时代的我们,远没有想象中幸福。 但科技的发展给我们带来的快捷与便利我们也深有体会。 “不出门便知天下事”,鼠标轻轻一点,到手指轻轻一触,科技给我们带来更多的是便捷。我们也









智能手机的出现导致了越来越多的低头族。很多人坐车的时候,走路的时候,闲坐的时候,就会拿出手机,眼睛再也离不开屏幕。更有甚者,和朋友或者家人相处时,也把玩手机,疏离他人。假定你是李华,针对这一现象,请写一份电子邮件,和你的美国朋友Mr. Jenkins探讨这种现象。

参考词汇:低头族:phubber;智能手机:smart phone

1. 智能手机的出现 the appearance of smart phones

2. 智能手机涌入我们的生活 with smart phones poping/flooding/crowding into our life

3. 突然想起... Sth. pop into one's mind

4. 我脑子里突然闪现出一个新的想法。A new idea popped into my mind like a flash.

5. 导致了越来越多的低头族

Resulting in/contributing to a dramatically growing/an increasing number of phubbers

6. 全神贯注地盯着手机屏幕

With eyes focused/fixed on screen attentively, with eyes staring at the screen closely/intently,

7. 专注于apply one's mind to keep one's mind on be absorbed in be buried in be

lost in focus attention on

8. 很多人坐车的时候,走路的时候,闲坐的时候,就会拿出手机。

Even when taking a bus, walking or sitting around , majorities of people can’t wait to take out their phones.

9. 更有甚者,和朋友或者家人相处时,也把玩手机,疏离他人。

What is even worse is that even if staying with their family members or friends, many phubbers are still sunk into phones/ are still burying themselves in playing phones without caring about others’feelings./ completely igoring others’existence/feelings, leaving them feel left out extremely. Worse still, many phubbers just bury themselves in virtual world and alien people in real life.

10. 人们如此沉溺于手机以至于无论何时何地他们都离不了手机。(tear)

So addicted to playing with phones are they that they can hardly tear themselves away from them whereever and whenever they go.

11. 这一现象不仅对低头族的健康有害,而且还影响他们现实生活中的人际关系。

This phenomenon not only poses a threat to phubbers’ health, but also is of great influence to their interpersonal relationship in real world.

12. 忙着玩游戏/微信聊天、刷朋友圈

bury/employ/occupy oneself in playing games/chatting on WeChat

在微博上点某人的名 @ sb. On Microblog

上传照片到个人资料 unload a photo to your profile

简介,个人资料 profile 刷朋友圈 Moments/ Friend circle

她在朋友圈晒了度假照片。 She shared/posted her pictures on her moments

关注某人 follow sb. 取消关注 unfollow sb./sth.

粉丝follower/fans转发 repost/ forward/retweet

评论 comment 赞、点赞 like/ give one like

加好友 friend sb.删除好友 unfriend sb.


Dear Peter,

I’m writing to you to talk about the phenomenon of phubbing that occurs in our present life. With smart phones appearing, more and more people become a member of phubbers.

Quantities of people play smart phones when taking the bus, walking and sitting. They are lost in smart phones with no time to notice something special. In addition, some people get touch with friends or families as well as playing smart phones, thus keeping away from others. As far as I am concerned, it is not worthwhile to spend much time playing smart phones. If we were crazy about smart phones, we would lost friendship and families. It couldn’t be better that people get on well with families rather than playing smart phones.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours

Li Hua

Dear Peter,

I’m writing to you to talk about the phenomenon of phubbing that occurs in our present life. With smart phones appearing, more and more people become a member of phubbers.

It is common that quantities of people will play their smart phones wherever they go and whatever they do. Phubbers can be easily found when taking the bus,sitting around and even walking. Lost in smart phones, they have no time to notice something else, which makes them too self-centered. Worse still/what’s worse, there is a bad trend that phubbers concentrate on the screen too much, thus keeping themselves away from their friends and families staying with them.

As far as I am concerned, it is not worthwhile to spend much time playing smart phones. Were we crazy about smart phones, we would miss the happiness of staying with our loved ones. In view of this, it can’t be better that phubbers return to normal social life rather than bury themselves in playing smart phones.

What do you think of phubbing? I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely yours

Li Hua





Do Not Let Phone Becomes A Barrier

In the cartoon two, we can know that it was a birthday for old man, his children got together to celebrate his birthday. However, when they were prepared for cutting the birthday cake,old man's children took out their phones to play a trick with each other . The old man was very anger, he broke the dish , but his dear children did not pay attention to him, they were still self-amusement. Through the picture, we should do not let phones become a barrier ,do not alienate ourselves from others, especially our relatives and friends.

With the development of modern science and technology , most of people own a phone, the phones always accompany all around us, as a result ,we seldom accompany our families .It is said that phones have made our lives easier,because of these handy devices ,we can take our work with us anywhere. However , it is not necessarily a good thing. We can not remember when we talked with each other,we just remember what we saw from the phones . In the long term ,it is harmful to our feelings with families, maybe the house will become very cold, and our heart is also cold. You can imagine,when you focus on your phone whenever you are in the house with your families gathering around the dinner table ,what do the other families think about? They must be becoming anger and disappointment, because they need that you care about them, you miss the chance in conversation with other members,you should not loss the communication to link the family relationship. Thus ,put down your phone and integrate yourself into the families,do not let phone become a barrier ,do not alienate ourselves from others, we should use phone as less as possible when we are together with our families or friends.

In conclusion,phone is original tool that we can contact others, we do not

use it to alienate ourselves from others, we should do not use it unless necessary, do not like the children of cartoon two ,let the old parents heart-broken. Our parents do not need too much,just in need of your company,do not let phone becomes a barrier of our family affection.
