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时间:2018-11-09 10:31 来源:免费论文网


[金银岛英语读后感]想必大家都有读过一本有名的名著《金银岛》,金银岛英语读后感。这本书里,从头到尾都围绕着一个冒险故事旋转,在这里面的一个少年出生在一个贫穷的家里,以开酒店维持生计。那个少年就是本书的主人公吉姆.霍金斯。他无意之中发现了老海盗藏着金银财宝的荒岛地图。于是,他与别的朋友商量,带着一群水手踏上了探宝之旅。但是不久,他们船中的一群水手叛变,就此双方的激烈对战开始,他们与敌人展开了惊心动魄搏斗。最后,由于各个船员的努力,胜利落向了吉姆这一方,不久,他们载着金银财宝兴高采烈的满载而归回到了家乡。 虽然我没有亲身去到那儿冒险,但是在我的脑海中,总能浮出一丝景象,吉姆他那正直的面孔总能出现,在他身边他是显得那么的高尚、善良、勇敢,他总是能制服海盗,取得胜利,他是多么勇敢!当我听到他这句话时震撼得全身发抖,如这一段:我们看见陆地的那天夜里,我就在苹果桶里,我听到了你约翰,还有你迪克.约翰逊,还有汉兹,他现在是在海底了,我还在一小时内,把你们说的每句话都报告了,读后感《金银岛英语读后感》。至于纵帆船吗,使我割断了船的缆索,是我杀死了你们留在船上的人,是&&就当我看到这些的时候我心里十分震撼一个少年能有那么大的勇气说出这些,这让我很佩服。 当然我有佩服的人也有愤恨的人,例如西尔弗为代表的人物,在他们的身上体现的都是虚伪、非分、邪恶,他们为了自己而杀死别人的性命,他们没有为自己所做的事情感到愧疚,反而而更加猖狂。越想到金钱脑子越空,最后仅剩下杀人的念头,想一个接一个的把人的喉管割破,横行霸道。让我的脑子里全部浮现出他们带着一双凶恶的眼睛恐怖的狞笑拿着水手短刀疯狂的杀了很多人,只为了自己的利益而丧失人性。虽然,这篇小说以假乱真,但是他的作品中体现善良与邪恶之间的尖锐对抗。我觉得这个故事警告我们:干什么都不能自私,因为那是在你人生路上的错路,而吉姆他们身上体现是一种以正义为代表的精神财富。


The impression after reading “Treasure island”

“Treasure island” is a well-known adventure story book.

After reading Treasure Island, I thought that it’s important to be brave. If we want to gain the character of brave, we should be ready to take risk, dare to explore the new area along our lives. In other words, if we want be survive and successful, we should be adventurers in the sea of life. It is said that the best stock exchange brokers in America are people who are used to be athletes and not the graduates of finance. Therefore the parents should give their children the chance to adventure. However, parents always tell their children what to do, when to do, how to do and why to do. In this way, parents become the masters, while the children,to some extant, become the servants. They may dare not to do anything at all, which absolutely is not the purpose of parents.

So you can see from the story that greed and desire will never bring a wonderful life.


Impression of 《Treasure Island》

《Treasure Island》depicts the valiant, witty and lively young boy, Jim Hawkins, the process of finding treasure map and how he encountered pirates, and finally find the treasure.

Among all the plots, the one give me the most impressive is that Jim hided in the apple barrel, accidentally heard the pirates of the plot, and almost caught on the spot. He said, “You may fancy the terror I was in! I should have leaped out and run for it if I had found the strength, but my limbs and heart alike misgave me.”, “John did not know, to be sure, that I had overheard his council from the apple barrel, and yet I had by this time taken such a horror of his cruelty, duplicity, and power that I could scarce conceal a shudder when he laid his hand upon my arm.” and “I have terrible news.” From here, you can determine that how terrified, helpless, and precarious the Jim was. He wanted to tell Captain Smollett, the squire, and Dr. Livesey, but they did not show their interests in Jim’s news, finally cause the tragedy of fighting. This plot that Jim heard the conversation between pirates is a turning point of the story, it lays the groundwork for Jim slipped into the place beyond pirates and captured the ship. Imagine that if it is not Jim in the big bucket secretly heard the secret of the pirates, the results will become what it looks like? That may allow pirates to take advantage of the treasure and do something wrong such as gambling, drinking and squandering food.

In the meanwhile, we can feel the temptation of money. Money can change the relationship between people and people; it is the corrosion of all. But the money itself is innocent, but the psychological deterioration of the people delusion possession of it, use it or even control it. Thus, money has become a synonym for evil. But money is sometimes beneficial to mankind, as long as you use the money reasonably, the money will be the most useful items.

The book is very outstanding in the idea of layout, the atmosphere and

characterization of personality. As the story unfolds, tense thrilling scene after another, makes people want to read the book in one time.
