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时间:2018-11-09 10:29 来源:免费论文网



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( )1.A.a taIl old man B.a short thin man

C.a short thjn woman D.a tall old woman

( )2. A.5 feet tall B.4 feet taIl

C.7 feet tall D.6 feet tall

( )3.A.sheep and cows B.cats and sheep

C.geese and fish D.horses and sheep

( )4.A.gets to schooI at about six

B.gets to school at about eight

C.gets up at six thirty

D.gets up at six

( )5.A.a nine—day holiday B.a three—day holiday

C.a ten—day holiday D.a seven—day holiday

( )6.A.at the gate of the museum at 8:00

B.at the gate of the park at 10:00

C.at the gate of the schooI at 6:00

D.at the gate of the museum at 9:00

( )7.A.the pupils ln the home B.the pupiI ln the class room

C.the ladies in the bed room D.the people in the home

( )8. A·the doll ln white dress B.the dog In g reen d ress

C.the doll in red dress D.the dog in red d ress

( )9.A.collecting coins B.one hundred stamps

C.collecting stamps D.eight hundred stamps

( )10.A.playing basketball B.playing football

C.playing the piano D.flying kites


1.Kate’s mothe r usually_____ TV in the evening

2. The man is ______his books in the boxes.

3.The students a re taking________over there.

4.Lin Tao lives on the_______ floo r.

5.Is there a______ in your bed room?

6.My grandmother likes ________peaches and grapes.

7.Mike often has________ and miIk for breakfast.

8.The picture on the right is ________from the one on the left

9. He is going down this________.

10.He is wearing _______trousers.



( )1.A.He is a teache r of music。

B.He is a teache r of Engllsh.

C.He is a P.E.teache r

D.He is in Canada

( )2.A.They swim in the lake.

B.They swim in the schooI.

C.They swim in the river

D.They don’t like swimming.

( )3.A.34219804 B.34128904

C.3421 8904 D.34129804

( )4.A.Yes,she does.

B.No,She often writes lette rs to him.

C.No,she isn’t

D.No,but she often e—mails to him.

( )5.A.a bottle of mllk B.some bread’

C.an egg D.A,B and C


( )1.There are five people in Mary’s family.

( )2.Both Mary’s parents are teachers-

( )3.Mary and he r b rothe r study at diffe rent schools.

( )4.Mary and he r brothe r go to school by ca r-

( )5.Sometimes Mary and he r family go sightseeing.



( ) 1.Jack is___ office worke r。

A.a B.an C.any D.one

( ) 2.There are some under the tree.

A.child B.childs C.children D.the children

( )3.Would you like some_____?

A.bread B.breads

C.piece of bread D.pieces of breads

( )4.He____a boat now.

A.make B.makes C.making D.is making

( )5.They often listen ______ music in the evening.

A.in B.On C.to D.at

( )6. My parents are not here.They’re on______third floor.

A.a B.an C.the D./

( )7.This isn’t____book.____is over there.

A.mine,My B.my,Mine C.mine,I D.my,My

( )8.How tall is ___,170 cm.

A.he B.him C.his D.he r

( )9.____a big tree in the garden.It’s an apple tree.

A.Have B.Have got C.The re is D.The re are

( )10.Listen!The woman______ a Russian song.She often_____ this song.

A.is singing,sing B.sings,is singing

C.sings,sings D.is singing,sings

( )11.We____a three—day holiday next week.We____some farms and factories.

A.will have,are going to visit

B.have,is going to visit

C.will have,visit

D.are going to visit,visit

( )12.Look at the Iake.There are many____.

A.goose and duck B.geese and duck

C.goose and ducks D.geese and ducks

( ) 13.May I sit beside you?-----____________

A.Really? B.Yes,of course.

C.I’m not sure.D.Yes,you are.

( )14.---___________?

一Thev’re five yuan a kilo.

A.How many pears are there

B.How much is the apple Juice

C.How heavy are they

D.How much are the apple

( )15.They go to school____seven______the morning·

A.in,on B.at,at C.at,in D.on,in

( )16.The room isn’t _______ very clean.

A.and B.o r C.but D.with

( )17.They like____very much.

A.read B.read book C.reading D.reading books

( )18.______ is Lily’s bike?It’s green.

A.What color B.What

C.Whe re’s D.Whose

( )19.一_____the farmer got any cows or pigs?


A.No,you don’t B.Thanks for coming.Bye!

C.Yes,you can.D.Has,hasn’t.

( )20.一_____?I want to go to see Miss Li with you.

一Sorry,I’m very busy.

A.Are you going to play footbalI tomorrow

B.A re you free tomo rrow

C.Can I heIp you

D.What can l do fo r you .


1.Sunday is the f_____ day of a week.

2.It’s very c____ today.The temperature is only 4℃.

3.The sun is shining.It’s s_______ today.

4.I am h _____.Let’s go to the restaurant.

5.Beijing is to the north of Guangzhou.Japan is to the e_______of China.

6.Mike often goes to school by bike.But May goes to school on f______

7.English is my favou rite s________.I practice it every day.


1.two_____ 2.Three______

3.Two______of______ 4.some________


(1)A:Excuse me.Can you____me the way____China Hotel, Please?

B:Yes._____down this street,_____left at the first crossing.The hotel is______the right. C:Thank you very much.

(2)A:Can I______you?

B:I want a shirt.How_____is it?

A:Seventy yuan.____you like this one?

B:Yes,I’ll_____it。Here is the______


1.Have you got any pets?


2.What’s you r hobby?


3.Can you speak English?


4.What’s 275 and 18?


5.Do you always go to school by bus?



Li Hong,Hitomi,John Smith and Alice Green are classmates.They come f rom different countries.Li Hong is from China.Hitomi is from Japan,John is f rom Canada and Alice is from F -rance.Now they are studying in Oxford,England.Li Hong is 24 years old.She likes reading.On

Saturday and Sunday she usually stays at the library and does some reading.Hitomi is 25-She likes taking photos.She often goes sightseeing on holiday.John is 23.He likes

sports.On Saturday or Sunday he usually plays ball games.He often plays basketball with his friends.Alice is 27.She is a beautiful lady.She Iikes seeing films.She wants to be a film star.On Saturday and Sunday she often sees films or watches TV.

( )1.John comes from France.

( )2.Li Hang usually reads at the library on weekdays-

( )3.Hitomi’s hobby is taking photos.

( )4.John is 25 years oId,he doesn’t like taking exercise.

( )5.Alice likes seeing films and watching TV.


Susan is an American girl.She lives in a mountain village.Her school is__1__ f rom he r home.Every day she goes to schoo__2__bus.She must get__3__ at about 6:30 every morning.She__4__no time for breakfast at home,so she often __5__ something for

breakfast on the way to schoo1.She usually gets to school at 8:15.Susan ___6__want to get up so __7__,and she doesn’t want to be late for school, ___8__.Susan is a good pupil.She works__9__.Her teacher and classmates like her very __10__

( )1.A.near B.far C.beside

( )2.A.by B.with C.at

( )3.A.to B.up C.on

( )4.A.have B.is C.has

( )5.A.eat B.eats C.eating

( )6.A.don’t B.doesn’1 C.isn’t

( )7.A.early B.nice C.many

( )8.A.too a.also C.either

( )9.A.badly B.hard C.back

( )10.A.good B.much C.angry


Lucy Jones is an English woman.She is 25 years old.She is a teacher.She is in Guangzhou,China now.She lives at 368 Tianhe Road.Her telephone numbe r is 38819012.Swimming is her favourite sport.Every morning she swims in the park near her,house.She likes teaching and she

loves children very much.She is a good English teacher.


" 番禺区民办学校一览表


"市桥",1,"番禺区新英豪中英文学校","小学,初中","市桥市广路沙头街大罗塘村旁 61941736(教导处)"

"钟村",1,"祈福英语实验小学","小学","钟村镇祈福新邨内 34714836"

,2,"祈福英语实验学校","初,高中","钟村镇祈福新邨内 84718265"

,3,"祈福新村小学","小学","钟村镇祈福新邨内 84518504"

,4,"祈福新村学校","初中","钟村镇祈福新邨内 84518504"

,5,"北师大南奥实验学校","小学,初中","钟村镇汉溪大道南国奥林匹克花园内 34772600"

,6,"番禺区鸿翔小学","小学","钟村镇钟四村环村路54号 23833609"



,3,"番禺执信中学附属小学","小学","大石镇迎宾路星河湾住宅区内 34785608"

,4,"番禺执信中学"," 初,高中","大石镇迎宾路星河湾住宅区内 34785608"

,5,"番禺区华立小学","小学","大石镇桔树村 34500486"

"南村",1,"培正广地实验学校","小学","南村镇广地花园内 84794882"

,2,"华师附中番禺小学","小学","南村镇华南新城内 61902260 "

,3,"华师附中番禺学校","初,高中","南村镇南大路168号华南新城小区内 34765966"

,4,"华南碧桂园学校","小学,初中","南村镇华南碧桂园住宅区内 34769915"

,5,"广州市番禺复中实验小学","小学","南村镇雅居乐住宅区内 34826188 "

"石基",1,"番禺区新英才学校","小学","石基镇市莲路傍西公园侧(一校区) 34563805(不参加) "

"小学,初中","石基镇莲塘村(二校区) 许翠华校长22875005 // 13076760560 "

,2,"番禺区金华学校","小学,初中","石基镇竹山村翠竹园内 84641791"

,3,"番禺区天星初级中学","初中","石基镇龙西路 22634886"

,4,"番禺仲元实验学校","小学,初中","石基镇金海岸花园住宅小区内 34552622(小学部,欧老师 zysyschool@163.com)"

"化龙",1,"番禺区化龙镇大博学校","小学","化龙镇山门村 34755169"

"沙湾",1,"番禺区金星学校","小学","沙湾镇金业大道一横路西 34733337-8019"

,2,"番禺区万翔小学","小学","沙湾镇龙岐村 34878598"

"大岗",1,"番禺区大岗镇阳光小学","小学","大岗镇佛岗村 34998998"

"东涌",1,"番禺区东涌镇旭升学校","小学","东涌镇鱼窝头村 34913588"












