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时间:2017-06-05 05:55 来源:免费论文网



1.Beside the Huangpu River, stands the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.(stand)

2.Mum suggests finding a concert hall near where we live--we will not want to travel a long way home after the concert is finished .(finish)

3.The manager discussed the plan that they would like to see carried (carry)out the next year

4.In five year's time,more than 1.2 million treeshave been planted (plant)

5.Anybody who greaks the ruleswill be punished (punish)

6.The forest programme is being operated (operate)very well in the villages

7.Free medical care is given (give)to most people in cities.

1.The teacher told us we would have (have)a geography test the next day

2.I heard that there would be (be) a new railway line in our province

3.Did she ask you whether you would be (be)able to come?

4.They hoped that they would return (return)home before monday

5.Mr brown said that he would oftter (offer)his help if it was necessary

6. Let's come (come) to Hua Xing clothes store.

7. How much (many) are the red socks?

1.The problem Discussed (discuss) yesterday was very important.

2.The problem being discussed (discuss) now is very important.

3.The problem to be discussed (discuss) tomorrow is very important.

4.I must go now .It is time I picked (pick) up my daughter from school.

5.In some cities,missing a bus means waiting (wait)for another ten minutes

6.Listen! What's that broadcast (broadcast)on the radio Looking (look)back on it,I can't find out what went wrong

1.The English language was spoken (speak)more and more from then on .

2 The song was written (write) by him 2 yeas ago.

3 The pictures are going to be taken (take) by him tomorrow.

4 The film has been shown (show) here twice .

5 The computer can be uesd (can use ) in the room.

6 The article has been translated (translate) into many languages since it was published. 7 The room is being painted (paint) now.

篇二:长江大学 专业英语考试

Unit One: Business Environment

Part One Economic and financial environment

Stimulus financing spelt out

The government yesterday unveiled a raft of measures to encourage lending by financial institutions to infrastructure projects, small businesses and potential home and car buyers.

Also, an extra credit volume of 100 billion yuan ($14.6 billion) will be provided to three policy banks this year to prop up economic growth amid the worsening global financial crisis.

An executive meeting of the State Council, or the Cabinet, presided over by Premier Wen Jiabao, also said steps will be taken to help financial institutions better ward off risks.

Banks, securities firms and insurers should take coordinated action to play a bigger role in supporting economic growth and contributing to industrial restructuring, it said.

In the face of the global financial crisis, it is imperative to implement a "pro-active fiscal policy" and a "moderately easy monetary policy"; and the financial sector should play a bigger role in economic development, the meeting said.

It announced nine measures to boost the role of the financial sector in the economy including:

- Urging commercial banks to meet the demand for loans from small- and medium-sized enterprises - which have been severely battered by the economic slowdown - investors in the countryside, as well as home and car buyers.

- Expanding the issue of treasury bonds.

- Allowing insurance companies to invest in major infrastructure projects.

- And using exchange and interest rates as well as the bank reserve requirement ratio to ensure liquidity in the banking system.

Analysts said they believe the move is part of the government's answer to how the massive 4-trillion-yuan ($586 billion) stimulus package, announced on November 9, will be financed.

The central government said last month it would provide 1.18 trillion yuan, or 30 percent, while local governments and enterprises are to make up for the rest.

But some analysts say it would be difficult for enterprises to obtain loans from spooked lenders; and some local governments, grappling with falling revenues, simply lack the financial muscle to chip in.

"Some of the measures are designed to finance the infrastructure projects in the stimulus package," said Zhang Jun, director of the China Center for Economic Studies at Fudan University.

The government has earmarked 1.8 trillion yuan for such projects as railway, highway and airport construction, according to the National Development and Reform Commission.

"Some of the projects would be new revenue sources for insurance companies and banks," said Lian Ping, chief economist at the Bank of Communications. "However, it's

necessary to keep an eye on potential risks."

China's economy has been losing steam since the end of last year, dragged down by weakening foreign demand for its goods and a slump in the property sector.

Economic growth dropped to 9 percent year-on-year in the third quarter, compared to 11.4 percent for the whole of last year.

The government has already cut interest rates four times over the past months and lowered the ratio of deposits lenders are required to set aside, in an effort to reduce borrowing costs and increase liquidity in the banking system.

US offers to cut farm subsidies

U.S. Trade Representative Susan Schwab says the proposal reflects a promise made by Washington to play a leading role in getting a trade deal done.

The U.S currently has a ceiling of just over $48 billion on agricultural subsidies. But, actual support payments to farmers came to about $7 billion last year because soaring food prices meant they needed less help.

Schwab says the proposed $15 billion cut is $2 billion less than the United States promised a year ago. She says this offer is being made to move the negotiations forward and to conclude the talks.

"This is a major move taken in good faith with the expectation that others will reciprocate and step forward with improved offers in market access," she said. "These cuts will deliver effective and significant reductions in trade distorting domestic farm support."

The talks, called the Doha Development Round, aim to make trade fairer for poor countries. The United States and European Union have been under pressure to reduce their agricultural subsidies and to cut tariffs.

Developing countries say trade-distorting subsidies give the wealthy countries an unfair advantage, making it difficult for them to compete in the open market.

Wealthy countries say they are willing to cut their farm supports, but in return the poorer countries have to provide greater market access to their manufactured goods and services.

Schwab says the new cuts proposed by Washington would require adjustments to domestic farm programs. But, the U.S. is prepared to make those changes.

"But, we also need assurances that if our programs are going to meet these disciplines, they are then not going to be subject to legal challenges that reduce them further," said Schwab. "Now, let me say again. These reductions are not offered in isolation. They must be accompanied by significant market access, market opening in agriculture and in NAMA."

NAMA or Non-Agricultural Market Access Negotiation deals with a wide-range of manufactured and industrial goods.

Reaction to the U.S. proposal so far has been mixed. The European Union calls it a reasonable offer, but suggests it could go further. A Brazilian delegate says it is a nice try, but still too high.

Making sense of a weak dollar

Weak or strong. which is better? If the question is about the American dollar, the answer depends on whom you ask.

The dollar has been weakening against several major currencies. One euro is currently worth about one dollar forty cents. A British pound is worth over two dollars.

Many widely traded products are bought and sold in dollars. These commodities include oil, soybeans and metals like copper. A weak dollar can mean a better deal for foreign buyers. But for oil producers and countries that tie the value of their own money to the dollar, weakness reduces their purchasing power.

A weak dollar, though, may help reduce the American trade deficit because it makes American exports less costly. But in the United States it can raise the cost of imports. An exception is imports from China.

The Chinese government sets the value of the yuan on foreign exchanges. This year the yuan has increased less than four percent against the weakening dollar. This has kept the prices of Chinese imports low.

In other cases, however, a weak dollar hurts American businesses that deal in imported goods. They may have to raise prices or sacrifice profits. Many companies do not want to raise their prices for fear that they may lose market share.

The Federal Reserve has said that inflation remains under control. But the Fed says it is prepared to take action if inflationary pressures increase.

Last month the central bank cut short-term interest rates by half a point. It did so to help keep problems in the housing and credit markets from harming the wider economy and causing a recession.

But some economic worries appeared to ease after the latest jobs report last Friday. The Labor Department said employment increased by one hundred ten thousand jobs in September. Also, new numbers for August showed a gain of close to ninety thousand jobs.

The department had earlier reported that the economy lost four thousand jobs in August, the first report of job losses in four years.

Still, critics warn of dangers from a weaker dollar and lower interest rates, which reduce the returns on dollar-based investments. A New York Times commentary, for example, said dollar weakness is rooted in the borrow-and-spend behavior of the government and the public. It said foreign lenders will be less and less likely to want to invest in dollars, and that will only make things a lot worse.







policeman强调“警察”的个体,有单、复数之分:My father is a policeman.


When we talk about the universe,we mean the earth, the sun,the moon and many other stars.


Many countries have sent up the satellites into space.

“空间”、“余地”、“空地”:There is no space on the bus.


1.The teacher told us we________(have)a geography test the next day

2.I heard that there_______(be) a new railway line in our province

3.Did she ask you whether you_______(be)able to come?

4.They hoped that they_________(return)home before monday

5.Mr brown said that he________(offer)his help if it was necessary

6. Let's _____ (come) to Hua Xing clothes store.

7. How _____ (many) are the red socks?


1 .would have 主句said为过去式,所以从句也要过为过去将来时

2. would be

3 .would be

4 .would return

5 .would oftter


8.8. much

