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时间:2017-05-27 05:55 来源:免费论文网




Promotion: n. 促销

They're doing a big promotion for their new detergent. 他们正在为他们的新款洗衣粉大做促销行动。

Bargain: n. 特价商品

Many shops have bargain sale during the slack season. 很多商店在淡季,进行大减价销售。

This knitwear is a good bargain at only Yuan 50. 这件针织衫是特价, 只卖50元.

Half off/50% off 卖半价,打五折

Should I get these jeans? They're 50% off! 你觉得我应该买这条牛仔裤吗?打五折!

When does your half-off sale start? 什么时候开始打对折?

BOGO = Buy One Get One; 买一送一

Two-for-one: 买一送一

A lot of stores are having BOGO sales right now! Let's go shopping! 很多商店现在都在推出买一送一的大减价!我们去逛街吧!These shirts are two-for-one, I think I’m gonna get a couple. 这种衬衫买一送一, 我想多买几件.

Discount: n. 折扣

These scarves are sold at a discount of 10%. 这些围巾打九折出售.

外教一对一 We give 10 percent discount for cash. 现金付款,我们九折优惠。

Coupon: 折价券, 优惠劵

This coupon is transferable but not cashable. 此券优惠可转让他人使用但不能兑换现金。


抢注网址: /wenkxd.htm

15% off with this flyer 凭此宣传品优惠15%

50% off on selected lines 部分商品降半价

Accessories & spares delivered to your door 配件送货上门。

All the range of ? available. 各种??有货

As many repairs as you need, free of charge 随时免费维修

Ask at the counter for details 详情问柜台

Ask inside for details 详情里面询问

Best choice and best discounts 最佳选择,最大优惠

Big sale 大甩卖

Brighter shopping, brighter prices 明智的购物,透明的价格

Buy any two together and save 10% off both products 一次性买俩,每个优惠10% Buy one and get anyone free 买一赠一

Buy two get one free 买二赠一

Children's wear 童装

Closing sale 关门大甩卖

Computers in stock 电脑有货

Customer care is our top priority 顾客至上

Customer services 顾客服务处

Easy to use and great value too. 好用实惠,物美价廉

Fill in your selection here and take to a pay point. 在此选购商品填单,然后到收款台付款。 Final clear out 清仓大甩卖

For more information,contact our customer service desk 详情请和顾客服务处联系。 Free delivery to your door 免费送货上门

Furniture sale now on 家具现降价销售

Half price sale 半价甩卖

Hours of opening: 营业时间

Massive stock, clear out 大量库存,清仓甩卖

Offer is subject to availability. 现货优惠,卖完为止

Open for business as usual 照常营业

Opening soon 即将开业

Opening times (hours): 营业时间:

We can provide the complete hospitality service. 我们提供热情周到的服务。 Out of hours, delivery at ? 下班时,送货到??

Peace of mind from the minute you buy 买着放心

Please ask for assistance 需帮助请询问

Please check your change before leaving the checkout area 请当面点清。

Please retain this receipt as proof of your purchase and your guarantee.请保存好收据,作为交款凭证,并享受保修。

Please leave bags at the counter 请把包放到柜台



抢注网址: /wenkxd.htm

Price crash 削价 Sale 50% off original price按原价的50%销售 Sale at breakdown price 跳楼价甩卖 Sale continues in store 商品继续销价 Save up to 50% off 50%大降价 Save up to 40% 6折优惠 Save your money 贱卖 Savings and discounts all around the store 店内所有商品均削价处理 Services as usual 照常营业 Special offer 特价 50% discount on selected items 部分商品五折 Summer price cuts.夏季大削价 Thank you for your custom. 感谢您惠顾光临 Try before you buy 先试后买 We will not be beaten on price 我们的价格最低。




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2008年03月09日 星期日 12:23





1. May I help you? 您买东西吗?

2. Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?您想买什么?

3. Is there anything I can do for you?

4. May(Can)I do something for you?

一般不说:What do you want?因为这样问显得无礼。

店主或店员想了解顾客想要什么,喜欢什么或向顾客推荐物品时的用语:Which shirt(pen…)do you like?


What size(colour,kind…)do yu want?


Do you like this size(colour,kind…)?


Is this(Are these)all right?


What about these(those)?


What else would you like?




1. I am looking for a red coat. 我想买一件红衣服。

2. I want to get a pair of sunglasses. 我想买一副太阳镜。

3. I'd like to have a pair of black trousers. 我想买条黑裤子。

4. Can you show me a shirt? 可以把衬衫给我看看吗?

5. Could I have a look at that blouse? 我可以看看那件女式衫衣吗?


No,thanks. I'm just looking around. /Just have a look. 不,谢谢了。我只是随便看看而已。


Can you show me…? 你能给我看看…吗?

I would like(want)some… 我想买…

Have you got any…? 你们有…吗?

I’m looking for… 我想买…


How much is it(are they)?多少钱?

How much do you ask for it(them)?这个(些)你要多少钱?

What does it come to?一共多少钱?

Can it(they)be cheaper?能便宜点吗?

That’s too much dear.太贵了。

Can you sell it for two yuan?两元钱你卖吗?

Can you come down a little?能便宜一点吗?

How much do you want?你想要多少钱?


May I have a look at it(them)? 我可以看看吗?

Can I try it(them)on? 我可以试一试吗?

…is(are)over there. …在那儿。


1. What colour do you want?/What colour, please?你要什么颜色的?

2. What size do you want?/What size, please?你要什么尺码的?

3. What kind do you want?/What kind, please?你要哪一种?


1. What about the green one? 那件绿色的怎么样?

2. The coat is nice and warm. 这件衣服很暖和。

3. The trousers are the fashion now. 这种裤子现在正流行。

4. How do you like this pattern? 你觉得这种款式怎么样?

5. How about the colour? 这颜色怎么样?


1. How much is it? 它要多少钱?

2. How much are these things? 这些东西多少钱?

3. How much does it come to? 一共多少钱?

4. What's the price of it? 这个多少钱?

5. How much,please? 请问要多少钱?


顾客中意某一件东西后想买下某物时说:I'll have/take it. (我要买这个。)而较少说:I'll buy it.


Here's the money. 来,付钱。

当顾客购物付款后,售货员或收款员通常要向顾客致谢说:Thank you.

1、May/Can I help you? 您想买点什么?

2、Are you looking for something particular? 您需要什么东西?

3、We have a clearance sale today.我们今天请仓大处理。

4、The price will go down.价格将会降低。

5、I heard other stores having great mark-downs on this item.我听说别的商店这种商品正在大降价。

6、Please try it on.请试穿一下。

7、I\'ve seen this cheaper in other places.我在别的地方看见过这种商品,价格比者便宜。

8、Could you bring the price down?价格能再低一点吗?

9、That is a steal.这是廉价品。

10、I\'d buy this if it were cheaper.如果再便宜一点我就买。

11、It\'s a little overpriced.有点贵。

12、Do you know what size you are?你知道自己穿多大好吗?

13、I\'m afraid we\'re out of that item.恐怕那种货已经卖完了。

14、I\'m afraid we don\'t have it in stock.恐怕已经没有存货了。

15、Where is the men\'s shop?男装柜台在哪?

16、Do you have this in stock?这个还有存货吗?

17、Do you have this in blue?这件有蓝色的吗?

18、How are you going to pay? Cash,check or charge?你打算怎样付款,现金、支票,还是赊帐?

19、How will you pay for this?你用什么方式付款?

20、Cash back?要现金找头吗?

21、what a deal!多便宜!

22、Bring your receipt to the customer service,and they will refund you.拿着你收据到顾客服务台,他们会给恁退钱。

23、Can you give me the invoice?你能给我发票吗?

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