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时间:2017-05-17 07:39 来源:免费论文网

篇一:An Ideal Husband 怀尔德《理想丈夫》大意及读后感

An Ideal Husband《理想丈夫》大意及读后感

General Idea(大意): Sir. Robert hold an important government position. He was a kind-hearted person, he did a lot of charity work for poor people. But he made a mistake when he was young --- he sold a government secret to a businessman. A woman who used to be a thief said that she would tell it to the world if Sir. Robert refused to help her. With the help of his best friend, Lord Goring, Sir. Robert had got out of the trouble. And finally, his wife, who was always seeking perfection had forgiven him and they began a new life.

Feelings and thoughts(读后感): Everyone in the world makes mistakes. We should not be afraid of making mistakes. The most important thing that we should do is to correct them. And when other people around us make mistakes, we should help them to correct and forgive them. As the saying goes, to err is human, to forgive is divine. No one can be perfect.

Beautiful Sentences(优美句子):

You can’t buy back your past. We must not judge people by their pasts.

If you accept help from somebody, then you have to pay.

I’m like a ship without a sail. I’m travelling at night without a star.

If you take away his power, he will lose everything. He will ever lose his power to feel love.

Marriages without love are terrible. But it’s worse when a marriage has love and trust only on one side. The one heart will surely break.

篇二:my ideal husband 我理想中的丈夫

I think someday i will meet a guy whom i really love ,i don’t have too much require for my husband but most important thing is that he should be good temper ,i can’t bear those alway complained and quarrel.

As we know the fairy tales about prince and princess are not true ,but the dream still exit.

My ideal husband Who is not handsome man but should be good look ,who is not doctoral student but should have good education .who is not rich man but should have aspiration ,can be responsible for our future .who is more patient and more childishness . I wish a man that we both have some similar interest that we both love ,it will easier to communicate with each other .i wish a man who is optimistic and positive, when we face to difficulty ,he can give me power.

It’s unnecessary for him to have a big house but at least have a place to live and give me belongingness .

It’s unnecessary for him to have a big car but at least both of us can work hard . Although I don’t put much emphasis on his appearance , for our younger generation can have a good gen ,i wish my husband should have a good look,and height . It’s basic thing,by the way my future husband in nan ning i don’t want to live

篇三:An ideal husband

An Ideal Husband

All start during a party held by Sir Robert, the ideal husband in both private and public life, and his wife, Lady Chiltern, at their home.

Sir Robert is blackmailed by Mrs. Cheveley into supporting a fraudulent scheme to build a canal in Argentina. Because many years ago, Sir Robert was convinced to sell a Cabinet secret for illicit money, and Mrs. Cheveley has the letter to prove his crime. On knowing all these, Lord Goring, the best friend of Sir Robert, also was formerly

engaged with Mrs. Cheveley, urges Sir Robert to fight Mrs. Cheveley and admit his guilt to his wife. However, Lady Chiltern is told by Mrs. Cheveley about all these. Unable to accept who Sir Robert really is, she denounces her husband and refuses to forgive him. Then, Goring receives a pink letter from Lady Chiltern asking for his help, a letter that might be read as a compromising love note, which is stolen by Mrs. Cheveley and goes to Sir Robert, after Lord Goring using his relationship with Mrs. Cheveley obtains the evidence and burns it.

Finally, everything is clear. And the couple never love each other more than now.
