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时间:2017-05-15 07:41 来源:免费论文网


Slower growth likely in 2015

A slew of data is expected to help clarify whether more easing will be required

China will set an economic growth target of about 7 percent for 2015, the weakest expansion in a generation as the country's leaders tackle debt risks and imbalances, according to analysts polled by Bloomberg.

Thirteen of 22 economists said China will settle for about 7 percent growth next year, down from this year's 7.5 percent. Sixteen said the government should change its targeting policy, with nine indicating a range would be better Seven suggested targets be scrapped altogether in favor of projections or

assumptions of growth, as most other nations provide.

The Chinese government is holding off on any broad stimulus, with Premier Li Keqiang expressing a preference for policy improvements and People's Bank of China Governor Zhou Xiaochuan vowing to stick with a prudent monetary stance.

Economists estimated GDP probably expanded 7.2 percent in the third quarter of the year, weighed down by a property slump-the slowest in more than five years.

"Setting 7.5 percent this year gave Beijing too little space for reform and deleveraging," said Yao Wei, a Paris-based China economist at Societe Generale SA.

"The recent talk from policy makers has sent strong signals that the growth target is less important as long as the labor market is stable. That suggests a new consensus is forming at the top that more slowdown should be tolerated." Yao expects the government to set a range of 7 percent to 7.5 percent and said there is "no indication" that anything below 7 percent is acceptable to the government yet.

China typically announces the annual growth aspiration at the National

People's Congress in March, after policymakers meet late in the year at the Central Economic Work Conference to hash out policies. The Communist

Party of China's top officials gather in Beijing next week for the Fourth Plenum, where moves to centralize and standardize the legal system are expected to top the agenda.

The broadest measure of new credit rose to a three-month high in September as the central bank's targeted measures to boost liquidity helped spur lending, data on Thursday showed. Subdued inflation figures released a day earlier had suggested the central bank has more room to further ease monetary policy. The PBOC cut the interest rate it pays lenders for 14-day repurchase

agreements for the second time in a month this week, and further data next week-including GDP, industrial production and investment-are expected to help show whether more easing is needed.

China's main government-backed research organization this month gave one of the strongest signs yet that leaders will keep eschewing broad stimulus just to meet this year's goal.

The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences forecast a 7 percent expansion next year, according to the Shanghai Securities News. The Beijing-based institution estimates growth of 7.3 percent this year, the newspaper reported.

China's growth target was 7.5 percent in 2012 and 2013, and expansion came in at 7.7 percent each time.

Former US treasury secretary Lawrence Summers, now a Harvard University professor, and colleague Lant Pritchett argue China is unlikely to sustain its rapid growth over the next 20 years as a "regression to the mean" damps its expansion.

"Many of the great economic forecasting errors of the past half century came from excessive extrapolation of recent performance and treating a country's

growth rate as a permanent characteristic rather than a transient condition," they wrote in a paper.

Applying regressions, the predicted growth rate for China over the next two decades drops to 3.9 percent, they wrote in the paper, which also argues India's expansion is likely to slow.

The International Monetary Fund in July urged China to set a growth target of

6.5 percent to 7 percent for 2015, warning of a "web of vulnerabilities" in the economy from real estate and rising debt. This month, it forecast 7.4 percent GDP growth this year and 7.1 percent in 2015.

"Lowering the growth target to about 7 percent will provide more room for reform," said Zhu Haibin, chief China economist at JPMorgan Chase &Co in Hong Kong.

"Reforms and economic rebalancing will cause

traditional overcapacity industries to slow down, but it will take time for new sectors to grow. It will be reasonable to lower the growth target."

President Xi Jinping said in May that the nation needs to adapt to a "new normal" in the pace of growth.

China has taken steps away from its addiction to GDP targeting, with the creation of a dashboard of more than 40 economic indicators to measure the efficiency and quality of growth.

The set will comprise existing data such as GDP and new items including the ratio of fiscal debt to revenue and the proportion of workers involved in

research and development, the National Bureau of Statistics said last month. In the long run, "China should give up targeting GDP completely and instead focus on employment and inflation, given how difficult it is to determine what the sustainable level of GDP growth actually is," said Julian Evans-Pritchard, China economist for Capital Economics Ltd in Singapore.

That echoes the view of Standard &Poor's Singapore-based economists Paul Gruenwald and Vincent Conti, who last month said China's adherence to targeting is hurting financial stability.

Shen Jianguang, chief Asia economist at Mizuho Securities Asia Ltd in Hong Kong, said while the government's growth target "is no longer taken as the golden rule" it is still "necessary for economic planning and policy adjustments".


A bad beginning makes a bad ending. 不善始者不善终.

A bad thing never dies.


A bad workman always blames his tools. 不会撑船怪河弯.

A bird in the hand is worth than two in the bush. 一鸟在手胜过双鸟在林.

A boaster and a liar are cousins-german. 吹牛与说谎本是同宗.

A bully is always a coward.


A burden of one's choice is not felt.


A candle lights others and consumes itself. 蜡烛照亮别人,却毁灭了自己.

A cat has 9 lives.


A cat may look at a king.


A close mouth catches no flies.


A constant guest is never welcome.


Actions speak louder than words.



As a public issue, the problem of environment turns to the public awareness of environmental preservation. More practically, though, it boils down to the technological innovation.


这两个短语:turns to 和boils down to 是一个递进关系;


Should you be able to lock your phone so securely that even the F.B.I. cannot open it?


The Obama administration and police officers around the country say no, and their precedent is the past. Homes and cars do not have unbreakable locks. You cannot buy an uncrackable safe. And terrorists should not be able to buy a hand-held computer that keeps its secrets forever. 奥巴马政府和全国各地的警官说不可以,他们引为依据的先例就是“过去”。房屋和汽车都没有打不开的锁。砸不开的保险柜也是买不到的。因此,不应该让恐怖分子买到可以永远保存其秘密的掌上电脑。

解析:1.precedent 先例


这里:their precedent is the past. 由强调的意味在里面。表示奥巴马政府就是按先例作为依据。

2. unbreakable locks

uncrackable safe


Apple, backed by technologists and civil libertarians, says yes. People live their lives electronically; their phones are a record of loves and fantasies, illnesses and losses. Apple built its recent iPhones to keep that data private and says nothing less than the future of privacy is at stake in this fight.

但苹果的观点是可以,这种立场得到了科技业者和捍卫民权的自由意志论者的支持。人们过着数字化的生活,他们的手机记录了爱和幻想,疾病和遗憾。苹果制造最近的几款iPhone时,特意确保了这些数据的私密性,而且明确表示这场纠纷正是使隐私权处于风险之中。解析:1.People live their lives electronically;


2. loves and fantasies, illnesses and losses.



3. keep that data private


4. nothing less than the future of privacy is at stake in this fight.

Nothing less than 是个固定短语,(意思是:只有,正是表示强调。)


Nothing less than a worldwide effort can curb and harness the problem of environment. 只有全球的努力才能解决环境问题。

His negligence was nothing less than criminal.



1. 回答考官就某事征求你的意见

As far as I’m concerned, I think…

In my opinion,…

It seems to me (that)…

From where I stand, it is…

What I reckon is…

I’d like to point out that…

If I may say so, this is…

I’m convinced that…

Personally, I consider…

2. 表达对未来的打算和态度

Well, … as you know, at the moment, I am studying at…

I am preparing right now to go to university, so my short-term plan is to…

If I am not successful, that is, if something goes wrong, I think I will probably…

In the future I would like to complete a master’s degree.

I do not know if I will…, but I might be able to…

I feel inclined to…

I’ll do all I can to…

I reckon I’ll…

I’m figuring on…

I have every intention of…


I have a fancy for…

I don’t think I’ve seen anything I like better.

I’m very keen on outdoor sports.

I’ve always liked fishing.

…is a marvelous way of spending a day off.

There’s nothing I enjoy more than…

I’m crazy about…

I can’t find words to express how much I like it.

I have a particular fondness for pop song.

Walking is one of my favorite pastimes.

4. 描述事物

It’s made of silk.

It has many features.

It is red colored with a steep roof.

It’s a 3-room apartment, and it’s about 80 square meters.

5. 回忆过去

I can still remember the time when I passed my entrance examinations.

I will never forget when I first when to ....

Once, when I was a college student, I went on a trip which I will never forget.


I felt so happy that I could jump for joy.

I felt like I was in heaven.

It impressed me deeply.

I felt so depressed.


The first thing you should do/need to do is to plug it in.

First, you need to take off the lid.

The first step is to get the ingredients prepared.

Next, you should select the function you want to use.

After that, you should press the button.

The last thing you need to do is turn off the stove.

8. 解释原因

In my opinion, there are three way of looking at it: first of all,...next,...then...

Well, I think there are ...reasons: first, I think it is part of our culture. I think it is good for our economy. Finally, it gives us time to recharge and be rested for the next working year.

The best reason I think the examination system should change is because it prevents too many people from pursuing their dreams.

I can come up with about 3 reasons for the change in...

9. 谈论变化

More and more people in china are learning English.

The environmental problem is getting more serious.

There has been a rapid increase of farmers moving to the cities.

China's population has remained about the same over the past few years.

10. 评价作用

Yes, computers play a big role in our lives.

Yes, I think it's an important issue for us in china these days.

Friendship is something we all take seriously.

In China we consider the family to be the key to our society.

11. 总结规律

In most cases, divorce is something that both parties realize is necessary.

Generally(speaking),Chinese people love sports.

By and large, Chinese people are very respectful of the elderly.

On the whole, Chinese students receive a good education in the basics.

12. 表达观点

Well, I know many people like it but I think it's wrong.

Yes, these days it is quite popular to go on these chat lines, but I think it is not very good.

A lot of people think the environment is getting better but frankly I think it is getting worse.

13. 驳斥观点

I'm afraid it is wrong.

I don't think so.

I am afraid what you think about...is not quite right

Sorry, that is not at all right.

No, you've got it all wrong.

I think the information you have must be incorrect.

It doesn't seem correct to say...

I can't accept that.

I couldn't agree with you less.

I do not think you are right here.

I can't go along with your view.

On the contrary,...

I can't say that I share your view of...

I'm afraid I can't accept your argument.

I'm not at all convinced by your explanation.

14. 举例说明

Let me give you an example.

Take ...for instance,...

An example of this would be...

And as evidence of that,...

Let me cite a few instances...

To exemplify the theory,...

To give you an example of this, take...for instance.

To illustrate my point,...

To make it clearer to you,...

15. 假设推理

If you allow your traditional customs to disappear, this will have bad effect on your culture. If everyone were to eat fast food, we would have a lot of health problems to deal with.

If animals were to disappear, we could indeed be showing our irresponsibility to the animal kingdom.

16. 表达区别

The biggest difference between construction about 20 years ago and today is that 20 years ago many constructions were done manually.

One large way that big cities differ from small cities is the air.

Yes, there are quite a few different between the way children and adults make friends. A good example is the way they just start using each others’ toys happily without needing permission.

17. 表达对比

Big cities have more opportunities than small cities.

University life is more interesting than middle school life.

Families in the past were more dependent on each other, but now they are more independent. There were fewer cars on the roads 20 years ago, compared to now.

18. 列举优势劣势

There are two sides to this issue. On one hand, we need tourism to develop our economy. On the other hand, we shouldn't let it destroy our natural beauty.

The main advantage of getting your news on the Internet is that it is fast and you can choose what news you want to learn. The disadvantage is it may not be a reliable.

The strengths of a traditional family are in its close family support, but the weakness is that may make us lazier.


I think what should be done is to give students more opportunities to demonstrate their creativity.

I think this problem could be solved by creating more job opportunities.

To solve this problem, I think we should try and set up more facilities for elderly people to meet

each other and socialize.
