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时间:2017-05-12 07:35 来源:免费论文网


unit1 my day

p4 let’s talk张鹏:你们何时结束课在早上?佩德罗:我们结束课在一点钟。然后我们吃午饭在家。张鹏:哇。你们何时返回学校在午饭后?佩德罗:在两点半。课开始在三点钟。张鹏:你通常何时吃晚饭在西班牙?佩德罗:通常在九点半或者十点钟。张鹏:哇。那是太迟了。

p5 let’s learn做早操,吃早饭,上......课,做运动,吃晚饭。你何时做早操?在七点钟。

p6 let’s spell打扫,钟,班级,聪明的,盘子,茄子,请,玩

p7 let’s talk老板:今天你为什么购物?莎拉:我的妈妈昨晚工作,所以我今天购物。老板:好女孩。所以你在周末干什么?莎拉:我经常看电视并且打乒乓球和我的爸爸。老板:那 听起来像很多乐趣。莎拉:是的,但是我也是努力工作的。我通常洗我的衣服。有时我烧饭。老板:你是如此忙的。你需要一个机器人去帮你。

p8 let’s learn打扫我的房间,去散步,去购物,上一节舞蹈课。我经常打扫我的房间在星期六。



unit 2 my favorite season

p14 let’s talk琼斯先生:你喜欢音乐吗,孩子们?迈克:是的。它是美丽的。它是什么?琼斯先生:《四季歌》。今天我们将要画季节。你最喜欢哪个季节?迈克?迈克:冬季。我喜欢雪。琼斯先生:我也喜欢雪。你最喜欢哪个季节,吴一凡?吴一凡:春季,它是美丽的。琼斯先生:是的,它是。

p15 let’s learn春夏秋冬 你最喜欢那个季节?夏天。我能每天游泳。

p16 let’ s spell棕色,图书馆,兄弟,伞,绿色,葡萄,爷爷,成长。

p17 let’s talk艾米:你好。怀特小姐。看我的画.怀特小姐:干的好。我喜欢这些树。颜色是非常漂亮的。艾米:是的,我最喜欢秋天。天气是好的。并且颜色是美丽的。你最喜欢哪个季节?怀特小姐?怀特小姐:夏天。艾米:为什么?怀特小姐:因为我喜欢暑假。 p18 let’s talk你最喜欢哪个季节?我最喜欢春季。到处有美丽的花。我经常去野营和我的家人。

unit2单词表 春,夏,秋,冬,季节,野餐,去野餐,摘采集,摘苹果,雪人,堆雪人,去游泳,哪一个,最最高程度地,做得好,因为,假期,全完全,粉色粉色的 ,可爱的美丽的,叶子,叶子复数,秋天,用颜料绘画

p24 let’s talk迈克:我们有一些有趣的东西在春天。在在运动会后,我们有一个复活节派对。张鹏:派对在何时?迈克:它在四月。我们也有个学校旅行。张鹏:那在何时?迈克:它是在五月。张鹏:酷。

p25 let’s learn一月新年寒假,二月寒假,三月植树节,四月复活节派对,运动会,五月


p26 let’s spell中国,小鸡,老师,羊,鱼,衬衫,短裤

p27 let’s talk奥利弗:秋季是我最喜欢的季节。我真的喜欢那颜色。陈洁:我也喜欢秋季。我们通常有一个学校旅行在秋季。奥利弗:太棒了!今年旅行在何时?陈洁:它在十一月。我们将要去长城。

p28let’s learn七月暑假,八月暑假,九月教师节中秋节,十月国庆节,十一月美国感恩节,十一月圣诞节。何时是中秋节?它是通常在九月或十月。我将要吃月饼和我的家人一起。


五下Unit 1句型巩固:


1. 你什么时候做早操?八点钟。_____________________________________________________________________________

2. 你周末做什么?我经常打扫我的房间。_____________________________________________________________________

3. 我总是在星期五上舞蹈课。_______________________________________________________________________________

4. 我有时在星期天晚上散步。_______________________________________________________________________________

5. 我们通常七点吃晚饭。___________________________________________________________________________________

6. 我经常和妈妈去购物。___________________________________________________________________________________

五下Unit 2句型巩固:


1. 你最喜欢哪个季节?春天。_______________________________________________________________________________

2. 我可以去野餐。_________________________________________________________________________________________

3. 我最喜欢冬天。_________________________________________________________________________________________

4. 我经常在秋天摘苹果。___________________________________________________________________________________

5. 我喜欢夏天因为我可以去游泳。___________________________________________________________________________

6. 你喜欢春天吗?是的,喜欢。______________________________________________________________________________

五下Unit 3句型巩固:


1. 教师节在什么时候?在9月。_____________________________________________________________________________

2. 植树节在3月。_________________________________________________________________________________________

3. 我们将去长城。_________________________________________________________________________________________

4. 今年的(秋)游在什么时候?在10月。


五上Unit 4句型巩固:


1. 运动会在什么时候?在7月1日。__________________________________________________________________________

2. 你的生日在什么时候?在10月2日。______________________________________________________________________

3. 你爸爸的生日在什么时候?在1月5日。___________________________________________________________________

4. 我的生日在6月3日。____________________________________________________________________________________

5. 爷爷的生日在12月24日。________________________________________________________________________________

6. 儿童节在6月1日。______________________________________________________________________________________

五上Unit 5句型巩固:

一、请翻译以下的句子。 1. 这本书是谁的?是我的。_________________________________________________________________________________

2. 这只狗是迈克的。 ______________________________________________________________________________________

3. 这幅画是他的。_________________________________________________________________________________________

4. 这只兔子在跳吗?是的。_________________________________________________________________________________

5. 这些小猫在吃东西吗?不。_______________________________________________________________________________

5. 他们在睡觉。___________________________________________________________________________________________

五上Unit 6句型巩固:

一、请翻译以下的句子。 1. 你在做什么?我在看书。_________________________________________________________________________________

2. 她在做什么?她在听音乐。_______________________________________________________________________________

3. 他在上语文课吗?是的,他是。___________________________________________________________________________

4. 保持你的桌面干净。_____________________________________________________________________________________

5. 请小声讲话。___________________________________________________________________________________________

6. 我们在吃午餐。_________________________________________________________________________________________



format [ ]

1 middle headline excuse.the 2 leave the object name.the 3 leave reason.

the 4 leave the start-stop time. 5 greeting words.

6 for signature.

the 7 leave time.

the format template:

taking a leave of absencex x x:

i was ... ... reason, on the ... ... things leave ... ... time, please approve.sincerely yours


x x x

x x month x day

content ( format ) 1 title.

in 2 called.

the 3 reason for leave.

the 4 leave the start-stop time. 5 greeting words.

6 for signature.

the 7 leave time.

( examples for reference )please leave a

the xx training center:because of our staff of the general assembly held on the evening of january 10th,

no person shall absent in late january 10th, so i cannotback to school to attend the training. we take, ken hope approval!sincerely



xx bank haizhu branchsales department liu xxin january 8, xx

english classnote format

english diary writing should pay attention to three points: in 1 english diary writing and chinese for the same, it generally consists of

four parts, namely the time, call, text and signature.2 in general, can be found

a note is a si-mp-le writing style. for a general written on pa-pe-r, no envelope.

the format of writing and correspondence has many similarities, the correspondence

is greatly simplified.

2 distinguished leadership:because i * * * * reason, will not be able to * * * * *, please lead to give care.sincerely yours


leave: * * * * * * *

* * * * * * * * * * * daysurname name leave things for for the number of days from the month day hour day month / date to the transfer of workviews

approval of the leadershipin second copies:

leave type leave family leave sick leave maternity leave marriage leave

bereavement leave to run a businessholiday beginning on days when the holiday time month day hourleave for department manager signature signed by the general manager2 content ( format )

1 title.

in 2 called.

the 3 reason for leave. the 4 leave the start-stop time. 5 greeting words.

6 for signature.

the 7 leave time.

( examples for reference )please leave a

the xx training center:because of our staff of the general assembly held on the evening of january 10th,

no person shall absent, so i can not return to training late in january 10th. we take,

ken hope approval!sincerely yours salute!

xx bank haizhu branchsales department liu xxin january 8th 2xxx

taking a leave of absence:

due to it can not participate in activity, we take, hope approval. sincerely yours篇二:英语请假条的格式英语请假条的格式 请假条(written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用

应用文之一,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假 (leave of absence)。请假条


1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同, 它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文







下来伤了腿,但伤得不重。医生让你在家里好好休息。因此,你向高老师请假两天(ask for

leave for two days)。(2002新疆乌鲁木齐中考题)



dear miss gao, im sorry i can’t go to school today. i helped the farmers pick apples with my

classmates on the farm yesterday. unluckily, i fell off the ladder and hurt my leg,

but i wasnt badly hurt. the doctor asked me to stay in bed and have a good rest. so

i ask for leave for two days.your student

wang li

【范例2】请事假: dear ms.riddle,

i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence from your oral

english class this wednesday morning. yesterday evening i got a phone call from my cousin, who is now running a small

firm in suburbs of this city . he needs an interpreter for two days but cannot find

the most reliable person, so he wants me to have a try. personally , i regard this

as a golden opportunity to put what i have learned in your class into practice, but

i need your permission of absence . if you think i may go and help him get over the

difficulty, i am confident that i ll do a good job and both of us will grateful.earnestly yours,


周莹霞 november 12, 2015请假条(written request for leave)是英语学习者必须掌握的常用应用文之一,也是高

考要求掌握的写作话题之一,它包括请病假(note for sick leave)和请事假 (leave of



1.英文中请假条的写法和汉语请假条相同, 它一般由四部分组成,即时间、称呼、正文


2.请假条是一种简单的书信文体, 其书写格式与书信有很多相似之处,是简化的书信,




1.i’m writing to you to ask a sick leave.我在给你写信请病假。

2.i ask you for sick leave of three days.我请3天病假。

3.i’m sorry that i can’t go to school today, so i want to ask for two days of

sick leave. 很抱歉今天我无法上学了,所以我想请两天病假。

4.i wonder if you could give me your permission.你是否同意我请假呢。

5.i hope you can approve my leave. 望准假!

6.your kind permission will be greatly appreciated.承蒙惠准,感激不尽。

7.i’ll go back to school as soon as i am well enough. and i’ll do my best to

make up for the missing lessons during my absence 我病一好了就会尽快回校。并且我会尽我所能去补上所缺的课程。

8.sick leave 病假 a casual /absence leave 事假

9.i am very/really/terribly/extremely sorry to tell you that i cannot attend your

english classes today. 很抱歉我今天不能上您的英语课。

10.i have to go to see the doctor. 我得看医生。

11.i want to ask for four days’leave from tuesday to friday.我想请假4天,时间是从周二到周五。

12.i enclose a doctor’s certificate. 我附上了医生证明。(注意:有的请假条为了



提出请假 + 阐述请假事由(并致歉) + 希望获准 请假条全文一般分为三段。








dear mr. peter,

i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence for one day

on april 4th,this wednesday.(提出请假及时间) thanks. i will call you at 1:30 p.m. or you can call me at any time.(等候答

复)(many thanks. im looking forward to your kind answer.)(希望获准) earnestly yours,

li hua


dear mr li

i beg to apply for two days’ leave of absence from the 7th to 8th of this week.i’m sorry to tell you that because i was seriously ill--suffering severe headache,

i want to return/go home to see the doctor. as regards the lesson to be missed during

my absence, i will do my best to make them up as soon as i get back from leave. to support my application, here i herewith/enclose the sick leave certificate.? i should be very much obliged if you will grant me my application. yours respectfully, li hua


假定你是李华, 按如下提示给ms. riddle 写一张事假条。




2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。dear ms. riddle,








_______________________________________________________________________________ earnestly yours, li hua

【参考范文】 dear ms.riddle,

i would like to know if i could ask for a casual leave of absence from your oral

english class this wednesday morning. yesterday evening i got a phone call from my cousin, who is now running a small

firm in suburbs of this city. he needs an interpreter for two days but cannot find

the most reliable person, so he wants me to have a try. personally, i regard this

as a golden opportunity to put what i have learned in your class into practice, but

i need your permission of absence. if you think i may go and help him get over the

difficulty, i am confident that i’ll do a good job and both of us will be grateful.thanks. your kind permission will be greatly appreciated. earnestly yours,

li hua篇四:怎么写英文请假条怎么写英文请假条




date:某年某月某日(写假条的日期而不是请假的日期) subject:标题(写上请假字样)
