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时间:2017-05-10 07:37 来源:免费论文网





2、Giraffa camelopardalis


例句一、你怎样才能把长颈鹿搁到冰箱里?--How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

例句二、为什么长颈鹿的脖子没有长得离谱?--Why does the giraffe's neck not become impossibly long?

例句三、我在圣诞节能得到一个长颈鹿妈妈吗?--Can I get the mommy giraffe for christmas?例句四、有关长颈鹿的问题产生了最大的争议。--But it was a giraffe that caused the biggest stir.例句五、在雾中,一只长颈鹿站在南非ndumu禁猎区--A giraffe stands in the mist in south africa's ndumu game reserve.

原文来自 必克英语/englishword-




As can be seen in the picture, the giraffe is trying its best to reach for the leaves of the tallest tree apparently beyond its reach, turning a blind eye to the shorter trees nearby

persists in eating the leaves of the tallest tree.

In reality, many people are in the situation similar to the giraffe’s.

This embarrassing situation is also obvious in human society.

分析现状再行动analyze the situation before taking action


Don’t set a goal beyond our ability/ uealistic goals/ unpractical goal or we will achieve nothing.

Instead, we should improve our goal step by step/ cherish and go after what is approachable

1. 可联系现实、分析目标定的高的利或弊

2. 论证合理目标的重要性


李家豪/何琪As is often the case, many people spare no effort to do what is beyond their ability, only to end up with failure=end in failure and get frustrated. To get rid of the dilemma进退两难, what we should do is to assess our ability and potential correctly so that the goals won’t be too difficult to reach.余超群 Nowadays, to keep pace with the rapid rhythm of the city life, people have become more eager to dominate in a certain field or succeed overnight/at one stroke.一夜之间,一蹴而就

例子Many graduates aim too high in the labor market and won’t work as minor employees at the very beginning. Consequently, they may end up unemployed.

唐天豪Many of us are like the giraffe in the picture. We keep daydreaming , paying no attention to what is available to us. Sometimes we need to swallow our pride and give up the uealistic. Adapt ourselves to the reality and adjust our goals or our efforts will be in vain 徒劳的.

金菱 展开Stop daydreaming. Set some realistic

goals instead. With these short-term goals realized, we will gradually build up our confidence just as the giraffe deals with its hunger.

Only by setting realistic goals and trying to achieve them step by step, will we reach the long-term goals eventually/ in the end. Haste makes waste.欲速则不达

杨骁俊In my opinion, setting a realistic goal is very important for us students and everyone alive. To begin with, setting realistic goals can help us do, be and experience what we want in life. Instead of just letting life happen to us, practical goals allow us to make our life happen. Furthermore, an appropriate goal can shorten our distance away from our destinations.

池晓蓓In summary, goals are needed in our life, but what can really benefit us are the appropriate ones.


陈俊宇描述The giraffe is challenging itself with sweat dropping.

顾心妮It’s necessary for us to strive for the goals we want to achieve. In our life, we come across obstacles from time to time. We ought to take the courage to fight for high goals so that we will be more and more capable/ our potential will be tapped in the process挖掘潜能.

In brief, let’s learn from the giraffe for its bravery to attempt. Set a high goal and head for it!

We should challenge our limits

Spare no effort to achieve our goal rather than give in to reality.

By no means should we withdraw!雨



大一班许柳鹏 第十三周

