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时间:2017-05-09 07:00 来源:免费论文网

篇一:Lesson 17

Lesson 17 Always young 青春常驻 First listen and then answer the question.

听录音,然后回答以下问题。 Why doesn't Aunt Jennifer tell anyone how old she is? My aunt Jennifer is an actress. She must be at least thirty-five years old.

In spite1 of this, she often appears on the stage as a young girl. Jennifer will have to take part in a new play soon. This time, she will be a girl of seventeen. In the play, she must appear in a bright red dress and long black stockings3. Last year in another play, she had to wear short socks and a bright, orange-coloured dress. If anyone ever asks her how old she is, she always answers, 'Darling, it must be terrible to be grown up!'

New words and expressions 生词和短语

appear v. 登场,扮演

stage n. 舞台

bright adj. 鲜艳的

stocking2 n. (女用)长筒袜

sock n. 短袜




【New words and expressions】 生词和短语

★appear v. 登场,扮演

appear:显示,露面≠disappear(都是不及物动词) The plane disappeared. The plane appeared. The actor appeared.

appear as:扮演...角色

He appeared as a prince.

on the stage;在舞台上 appear on the stage as.... My aunt appeared on the stage as young girl. I work as a teacher. She worked as a nurse.

appear:露面,显得 He appears nervous. He appears happy. I appears tired.

★stage n. 舞台

on the stage:在舞台上

in the stage:在某一阶段

★bright adj. 鲜艳的

bright red:鲜红色

bright yellow:明黄色

bright blue:宝蓝色

★stocking n. (女用)长筒袜

★sock n. 短袜










god:神 (God:上帝)





woman doctor:女医生

thirty-five years old:三十五岁

must be

must + 动词原形:"不得不,必须:(对现在的)推测"


at most……"最多" She is fifteen years old. She must be fifteen years old. She must be at most fifteen years old. She must be at least fifteen years old. She must be a model.

in spite of:尽管

in spite of this:尽管如此 In spite of this,I still like school.


take part in :参加某一种活动


join the army:参军

join the party:入党

join us:(口)加入我们中来 join sb./sth.

take part in the race:参加比赛 take part in a play take part in the party

attend meeting:参加会议,出席会议

attend the party:出席宴会

attend class:上课

This time:这一次 a girl of seventeen She is eighteen years old. She is a girl of eighteen. She is a old man of sixty.

must do:必须做 =have to; 推测

in……(介词)穿着...样的衣服 (+颜色、衣服)

用介词短语取代动词,避免了一句话中出现两个动词 The boy in green.

in a bright red dress:鲜红色的连衣裙

long black stocking:长的黑色长筒袜

last year in another play(表示扮演过很多的角色)

had to:必须(不能加介词,+动词原形)

bright,orange-coloured dress:鲜艳的桔黄色衣服

ever==at any time:任何时候(时间副词)

it must be:一定(推测)

must +原形……对现在的推测


grown up:(形容词短语)成年人

grow up:(人)成长

be a grown-up4:作为一个成年人 must be thirty-five years old It is a secret/privacy.

I forget it.

【Key structures】


Must+原形……(1)=have to"不得不,必须"


在过去时的句子中,要用have to 来表示"必须"

have to……可以有任意时态 She will have to... She had to... She has to... She has/I have had to...

have to……作为实义动词,否定式为don't have to will not have to didn't have to

对现在的推测:must do

对过去的推测:must have done

在 I think.he thinks...的从句中,一定要用事实说话。


in one's opinion=I think "就某人看来"

【Special difficulties】 (a) As:

As a young girl...(介词)"作为"

As I learned,...(代词)"正如"

As I am busy==because"由于"

As I was leaving the house...==when"当...时"

Do as you are told. as……方式状语从句的引导词

I work as..."作为...工作"

(b) Dress,Suit,Costume5:




(c)Grow,Grow up:


grow up:"生长,成长"(指人) Exercises B. Choose the correct words in the following sentences: (1)...grow... (2)...suit... (3)...costume...


hire:雇,租 (4)...dress...

Must:推测;必须=have to

【Multiple choice questions】 (1)...d...


right age:适合的年龄

too...to...:太...以至于不能 (2)...b...

She must be...推测

exactly:(副词) 确切地exact words (7)...

it is + a.+to do... 形式主语"某人做某件事情..." It is troublesome to learn English. It is troublesome for us to learn English.

(for sb.)为逻辑主语 have to do =...is necessary

You have to go home.=It is necessary for you to go home.




Body Suit:连体衣,衣裤一体。



Teddy:像是Body Suit+Babydoll,连体版的洋娃娃内衣。




Slip:无袖短睡衣,和Babydoll不同的是多为顺滑真丝和蕾丝薄纱组合,可做衬裙用。 Boy Shorts:也叫Boylegs,是男士内裤的女性化版本,穿起來非常舒适。



Garter Belt:吊袜带


lingerie 女用贴身内衣裤


Thong是丁字裤,顾名思义屁股部分是要露出不少的。expose the buttocks.






Garter belt是吊袜带,也就是把不连裤的长筒袜固定起来的装备。但是现在日常生活中已经很少有人使用吊袜带了,而garter belt可能会跟性感内衣联系在一起。

Boy shorts很简单,就是平角内裤。


Boxer brief指的是紧身的平角裤或紧身短裤。

Singlet, 或者tank top,就是男式的背心。



bankini, 或者是bandeau-kini,是指泳衣的上身是由抹胸构成的泳衣。


monokini, 就是没有上片,只有三角裤的一种泳衣。topless swim bathing happens quite often in Europe..

下半身是裙式的这种bikini叫skirtini. This is quite commonly seen in China.

系绳式bikini叫string bikini。he bottom is just held together by 2 pieces of string.



外套,大衣 coat

T恤 T-shirt

西装 suit

运动服 sports wear

裙装 dress

短裙 skirt

游泳衣 swimmingsuit

毛衣 sweater

内衣 underwear

裤子 pants/trousers

胸罩 bra

长筒袜 stocking

短袜 socks

背心 vest

制服 uniform

衬衫 shirt

领带 tie

领结 bow-tie

睡衣 jammy

clothes 衣服,服装

wardrobe 服装

clothing 服装

habit 个人依习惯.身份而着的服装

ready-made clothes, ready-to-wear clothes

garments 外衣

town clothes 外衣

double-breasted suit 双排扣外衣

suit 男外衣

dress 女服

tailored suit 女式西服

everyday clothes 便服

three-piece suit 三件套

trousseau 嫁妆

layette 婴儿的全套服装

uniform 制服

overalls 工装裤

rompers 连背心的背带裤

formal dress 礼服

tailcoat, morning coat 大礼服

evening dress 夜礼服

dress coat, tails 燕尾服,礼服

nightshirt 男式晚礼服 成衣

dinner jacket 无尾礼服 (美作:tuxedo)

full dress uniform 礼服制服

frock coat 双排扣长礼服

gown, robe 礼袍

tunic 长袍

overcoat 男式大衣

coat 女大衣

topcoat 夹大衣

fur coat 皮大衣

three-quarter coat 中长大衣

dust coat 风衣

mantle, cloak 斗篷

poncho 篷却(南美人的一种斗篷)

sheepskin jacket 羊皮夹克

pelisse 皮上衣

jacket 短外衣夹克

anorak, duffle coat 带兜帽的夹克,带风帽的粗呢大衣

hood 风帽

scarf, muffler 围巾

shawl 大披巾

knitted shawl 头巾,编织的头巾

fur stole 毛皮长围巾

muff 皮手筒

housecoat, dressing gown 晨衣 (美作:duster)

short dressing gown 短晨衣

bathrobe 浴衣

nightgown, nightdress 女睡衣

pyjamas 睡衣裤 (美作:pajamas)

pocket 衣袋

lapel (上衣)翻领

detachable collar 假领,活领

wing collar 硬翻领,上浆翻领

V-neck V型领

sleeve 袖子

cuff 袖口

buttonhole 钮扣孔

shirt 衬衫

blouse 紧身女衫

T-shirt 短袖圆领衫,体恤衫

vest 汗衫 (美作:undershirt)

polo shirt 球衣

middy blouse 水手衫

sweater 运动衫

short-sleeved sweater 短袖运动衫

roll-neck sweater 高翻领运动衫

round-neck sweater 圆领运动衫

suit, outfit, ensemble 套服

twinset 两件套,运动衫裤

jerkin 猎装

kimono 和服

ulster 一种长而宽松的外套

jellaba, djellaba, jelab 带风帽的外衣

cardigan 开襟毛衣

mac, mackintosh, raincoat 橡胶雨衣

trousers 裤子

jeans 牛仔裤

short trousers 短裤

knickers 儿童灯笼短裤

knickerbockers 灯笼裤

plus fours 高尔夫球裤,半长裤

braces 裤子背带 (美作:suspenders)

turnup 裤角折边,挽脚

breeches 马裤

belt 裤带

skirt 裙子

divided skirt, split skirt 裙裤

underskirt 内衣

underwear, underclothes 内衣裤

underpants, pants 内衣裤 (美作:shorts)

briefs 短内裤,三角裤

panties 女短内裤

knickers 女半短内裤,男用灯笼短裤

brassiere, bra 乳罩

corselet 紧身胸衣

stays, corset 束腰,胸衣

waistcoat 背心

slip, petticoat 衬裙

girdle 腰带

stockings 长袜

suspenders 袜带 (美作:garters)

suspender belt 吊袜腰带 (美作:garter belt)

socks 短袜

tights, leotard 紧身衣裤

handkerchief 手帕

bathing trunks 游泳裤

bathing costume, swimsuit, bathing suit 游泳衣

bikini 比基尼泳衣

apron 围裙

pinafore (带护胸)围裙

shoe 鞋

sole 鞋底

heel 鞋后跟

lace 鞋带

moccasin 鹿皮鞋

patent leather shoes 黑漆皮鞋

boot 靴子

slippers 便鞋

sandal 凉鞋

canvas shoes, rope soled shoes 帆布鞋

clog 木拖鞋

galosh, overshoe 套鞋

glove 手套

tie 领带 (美作:necktie)

bow tie 蝶形领带

cravat 领巾

cap 便帽

hat 带沿的帽子

bowler hat 圆顶硬礼帽

top hat 高顶丝质礼帽

Panama hat 巴拿马草帽

beret 贝蕾帽

peaked cap, cap with a visor 尖顶帽

broad-brimmed straw hat 宽边草帽

headdress 头饰

turban 头巾

natural fabric 天然纤维

cotton 棉

silk 丝

wool 毛料

linen 麻

synthetic fabric 混合纤维

acryl 压克力

polyester 伸缩尼龙

nylon 尼龙

worsted 呢料

cashmere 羊毛

patterns 花样

tartan plaid 格子花 (美作:tartan)

dot 圆点花

stripe 条纹

flower pattern 花纹花样

veil 面纱

wrist band 护腕

sport T-shirt 运动T恤

arm band 护臂

sweat pants 棉质裤好舒服个种呢,有时可以罗来做YUGA的

reversible hat 双面帽子即是两面都有图案,可双面戴的

stadium jumper 运动短外套类似ADI NIKE,,,个种短的外套

sweat short pants 棉质短裤

sneaker socks 船袜.... 我本人就不多中意着

sweat skirt 棉质短裙....呢几季好多人将短裙做TOP....

sports bag 运动包

沙滩鞋(类似人字拖甘) beach sanal

百慕达裤(即是到大腿打上少少的棉布裤,休闲款式) bermuda pants

草帽(有大沿边的个种,岩晒海边戴,可以插朵花花扮晒野个种) straw hat

编织手提篮 (类似我地买个种可爱的编织款式的草袋) bucket

连体泳衣(保守型) one-piece

比基尼(近期好多靓们BUY的) bikini

金边太阳眼镜 gold metal frame sunglass ( 我好欢呢种TYPE)

芭蕾舞鞋(好靓,不过不是好多人着得好睇) ballet

轻便鞋(妈妈级比较喜欢着) slip on 通常无跟无带的个种,一脚伸入去的

扣带鞋(前脚掌有扣带的那种) strip

船型低跟轻便舞鞋(不是真是跳舞鞋,是感觉似婆仔鞋个种,有少少尖头的那款式,浅口鞋) pumps
