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时间:2017-05-08 07:16 来源:免费论文网

篇一:职场实用英语口语表达:公司培训英语怎么说? via安格英语



Dialogue 1

A: Margaret, I’d like to follow up with the arrangements for our company retreat, to take place next month. We need to book the venue, make arrangements for speakers and door prizes, and set up all the activities and accommodations. Also, very important, we need to determine which of our staff will be eligible and will be available to go. We’ve got to get a head count in order to make reservations.


B: What’s the criteria for staff to attend? Are we only including our management team in this affair? Or will we be extending invitations to lower level employees to attend?


A: Lower level employees need not attend. The purpose of this retreat is for training,

specifically for our management team. We want to develop a well-oiled machine on our

executive level. In order to get everyone to jell together, we’ve got to include some fun. That’s the reason for the retreat.


Dialogue 2

A: I’d like to welcome everyone to Milton Mabel Co.’s annual company retreat. Now, before you get assigned to your cabins, I’d like to go over a rundown with everyone….


B: Hold on a second, shouldn’t we wait for the other bus to get there? We left directly from

the office, but I think the other bus of employees left from another pick-up spot. Not everyone’s here yet.


A: It’s okay, I’ll go over everything again when they get here. First, since this is an overnight retreat, you’ll all be assigned to a cabin. You’ll have a roomie so no complaints! After you get settled in, we’ve got a workshop to establish goals for our weekend training. Directly after, we’ll have dinner, and then some fun icebreaker activities. Later on, we’ve got a strategic planning meeting, and we’ll finish the night up with nightcap and Jacuzzi.


B: Can we just skip to the Jacuzzi part…



A: Nice try….. Now tomorrow we’ll be up bright and early for another round of training

sessions. I’ll give you more details about tomorrow after the other group arrives.








如:(1)I’d li(ke a)nother bow(l o)f rice. 这里like / laik / 以辅音结尾,another 以元音开头,所以连读;(2)We have an English friend. 这个句子有两处连读:前一处是have的尾辅音/v/与an的开头元音//连读为/v/;后一处是an的尾辅音/n/与English的开头音素/i/连读为/ni/。举例:I’m~an~English boy. It~is~an~old book. Let me have~a look~at~it。

Ms Black workedin~an~office last~yesterday. I called~you half~an~hour~ago。

Put~it~on, please.Not~at~all. Please pick~it~up。

注意:以辅音结尾指的是音标中的最后一个音是辅音,而不是单词的结尾,这如同u[ju:.]niversity前面的定冠词必须用a 一样。

2、以辅音结尾的单词 + h开头的单词h不发音,与前面的辅音连读

what wil(l he) [wili]do? Ha(s he) done it before? Mus(t he) [ti] go? Can he do it? Should he….?

Tell him to ask her…. Lea(ve him) [vim]. For him (连读这个词,会发现和forum 很相似)


如:They looked for it here and there。这个句子也有两处连读:前一处是for it合读为/frit/,后一处是here and合读为/hirnd/。举例:They’re my father~and mother. I looked for~it here~and there.There~is a football under~it. There~are some books on the desk. Here~is aletter for you. Here~are four~eggs. But where~is my cup? Where~are yourbrother~and sister?

注意,如果一个音节的前后都有字母r,即使后面的词以元音开头,也不能连读。 The black clouds are coming nearer and nearer。(nearer与and不可连读)



举例:Thank~you. Nice to meet~you. Did~you get there late~again?Would~you like~a cup~of tea? Could~you help me, please?



举例:I~am Chinese. He~is very friendly to me. She wants tostudy~English. How~and why did you come here? She can’t carry~it. It’ll takeyou three~hours to walk there. The question is too~easy for him to answer。

6、a & the型连读

a & the 一般与后面的单词连读,并且轻而短。特殊情况 a university。

7、注意:连读现象只出现在意群内部,意群与意群之间的两个相邻单词即使符合上面所讲的两个条件,也不连读。如:I hope it'll get a little warmer. 这个句子中的hope it就不连读为/hupit/,因为主句I hope是一个意群,后面的从句是另一个意群。

举例:Is~it a~hat or a cat?(hat与or之间不可以连读)

There~is~a goodbook in my desk. (book与in之间不可以连读)

Can youspeak~English or French? (English与or之间不可以连读)

Shall we meetat~eight or ten tomorrow morning? (meet与 at,eight与or不连读)

She opened thedoor and walked~in. (door与and之间不可以连读)




如:bla (ck) board, foo (t) ball, ke (p) t等。括号中的辅音字母对应的辅音音素/k/,/t/,/p/稍作停顿,没发出音来。



①爆破音中的任何两个爆破音相邻时,前一爆破音失去爆破。如a bi(g) car等。举例:

The girl in there(d) coat was on a bla(ck) bike jus(t) now。

The bi(g) bus fromthe fa(c) tory is full of people。

Wha(t) time doeshe get up every morning

This is an ol(d)pi(c)ture of a bi(g) car。

The ol(d) do(c)torhas a ca(t), too。

②爆破音中的任何一个后接摩擦音/f/, /s/,/W/,/T/时,前面的爆破音失去爆破。举例:

Goo(d) morning,Mr. Bell。

Uncle Li’sfa(c)tory is qui(te) near to the cinema。

I wen(t) therealone a(t) nine las(t) night。

Do you know hisbi(ke) number? -Sorry, I don’(t) know. (I didn'(t) say so。)

The forty-firs(t)lesson is qui(te) difficult。

③爆破音后接/t/, /d/, /tr/, /dr /时,前面的爆破音失去爆破。如a grea(t) change等。④爆破音后接/m/, /n/, /l/时,前面的爆破音失去爆破。如a bi(t) more expensive等。




每一个英文单词如果有多个音节,或者一个句子中有多个音节,那么至少有一个音节是发重音的,当重音放在某个单词或音节的时候,这个词或者音节中的母音要发得重,发得长一点。当重音没有放在某个音节的时候,通常它其中的母音要发得轻一点,短一点,并且一般会变音成为或,例如 purpose, 正常音标为,而实际发音为 ; banana,其中ba 与最后音节na 发音短而轻,中间音节的母音a读得重而长。例句: I didn’t do it on purpose。


一般情况下,句子中的名词、动词、形容词、副词,these (those), why (what, which, wh*,……)需要重读;句子中的功能性单词(冠词a, the等, 指代词I, he, she, his, her, your, my等, 位置介词in, on, behind等, 连词and, but等, 助动词do, dose等)。但在句子中,如果为了特殊强调某项内容,那么不受上述规则的限制。


句子中的单词,如果发重音时,一般该单词发的重而长。单词内部重音位置的不同,会影响词的性质。当重音放在第一个音节时,通常该词为名词或形容词,当重音放在后面的音节时,通常该词为动词,例如: ’permit, n 通行证,许可证; per’mit, v,被允

许; ’perfect, adj, 完美的,per’fect, vt, 改善,使…完美。


在有声子音(浊辅音)前,母音通常发得比较长,在无声子音(清辅音)前,母音通常发得比较短,例如: eyes & ice, seed & sit等等的区别。这也是听力中区别单词的技巧。

5、can & can’t发音区别

I can help you 重音放在help上; can’t help you 重音放在can’t上,发音依然为can, 但随其后的 ’t 做稍微停顿。 I can help you,如果把重音放在can 上,外国人会误认为不能帮他。

6、thirteen & thirty发音区别

Thirteen 重音在thir’teen, thirty重音放在第一个音节上 ’thirty。


当为了强调某个动词时,一般会重读前面的助动词,如果前面没有助动词,需要添加助动词do然后重读,eg. He has (重读) done his work, 为了强调他“做”; he spoke, 为了强调他确实说话了,应该为 he did (重读) speak。



1、辅音[d]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[dэ]:Would you....?

2、辅音[t]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[t∫]: Can’t you:。。。。?

3、辅音[s]与[j]相邻时, 被同化为[∫]: Miss you



Discussion:[k] 浊化成 [g] ; Stand:[t] 浊化成[d] ;expression_r_r_r: [p]浊化成[b]


如: writer,听起来和 rider 的发音几乎没有区别;letter—ladder ;out of




Like & want都是及物动词,在口语中必须连接一个object, 例如:在口语中回答I like, I don’t like, I want, I don’t want, 全部为错误表达。应该为I don’t like it, or I want them ……。

2、a & the的使用技巧

一般情况不可数名词不加a, eg, he has long hair; 可数的时候可以加a , eg, a hair isin my cup特指的时候可以加the. 另外就是意思的不同,I like a dog, 我喜欢狗, I like dog,我喜欢狗肉,I eat a hamburger我吃了一个汉堡,I eat hamburger我吃了汉堡里的一点碎牛肉;I eat a cake 我吃了一个蛋糕, I eat cake 我吃了一点蛋糕。一般情况加a 表示整个,不加a表示一块或一部分。如果第一次提到并且对方事先不知道指的是哪个东西,那么用a, 再次提到时或对方事先知道所特指的对象时,用the. 如果对于大家都很熟悉的东西或者他们经常提到的东西,用the, eg, the sun, the wind, the earth, ……

3、regret 的用法

Regret to dosomething, 感到遗憾地干什么事(将要发生的),regret doing something, 很后悔做了某事(已经发生)。

4、try 的用法





Date and the number of the train, please?


local train(慢车)

direct train(直快)

special express(特快)


hard seat(硬坐)

soft seat(软坐)

semi cushioned berth(硬卧)

cushioned berth(软卧)

Her refusal, though unexpected, did not permanently daunt Clare. His experience of women was great enough for him to be aware that the negative often meant nothing more than the preface to the affirmative; and it was little enough for him not to know that in the manner of the present negative there lay a great

exception to the dallyings of coyness. That she had already permitted him to make love to her he read as an additional assurance, not fully trowing that in the fields and pastures to "sigh gratis" is by no means deemed waste; love-making being here more often accepted inconsiderately and for its own sweet sake than in the carking anxious homes of the ambitious, where a girl's craving for an establishment paralyzes her healthy thought of a passion as an end.

"Tess, why did you say 'no' in such a positive way?" he asked her in the course of a few days.

She started.

"Don't ask me. I told you why——partly. I am not good enough——not worthy enough."

"How? Not fine lady enough?"

"Yes——something like that," murmured she. "Your friends would scorn me.""Indeed, you mistake them——my father and mother. As for my brothers, I don't care——" He clasped his fingers behind her back to keep her from slipping away. "Now——you did not mean it, sweet?——I am sure you did not! You have made me so restless that I cannot read, or play, or do anything. I am in no hurry, Tess, but I want to know——to hear from your own warm lips——that you will some day be mine——any time you may choose; but some day?"

She could only shake her head and look away from him.

Clare regarded her attentively, conned the characters of her face as if they had been hieroglyphics. The denial seemed real.

"Then I ought not to hold you in this way——ought I? I have no right to you——no right to seek out where you are, or walk with you! Honestly, Tess, do you love any other man?"

"How can you ask?" she said, with continued self-suppression."I almost know that you do not. But then, why do you repulse me?""I don't repulse you. I like you to——tell me you love me; and you may always tell me so as you go about with me——and never offend me."

"But you will not accept me as a husband?"

"Ah——that's different——it is for your good, indeed, my dearest! O, believe me, it is only for your sake! I don't like to give myself the great happiness o' promising to be yours in that way——because——because I am sure I ought not to do it."

"But you will make me happy!"

"Ah——you think so, but you don't know!"

At such times as this, apprehending the grounds of her refusal to be her modest sense of incompetence in matters social and polite, he would say that she was wonderfully well-informed and versatile——which was certainly true, her natural quickness, and her admiration for him, having led her to pick up his vocabulary, his accent, and fragments of his knowledge, to a surprising extent. After these tender contests and her victory she would go away by herself under the remotest cow, if at milking-time, or into the sedge, or into her room, if at a leisure interval, and mourn silently, not a minute after an apparently phlegmatic negative.

The struggle was so fearful; her own heart was so strongly on the side of his——two ardent hearts against one poor little conscience——that she tried to fortify her resolution by every means in her power. She had come to Talbothays with a made-up mind. On no account could she agree to a step which might afterwards cause bitter rueing to her husband for his blindness in wedding her. And she held that what her conscience had decided for her when her mind was unbiassed ought not

to be overruled now.

"Why don't somebody tell him all about me?" she said. "It was only forty miles off——why hasn't it reached here? Somebody must know!"

Yet nobody seemed to know; nobody told him.

For two or three days no more was said. She guessed from the sad countenances of her chamber companions that they regarded her not only as the favourite, but as the chosen; but they could see for themselves that she did not put herself in his way.

Tess had never before known a time in which the thread of her life was so distinctly twisted of two strands, positive pleasure and positive pain. At the next cheese-making the pair were again left alone together. The dairyman himself had been lending a hand; but Mr Crick, as well as his wife, seemed latterly to have acquired a suspicion of mutual interest between these two; though they walked so circumspectly that suspicion was but of the faintest. Anyhow, the dairyman left them to themselves.

They were breaking up the masses of curd before putting them into the vats. The operation resembled the act of crumbling bread on a large scale; and amid the immaculate whiteness of the curds Tess Durbeyfield's hands showed themselves of the pinkness of the rose. Angel, who was filling the vats with his handful, suddenly ceased, and laid his hands flat upon hers. Her sleeves were rolled far above the elbow, and bending lower he kissed the inside vein of her soft arm.

Although the early September weather was sultry, her arm, from her dabbling in the curds, was as cold and damp to his mouth as a new-gathered mushroom, and tasted of the whey. But she was such a sheaf of susceptibilities that her pulse was accelerated by the touch, her blood driven to her finder-ends, and the cool arms flushed hot. Then, as though her heart had said, "Is coyness longer necessary? Truth is truth between man and woman, as between man and man," she lifted her eyes and they beamed devotedly into his, as her lip rose in a tender half-smile.

"Do you know why I did that, Tess?" he said.

"Because you love me very much!"

"Yes, and as a preliminary to a new entreaty."

"Not again!"

She looked a sudden fear that her resistance might break down under her own desire.

"O, Tessy!" he went on, "I cannot think why you are so tantalizing. Why do you disappoint me so? You seem almost like a coquette, upon my life you do——a coquette of the first urban water! They blow hot and blow cold, just as you do, and it is the very last sort of thing to expect to find in a retreat like Talbothays. …… And yet, dearest," he quickly added, observing now the remark had cut her, "I know you to be the most honest, spotless creature that ever lived. So how can I suppose you a flirt? Tess, why don't you like the idea of being my wife, if you love me as you seem to do?"

"I have never said I don't like the idea, and I never could say it; because——it isn't true!"

The stress now getting beyond endurance her lip quivered, and she was obliged to go away. Clare was so pained and perplexed that he ran after and caught her in the passage.

"Tell me, tell me!" he said, passionately clasping her, in forgetfulness of his curdy hands: "do tell me that you won't belong to anybody but me!"
