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时间:2017-05-05 06:25 来源:免费论文网



李 莉 张 卫 艾艳秋


术前血液稀释(HD)是血液保护的主要方法之一,HD有三种形式:①急性等容量血液稀释(ANH);②急性高容量血液稀释(AHH);③ 急性非等容量血液稀释(ANIH)。有关术前血液稀释方法的应用已有大量的临床研究和报道,本文就其新的研究进展和应用分述如下。

1. 急性等容量血液稀释


合并冠心病曾被认为是实施ANH的相对禁忌症,Licker等[1,2] 在连续食道超声心动图监测下对合并冠心病的病人行ANH,结果发现麻醉后实施中度ANH(HCT 28%,HB 8.6 g.dl-1左右)并不削弱冠心病病人左心室的收缩和舒张功能,冠心病病人可良好的耐受,为ANH用于冠心病病人提供了参考。ANH用于何种情况其节约用血的作用才能有效地发挥一直是临床探讨的热点, 一项针对根治性前列腺切除病人的回顾性研究表明通过数学模型计算,术中异源血输入减少与ANH的实施无关,且在大出血情况下ANH节约用血的作用有限,建议重新考虑ANH的适应症以提高其效能[3]。然而多项研究表明ANH可减少术中异源血输入[4,5],关于ANH的有效性尚需进一步研究。

2. 急性高容量血液稀释


为避免实施AHH时一过性的循环超负荷,临床上采用的方法有:麻醉诱导后实施,全麻复合硬膜外麻醉,AHH与控制性降压联合应用等。而老年患者由于心血管系统多存在结构与功能的衰老性减退,能否耐受血液稀释及其引起的血流动力学变化的顾虑,一度限制了AHH在老年患者的应用。随着AHH临床研究的深入, 在老年人行AHH方面积累了一定的经验,王婷[7]等用6%HES按15ml/Kg对老年择期肝脏手术患者行AHH,并与青年扩容组比较,发现两组SV,CO,SVR及CVP变化幅度无显著差异,且反映心肌收缩力的指标血流加速度(ACC)在AHH后亦无明显变化,认为年龄并不是影响AHH实施的因素,与Van Daele[8]等的结论一致。


由于ANH操作不便、费用高,AHH扩容能力有限的缺点,上世纪九十年代末,有学者提出了急性非等容量血液稀释的概念。即术前采血,采血后快速补充2~2.5倍于采血量的等效胶体或(和)晶体液,以扩充血容量,降低HCT,术中根据失血情况将采集的血液回输给病人。Habler等[9]对124例预计失血较多的口腔颌面科手术病人实施ANIH,于全麻诱导后采血900ml,同时输入6% HES 130/0.4 500ml和晶体1500ml,术中达输血指征时先回输自体血,必要时输入异体血,发现可使89%的病人完全避免输注异体血,认为该方法安全实用,经济。


4. 血液保护措施在小儿的应用


总之,血液稀释作为术中节约用血的有效方法之一,虽已清楚了它的基本原理,和血液稀释病人的麻醉原则,但对ANH能否真正减少围术期的异体输血量及AHH在临床中能否取代ANH等问题尚无统一认识,作为新兴的血液保护方法,ANIH还缺乏足够的理论和实践依据,其实施方法、应用价值、对机体功能的影响等方面有待于进一步的基础和临床研究,因此,进一步研究应致力于:① 在临床实践中不断发展和完善血液稀释的理论基础和科学依据。② 对于不同病人选择不同的血液稀释方法及其有效组合。③ 探索和发展更有效、更安全的血液保护方法,以达到更完善节约用血的目的。

篇二:flexible sensor


【1】A wearable and highly sensitive pressure sensor with ultrathin gold nanowires

Shu Gong,Willem Schwalb,Yongwei Wang,Yi Chen1,Yue Tang,Jye Si,Bijan Shirinzadeh Wenlong Cheng



【2】Highly sensitive flexible pressure sensors with microstructured rubber dielectric layers

Stefan C. B. Mannsfeld,Benjamin C-K. Tee,Randall M. Stoltenberg,Christopher V. H-H. Chen

Soumendra Barman,Beinn V. O. Muir,Anatoliy N. Sokolov,Colin Reese and Zhenan Bao2834


【3】A flexible and highly sensitive strain-gauge sensor using reversible interlocking of nanofibres

Changhyun Pang,Gil-Yong Lee,Tae-il Kim,Sang Moon Kim,Hong Nam Kim,Sung-Hoon Ahn

and Kahp-Yang Suh



【4】用于机器人皮肤的柔性多功能触觉传感器设计与实验黄英,陆伟,赵小文,廉超,葛运建 文献【5】提出了用伸缩性碳纳米管制作的柔性应力检测传感器。


【6】A large-area, flexible pressure sensor matrix with organic field-effect transistors for artificial

skin applications

Takao Someya,Tsuyoshi Sekitani,Shingo Iba,Yusaku Kat,Hiroshi Kawaguchi,and Takayasu Sakurai




文献【8】介绍了一种基于柔性触觉传感器的接触压力分布采集系统和利用Matlab 进行系统设计的方法。选择力敏导电橡胶作为传感器系统的敏感单元,并采用聚酰亚胺薄膜作为柔性基底来制备8*8 型阵列柔性传感器阵列,通过硬件采样处理,把测得数据上传至计算机上位机软件,并进行数据分析,绘制对应的压力分布图。文章介绍了系统结构,软件部分地设计思想,数据的后期处理思路,并进行了实际应用的测试分析。。

【8】基于Matlab 的接触压力分布测量系统的设计 张武,黄英,曹广辉,赵小文

文献【9】借助MEMS 工艺研发了一种聚酰亚胺基底的Ni 薄膜热敏传感器阵列。该方法利用Ni


阻温度系数及聚酰亚胺柔性的特点, 提高了传感器的灵敏度, 并使阵列结构实现了全柔性化。基于金属的电阻温度效应,通过分析比较选择了金属Ni作为传感器敏感材料,利用溅射、光刻、刻蚀等MEMS微加工工艺, 在柔性聚酰亚胺上制备Ni薄膜热敏电阻,并通过实验对制的的器件进行参数的测量标定,以及性能的测试。

【9】基于MEMS 技术的柔性Ni 基热敏传感器阵列研制 徐延光,马炳和,邓进军

文献【10】研制了基于压阻检测技术为基础的三维微力传感器,建立传感器的数学模型并用有限元分析软件对敏感弹性元件进行分析。利用悬臂梁受力弯曲变形的原理结合显微视觉技术, 实现对传感器的标定, 并给出了传感器的信号处理方法。该传感器采用MEMS工艺, 在单晶硅上使用深度反应离子刻蚀( DRIE )技术结合离子注入工艺制作而成,并通过实验证明了该传感器的合理性和有效性。

【10】基于MEMS技术的微操作三维力传感器研究 荣伟彬,王家畴,赵玉龙,陈立国,孙立宁


【11】Flexible Shear Sensor Based on Embedded Optoelectronic Components Jeroen Missinne, Erwin Bosman,Bram Van Hoe,Geert Van Steenberge,Sandeep Kalathimekkad,Peter Van Daele,and Jan Vanfleteren




and G.M. Whitesides

图 12


【13】Fabrication and characterization of flexible pressuresensor arrays made by film transfer technologyT.H.N Dinh,P-Y. Joubert,E. Martincic,E. Dufour-Gergam



【14】A Flexible Sensor Technology for the Distributed Measurement of Interaction Pressure

Marco Donati,icola Vitiello,Stefano Marco Maria De Rossi,Tommaso Lenzi,Simona Crea,Alessandro Persichetti,Francesco Giovacchini,Bram Koopman,Janez Podobnik,Marko Munih,and Maria Chiara Carrozza




1. 另类“完形”2. 自编完形3. (各地)交流完形 供晨读或课堂灵活搭配使用

另类“完形”(1) Emma shines in her new role

“Stunning” is the best word to describe Emma Watson’s performance in her new movie, Noah(《诺亚方舟:创世之旅》).The movie is b______ on the famous Bible story of Noah’s Ark(诺亚方舟).

In the film, Emma plays Ila, the wife of Noah’s eldest son. She endures(忍受) heavy rain, floods and wild animals, and has to fight for

her s_______ in the movie.

Playing such a role was a real challenge for the

young actress. T_______ to the training she received

when she shot the Harry Potter film s______, she was

able to perform well in her first big-budget post-Potter


“All those Harry Potter movies had really prepared me

well for this r_______in Noah, the challenge of

hunting animals and working with many famous actors and a_______,” said Emma. It’s hard to believe that the e__________(=seasoned) actress is only 23 years old, and she has been working in the movie i__________ since the age of nine. She gained worldwide f_______ for her role as Hermione Granger(赫敏·格兰杰), a smart girl who is Harry Potter’s best friend.

Now, because of her great per__________ in this new movie, Emma has successfully elevated (=lifted)her career to a new h________(高度).

1. based2. survival 3. Thanks 4. series5. role6. actresses7. experienced

8. industry9. performance 10. height


第二节 完形填空(11至20题,每小题1分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、


As Prime Minister, David Cameron is one of the most successful people in the country. But he has admitted that he still has ___11___ about his academic record at school. He was a “late developer” when it came to academics, ___12___ in his early years with physics and chemistry.

___13___what advice he would give his young self, he said it would be “ to keep on with science subjects because understanding of science will be so ___14____ in your future life.”

In an interview with The Spectator, the Prime Minister said that he would tell the young Cameron he should be hitting the ___15___ harder. “ A little ___16___ on physics and chemistry, please, David,” he said.

Mr Cameron is not the first Prime Minister to realize the ____17____ of science in leadership. Margaret Thatcher had a degree in ____18___ from Oxford and, when working as a young chemist in 1950 she was part of a team which helped ___19___ the first soft-serve ice cream. Margaret Thatcher used her training as a chemist to ___20___ politics with the mind of a scientist.

11.A. doubts B regrets C. memories D. opinions

12.A. experimenting B. completingC. struggling D. wandering

13.A. AskedB. Told C. Warned D. Informed

14.A. interesting B. important C. challenging D. difficult

15.A. school B. recordsC. degreeD. books

16.A. moreB. easier C. lessD. slower

17.A. history B. value C. truth D. advance

18.A. biologyB. physicsC. politicsD. chemistry

19.A. discover B. taste C. developD. serve

20.A. approach B. discussC. learnD. imagine

11—15 BCABD 16――20ABDCA

各地交流完形 (2)淄博




Getting back to nature is good for your mental health,according to new research.

in middle-and high-income countries live in cities,worry is a major public health concern.Parks,.

but researchers have not confirmed a cause and effect link.So Mathew R. White and colleagues to try to pin it down.

They the metal health of hundreds of Britons who had moved from a grey city neighborhood to a greener one withwho had moved oppositely.

Looking at the data over the of five years,they found that people who had moved to a greener area were happier—and stayed happier—after their move.

In a report in the journal Environmental Science & Technology,the researchers,“Environmental policies to increase urban green space may have continuable public health benefits.”


12.A.whichB.workers C.employees B.that

B.spaces C.where

D.folk D.when D.matters D.suggested D.hobby D.into D.explained D.those D.effort D.doubt 13.A.energies14.A.advised15.A.game16.A.from C.climatesB.discussed C.submitted B.happiness C.time B.byC.with l7.A.experimented18.A.others 19.A.course B.combined C.compared B.onesC.all B.distance C.historyB.imagine C.conclude 20.A.calculate

11—15 ACBDB 16—20 A CDAC


另类“完形”(2)Prince George charms the world on first tour Task:介词填空 Britain’s Prince George has become the U.K.’s youngest ambassador as the baby prince goes o_____ his very first official tour to New

Zealand and Australia along w______ his parents, the Duke

and Duchess of Cambridge.

The19-day mission, which will end o______ April 25 in

Canberra, Australia, is called a “diaper diplomacy(尿布外

交)”tour. It is carried o_____ to strengthen ties with the two

Commonwealth(英联邦)countries. And although he is not

even nine months old, George has proved to be a little

prince charming(白马王子).

The baby prince attracted tons of attention from a_______ the world on Day Three of the tour. He performed his first royal duty—joining ten other babies on a play date(玩伴聚会) in Wellington, the capital o_____ New Zealand.

On the “most watched play date ever,” George was seen crawling on the floor, playing with toys and interacting w______ other babies. He even a____ one point grabbed a toy from a little girl, who cried but was comforted by her mother and by George’s mother, Kate. Later, another baby grabbed a toy f______ George but he didn’t seem to mind.

George’s father visited Australia, too, with his parents a_____ a similar age. Prince Charles and the late (已故的)Princess Diana brought Prince William o____ the trip in1983 when he was just nine months old. That was the first such exercise in diaper diplomacy.

1—5onwith on out around 6—11 ofwithat fromaton





Xinxin, a 12-year-old student from Beijing, enjoyed his winter vacation with his father in Singapore. During their visit, he even had the chance to some of Singapore's sights by himself his father was busy with other things.

Xinxin’s first adventure in Singapore was at a water park near their hotel. He enjoyed swimming and into the water by himself, and then returned to the hotel before a time in the evening that was by his father.

The boy also made a trip to Universal Studios Singapore a guardian. He had already been to the park with his father two times during the trip. Xinxin volunteered to make his trip by himself. His father gave him some pocket money to buy lunch, and then Xinxin rode the shuttle from their hotel to the studios. He spent a whole day there and had a time.

In an interview with Beijing Evening News, Xinxin’s father said that he was too busy to spend all his time with his son, he decided to give him the opportunity to develop a sense of Had Xinxin’s mother been there, she would not have let Xinxin out of her sight, the father commented.

11. A. study

12. A. while

13. A. along B. explore B. untilC. test C. beforeC. alone D. measure D. unless D. lonely

D. diving

D. asked

D. without

D. fourth

D. flexible

D. when

D. diligence B. alive14. A. floating 15. A. made16. A. under17. A. firstB. surfingB. set C. driving C. decided C. with C. thirdB. behind B. second B.miserable B. sinceB. daring 18. A.terrible 19. A. though C. fantasticC. if C. pride 20. A. independence

11—15 BACDB 16—20 DCCBA
