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时间:2017-05-04 06:07 来源:免费论文网


简介:Yang Jiang is a famous writer, critic, translator and scholar. She was born in Wuxi in 1911. After graduating from Soochow University, Yang Jiang eolled the graduate school of Tsinghua University where she met her husband Qian Zhongshu. During 1935 to 1938, they went to Oxford and London University for further study. At that time, they had their daughter Qian Yuan. They returned to China in 1938, soon she became a teacher of Tsinghua University. After 1949, she worked in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. She made an important contribution to the development of Chinese culture.

文学作品:Yang Jiang belongs to an unique and beautiful existence in Chinese literature of the 20th Century. These are her works. Embodied in her works is her sense of humor, a reflection of her wisdom, her view of the world and her attitudes toward life. Her works are a combination of deep feeling and intelligence, expressing a kind of caring and respect for literature.

戏剧: Yang Jiang has written several successful comedies. Look at these pictures, they come from the comedy of What Was Made-believe Has Become True. Have you seen this comedy? This comedy finished around 1940, got a strong feedback in Shanghai at that time.

翻译:Yang Jiang is also a famous translator. She is the first Chinese person to produce a complete Chinese version of Don Quixote from the Spanish original. In 1978, the Chinese version of "Quixote" was published, just as the king of Span was visiting to China, Deng Xiaoping put it as a gift to the Spanish king.

奖学金:In order to help the poor students , Yang Jiang set up the scholarship of Good Reading in Tsinghua University with the royalties of her and her husband in 2001.Here is one of the students who awarded this scholarship in 2008.

我们仨:We Three tells the story of Yang Jiang's family. First published in July in 2003, it has been widely praised by readers and became best seller. Mom is Yang Jiang. Her husband, Qian Zhongshu is Pop, who is

well known for his novel the Besieged City(围城). Apparently Yang Jiang wrote the book to fulfill daughter's last wish. Qian Yuan, who was a famous English professor of Beijing Normal University, and died of cancer in 1997, even one year earlier than her father.

Something perhaps we can learn from it is that the attitudes toward the hardships and even death. Just as Yang Jiang said in another book, 'I was the same person I had always been’.


The selection of word meanings

(一)according to the parts of speech

(1) E: Like charges repel; unlike charges attract.

C: 相同的电荷相斥,不同的电荷相吸。

like: 相同的 adjective (2) E: He likes mathematics more than physics.


like: 喜欢 verb

(3) E: In the sunbeam passing through the window there are fine grains of dust shining like gold.

C: 在射入窗内的阳光里,细微的尘埃像金子一般在闪闪发亮。like: 像 preposition (4) E: Like knows like.

C: 英雄识英雄。

like: 同样的人或物;英雄 noun

(二)according to the context and the collocation of words

Last: (1) E: He is the last man to come.

C: 他是最后来的。 (2) E: He is the last man to do it.

C: 他决不会干那件事。 (3) E: He is the last person for such a job.

C: 他最不配干这个工作。 (4) E: He should be the last (man) to blame.

C: 怎么也不该怪他。 (5) E: He is the last man to consult.

C: 根本不宜找他商量。 (6) E: This is the last place where I expected to meet you.

C: 我怎么也没料到会在这个地方见到你。

Take off:

?been an agony for years.

C: 脱鞋或穿鞋对她是一种痛苦,但这已是多年以来的痛苦了。

(2) E: He always sits on the very edge of his chair when he is working, as though about to take off.

C: 他工作的时候,总是坐在椅子边上,好像随时都会跳起身来的样子。

?E: Their first major design was a pleated denim jean with external pockets dubbed “baggies” that took off in high schools and colleges and soon was imitated by other apparel manufacturers.

C: 他们的头一项重要设计是一种打褶的、缝上明袋的蓝色斜纹粗布裤,这种裤子人们称为“袋子”,在中学和大学中首先流行,接着别的服装商店也都很快仿制起来。

The extension of word meanings

(一)abstracting the word meanings

1. 将表示具体形象的词译成该形象所代表的属性的词 (1) E: There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of theimperialists.

C: 帝国主义者的性格既残暴,又狡猾。 (2) E: Every life has its roses and thorns.

C: 每个人的生活都有甜有苦。

2. 将带有特征性形象的词译成该形象所代表的概念的词 (1) E: See-sawing between partly good and faintly ominous, the news for the next four weeks was never distinct.

C: 在那以后的四个星期内,消息时而部分有所好转,时而又有点不妙,两种情况不断地交替出现,一直没有明朗化。

(二)concretizing the word meanings (1) E: The car in front of me stalled and I missed the green.

C: 我前头的那辆车停住了,我错过了绿灯。

Positive or negative

(commendatory term or derogatory term)

(一)本身就含褒贬意义的词 (1) E: He was a man of high renown (fame).

C: 他是位有名望的人。(褒义)

(2) E: His notoriety as a rake did not come until his death.

C: 他作为流氓的恶名是他死后才传开来的。(贬义) (3) E: The tasks carried out by them are praiseworthy.

C: 他们进行的事业是值得赞扬的。(褒义) (4) E: Hey keeps boasting that he has talked to the President.C: 亨利总是吹嘘说他曾同总统谈过话。(贬义)

(5) E: “He was polite and always gave advice willingly,” she recalled.C: 她回忆说,“他彬彬有礼,总是诲人不倦。” (褒义) (6) E: We were shocked by his coarse manners.

C: 我们对他的粗暴态度感到震惊。(贬义)


?E: Many people think that he is one of the most ambitious politicians of our time.

C: 很多人认为他是现今最有野心的政客之一。 (2) E: Although he is very young, he is very ambitious in his researchwork.



1) 一架从昆明起飞的小飞机,载着我们,飞越群山,把我们送到了景洪.

A small plane from Kunming flew over the mountains and sent us to Jinghong.

2) Party officials worked long hours on meager food, in cold caves and by dim lamps.


3 风和日丽之时,佘山、金山、崇明岛隐隐可见。

On a fine day, you can even see …in the distance, though not very clearly.

4) In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of various colors and sizes.


5) 我老公他看你下岗了,舍不得花钱,就自己跑到电影院买了两张票,今天晚上请我们两个人去看电影。

My husband has bought two film tickets for us tonight, because you’re laid off and have to cut your expenses.

(6) John can be relied on. He eats no fish and plays the game.


(7) Wall Street is a dog-eat-dog place.


8)It is a position which if we endorse,it will really mean endorsing the rule of the jungle, that is, a world without law.


9)Some fishing boats were becalmed just in front of us. Their shadows slept, or almost slept, upon the water, a gentle quivering along showing that it was not complete sleep, or if sleep,

that it was sleep with dreams.



1)I gave my youth to the sea and I came home and gave my wife my old age.


2)Smashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly person beautiful, nor is it a way to make social problems evaporate. 逃避并不能解决实际问题。

3)He wore dark glasses, thick jersey, and stopped up his ears with cotton wool.


4)But his attack was always repulsed by a kick or a blow from a stick.


5)Never get on or off the bus before it comes to a standstill. 车未停稳,请勿下车

6)I was all the more delighted when, as a result of the initiative of your Government, it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.


7)衡还创造了世界上第一台观测气象的仪器——候风仪anemograph 。他还制作了已经失传的指南车。这种车不管怎么转弯,车上的木制小人总是把手臂指向南方。

Zhang Heng also created the world's first meteorological instrument —— anemograph. He made a pointing-south cart with a wooden figure always pointing southward no matter what direction the cart was moving in. The cart has since been lost.

8)①Time is an equal opportunity employer. ②Each human being has exactly the same number of hours and minutes every day. ③Rich people can’t buy more hours. ④Scientists can’t invent

new minutes. ⑤And you can’t save time to spend it on another day.


9)As it is too late for you to go home now, you had better stay overnight at this place.



The eternal universe sometimes comes to an end, but my unceasing complaint knows no limit.

11.Odd thought it sounds, cosmic inflation is a scientifically plausible consequence of some respected ideas in elementary-particle physics, and many astrophysicists have been convinced for the better part of a decade that it is true.


12)Marriage may be compared to a cage: the birds outside despair to get in and those within despair to get out. 婚姻好比鸟笼,外面的鸟儿想进进不去,里面的鸟儿想出出不来。

13)All the people want to be successful in life and work. Success is one of the primary motivating factors of human society. But we must not say, it is our basic biological need, although it can bring a person position or wealth he needs. In the pursuit of success, we should have a right attitude toward failure – no fear for it is the best policy – as a Chinese old saying says, ―failure is the mother of success.‖



15)Even though everyone has different concepts about what constitutes being successful, almost all individuals experience the constant pressure to succeed. While most people would still consider an important position or great wealth as a sign of success, others are realizing that the term embraces many more elements. To me, success means the achievement of one’s goals. It includes a feeling of accomplishment, a willingness to overcome fear in attempting something new, and a sense of self-improvement in reaching the goal..


16)You need to fight for your point of view (句首重心)/ when something that is counter to your values or threatens a project the organization supports.


17)There is no agreement (句首重心)/ whether methodology refers to the concepts peculiar to historical work in general or to the research techniques appropriate to the various branches of historical inquiry . 方法论是指一般的历史研究中特有的概念,还是指历史研究中适用各个具体领域的研究方法,人们对此意见不一。(句尾重心)

18)知己知彼,百战不殆。 Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can win a hundred battles.

19) Conquer the desires,or they will conquer you. 你不战胜欲望,欲望就会战胜你。

20)It is sometimes the fate of a poet to succeed, only when he has one foot in the grave.


21)Found throughout Central and South America, the sloth hangs from trees by its long rubbery limbs, sleeping fifteen hours a day and moving infrequently.


22)It applies equally to traditional historians who view history as only the external and internal criticism of sources, and to social science historians, who equate their activity with specific techniques。


23)Today it seems perfectly natural for us to shake hands when we greet someone or say goodbye. 现在, 我们在见面或告别时握握手(叙事)似乎是很自然的了。

24)There is a tourist attraction①called the Badaling Great Wall②which you can reach③in about two hours④by going northwest⑤by tourist bus ⑥ from downtown Beijing ⑦.


25)The memories a favorite old song recalls can be so clear that hearing it almost like watching a movie of your life and times. 一首你最爱的老歌所唤起的记忆可以非常清晰, 听这样一首歌几乎就像看一部描写你的生活和时代的电影。

26)We know that a cat, whose eyes can take in many more rays than our eyes, can see clearly in the night. 我们知道,因为猫的眼睛所摄入的光线比人眼多,所以猫在夜间看物体很清楚.

27)There was something original, independent, and heroic about the plan that pleased all of them.
