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时间:2018-11-09 11:33 来源:免费论文网

篇一:社会如何关爱残疾人 关爱残疾人的英语作文

社会如何关爱残疾人 关爱残疾人的英语作文

How to take care of the disabled people?

Taking care of the disabled people

Disabled people are normal people, except that they can not see as much as we can, or they can not walk as fast as we can.So they need to our help.

We should not look down upon them.We can immediately do a long list of ways in which we can help them, for instance, Each student finds some one to help,when they go out,we can help them to cross the road. You can help pushing their wheel chairs.Set up kind of organization. Collect some money. Use this money to help them, to buy them daily necessities, to help their children finish school. We can make friends with the disabled by visiting them, by calling them, by emailing them, by whatever means.

As they are disabled, they feel lonely. They think they are not as good as normal people. They easily become lonely, sad, disappointed. They easily lose hope of life. They need help more in spiritual things. They need people to chat with. They need people to encourage them to continue their lives. They need people to get rid of prejudices over them.

So, help the disabled while you treat them like normal people. And they are normal people! 残疾人我们是常见的,有的因为患病而残疾了,有的因为发生事故而残疾,正是因为这样,有些人们瞧不起残疾人,认为他们简直就是废物,这让残疾人感到很伤心,甚至有不想活的念头。但是有些残疾人却不同,他们虽然残疾了,但是他们还是努力,坚持不懈地学习。我们大家要行动起来,关爱残疾人,多多帮助残疾人,帮助了别人,自己心里才快乐。在生活中,你对残疾人付出一小步,在他内心却建立起的却是很大的一种信念。关爱残疾人,他们时时刻刻都需要我们。

Nowadays, young men look so busy and independent in modern society that they will never feel free to live with their parents. They move out and mind their own business every day. On usual days, they would not like to take their time to visit their parents with the excuses of busyness. On some festival days, they probably share a little time to drop in their parents or even just send some presents but don't show up personally like what the cartoon above illustrates. They think that presents can represent their love, however, to the parents, who overcame a lot of difficulties to bring them up, those stuff are far away from what they really hope for。

With the rapid pace of economic development, our old parents feel more and more lonely and unhappy. However busy we may be, we should spend more time talking with them and accompanying them, because they once gave us so much selfless love that we should return them the same from the botto

m of our heart.在现代社会中,年轻人看起来如此忙碌,以至于无法抽空来陪伴父母。他们大多搬出去独自居住,每天忙于自己的事务。在平常的日子里,他们以忙为借口,不愿意花时间去探望父母。在一些节日,他们可能只留一点时间去看望父母或是如漫画中所示的仅仅送些礼物表示心意而无法与父母团聚。他们认为礼物可以代表他们的爱意,但是,对于含辛茹苦把他们养育大的父母来说,这些礼物远远不是他们所期望的。


【【关爱他人类范文:Taking care of the others Be caring of others is a kind of happiness, love is a blessing to others. Money is not omnipotent, care is needed is a common concern of society. Caring, concern and care is that it is everywhere around us. We all need love, care and ultimately, in life, others love us, that we should care to others.

Our society is full of love, warm and peaceful, in which people-from man to woman, from individual to individual-lend others a hand. Just like a famous song goes, "the world will turn it to heaven only if everyone contributes a little." and I do believe that it's my great honor to live in this love-filled paradise! 另有关爱他人英语作文地址:/yc/2488.html 其内容如下:

关爱他人“More care of others” 英语作文批改及点评:


In the past,there was aperson,he was Lei feng.He always helped other people to do some difficult things.

I think he is a heroNowadays,people don't help others.When an old lady falls over herself, nobody wants to help her.Why do people do this?Because someone think think the person who helps the old lady makes the old lady fallThen,the old lady's relatives will ask the person who helps the old lady some money(Then,the old lady's relatives will ask the person who helps the old lady for some money).Sometimes,the old lady will tell them he or she is not making her fall.But always the old lady is being hurt ,she can't tell others something(she can't tell others anything).Nobody wants to be like that.But we need to be more care of people,otherwise when we have to do some difficult things,nobody will help us.


1:Have you ever known anyone famous? If so, you may have found that they are remarkably similar to the rest of us. You may have even heard them to people saying there is anything different about them. “I’m really just a normal guy,” actor who has recently rocketed into the spotlight. There is, of course, usually a brief period when they actually start to believe they are as great as their however, does not often last long. They fall back to reality as fast as they had risen above it all. What will it feel like to soar to such and look down like an eagle from up high on everyone else? And what will it feel like to have flown so high only to make attempts to regain what they lost. Often these efforts result in even greater pain. Some become financially and emotionally. The only real winners are those who are happy to be back on the ground with the rest of us.

你知道有著名的吗?如果是这样,您可能会发现它们非常相似,其余的人。甚至,你可能已经听到他们反对的人说对他们有什么不同。“我只是一个普通人,”抗议一个演员,他最近已经飙升到了聚光灯下。当然,通常是一个短暂的时期,他们真正开始相信他们是伟大如他们崇拜球迷建议。他们开始穿漂亮的衣服和交谈着,就好像每个人都应该听到他说话。这一时期,然而,不经常持续很长时间。他们回到现实原来一样快超过一切。什么会感觉高涨到这样的高度和向下看像一只鹰从高处其他人吗?和什么会感觉飞这么高只有从你的梦中醒来,意识到你;只是人类吗? 一些人只看到残忍的失去的东西,他们得到了。他们往往使人绝望试图夺回他们所失去的。通常这些努力导致了更大的疼痛。一些在经济上和情感上倾家荡产。唯一的真正的赢家是快乐的人,回到陆地上与其余的人。

What happens in America when someone becomes disabled and cannot do the kind of work they did in the past? If someone has been injured on the job ,they are supposed to from the company. If the company provides a The person who has been disabled may also take the company to court if safety was take care of people disabled on the job. Onein this program requires workplaces where more injuries to pay more money. For

this reason companies that require heavy physical labor take safety very seriously. Most people disability insurance. They think it isthe rent and other bills of those who receive it. Most of the disabled still want to work, but other types of employment takes time.


Mr. Li runs a small trade company in Sichuan province. He used to be worried about the sales of his goods, but now he simply logs on the Internet and before. He has even started to in foreign and make money almost anywhere.

The revolution has certainly changed the way we look at the world. And ,most importantly, it allows people to get equal to the information. People in less developed areas of the world are taking of the benefits as well. One person says, I used to have a small farm, but now I am doing international business. This is just one of the many

benefits of the information challenges we will have to face. For example, there is a great deal of concern overin the information age. Mr. Li this point. Hopefully, we can solve this problem in the near future.


5 ,How do you spend your time when you're alone? Do you turn up your music as loud as you can and listen to your own entertainment? Do you buy yourself the biggest steak you could find and sit down to a good meal? It has been my observation that these activities can be the best type of some time to let the universe go spinning on without other's The portion of this world that one person is increasingly becoming smaller. And whatever we have we must between social and personal pursuits is being challenged. Inspiration in solitude is a major not only for poets and philosophers but for ordinary people as well. A healthy adult needs "alone-time"--time toWhen you are alone, you canHowever, it's important to stay 你如何消磨你的时间当你孤独吗?你把音乐的声音那样大,你可以听听自己的娱乐吗?你给自己买你能找到的最大的牛排和坐下来一顿好餐吗?这一直是我的观察,这些活动可以是最好的类型的治疗伤脑筋。这是至关重要的人类发现一些孤独的生活。他们必须找到一些时间让宇宙去旋转的,没有其他的中断。这个世界的一部分,属于一个人是越来越小。22并且我们不论我们必须与他人分享。因此,我们能够保持一个健康的平衡社会互动和个人追求中受到挑战。灵感在孤独中商品主要不仅为诗人和哲学家但是对于普通人一样。一个健康的成年人需要


6 In the past several years, many new stories about corporate greed have come to surface. The illegal practices of some executives have negatively impacted our economy. What makes this worse is that these executives seem to have the consent of some political leaders 。Some of executives even bribe lawmakers. Recently a member of congress from California was caught demanding gifts from interest group in for illegal activities. This doesn’t even the surface of the problem. A few years back a company made many purposeful Many believe that one reason the problem became so big was that our nation’s top leadersthe company. By the time the truth was innocent people had lost their entire savings. There seems to be more and more companies that the public’s trust for their own interests. This calls for laws and strict regulations to put the illegal practice to an end.

在过去的几年中,许多新企业贪婪的故事来表面。一些高管的违法行为的负面影响我们的经济。是什么让这个更糟糕的是,这些高管似乎有一些政治领导人的同意。一些高管甚至贿赂议员。最近,一个来自加州的国会成员被要求从利益集团索要礼物,以换取支持新法律。一些政府高级领导人因非法的行为illeg正在接受调查,而这甚至还没有触碰到问题的表面。几年前,一家公司做了许多有目的的会计差错欺骗投资者。许多人认为,这个问题变大的原因是我们的国家领导人对公司的保护。等到真像被揭露 的时候,许多无辜的人已经失去了他们所有的积蓄。似乎越来越多的公司为了自己的利益利用公众的信用。这需要法律和严格的规则使这些违法行为结束。


Cavalli-Sforza but still have some questions.Even though the findings seemingly prove that races are essentially equal of natural selection.His notion was that certain characteristics that help that species selected over generations by that species.The species does not consciously make the choice for genetic surviving longer and being more

fruitful,membersof that species with the preferred genes gredually become the breed.We

may,as a species,all have other survival necessities have created needs for believe these factors have contributed to races evolving with different explains the such as Asians receiving better science and math scores.It also light on why there are so many excellent athletes from Africa.I understand that this is a particularly especially true in an age when races are mixing and the peoples of this plant are attempting to learn to live together.



8 To look at me,you would never guess I am in my late sixties.Most people that.I just her age."There are good reasons why a lady does`t .Older of others.I understand from a very young age our society against the old.Our society is against women.And,our society makes based on the color of a person's skin. I am an old black woman.I have to use my every advantage in order to vital part of my community.I have managed to stay fit,to my looks while my wisdom skilled in the art of politics.I was for many years the mayor of a large urban center in the Southern United States.After that I was elected by my district to them in Congress.I advise other women over sixty not to give up!Old as we are, we have



I think it is impossible to turn to him for help ,As a matter of fact ,he is in need of help.


More and more people are aware of the urgent need of combating with air pollution.


There are visible signs that some of the time-honored traditions and values are no longer cherished by the young people.


Many of us find the notion/conception of a boundless universe is hard to grasp.

因为在法律和规章中有许多漏洞,一小撮投机倒把者一夜之间暴富就没有什么奇怪了。 For so many loopholes in the laws and regulations,it is no wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight .


It was the unprecedented boom in tourism that bought the small border town prosperity which only has about 300 people .


In the light of the information ,the country has the ability/capabilities to make nuclear weapon .


Regardless of his friends' repeated alarms /warnings ,he put all of his money to the high-risk venture .


Some say the best response to the unfair/unjust criticism is to forgive and forget .


For god's sake ,why did not ring me?


In desperation ,I kicked the door open ,only to find he was lying in bed unconscious .


The mechanic angrily flung aside his tools and refused to woke any longer .


It was so childish of Mark to walk out of the conference just because his ideals wee challenged by some delegates.


She was thankful that she kept his work when most of her co-workers were laid off .


Courage,selflessness and strength of will stand out all of the Gadfly .


If you build an extension to your house without the consent of the local planning authorities ,you Will be ordered to pull down what your have built .


The highlight of the circus was the performance of the great panda ,whose clumsy and funny movements amused all the spectators .

幸好你昨天没有搭乘瑞士航空公的班机——它起飞一小时后即坠毁,机上229人全部身亡。 It 's just as well you didn't take the Swiss Air Flight yesterday ——it crashed one hour after taking off and all the 229people on board were killed.


It never occurred to him that the handicapped girl wound fell ill at ease when any one offered to help him .


As a man who enjoyed being in control and who took great delight in giving orders . Charles soon adapted himself to the role as the company's general manager.


In the past 12 years ,Amy have learned to live by herself,she enjoys being independent and doing everything for herself.

艾米拒绝跟查尔斯外出是理所当然的事,因为她不喜欢被当做一个依赖他人的残疾人看待。 It was a matter of course for Amy refused to go out with Charles ,for she objected to being treated as a handicapped person dependent an others .


When I was a kid, I was so fascinated with the idea of traveling around the world that I wound spend hours in my grandfather's study spinning the globe and dreaming of the places I would like to visit .


A time bomb exploded this afternoon in one of London's biggest supermarkets,evoking a great panic among the population .

在父亲的陪同下,比尔去了警察局,对警察坦白说他曾在两周前抢了一位老人的金表。 Accompanied by his father ,Bill went to the police office and confessed to the police officer that he had robbed an old man of his gold watch two weeks before .


After getting engaged to Jane ,Stephen started working hard for the first time in his life .And before long he distinguished himself as a young theoretical physicist.


Prof. Stone is distinguished for his sternness .But,to everyone's surprise ,the speech he made ar his daughter's wedding last Saturday was full of wit and humor.


It's amazing that so many people are willing to do voluntary work for the benefit of the community .
