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时间:2018-11-09 11:28 来源:免费论文网





Cheers mate!

拿英国人最常用的“谢谢”来说,在这里很少听到“Thank you”这样的说法,像“Thank you very much”更是很少提及,那英国人都怎么说谢谢?他们会说“Cheers”,Cheers不是干杯的意思吗?那英国人干杯说什么?干杯他们也说“Cheers”。。。原因是英国人认为Thank you太过正式,也太老土,年轻人都说Cheers! 当然仅限男生,而且会在后面加一个Mate, Mate在英国口语是伙伴的意思,刚来那会天天听到人说 “切梅,切梅的”,不知所云,后来才知道就是谢谢啊!

除了说Cheers, 英国人还会说“Lovely”代表谢谢,可不是说你可爱哦!还会说“Brilliant”“Cool” ,“Excellent”, “Nice one” 这些,英格兰北部的人说“Ta”来代表谢谢,没错就是是说“Ta”,来自于丹麦语Tak,相当于轻描淡写的 “谢了”,英国人是有多懒啊。


有次看到一个中国留学生在酒吧买了一杯啤酒,对着吧台那伙计深情地说了一句“Thank you very much!” 搞得吧台小伙手无足措。

就算人家说了谢谢,也不用回别人一句“You are welcome!”说这个好像是帮了别人多大一个忙似的,用中国话讲就是太把自己当一回事。回一句轻描淡写的“That’s alright.”就可以了。


Thank you (陌生人/英国老头老太太爱说);

Thanks/Thanks a lot (稍微正式的场合)

Thank you very much/Thank you so much (除非别人帮了你个大忙); I do appreciate it/Much appreciated (如果真的想感谢别人);

Cheers/Cheers mate/Cheers bro(最常用的说法);

Lovely/That’s great/All right/Okay/Brilliant/Excellent/Super/Awesome (很地道的说法);

Cool/Nice one/Wicked/You star/Fab/Ace/Ta (非常地道的说法); Merci/Gracias/Danke(装逼的说法)。


See you later!

英国人和人道别说再见,很少说:“Good bye.”或者 “Bye-bye.”第一个显得太正式,第二个太孩子气。他们会说: “See you/See you later!”还会直接说一个“Bye!”如果对方要出远门,他们会说 “Take care!”

一般周五下班的时候,很多人道别的时候会说:“Nice weekend!”以表达即将来临的周末。

See you/See you later (最常用的说法);

Bye (常用);

See you around/See you soon/Catch you later (如果马上就能见到);

Take care/Be careful (如果对方要出远门);

Cheers (也可以当再见用)。

Are you alright?


“How are you ?”

“I’m fine, and you?”

“I’m fine too.”

现在回想起来这是一个无比白痴的对话,实际中的老外见面绝对不会这么对话,并不是说老外不说 “How are you?”而是不会反问别人好不好, 一般来说,如果他们认识你,他们见到你会说 “Hello”或者“Hi”, 或者直接问 “Are you alright?”很熟的话就会说”Is everything alright?”/“You alright?” 或者就一个词“Alright ?” 还会有人会问:”Is alright all right?” 这个时候你可以回答 “I’m fine/ I’m great,”后面可以加一个“Thanks.”如果你今天不是很好,你可以说“Not too bad, could be

better.”此外 “How (‘re) you doing today?” / “How’s everything going?” 也是比较常见的说法。



比如我们要买一杯咖啡的时候,我们会说“我想要一杯咖啡。”往往就变成“I want to have a cup of coffee.”这样对老外说的话是非常不礼貌的,老外想要一杯咖啡会说: “我能来一杯咖啡吗?”应该是“Can I have a cup of coffee please?”不仅要用敬语开头,而且后面还要加上一个万能的please.

同理问别人叫什么名字说“What’s your name?”是非常不礼貌的,尤其是对女生,一定要用“May I have your name please?”


“Can I ...please?”(基本礼貌)




1 Today the academy holds a highly privileged place in American society because of a about the long-standing national consensus about the value of education. One of my predecessors, President Harold Dodds, said in his inaugural address in 1933 that "No country spends money for education, public or private, so lavishly as does the United States. Americans have an almost childlike faith in what formal education can do for them." That faith is based on a conviction that the vitality of the United States, its creative and diverse cultural life, its is national security and the robustness of its democratic institutions owe much to the quality of institutions of higher education.


2 Our society’s confidence in its institutions of higher education is expressed through the generous investments of the federal and state government in basic and applied research, investment that wisely couple support for research with support for graduate education. It is also expresses through federal and state investments that subsidize the cost of higher education for those who cannot afford to pay, investments by private foundations and charities who see collegesand universities as the best routes for achieving their strategic goals, and investments by individuals and by the private sector, who see universities as the incubators of future health and prosperity. In return for this broad support, society rightfully expects certain things from us. It expects the generation of new ideas and the discovery of new knowledge, the exploration of complex issues in an open and collegial manner and the preparation of the next generation of citizens and leaders. In times of trouble, it is especially important that we live up to these expectations.


3 The medieval image of the university as an ivory tower, with scholars turned inward in solitary contemplation, immunized from the cares of the day, is an image that has been superseded by the modern university constructed not of ivory, but of a highly porous material, one that allows free diffusion in both directions. The academy is of the world, not apart from it. Its ideals, crafted over many generations, are meant to suffuse the national consciousness. Its scholars and teachers are meant to move in and out of the academy in pursuit of opportunities to use their expertise in public service, in pursuit of creative work that will give us illumination and insight and in pursuit of ways to turn laboratory discoveries into useful things. Our students engage the world with a strong sense of civic responsibility, and when they graduate they become alumni who do the same. This is as it should be.


4 The search for new ideas and knowledge is not and cannot be motivated by utilitarian concerns. Rather it depends on the ability to think in new and creative ways. When the Nobel laureate John Nash developed the mathematical concepts underlying non- cooperative game theory8 as a graduate student at Princeton, he could not foresee that those concepts would be used today to analyze election strategies and the causes of war and to make predictions about how people will act. When Professor of Molecular Biology Eric Wieschaus' set out as a young scientist to identify genes that pattern the body plan of the fruit fly embryo, he could not know that he would identify genes that play a central role in the development of human cancer. We have learned that we cannot predict with any accuracy how discoveries and scholarship will influence future generations. We also have learned that it is unwise to search only in predictable places, for new knowledge often depends upon preparing fertile ground in^obscure places where serendipity and good luck, as well as deep intelligence, can sprout. Freedom of inquiry, which is one of our most cherished organizing principles, is not just a moral imperative, it is a practical necessity.



5 Just as we have an obligation to search widely for knowledge, so we also have an obligation to ensure that the scholarly work of the academy is widely disseminated, so that others can correct it when necessary, or build on it, or use it to make better decisions, develop better products or construct better plans. In the days ahead, I hope that our country's decision-makers will draw on the knowledge that resides on our campuses, on historians who can inform the present through deep understanding of the past, philosophers who can provide frameworks for working through issues of right and wrong, economists whose insights can help to get the economy back on track, engineers who know how to build safer buildings, scientists who can analyze our vulnerabilities to future attack and develop strategies for reducing those vulnerabilities, and scholars in many fields who can help us understand the motivations of those who would commit acts of terrorism here and throughout the world.

5就像我们有义务广泛寻求新知识一样,我们也有义务确保我们的学术研究能够被广泛地传播。只有这样,别人才能对其做出必要的修正,或将其发扬光大,或依据它来作出更好的决定,开发出更好的产品,或构建出更好的规划。在日后的岁月中,我希望我们国家的决策者根据留存于大学的知识来做决定,咨询能通过对过去的深刻理解而洞悉现在的历史学家们;咨询能提供明辨是非原则的哲学家们;咨询能以其洞察力使经济回归正轨的经济学家们;咨询知道如何建造更安全建筑的工程师们;咨询能分析我们容易招致未来袭击的软肋并能制订出弥补这些弱点的战略的科学家们;以及咨询能帮助我们弄清恐怖分子在我国及世界各地实施恐怖行动的动机的多个领域的学者们。 6 Let me now turn to the third obligation that we have to society: the education of the next generation of citizens and leaders. Princeton's view of what constitutes a liberal arts education was expressed well by Woodrow Wilson, our 13th President, whose eloquent words I read at Opening Exercises:"What we should seek to impart in our colleges, is not so much learning itself as the spirit of learning. It consists in the power to distinguish good reasoning from bad, in the power to digest and interpret evidence, in the habit of catholic observation and a preference for the non-partisan point of view, in an addiction to clear and logical processes of thought and yet an instinctive desire to interpret rather than to stick to the letter of reasoning, in a taste for knowledge and a deep respect for the integrity of the human mind."

6现在,请允许我来阐述一下我们应对社会所尽的第三项义务:培育下一代的公民与领导者。普林斯顿大学所提倡的对大学文科教育的见解,我校第13任校长伍德罗。威尔逊曾作过精辟的表述,我在开学典礼上曾诵读过他的雄辩的语句:“在大学里我们应当努力传授的,与其说是知识本身还不如说是做学问的精神。它包括:辨别正确推理与错误推理的能力,消化与阐释论据的能力,广泛观察的习惯,对于持客观见解的偏好,执着于清晰有条理的思维过程,本能地热衷于阐释内涵而不拘泥于推论的字面意思,对知识的鉴赏力,对人类健全心智的无限尊重。” turn to


1. speak to 转向;变成;求助于;致力于;开始行动 2. direct one's interest or attention towards; go into

seek to


impart [im'pɑ:t]


1. tell or deposit (information) knowledge 传授

vt. 给予(尤指抽象事物),传授;告知,

3. make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret透露 4. make known; pass on, of information


adj. 天主教的;宽宏大量的 普遍的

n. 天主教徒;罗马天主教

preference for



adj. 无党派的;超党的


7 Wilson, and the presidents who followed him, rejected the narrow idea of a liberal arts education as preparation for a profession. While understanding the importance of professional education, they made it clear that at Princeton we should first and foremost cultivate the qualities of thought and discernment in our students in the belief that this will be most conducive to the health of our society. Thus we distinguish between the acquisition of information, something that is essential for professional training, and the development of habits of mind that can be applied in any profession. Consequently we celebrate when the classics scholar goes to medical school, the physicist becomes a member of Congress, or the historian teaches primary school. If we do our job well as educators, each of our students will take from a Princeton education a respect and appreciation for ideas and values, intellectual openness and rigor, practice in civil discourse and a sense of civic responsibility. During these troubled times, our students and our alumni will be called upon to exercise these qualities in their professions, their communities and their daily lives. By so doing, and through their leadership, their vision and their courage, they will help to fulfill Princeton's obligation to society and bring true meaning to our motto, "Princeton in the nation's service and in the service of all nations."

