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时间:2018-11-09 11:22 来源:免费论文网



1.Are you kidding me?你豁老子哦?(你在和我开玩笑吗?)

3.Long time no see.死哪儿切了喃?那么久没qio到你了。(好久不见)


5.Don’t worry。虚啥子啊虚。(不要担心)

6.What do you want?你要爪子嘛?(你想做什么?)

7.I can not hold no longer.老子遭不住了。(我不能再坚持了)


9.She’s my girlfriend/wife.她是我老妞儿。(她是我女朋友/妻子)

10.You are welcome.莫来头;说这些。(不用谢)

11.That’s awesome.简直巴适的板。(太好了)

12.I have no idea.晓求不得。(我不知道)

13.A little.就那么滴滴儿。(一点点)

14.I am sure.我呸死了。打包票。(我确定)

15.What happened?啥子情况哦?(发生什么事了?)

16.It doesn’t make sense. 球名堂莫得。(没意思)

17.It’s none of your business.管你娃球事啊?(不管你的事)

18.What a hell? 浪么子搞起在勒。(到底在干什么?)

19.Are you sure.儿豁??(你确定?)

22.I don’t care.管我屁事啊。(我不在意)

23.Kick your ass. 给你娃儿两脚头哦。(kick:踢)

24.Dark black。黢嘛黑 。(好黑)

25.See you.空了吹。(再见)

26.Let’s go.撤飘。(我们走吧)

27.Shut up.闹啥子。(闭嘴)


29.I got no money.老子分儿都不分儿了。(我没有钱了)



1.Are u kidding me?你霍老子哦?


3.Long time no see.死哪儿切了喃?那么久没qio到你了。


5.Don“t worry。虚啥子啊虚。

6.What do u want?你要爪子嘛?

7.I can not hold no longer.老子遭不住了。


9.She”s my girlfriend;wife.她是我老妞儿。

10.You are welcome.莫来头;说这些。

11.That“s awesome.简直巴适的板。

12.I have no idea.晓求不得。

13.A little.就那么滴滴儿。

14.I am sure.我呸死了。打包票。

15.What happened?啥子情况啥子情况?

16.It doesn”t make sense.球名堂莫得。

17.It“s none of your business.管你娃球事啊?

18.What a hell? 浪么子搞起在勒。

19.Are u sure.儿霍??

20.Are u out of ur mind?你吃醉了所?

21.Rock paper scissors. 石千儿。

22.I dont care.管我屁事啊。

23.Kick your ass. 给你娃儿两脚头哦。

24.Dark black。黢马黑。

25.See u.空了吹。

26.Let”s go.撤飘。

27.Shut up.闹啥子。


29.You wanna piece of me.老子给你打燃火。


31.I got no money.老子分儿都不分儿了。


剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。 中国剪纸有_千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在 春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。 剪纸最常用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地 很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。

Paper cutting is one of China?s most popular traditional folk arts. Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings are used to decorate doors,windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere. The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity. Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends.

一想到中国,人们脑海中闪现的第一件事便是丝绸。中国是丝绸的发源地,今天仍在生产一些世界上最好的丝绸。在中国,探索丝绸奥妙最好的地方是苏州。正是在那里,诞生了第一批丝绣(silk embroidery),如今苏州仍在生产中国最好的丝绸。丝绸可以用合成纤维(synthetic fibre)和人造纤维等制成,但最优质的丝绸是由桑蚕丝(mulberry silk)制成的。桑蚕(silkworm)纯粹以桑叶喂食。苏州丝绸可以制成很多产品,最常见的是衣服和围巾,但也能做成鞋、餐巾、玩具,甚至风筝。

When people think of China, silk is the first thing that pops into their mind. China is the birthplace of silk, and still produces some of the finest silk in the world. In China, the best place to discover the wonder of silk is the city of Suzhou. It was there that some of the first silk embroideries were born, and Suzhou is still producing the best silks in China. Silk can be produced from synthetic fibre and artificial fibre, etc., but the finest quality silk is made from mulberry silk. The silkworms are fed purely on mulberry leaves. Suzhou Silk can be made into a great many products, the most commonly being clothing and scarves, and it can be made into shoes, napkin, toys, and even kites as well.

石狮(stone lion)由石头刻成,是中国传统建筑中常见的装饰物。一般来说,石狮是指大门外的一对狮子;然而,他们的外表却不是我们所熟悉的狮子。也许中国古代的大多数中原人从未见过真正的狮子。据说,狮子是在汉朝时由西域(the Western Region)引入中国的。在中国文化中,狮子是神话中的形象,而非真正的动物。狮子被视为神兽(divine beast)。中国人认为它可以驱除邪灵。一般情况下,根据中国传统文化,石狮应该是一对。通常雌狮子的两爪之间会刻一只幼狮,而雄狮则是用一只爪子玩球。

Stone lions are carved out of stone, which is the common ornament in Chinese traditional architecture. Generally, stone lions refer to the paired lions outside the gate; however, their appearances are not the lions we are familiar with. Maybe most people in the central plains of ancient China had never seen a

real lion. It is said lions were introduced into China in the Han Dynasty from the Western Region. In Chinese culture, lion is a mythical figure rather than a real animal. Lion is regarded as the divine beast. Chinese people think that lions can drive away the evil spirits. Generally,it should be a pair of lions according to Chinese traditional culture. The female lion is usually carved to have a child lion between her paws,while the male lion is playing a ball with one paw.

在中国,会见亲朋好友或在春节期间拜访某人时,除了握手之外,拱手礼 (fist-and-palm salute)也是常见的礼仪。拱手礼是中国古代重要的礼仪,有着2000 多年的历史。它形成于西周时期,后来成为同辈人见面时的礼仪。中国人以距离表示对他人的尊重,不像西方人常以身体的亲近表示尊重。拱手礼保持一定的距离,比较符合现代卫生(hygiene)要求。因此很多礼学专家(etiquette expert)都认为,拱手礼是一种最恰当的交往礼仪。

In China,besides handshaking,when meeting friends and relatives, or paying a visit to someone during the Spring Festival,the fist-and-palm salute is also common etiquette. It is an important etiquette in ancient China with a history of more than 2,000 years. The fist-and-palm salute was formed in the West Zhou Dynasty, and later it became the etiquette when meeting peers. Chinese people show their respect to others through distance,which is different from Western people who usually show respect through physical closeness. Fist-and-palm salute is done from certain distance, which is in line with modem hygiene requirements. So many etiquette experts believe that fist-and-palm salute is the most appropriate communication etiquette.

长安,今称西安,是唐朝的都城。唐朝时期的长安约是今天的西安11倍,是具有国际声誉的大都市(metropolis)。长安的街道和住宅设计得像一个棋盘,东西布局整洁、匀称。长安城内,很多街道的宽度都超过了100米。长安也是当时中国的文化中心,有丰富多样的娱乐活动,如音乐、舞蹈、斗鸡(cock fighting)等。很多日本和朝鲜的学生纷纷来到长安学习,中亚的商人经丝绸之路(the Silk Road) 聚集在此。长安城约100万人口之中,外国人就超过了1万户。

Chang'an, now called Xi'an,was the capital city of the Tang Dynasty. During the Tang Dynasty, Chang'an was nearly eleven times as large as today's Xi'an, and was a metropolis with an international reputation. The streets and residences of Chang'an were designed like a chessboard, with neat and well-proportioned layout of the east and west. Lots of streets and avenues inside the city were over 100 meters wide. Chang'an was also the cultural center of China at that time,with rich and colorful entertainment activities such as music,dancing, cock fighting, etc. Many students from Japan and Korea came to study in Chang'an, and merchants from Central Asia went along the Silk Road to gather there. Among the population of about one million in Chang'an,there were more than 10,000 foreign households.




Science is related to all the existing things and the characteristics and process of the phenomena happening in nature. Science contains the whole nature, which develpos various penetrating views about human being's conceptions that how various natural phenomena are related together and how they constitute our so-called universe.

Science has many characteristics. We have to inspect those functions and characteristics in detail if we want to know what the science is. Some authors assert that science in fact is a kind of method-scientific method. This definition is over simplified. But obviously the scientific method plays an important role in deciding the nature of the scientific knowledge.


The last decade has witnessed an intriguing phenomenon that people are paying more and more attention to traditional Chinese culture. Their bookshelves are packed with books interpreting ancient Chinese wisdom, depicting its brilliant history and fascinating historic figures. What?s more, suggestions that Chinese classics be made a compulsory course have been made. Two factors may account for people?s up-surging interest. To begin with, tremendous curiosity is aroused by those pending history mysteries of hundreds or even thousands of years. Furthermore, people come to realise that ancient Chinese culture serves as a gold mine from which inexhaustible lessons can be learned and put into practice to solve the current problems.


值得深思的 intriguing

摆满 be packed with

诠释 interpret

讲述 depict

灿烂历史 brilliant history

传奇人物 fascinating historic figure

国学典籍 Chinese classics

必修课程 compulsory course

历史悬案 pending history mystery

再者 furthermore

金矿 gold mine

将…应用到实践中 put...into practice


China has passed the first property law, ordering to protect Beijing?s hundreds of courtyards. But critics say, so-called “conservation” just means knocking down an old building and replacing it with a structure in a traditional style. For this, Ma Yansong?s opinion is “The way is just to build fake antiques, it is not nice. These hutongs attract many tourists. The poor, old residents are either like actors in a theme park or they are kicked out so that the rich can buy these houses. The spirits of old Beijing are now dying away.”


物权法 property law

四合院 courtyard

拆掉 knock down

代替 replace

假古董 fake antique

胡同 hutong

主题公园 theme park

踢出去 kick out

消亡 die away


Opened on New Year? Day in 1986, the Ancient Culture Street in Tianjin city is 687 meters long, with its architecture imitating the folk style of the Qing Dynasty. Located on the west bank of Haihe River in Nankai District, it is a commercial pedestrian street which is worth visiting. Furthermore, this street is known as the Cradle of Tianjin, and is the first cultural, religious and business centre of the city. In its centre is the famous Tianhou (Heavenly Queen) Temple, more popularly known as Mazu. Antiques, ancient books, traditional handicrafts and folk products are sold here. Additionally, the traditional folk-art Yangliuqing New Year paintings, Niren Zhang?s Colour-Clay Figurines, Wei Kites and Liu Carvings all have their shops there. There are also local snacks such as Chatang Soup, Guobacai, Earhole Fried Cake, etc.

【重点词汇】 古文化街 the Ancient Culture Street 模仿 imitate 商业步行街 commercial pedestrian street 天津市的发祥地 the Cradle of Tianjin 天后宫 Tianhou Temple 妈祖庙 Mazu Temple 古玩 antique 手工艺制品 handicraft 民俗用品 folk product 杨柳青年画 Yangliuqing New Year painting 泥人张彩塑 Niren Zhang?s Colour-Clay Figurine 刘氏砖刻Liu Carving 风味小吃 snack 茶汤 Chatang Soup 锅巴菜 Guobacai

耳朵眼炸糕 Earhole Fried Cake

唐朝时期,人们就在昌南建造窑坊(kiln),烧制出一种青白瓷(bluish white porcelain)。青白瓷色彩晶莹,有“人造玉器”的美称,因而远近闻名,并大量出口欧洲。当时,欧洲人还不会制造瓷器,因此中国特别是昌南镇的瓷器很受欢迎。 在欧洲,昌南镇瓷器是备受珍爱的贵重物品,人们以能获得一件昌南镇瓷器为荣。因此,欧洲人就以“昌南”作为瓷器和生产瓷器的“中国”的代称。久而久之,欧洲人就把昌南的本意忘却了,只记得它是“瓷器”,即“中国”了。

In the Tang Dynasty, people started to build kilns to make bluish white porcelain in Changnan. The bluish white porcelain was glittering and had the reputation of artificial jade, so it became famous home and abroad and was exported to Europe in large amount. At that time, Europeans were not able to make porcelain, so porcelain from China,especially from Changnan,was warmly welcomed. In Europe,porcelain from Changnanwas luxurious article cherished by everyone, and obtaining even one piece of it would make people feel very proud. In this way,Europeans used Changnan as the code name for china(porcelain) and the place of its production,China. Gradually, Europeans forgot the original meaning of Changnan,only remembering it is “china”,namely“China”.


1.烧制出一种青白瓷:可译为make bluish whiteporcelain, 烧制可译为 make,“青白色的”可译为bluishwhite。


3.远近闻名:可译为be famous home and abroad。

4.以…为荣:即be proud of,文中译为…make people feelproud。


6.只记得它是瓷器:根据前后句,本句可译为only remembering it is “china”,
