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时间:2018-11-09 11:18 来源:免费论文网




1)东北振兴:Revitalize the economy in Northeast China

2)长春国际会展中心:Changchun International Exhibition andAssembly Center

3)汽车展览:auto show4)全国人民代表大会:National People’s Congress

5)政协:Chinese People’s Political Consultative Committee

6)中央军事委员会:Central Military Commission

7)最高人民法院:Supreme People’s Court

8)最高人民检察院:Supreme People’s Procuratorate

9)国务院:the State Council/Department

10)外交部:the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

11)国防部:the Ministry of National Defense

12)教育部:the Ministry of Education

13)国家审计署:the State Auditing Administration

14)国家体育总局:General Administration of Sport

15)国家药品监督管理局:State Drug Administration

16)中国民用航空总局:Civil Aviation Administration of China

17)国家外汇管理局:State Administration of Foreign Exchange

18)前苏联:Former Soviet Union19)部长级会议:ministerial meeting

20)国内外政要:Politicians from at home and abroad

21)反腐倡廉:combating corruption and building an honest government

22)执政为民:governing for the people 23)生态移民:ecological migration

24)家庭暴力:domestic abuse25)家用电器:home appliances

26)粤剧:Cantonese Opera 27)产品植入广告:Product placement ads

28)二房东:sublessor 29)留守儿童:unattended children

30)紧凑型轿车:compact car 31)潜规则:hidden rule

32)拆迁费:relocation compensation 33)良性循环:virtuous circle

34)恶性循环:vicious circle35)无党派人士:nonparty personage

36)贫富两极分化:the polarization between the rich and the poor

37)廉租房:low--rent housing 38)钓鱼岛:Diaoyu Island

39)论文答辩:thesis oral defence40)非物质文化遗产:intangible cultural heritage

41)经济适用房:economically affordable housing 42)年度风云人物:man of the year

43)工会:the labor union 44)黑客:hacker 45)人口普查:population census

46)十二生肖:symbolic animals47)信息高速路:information superhighway

48)春节联欢晚会:Spring Festival Gala49)爱国者导弹:patriot missile

50)两弹一星:two bombs and one satellite 51)下岗职工:laid--off worker

52)手提行李:carry--on luggage 53)网恋:cyber love 54)封面故事:cover story

55)整形手术:plastic surgery 56)诗经:The Book of Songs 57)狂犬病:rabies

58)发烧门诊:fever clinic 59)禽流感:avian--human influenza

60)糖尿病:diabetes 61)高血压:hypertension 62)中风:stroke 63)哮喘:asthma

64)气管炎:tracheitis 65)分期付款:installment plan 66)报关:customs declaration

67)制约平衡:check and balance 68)贸易顺(逆)差:Trade surplus(deficit)

69)售后服务:after--sale service70)转基因食品:Genetically Modified Food

71)出口创汇型/外向型产业:export--oriented industry 72)风险基金:venture capital

73)反倾销措施:anti--dumping measures against 74)防伪标识:anti--fake label

75)放松银根:ease monetary policy 76)岗位培训:on--the--job training

77)固定资产投资:investment in the fixed assets 78)劳务输出:labour export

79)劳动密集型企业:labour--intensive enterprise 80)国债:treasury security

81)国内外:at home and abroad 82)组委会:organizing committee

83)世界500强企业:World Fortune 500 84)形象馆:Image Exhibition Area

85)主要企业:leading companies86)稳健的货币政策:prudent monetary policy

87)高利政策:dear money policy 88)次贷危机:Sub--prime Mortgage Crisis

89)蓝筹股:blue--chip share90)小排量汽车:small--displacement vehicles

91)一国两制:one country , two systems92)创业板:Second--board Market

93)中国工商银行:ICBC94)社会主义市场经济:socialist market economy

95)外向型经济:export--oriented economy 96)事业单位:public institution

97)高度自治:high degree of autonomy98)以人为本:people--oriented

99)政企分开:administration and enterprises discerption

100)西部大开发:China’s Western Expansion101)生态宜居型城市:eco--friendly city 102)中小企业:small and medium--sized enterprise

103)《论语》:The Analects of Confucius104)孔子:Confucius 105)《红楼梦》:A Dream of Red Manssion / Dream of the Red Chamber 106)《钦定圣经》:The King James Bible 107)丝绸之路:the Silk Road 108)《一千零一夜》:The Thousand and One Nights109)孟子:Mencius 110)故宫:The Imperial Palace 111)国画:Traditional Chinese Painting 112)鸦片战争:the opium war113) 对等翻译:equivalence translation 114)直译:direct translation 115)会议传译:conference interpretation 116)同声传译:simultaneous interpretation 117)音译:transliteration 118)翻译硕士:MTI 119)部长:Minister120)司长:Director 121)省长:Governor 122)常务副省长:Executive Vice Governor 123)市长:Mayor 124)县长:Chief Executive125)处长:Division Chief 126)科长:Section Chief

127)香港特别行政区长官:Chief Executive,HongKong Special Administrative Region 128)中华人民共和国主席/副主席:President/Vice President, the People’s Republic of China129)全国人大委员长/副委员长:Chairman/Vice Chairman, National People’s Congress 130)人大代表:Deputy to the People’s Congress

131)中共中央总书记:General Secretary, the CPC Central Committee 132)国务院总理:Premier, State Council133)秘书长:Secretary--General 134)董事长:Chairman of Board / Boardman 135)总裁:President

136)执行董事:Executive Director 137)总经理:General manager / CEO 138)财务经理:Financial Manager 139)售货员:salesman


142)大学校长:President, University 143)中学校长:Principal, Secondary School 144)小学校长:Headmaster, Primary School145)教务主任:Dean of Studies 146)系主任:Director of Department / Dean of the Faculty

147)客座教授:Visiting Professor 148)交换教授:Exchange Professor 149)名誉教授:Honorary Professor150)教授:Professor

151)副教授:Associate Professor 152)讲师:Lecture 153)助教:Assistant

1)World Bank:世界银行 2)the internet of things:物联网

3)Funemployment:失业乐活4)broken society:破裂社会5)Twitter:推特

6)Tweetheart:推特情人 7)Tweettooth:推文狂8)Chindonesia:亚洲铁三角

9)Ivy League:常青藤联盟 10)Semiconductor:半导体 11)fuel tax:燃油税

11)bonded warehouse:保税仓库12)Key product:拳头产品

13)purchase tax:购置税14)low--carbon economy:低碳经济

15)strategic agreement aiming to strengthen cooperation:战略合作框架协议

16)optimizing economic and industrial factors:优化区域经济布局

17)advancing enterprise mergers:促进产业融合 18)stamp duty:印花税

19)Sino--foreign joint venture:中外合资企业 20)real economy:实体经济

21)National Development and Reform Commission:国家发改委

22)Most Favored Nation (MFN):最惠国待遇23)subprime crisis:次贷危机

24)Free Trade Agreement:自由贸易协定25)Hang Seng Index:恒生指数

26)Dow Jones & Company:道·琼斯 27)Government watchdog:政府监督机构

28)International Monetary Fund(IMF):国际货币基金组织

29)Security Council:安理会30)Kyoto Protocol:京都议定书


4)G20:20国峰会 5)GATT:关税及贸易总协定6)IAEA:国际原子能机构

7)ASEM:亚欧会议8)UNICEF:联合国儿童基金会 9)PIIGS:欧猪五国

10)HDTV:高清晰度电视 11)CPU:中央处理器12)HIV:艾滋病毒

13)H1N1:甲型流感病毒 14)SARS:严重急性呼吸综合征15)POD:货到付款


18)NASDAQ:全国证券交易协会自动报价系统 19)ASE:美国证券交易商

20)SSE:上海证券交易商 21)PPI:生产价格指数 22)CPI:消费价格指数

23)GDP:国民生产总值 24)CAT:计算机辅助翻译 25)ATM:自动取款机

26)CNN:美国有线电视新闻网 27)IOC:国际奥委会 28)CIF:到岸价格


32)IPO:首次公开募股 33)PLA:中国人民解放军 34)NPC:全国人民代表大会

35)UNCTAD:联合国贸易及发展会议 36)NAFTA:北美自由贸易区/协定/联盟

37)EFTA:欧洲自由贸易区/协定/联盟 38)AFTA:东盟自由贸易区/协定/联盟

39)ASEAN:东盟 40)EEC:欧洲经济共同体41)NATO:北大西洋公约组织

42)ICC:国际商务委员会 43)WHO:世界卫生组织 44)UNESCO:联合国教科文组织

45)NASA:美国国家航空航天局 46)FDA:美国食品及药品管理局47)CIA:中情局

48)FBI:美国联邦调查局49)ANSI:美国国家标准学会 50)FIFA:国际足联

51)CE or COE:欧洲理事会52)BFA:博鳌亚洲论坛53)NAM:不结盟运动

54)G8 Summit:八国集团首脑会议 55)UNDP:联合国开发计划署

56)UNEP:联合国环境规划署 57)OPEC:石油输出国组织 58)ISO:国际标准化组织






阁下 Your/His/Her Excellency

陛下 Your/His/Her Majesty

殿下 Your/His/Her (Royal) Highness

国家主席 President (of PRC)

国务委员 State Councilor

人大常委会委员长 NPC Chairman

部长 Minister

局长 Director/Head of the Bureau

校长(大学) President of … University

校长(中小学) Principal/Headmaster of … Middle School 系主任(大学学院下属) Dean/Chairman of … Department 中科院院长 President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences 会长(学/协会) President

厂长 Director

院长(医院) President

主任 Director

董事长 President/Chairman of the Board

秘书长 Secretary-General

护士长 Head Nurse

审判长 Chief Judge

社长(报社) Director

县/区/乡/镇/村长 County/District/Township/Town/Village


总书记 General Secretary

总检察长 Procurator-general

总会计师 Chief Accountant

总干事 Director-General

总代理 General Agent

总工程师 Chief Engineer

总导演 Head/Chief Director

总建筑师 Chief Architect

总编辑 Chief Editor; Editor-in-chief

总指挥 Commander-in-chief

总出纳 Chief/General Cashier

总领事 Consul-general

总裁判 Chief Referee

总监 Director; Chief Inspector

总经理 General Manager; Managing Director; Executive Manager

总厨 Head Cook; Chef

首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

首席运营官 Chief Operating Officer (COO)

首席财务官 Chief Financial Officer (CFO)

首席战略官 Chief Strategy Officer (CSO)

首席信息官 Chief Information Officer (CIO) 首席技术官 Chief Technology Officer (CTO) 首席仲裁员 Chief Arbitrator

首席谈判代表 Chief Negotiator

首席顾问 Chief Advisor

首席代表 Chief Representative

首席记者 Chief Correspondent

副总统 Vice President

副主席 Vice Chairman

副总理 Vice Premier

副部长 Vice Minster

副省长 Vice Governor

副市长 Vice Mayor

副领事 Vice Consul

副校长(大学) Vice President

副校长(中小学) Vice/Assistant Principal

副秘书长 Deputy Secretary-General

副书记 Deputy Secretary

副院长 Deputy Dean

副总经理 Deputy/Assistant Manager

副教授 Associate Professor

副主编 Associate Managing Editor

副研究员 Associate Research Fellow

副编审 Associate Senior Editor

副审判长 Associate Judge

副译审 Associate Senior Translator

助理教授 Assistant Professor

助理研究员 Assistant Research Fellow

助理教练 Assistant Coach

助理工程师 Assistant Engineer

助理农艺师 Assistant Agronomist

高级工程师 Senior Engineer

高级讲师 Senior Lecturer

特派记者 Accredited Correspondent

特派员/专员 Commissioner

特约编辑 Contributing Editor

代理市长 Acting Mayor

代理主任 Acting Director

代理总理 Acting Premier

常务理事 Managing Director

常务副校长 Managing Vice President

执行主任 Executive Director

执行主席 Executive Chairman

执行秘书 Executive Secretary

名誉校长 Honorary President/Principal

名誉主席/会长 Honorary Chairman/President 客座教授 Visiting Professor

院士 Academician

以下机构的负责人可以用 “director”, “head”, 或“chief”表示: 来
