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时间:2018-11-09 11:13 来源:免费论文网



American people emphasize efficiency,competition and originality while Chinese people give priority to careful planning and encourage close cooperation and altruistic dedication among team members. In American schools, discussion is given top priority while Chinese teachers like to lecture in class, and a lot of them are obsessed with examinations. They write consistent and standardized teaching plans, and are happy with bringing up identical and standardized talents. Central to American political, economic and social thought is the concept of individual moral autonomy. Traditional Chinese philosophical systems are based on Confucianism,which sings high praises for communal harmony. Nowadays, the relation of China and America become closer than ever. Chinese learn English, play bowling, enjoy KFC, while Americans learn Chinese, exercise Kung Fu, like Peking Duck. And Titanic sailed into China, while The Peony Pavilion has been performed on Broadway.


Wushu, or Chinese martial art, can be traced back to ancient times. It is a gem of Chinese traditional culture. As we all know, the fine culture of a nation doesn't belong to the nation alone and it will be spread to the rest of the world and shared by all humanity. The Chinese Wushu Association and International Wushu Federation (IWUF) have been working very hard to popularize wushu and make the Chinese martial art closer to the Olympic Movement. Wushu was accepted to join bowling and international standard dance as an Olympic demonstration event. The booming of wushu is attributed not only to the attractiveness of the sport but also to emigrant Chinese wushu masters over the years. Martial artists of the older generations have sown wushu seeds in foreign countries. Weshu, which can be used as self-defense and can keep practitioners fit and strong, soon became popular on new lands. Today superb wushu masters are active all over the world, and amateurs are on the increase with each passing day.


"Made in China" is a label attached to the productsmanufactured in China. Owing to the advantages ofrich labor resources and raw material resources inChina, products made in China are

well-received inthe world on account of their competitive price andsuperior quality. "Made in China" has become a recognizable label in the world today thanksto the rapid development of the manufacturing industry in China.At present, China has becomethe world's manufacturing center and is named "World Workshop". Although globally a greatnumber of electronic products and shoes are made in China, all their designs are completed inEuropean and American countries. Nowadays a growing number of Chinese companies aredevoting themselves to establishing their own brands, hoping to be transformed from "Made inChina" into "Designed in China".

1.“由于中国有丰富的劳动力资源?”,可以使用owing to是“受到世界各国的欢迎”的原因,翻译时可以使用on account of引出理由,避免重复。

2.“中国的制造业迅速发展”与“中国制造”已经成为一个在全球广受认识的标签”是因果关系,为避免与前面表达原因的短语重复,可以使用短语thanks to?。


4.最后一句中“希望实现从‘中国制造’到‘中国设计’的转变”可使用现在分词作状语,译作hoping to betransformed from "Made in China" into "Designed in China"。“实现”一词可省略,把汉语原文中的名词“转变”译作动词transform,这样处理句子更简洁。

4、中国国家博物馆(the National Museum of China)位于天安门广场东部和东长安街以南,在人民大会堂(the Great Hallof the People)对面。国家博物馆的前身是两个博物馆:中国历史博物馆和中国革命博物馆,二者均在一个建筑群中。国家博物馆和人民大会堂同时完工,都在中国10周岁国庆献礼的“十大建设”之列。中国历史博物馆主要呈现了三个重要时期的中国历史。中国革命博物馆重点关注过去150年的历史,特别是中国共产党的历史。国家博物馆经常更新,以反映现代政治史的发展。

The National Museum of China sits to the east ofTiananmen Square and south of East Chang'anStreet, opposite to the Great Hall of the People. Thepredecessors of the National Museum are twomuseums the Museum of Chinese History and theMuseum of Chinese Revolution, which shared the same building complex. Finished at the sametime, The National Museum of China and The Great Hall of the People were both among the "TenGreat Constructions" completed for the 10th birthday of the PRC. The Museum of ChineseHistory displays three critical periods of Chinese history. The Museum of Chinese Revolutionfocuses on the history of the past 150 years, in particular the histoiy of the Communist Partyof China. The National Museum is frequently updated to reflect the developments of modernpolitical histoiy.

1.位于:可译为sit to,还可译为lie to.

2.在??对面:可译为opposite to?

3??的前身:可译为the predecessor of?

4.二者均在一个建筑群中:可译为定语从句which sharedthe same building complex.

5.过去150年的历史:可译为 the histoiy of the past 150years.

6.特别是:可译为in particular,还可以用especially来表达。

5、东方明珠广播电视塔(the Oriental Pearl TV Tower)坐落于上海陆家嘴浦东园区。东方明珠东北是杨浦大桥,西南是南浦大桥,构成“二龙戏珠”的画面。这幅壮观的画面常年吸引着成千上万的游客。这座468米高的电视塔是世界上第三高的电视广播塔。整个电视塔建造在茂盛的绿草地上,像玉盘里的一颗珍珠一样闪闪发亮。这座超现代的电视塔将古老的概念,如球形的珍珠,和21世纪的技术、商业、娱乐、教育和会议设施相结合,真是很神奇。Located in Pudong Park in Lujiazui, Shanghai, theOriental Pearl TV Tower with the Yangpu

Bridge inthe northeast and the Nanpu Bridge in thesouthwest, creates a picture of "two dragons playingwith a pearl”.This magnificent scene attractsthousands of visitors all year long. This 468-meter-high tower is the world's third highest TVand radio tower. The entire structure rests on rich green grassland and gives the appearanceof a pearl shining on a jade plate. It is amazing that this ultra-modern TV tower combinesancient concepts such as the spherical pearls, with technology, commerce, recreation, educational and conference facilities of the 21st century.

1.坐落于:即be located in,还可以用be situated in,这类词组在介绍位罝的文章中经常用到。

2.二龙戏珠:可译为two dragons playing with apearl.

3.这幅壮观的画面:可译为this magnificent scene.其中的magnificent还可以用spectacular,glorious,fabulous等词。

4.建造在茂盛的绿草地上:“茂盛的绿草地”即“富饶的绿草地”,故译为rest on rich green grassland.

5.像玉盘里的珍珠:“像??”可以用give the appearance of?来表达,还可以用look like或seem like表达,其后加名词,如果没有like则要加形容词。




Recently, the Chinese government decided to upgrade its industry. China is now involved in the construction of high-speed trains, ocean-going vessels, robots, and even aircrafts. Not long ago, China obtained the contract for construction of a high-speed rail in Indonesia. It has also signed a contract with Malaysia to provide high-speed trains. This proves that people have faith in China-made products.

China-made products are gaining popularity, for which China has paid a price. However, it does contribute to the eradication of poverty and also, in the meantime, provide employment opportunities for people around the world. This is a good deed which is commendable. You may want to take a look at the purchased goods for the name of the producing country next time you go to the store. Most probably the product is made in China.


Each season here has its beauty: bright flowers in full bloom covering the green slopes in spring, spectacular summer thunderstorms which are rarely seen elsewhere, blue river srunning across the mountains overlaid with red maple leaves in fall, and snow-capped mountains and frosted pine trees in winter that stage a quiet solemn spectacle of particular interest. On a clear day one can see the peaks rising one after another. When the sky is overcast, the horizon disappears into asea of clouds. Mount Tai is most famous for its spectacular suise and sunset. Its landscape

and numerous historical sites have inspired many great classics of ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers. Mount Tai has long been the preferred gathering place of artists and poets.



To effectively protect children's rights and interests, china's legislation, judicial and government departments concerned as well as non-governmental organizations have set up corresponding mechanisms to supervise, facilitate and promote the healthy development of the work on protecting children. The Chinese government has done a great deal to mobilize various circles in society to care for, in various manners, the development of disabled children, to greatly encourage the spirit of unceasing self-improvement among physically disadvantaged children and to advocate the valued social virtues of unity, friendship and mutual aid. The Chinese nation has long cultivated the traditional virtues of "bring up the young" and caring for the young". An old Chinese saying that "love our children and love others'children in the same manner" is still very popular. We should urge the society at large to raise the awareness of importance of "protecting and educating children, and setting a good example and doing practical thing for children". We will spare no efforts to create favorable social conditions for the progress of child development programs.



Sea level rose and forest were destroyed at an unprecedented rate during the last decade. A series of environmental problems such s the deterioration of ecosystem, the extinction of bio-species,damage to the ozone layer, the green-house effect, acid rain, have posed a serious threat to human living conditions. Environmental crisis leads to one of the serious problems, namely, water shortage. Presently, more than 40% of the world's population, more than 2 billion people, now face water shortage. It is predicted hat with the global population expected to increase from six billion to eight billion over the next 25 years, more pressure on environmental protection stress is expected. As a developing country, china is confronted with the dual task of developing the economy and protecting the environment.Proceeding from its national conditions, china has, in the process of promoting its overall modernization program, made environmental protection one of its basic state policies. It is known to all that protection of the ecological environment and biodiversity is the focal point of environmental protection work. China is rich in wildlife species. There are about 6,000 vertebrates alone and 30,000species of higher plants.


香港中文大学,简称“中大”,成立于1963年。中大是一所研究型综合大学,以“结合传统与现代,融汇中国与西方”为创校使命。40多年来,中大一直致力于弘扬中华传统文化,坚持双语教育,并推行独特的书院制度,在香港教育界卓然而立。中大校园占地134 公顷,是世界上最美丽的校园之一。中大的师生来自世界各地。有教职员工 5200多人,近万名本科生、约2000多名研究生,其中约2500多人来自45个不同的国家和地区。//中大实行灵活的学分制,不仅有助于培养有专有博的人才,而且还赋予学生更大的学习自主权。中大的多元教育有助于充分发挥每一个学生的潜能。

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK for short, was founded in 1963. It is are search-oriented comprehensive university with a mission to combine tradition with modernity and bring together China and the West. For more than40 years, we have been distinguished from other local universities by virtue of our rich Chinese cultural heritage, bilingual education, and our unique college system. 134-hectare campus is one of the most beautiful campuses in the world. CUHK' s faculty and students come from all corners of the world. It has more than 5200 staff members, approximately10,000 undergraduates, and 2000 postgraduate students. Of these students, some2,500 are from 45 countries and regions outside Hong Kong. The flexible credit unit system allows a balance between depth with breadth, and a high degree of free choice of students in designing their own learning. The multi-faceted education at CUHK helps to bring out the best in every student.



Chinese cuisine is a general term for the variousfoods from diverse regions and ethnic groups of China. It also refers to cooking styles originating from China. With a long history, Chinese cuisine has anumber of different gees, the main representativesof which are "Eight Cuisines". Every cuisine is distinctive from one another due to thedifferences in climate,geography, history, cooking techniques and lifestyle. Chinese cuisinecontains a rich variety of seasonings, which is one of main factors contributing to differentlocal special dishes. Chinese cuisine lays emphasis on the perfect combination ofcolor, flavor, and taste,and the soul of the dishes in taste. Chinese cuisine culture is extensiveand profound,and Chinese cuisine, one of the Three World Cuisines,enjoys a reputation homeand abroad.

1.第一句话的汉语由两个分句组成,句子较长,在译成英文时,可把它拆分成两句。“也指发源于中国的烹饪方式”可单独译成一句also refers to cooking styles originating fromChina,这样可以更好的体现两句的并列关系。

2.第二句话由三个分句组成。翻译时将“中国菜流派众多”译为主句,“历史悠久”用with a history of?来表达,“主要代表菜系有?”则用非限制性定语从句表示。这样可以使译文结构紧凑,句式多样。

3.第三句中的“风格各异”可以用be distinctive from表达,比用have different styles更地道。



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