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时间:2016-09-21 00:22:35 来源:免费论文网


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一、1.略 2.nèn;歧;攲;诀;zuàn;hàn;dàn 3.D 4.A 5.C










四、10.(1)菊花 (2)桃花 (3)杏花;杨柳 (4)杨花



一、1.略 2. zhàn;捻;ɡān;gà;臾;zhì;绰 3.C 4.B 5.A 二、6.因为她的妈妈因一场车祸而从此成为了植物人。




四、10.(1)青青 (2)尖尖 (3)瑟瑟 (4)田田



一、1.略 2.yùn;niàng;晕;倏;ruò;冽;hé 3.C 4.B 5.B 二、6.①我看见了在风里、水雾里,踽踽独行的母亲。







三、9.哭:儿的生活好痛苦,一点儿也没有吃的,多病,少挣了很多钱;笑:儿的生活好,痛苦一点儿也没有,吃的多,病少,挣了很多钱。 四、10.沾衣欲湿杏花雨,吹面不寒杨柳风;接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红;停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花;孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。



一、1.略 2.Jīn;苟;xuàn;zhù;啜;bèng 3.A B 4.D 5.C






(2)一亭山色月窥人。出处:这是台湾阿里山古月亭上的对联。 四、11. 第一首:嫦娥;第二首:吴刚;吴刚;嫦娥



一、1.略 2.嚣;狩;忌;hái;yīn;筹 3. B 4. A 5. B




8.(参考答案)(1)我的期望,期望儿子能回头。 (2)空荡荡的街正是妈妈内心的写照,邮筒是用来沟通人与人关系的工具,在这里,妈妈却因无法与儿子沟通而感到失落、孤独。


三、10.(1)单枪匹马 (2)自成一家 (3)风吹草动 (4)童话 (5)散曲 (6)圆规

四、11.(1)天光云影共徘徊 (2)巴山夜雨涨秋池 (3)青山郭外斜 (4)烟笼寒水月笼沙



一、1.略 2.hè;勋;sū;pìn;luán;kuànɡ 3. C 4. C 5. D





寒假即将到来,家长朋友们一定要注意孩子的假期学习问题。查字典数学网初中频道为大家提供了初一寒假作业答案2015数学,希望对大家有所帮助。一、1、B 2、B 3、(1) (3) 4、3 5、(1)x-62 (2)a+b0二、1、x3 2、x1.5 3、x-8/3 4、2x-4 5、C 6、C 7、(1)x6 数轴表示略(2)x-2 数轴表示略8、(1)x2 数轴表示略 (2)x-2.5 数轴表示略 9、23 数轴表示略 10、x3/11三、操作探究(1)当x=2时,y=15,当x=-2时,y=3 (2)-17/8-1.5 (3)x-17/8 1、x1/2

2、(1)4000元 (2)5种:①甲6,乙9;②甲7乙8;③甲8乙7;④甲9乙8;⑤甲10乙5 (3)a=300,甲6乙9更有利四、1、x280 2、137/18137/19 3、4.5km 操作探究(1)CB (2)RPQ 创新舞台当mn时,不答应;当m=n时,无所谓;当m五、1、B 2、D 3、(1)a+ab (2)x+y (3)1 (4)ac 4、

(1)36a4^4b(注:4^4即4的4次方,以后不解释) (2)x(x-9)5、(1)5x-10y/2x-40

(2)x-20/130x+24 6、(1)1/3x=4y/12xy,5/12xy=5x/12xy (2)y/x(x-y)=y-xy/x(y-x) x/(y-x)=x/x(y-x) 创新舞台 -7,-7六、1、-1 2、3 3、x 4-6 DAC 7、(1)2/xz (2)10/3a(a+2) 操作探究 略七、1、(1)x=0 (3)x=0 (第2问呢- -) 2、1/7 3、34 4、(1)③ (2)不正确 应保留分母 (3)-2x-6/(x+1)(x-1) 创新舞台 原式=x+4 ∵(-根号3)=(根号3),正确八、1、m-6 2、5元 感悟体验 略九、1、y=50/x 2、略 3、2/3 4、m1/2 5、D 6、B 7、(1)y=-18/x (2)x=-6 创新舞台 略十、1-3 AAD 4、(1)S=100000/d (2)200m (3)6666.67m十一、1、二 四 2、C 3、长10m 宽6m 创新展台 (1)30min (2)无效十二、1、C 2、D 3、(1)1:10000000 (2)1:10000000

(3)单位换算 4、(1)1/2,1/4,1/2 (2)AC,DB,CD,AB 5、(1)5/2 (2)5/2 6、(1)8 (2)略(提示:DB/AB=2/5,EC/AC=2/5 DB/AB=EC/AC) 创新舞台 32cm(不清楚2cm和0.5cm算不算,这题不同人不同理解,多写应该也没事- -)十三、基础展现(1)盲区 (2)不能。盲区 (3)AB范围内 (4)略 感悟体验 7.6m 操作探究 略十四、1-3 CCD 4、2:1 1:2 5、12 6、1 7、(1)135 根号8 (2)相似,理由略 操作探究 略十五、1-3 CBC 4、ACP=ABC 5、2/5 6、(1)DE=AD,BE=AE=CE

(2)△ADE∽△AEC (3)2 创新舞台 略十六、1、A 2、D 3、图1 灯光 中心投影 ;图2 阳光 平行投影 4、6.40m 操操作探究 (1)1.25 (2)1.5625 (3)y=d/4 (4)0.4m十七、全部作图说理类题,略十八、1、(1) (2) (3) 2、B 3、A 4、略 操作探究 (1)提示:做PQ平行AC (2)不成立 (3) PAC=APB+PBD十九、1、C 2、C 3、= 4、不合理 5、不行 6、(1)正确 (2)正确 操作探究 (1)180(2)相等 三角形的外角等于不相邻两个内角和 三角形三个内角和为180创新舞台 e d f二十、1、C 2、CD 3、略(提示:连接AD) 操作探究 平行 理由略 创新舞台 略(如:已知(1)、(2)、(4),求证(3))二十一、1、B 2、C 3、不相同 4、不等 不中奖概率大 5、(1)摸到任意一个数字 相等 (2)不等 (3)相等 操作探究 落在红色或绿色或黄色区域内 不等二十二、1、(1)相等 (2)不等 抽出王 (3)相等 操作探究 问题一 不正确 红球 p(红)=2/3,p(白)=1/3,∵p(红)p(白)摸出红球可能性大 问题2 拿出一个红球 感悟体验 ①略 ②当ab牛奶杯中的豆浆多 当a=b牛奶杯中的豆浆和豆浆杯中的牛奶一样多 当a二十三、1、A 2、5/8 3、6/25 4、(1)1/4 (2)略(感觉提议不太清晰,我写2/5) 5、7/8 1/8 操作探究(1)略 (2)1/6以上就是查字典数学网为大家提供的初一寒假作业答案2015数学,大家仔细阅读了吗?加油哦!



Keys:Unit 1

I. 汉译英(词组翻译)

1. write to sb.2. match sth with sth3. welcome to... 4. come / be from

5. live with... 6. close to7. elder sister 8. be good at

9. make friends with sb.10. all over the world11. I have long hair

12. My dream is to be a ... 13. be friendly (nice, kind) to sb. 14. pay attention to

15. would like to do sth 16. on the Internet 17. be far (away) from…18. Best wishes 19. hear from sb. 20. ask sb to do sth

21. in one’s spare time 22. help sb (to) do sth.

II. 根据句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. German; 2. age; 3. hobbies; 4. mountains; 5. friendly; 6. thinnest; 7. to be;

8. engineer;9. playing; 10. scientists; 11.to go; 12. running; 13. sounds; 14. yourself;

15. Japanese; Chinese; 16. travelling; 17. Germany; 18. to ride; 19. completes; 20. twice III. 选择填空: 1-5 D B A C A6-10 D A C B D 11-16 B C B A B A

IV. 完形填空:1-5 A B D D B6-10 C A C C B

V. 阅读理解: A篇--- B C D C DB篇--- B D C A D

Keys to Unit 2

I. 汉译英

1. a junior high school student 12. after-school activities

2. go… on foot 13. daily life

3. from…to… 14. ride a bicycle

4. run to the playground 15. keep a diary

5. the morning break 16. be late for…

6. take part in 17. after dinner

7. have a good time 18. between…and…

8. enjoy doing sth. 19. prepare one’s lesson

9. know about 20. arrive at (小) / arrive in (大)

10. the school band 21. help sb. with sth.

11. make music 22. in the end=at last/finally II. 根据句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空

1. are 2.daily 3.talk 4. bells 5.gives 6. guitar 7 takes 8.has

9.usually 10.cooks 11.is 12.rang 13.goes 14.practice 15.daily

16.being 17.usually 18.our 19.watching 20.do 21.learn / to learn

22.to go23.singing 24.friends

III. 选择填空:1-5 ABAAC6-10 BABBA

IV. 完形填空:1-5 CADBC6-10 ABCDA

V. 阅读理解:(1) ADBDC(2)BBCAD

VI. 书面表达

One possible version:

Pleasant Goat and Force Goat are good friends. They both help Slow Goat a lot. But they aren’t the same. Pleasant Goat runs faster than other goats. He is happy and outgoing. He always has smiles on his face. Force Goat is stronger but more careless than others. He exercises every day to keep healthy, but he gets angry easily. He always disagrees with others.


I. 汉译英(词组翻译)

1. on Earth 2. on the land 3. in the sky 4. under the water 5. put… into 6. throw… into…

7. on the beaches8. in the sea 9. throw away10. take a trip11. get warm

12. turn green 13. be covered by 14. a glass of water 15. make energy

16. one quarter 17. protect the Earth 18. provide…with… 19. stop doing…

20. ask sb. to do sth.

II. 根据句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. sunny2. to have3. kites 4. brightly 5. talking 6. Is 7. go 8. pollution

9. interesting10. snowmen 11. interesting 12.. are13. women

14. to have 15. funny

III. 选择填空: 1-5 B B D A B6-10 A C B D C11-15C A C B D IV. 完形填空:1-10 A D A B C D C C B A

V. 阅读理解: A) AB D C CB) C D A C B

Keys: Unit 4


1. in spring2.start to get warm 3 The wind blows gently.

4. turn green 5. take a trip 6. The sun shines brightly.

7. like to go to the beach 8.in a hot weather9.Everything changes.

9. start falling from trees11.go on a picnic12. at this time of year

13.make snowmen14.spend … with sb.15.during the Spring festival

Ⅱ 用所给词的适当形式填空

1. sunny 2.to have 3.kites 4. strongly 5.talking

6. go7.interested 8.snowmen 9.windy 10.boring

11. windy wind 12. kind to help13.amazing to read

14. colourful funny15.dangerous16.problemsto understand

17.gently gentle 18.sunny19.to have 20.heavily

Ⅲ 单选:1-5 BBAAC 6-10 DBBDA

11-15 DCAAC16-20 CCDBA

Ⅳ.完形填空1-5 ACADD 6-10 BCBDA

Ⅴ阅读理解 1-5 CBCAD6-10 BADCC


It is important for us to protect the Earth. As students, what can we do?

First, we shouldn’t throw waste paper on the ground. Second, we should turn off the lights when we leave the room. Third, we should save water. For example, we should turn off the tap when we brush our teeth. Fourth, we can go to school on foot or by bike.

We have only one Earth. Let’s do our best to protect it!


I. 汉译英(词组翻译):

1. more than2. one of the first students 3. leave sp.

4. leave sp. for sp. 5. do exercises 6. get to sp.

7. get there 8. in space 9. in the/a spaceship

10. float around 11. have to do sth. 12. tie… to…

13. so that 14. as many/much…as15. that is

16. be able to do sth. 17. take photos/pictures 18. solve the problem

19. a large amount of air 20. keep diaries/keep a diary 21. get weak

22. a trip to space 23. such as 24. space hotels

25. as…as26. on the moon

II. 根据句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空:

1. be able to, 2. breathe, 3. without, 4. themselves, 5. books,6. to get,

7. to do 8. to have 9. move/to move 10. to give 11. telling 12. machines

13. ourselves

14. important, 15. leaves 16. to finish 17. doesn’t 18. fails

III. 选择填空:

1-5 DCBCD6-10 DCBBC 11-15 CACBB 16-20 BCCBC21-22 BD IV. 完形填空: 1-5 ABDCA6-10 CBCAD

V. 阅读理解: 1-5 DBCAD 6-10 BADBC

Keys to Unit6

Ⅰ. 汉译英

1.travel guide 2. walk along 3. in the centre of 4. in every direction 5. light up

6. have a good time 7. such as 8. in the north-west of 9. place of interest 10. one

of 11. the Bund 12. Ocean Park 13. a traditional garden 14. natural beauty 15.

across the Huangpu River 16.outside the park

Ⅱ. 1.beauty 2.sightseeing 3.to have 4. friends 5.bridges 6. places 7.take 8. beauty 9. building 10.directed 11. tourists 12. direction 13. built 14. traditional 15.

beautiful 16. natural 17. Asia 18. Asian 19. traditional 20. to make 21.riding 22.

Visitors 23. nature 24. watching 25. easily 26. to do 27. shopping





I. 汉译英(词组翻译)

1. last month 2. attend the fair3. teach you how to do sth

4. launch into the sky 5. all the way6. of course

7. disappear into the sky 8. join the Solar Power Club

9. learn about 10. take… from … 11. can’t wait to do sth / can’t wait for sth

12. make a machine 13. use … to do … 14. all around

15. at the fair16. It’s time for sth / It’s time to do sth.

17. listen to a talk 18. give a talk19. look sth up in the library

20. go for a walk21. go on an adventure 22. hurry to school

23. leave for

II. 根据句子的意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. to play, 2. amazing, 3. to write, 4. to begin 5. water, 6. surprised,

7. unusual 8. studying9.came, 10. joined, 11. sent 12. was, 13. had, 14. stay, 15. left III. 选择填空:1-5 BDBDB 6-10BADDD 11-15 DBBCD

IV. 完形填空: 1-5 DABCA6-10 DBDBC

V. 阅读理解 1-5 DABAC6-10 DCBCD

Keys to Unit 8:


1. attend an interview2. interview sb. (about sth.) 3. a pile of newspapers

4. follow sb. (into… )5. hardly any = almost not/no6. a long time ago

7. the front door/ garden8 . in front of 9. in the front of10. as soon as

11. unusual collections 12. three days/weeks/years ago 13. go inside 14.(be)bad for

15. (be)good for 16. (be)interested in 17. work of art18. almost everything

19.on the front door 20. collect sth. / a collection of sth. 21.have some tea

22.both… and… 23. have sth to do 24. spend time/money (in) doing …

25.send…to sb. 26.make sb. interested in 27. be educational

28.as a result 29.introduce sb. to…

II. 1. hers 2. interviewing

6. follow 7. surprised

11. make

16. to sail12. to do 17. Riding 3. amazing 13. unusual 18. to learn

4. hard; hardly 5. to begin 14. cutting 19. places 15. collection 20. sentences 8. usually 9. collection 10. studying III.1-5 DBBDC

16-20 CADCD

V. (A) CADAB 6-10 ACAAC 21-25 BABDA (B) BCBBA 11-15 CABAA VI.1-5 ABDBC 6-10 DBCAA

VI. My hobby is collecting stamps. I have many kinds of stamps. How do I get them? First, I save the money to buy stamps from the shop. Second, my parents bring me stamps from many countries of the world. Third, I have friends who send me stamps in return for the ones which I send to them. In this way, my collection becomes larger and larger. Each stamp has a story and you can learn a lot from it.
