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时间:2016-08-30 10:31:16 来源:免费论文网


Pepsi was first made in New Bern, North Carolina, in the United States in the early 1890s by

pharmacist Caleb Bradham. In 1898, "Brad's

Drink" was changed to "Pepsi-Cola" and later

trademarked on June 16, 1903.[1] There are several theories on the origin of the word "pepsi". The only two discussed within the current PepsiCo website

are the


Caleb Bradham bought the name "Pep Kola" from a local competitor and changed it to Pepsi-Cola.

The word Pepsi comes from the Greek word "Hope" (π?ψη), which is a medical term, describing the food dissolving process within one's

stomach. Dyspepsia also a medical term describes a problem with one's stomach to dissolve foods properly.

Another theory regarding the name's origins is that Caleb Bradham and his customers simply thought the name sounded good and reflected the fact that the drink had some kind of "pep" in it because it was a



It was made of carbonated water, sugar, vanilla, rare oils, and kola nuts. Whether the original recipe included the enzyme pepsin is disputed.[2][3]

In 1903, Bradham moved the bottling of Pepsi-Cola from his drugstore into a rented warehouse. That year, Bradham sold 7,968 gallons of syrup. The next year, Pepsi was sold in six-ounce bottles, and sales increased to 19,848 gallons. In 1924, Pepsi received its first logo redesign since the original design of 1905. In 1926, the logo was changed again. In 1929, automobile race pioneer Barney Oldfield endorsed Pepsi-Cola in

newspaper ads as "A bully drink...refreshing, invigorating, a fine bracer


光明食品(集团)有限公司 简介:





Bright Food (Group) Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as Bright Food) is a comprehensive food industry group with a complete food chain - an assemblage of modern agriculture, food processing and manufacturing, and food distribution. Bright Food achieved operating income of more than 120 billion yuan in 2014. It is described by the US Forbes magazine as one of the ten most noteworthy Chinese companies to have appeared on the international stage in 2015.

Bright Food focuses on mega-industry, big brands, and big channels to market. Bright Food established the "8+2" main businesses - dairy industry, sugar industry, meat industry, vegetable industry, rice industry, branded foods, modern

agriculture, commercial path and real estate logistics, finance, with “5+1” reform thinking - marketization, specialization,

internationalization, securitization, normalization and a talent strategy. At present, the business network of Bright Food covers the whole country.Onthe other hand, Bright Food gets touch with more than 160 countries and regions to thousands of customers, keep co-opreation relationship with Coca-Cola, Pepsi, nestle, danone, suntory, kirin, unity, sheikh, daikin and other international famous company has carried out a wide range of joint cooperation.

Bright Food considers food safety, security of supply, and the integration of resources as its responsibilities in building a localized multinational corporation which has core competitiveness, brand influence and enterprise cohesion, and in building a leading Chinese food brand which is operating internationally and has global reach.



(一) 百事可乐公司在运用市场调研对企业管理决策的过程

百事可乐公司,美国最大的软性饮料公司之一。在国际市场上,百事可乐的这些成就应该归咎于百事可乐的竞争策略独特,它看准时机,灵活地运用市场调研,加上其独具一格的广告宣传模式,占领了可口可乐的“真空地带”,不仅避免了相对于可口可乐的后入劣势和两败俱伤的局面,还在大片地区形成了垄断。在20世纪80年代初美国百事可乐公司想策划一种畅销的柠檬软饮料。当时,这类软饮料在整个软饮料市场的份额达12.7%,但主要为菲利浦·莫利斯公司的“七喜”和可口可乐公司的“雪碧”所占,百事可乐的“剃姆”缺乏与它们抗争的实力。百事可乐在策划中开展了市场调研,通过调研,发现消费者对有附加价值的软饮料敢兴趣,而当时软饮料厂商主要是在研究无咖啡因或无糖饮料,这类“有附加价值”的软饮料正好是个“空白”。这就给百事可乐带来了一个机会。于是百事可乐公司采用焦点组访谈的方法,对消费者进行深入调研,结果发现相当多的人喜欢天热果汁型的柠檬软饮料,据此,百事可乐决定开发这种柠檬酸软饮料, 并取名为“柠檬片”。经过18个月的设计和研制,“柠檬片”终于开发出来了,但是百事可乐公司决定在正式投放市场钱对这种新的柠檬酸软饮料进行市场测试性调研。百事可乐在软饮料品种、品牌较多的凤凰城、迈阿密和塔尔萨等城市建立了测试市场,在测试中,让“柠檬片”的定位直接与“七喜”和“雪碧”相对,同时,在广告中强调“柠檬片”是用天然果汁制成。

(二) 决策效果

3个月的测试性调研表明,“柠檬片”是受消费者欢迎的,其在整个软饮料市场的占有率已达到3.5%--4.5%。根据这个调研的结果,百事可乐决定扩大批量,正式投入市场。到1986年,“柠檬片”已成为美国6个最畅销的软饮料品牌之一,年销售额达到10亿美元。而如今的百事可乐公司,美国最大的软性饮料公司之一。资产总额约 151亿美元,居世界大企业第75位,职工26.6万人。公司总部设在纽约市。公司附属机构近百个,主要有百事可乐饮料公司、弗利托-莱公司(快餐馆)、啤咂餐馆(供应意大利式烘馅饼等)、北美运输公司和威尔逊体育用品公司等。其公司子公司分布很广,国内涉及48个州,国外涉及100多个国家和地区。 二、学习市场调研对将来从事企业管理的意义市场作为一制看不见的手,永远处于变动之中,而我们的经验,哪怕是成功的经验,也是处于过去时的静止状态。市场调研能给人以未来时的诸多昭示。市场是不断变化的,顾客的需求各不相同。通过市场调研,可以发现一些新的市场机会和需求,开发新的产品去满足这些需求。通过市场调研可以发现企业现有产品的不足及经营中的缺点,及时加以纠正,使企业在竞争中立于不败之地。通过市场调研还可以及时掌握竞争对手的动态,掌握企业产品在市场上所占份额大小,针对竟争对手的策略,对自己的工作进行调整和改进,知己知彼,百战百胜。 通过市场调研研究,可以了解整个经济环境对企业发展的影响,了解国家的政策法规变化,预测未来市场可能发生的变化,抓住一些新的发展机会,并对可能发生的不利情况及时的采取应变措施,减少企业的损失。 市场调研是营销的出发点,是提高市场营销效果的一种管理方法,其作用以及意义是非常的重大。了解了市场调研的产生发展以及市场调研的一般流程,学 会了市场调研的方案设计,拥有专业的数据调查能力和客观专业的分析水平。调研分析提出解决问题的办法,为公司制定产品计划,营销目标,决定分销渠道,制定营销价格,采取促进销售策略和检查经营成果,提供科学依据;在营销决策的贯彻执行中,为调整计划提供依据,起到检验和矫正的作用。
