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我的家庭作文700字 陈亮 “叫你别喝酒,你偏喝,整天喝得醉熏熏的,也不怕人家笑话!”“我喝不喝与你无关,你少管!”“我不管?对,我不管。这个家我也不管了!”妈妈说完,收拾一下衣服,回姥姥家去了。“走就走,你以为我会跪在地上求你回来?”妈妈已经走出很远了,爸爸还在门口大声嚷着。 我倚在门口,望着皎洁的月亮,望着妈妈远去的背景,泪水涌出了我的眼眶。为什么?为什么?命运如此的不公平?每当我看见天真烂漫的孩子们一手拉着爸爸,一手拉着妈妈,在大街上散步的时候,我总会躲在一边悄悄擦眼泪,是羡慕,还是为自己伤心,连我也说不清。自从上了三年级,由于爸爸在工作上有些事不顺心,所以他常常喝酒,搅得我们这个和谐的家庭鸡犬不宁。妈妈和爸爸不是今天打一架,就是明天摔一通。三年来,他们没有和睦相处过一天。我夹在他们中间,左也不是,

右也不是。爸爸气得摔盘子,喝闷酒,妈妈回里屋织毛衣,剩下的一切不都得由我来收拾? 爸爸,妈妈,你们怎么不为我想想?你们光顾吵呀,打呀,谁也不管我。甚至连我生了病都不给看病买药吃。其实这一切的一切,又不都是你们造成的吗?过去我们的家庭是那样的幸福、美满,爸爸妈妈勤勤恳恳地工作,我在学校里好好的学习。回到家,爸爸总是坐在写字台前刻苦钻研。我呢,认真地写完作业,遇到不会的题就问妈妈。有时,我们一家还去逛公园,在街上散步。整个家庭充满了和谐气氛。而今呢?我不敢再想下去了,将来还不知要发生什么事呢?如果像这样发展下去,他们会离婚,甚至还会?? 冷风吹得我打了个寒颤,我回到了屋里。躺在床上,怎么也睡不着。窗外,繁星眨着眼睛,望着我,好像在询问我为什么久久不能入睡。唉!家庭给我带来的痛苦,我能向谁诉说呢?仅仅是星星、月亮吗?不,不会的。我相信,爸爸妈妈为了我,为了他们自己,为了这个家庭,一定会重归于好的。到了那时,我不会再羡慕其它的孩子。


关于家庭趣事的作文700字 家庭趣事 我有一个快乐、幸福、温馨的家庭。在这个家庭里,常常发生一些有趣的、搞笑的、令人啼笑皆非的故事。 有一次,我正在看电视,爸爸突然拍了拍我的后背,我转身问:“干什么?”爸爸不假思索地答道:“不干什么。”过了一会儿,爸爸又拍了拍我。我回过头换一种语气说:“有事吗,老爸?”爸爸笑呵呵地连连说:“没事,没事。”接着我又换了一种腔调说:“既然没事,就不要总拍我,否则的话,我就把你踹到澳大利亚去!”“行呀,大小姐,那就有劳您大驾了,我正好想去那儿观光游览呢!麻烦您赶快动手吧!”还未等我接话,爸爸又抢着说道:“好想看看澳大利亚的珍稀动物袋鼠哦,还有澳大利亚最著名的悉尼歌剧院,嗯,还有——”这时,妈妈打断了他的话:“你别白日做梦了,最好让你赶不上末班轮船,看你怎么回家!” 有一次,我感冒了,不停地地咳嗽,还发着高烧,妈妈怕我烧坏了身体,不停地叫我喝水,可我实在不想再喝了,因为我已经喝了好几瓶了。于是,我就调皮地对妈妈说:“老妈,请您别再让我喝了,要是再喝的话,我就变成水球了!”我一边说着,一边鼓起肚子做出不让妈妈碰的样子,似乎真的一碰就破。妈妈却认真地说:“你也不想,那有人喝水能把肚皮胀破的?”听妈妈的口气,我判断她可能又要“长篇大论”了。于是,我赶紧抢过话题,也装作很严肃的样子说:“嗯,这个问题嘛,是很复杂的。所以,您得闭上眼睛容我思考思考再回答。”妈妈坐在椅子上一看有门儿,就毫不犹豫地说:“那好吧,我等着你的答复。”我见妈妈闭上了眼睛,赶紧悄悄地溜走了。等妈妈睁开服后,我早已逃之天天! 在一次期中考试中,我考了年组第一。在放学的路上,我高兴得一边围着前来接我的妈妈跑着,一边兴奋地唱着歌。由于太得意了,我唱得有些跑调儿,妈妈调侃地说:“不听,不听,退票!”我急忙回答说:“您也没买票呀,要是退票的话,我就赔了。” 我就是在这样一个充满欢声笑语的家庭里成长着。小朋友,你说我多幸福啊。我家有趣的故事实在太多了,今天我就向你们介绍这几个,如果感兴趣的话,就请到我家做客,我会一一向你道来的。



我的家庭可以用六个字母来诠释、它们正是fanmily。 f(father)父亲 父亲是家庭的顶梁柱,用我小时候的话说吧,就是天塌下来有老爸顶着!爸爸总是不辞勤劳的为我忙碌着。犯错了。他总是会以一些特别的方法让我铭记此次教训,认识到自己的错误;感冒了,他想方设法的让我减少疼痛,用老家的土方治好了我,不让我受不必要的皮肉之苦打针!夜深了,他总会来帮我盖好被子,才会安心的去睡觉&&总之,父亲就像一座山,有他在,我们这个家庭就永远不会倒下去! a(and)和 这其实是个连词啦,但是单单解释也可以说成和和美美哟!~ m(mother)母亲 母亲是家里的劳动积极分子。只要有老妈在,狗窝都能变宫殿!不知道是不是妈妈的手有魔法,任何东西只要到了妈妈的手里,都会变得更加完美!比如,妈妈能把又脏又臭的袜子洗的白白净净;能把凌乱不堪的房间整理得井井有条;能用几个简单的小菜做成美味的饭菜&&没有她,家不成家&& i(i)我 嘿嘿,终于降到我自己啦!~我呀,是家里的捣乱鬼,也是开心果!我会闹小脾气,会因为一件很小很小的事情生气;我宽容,会懂得包容宽恕别人的错误;我孩子气,没有同龄人应有的成熟;我懂事,在别人需要我时,我会突然变得成熟懂事;我不是天才,也会因为一道普通的题目绞尽脑汁;我不是傻瓜,懂得分辨真善美,我执着,不会因为任何人的说法去轻易改变自己的想法&& ly(loveyou)爱你们 有老爸老妈还有我,组成了这样一个平凡而幸福的小家庭!在这个小家庭里,有欢乐,也有泪水,整个小屋里,都充满着爱&& 爸爸妈妈,我爱你们!福建厦门思明区厦门市第六中学初三:雅君


3unit 1

1. we hope the f____________ between our countries will last long. 2. yesterday he r____________ that he made a lot of mistakes at last. 3. we should not be a____________ of any outside challenges. 4. he was very m____________ by what his father did.

5. if you are more careful, you will not make m____________. 6. i really don’t know how to d____________ with the problem.

7. listening and s____________ are a little more difficult for chinese english learners. 8. i can’t catch you because you speak too q____________.

9. her parents always r____________ her as the cleverest of their children. 10. she’s very good at making friends and i____________ people.

1. they always read english a____________ every morning. 2. that’s an e____________ film.

3. i’ve r____________ the importance of learning english. 4. a good language l____________ should do lots of practice. 5. i was deeply i____________ with his report. 6. i study by making f____________.

7. m____________ the words can help us improve our english.

8. some students had more s_________ suggestions about the best ways to learn more english.

9. wei ming found

watching movies f____________ because the people speak too quickly. 10. we should listen to the teacher’s p____________.

1. i don’t know the correct p____________ of the word.

2. which are you good at, s____________ english or written english or both? 3. she spoke too q____________ and i can’t follow her.

4. it is important to study g____________ when one learns a foreign language. 5. i memorize english new words by using f____________.

6. the world’s population is one of the biggest c____________ of the world today. 7. don’t make m____________ in grammar.

8. they gave us many s____________ suggestions. 9. he said he couldn’t m____________ the words. 10. mr king taught us english last t____________.

1. we should w____________ down new english words in a vocabulary list.

2. if you don’t know how to spell new words, look them u____________ in a dictionary. 3. the best way to i____________ your english is to join an english club. 4. another thing that he f____________ very difficult was english grammar. 5. this kind of paper feels very s____________.

unit 2

1. i used to eat c__________ all the time. but now i like chewing gum a lot. 2. the disease causes thousands of d__________ a year.

3. you w__________ a lot of water by having a bath instead of a shower last night. 4. guy was going to buy a bookcase, but in the end he made one h__________. 5. you need to be p__________ with children. 6. i can’t a__________ to buy a house.

7. she has had to make some very difficult d__________.

8. is it n__________ for all of us to be present at the meeting this afternoon? 9. if you don’t pay a__________ now, you’ll get it all wrong later. 10. my little brother used to spend much time w__________ tv.

1. i u__________ to play the piano, but now i am i__________ in sports. 2. he was t__________ of being alone when he was a little child. 3. i sometimes go to s__________ with my light on.

4. i s__________ lots of time doing homework yesterday. 5. our life has already c__________ a lot since 1990. 6. i really m__________ mother. she’s gone to beijing. 7. martin murray used to c__________ lots of problems.

8. we must pay much more a__________ to our pronunciation. 9. his friend’s d__________ made him very sad. 10. it s__________ that grammar is very useful.

1. his father has been d__________ for eight years. 2. hurry up! there is no time for you to w__________.

3. it is n__________ for martin to talk with his mother.

4. he is a__________ of the sea, so he doesn’t know how to swim.

5. his mother made a d__________ to send him to a boys’ boarding school. 6. i love music, my father used to take me to c__________. 7. his mother couldn’t a__________ to pay for his education. 8. i enjoy c__________ with friends on the internet. 9. we call a sick man a p__________.

10. tony moved to another city. i really m__________ the old days with him.

1. don’t w__________ about things so much. it will make you stressed out. 2. sorry, i can’t join you. i have to study for a t__________. 3. i used to have short hair but now i g__________ it long. 4. my life has changed a lot in the l__________ few years.

5. to his s__________, this phone call changed his life.

1. i’ve just got my driving l______. would you like to go for a drive with me? 2. my grandfather has been a m_______ of the party for nearly 40 years. 3. lucy is an energetic girl. she never feels s_______ in class.

6. my mum doesn’t allow me to get my ears p_________.

7.you can not drive the car because you don’t get a driver’s l__________. 8.she invited bob to the party, but his friend peter came i____________. 9.i’m free at p___________, but i might be busy later on. 11. i asked her the reason , but she didn’t r_________.

12. every year we have an o_____________ to have a new year party at school. 13. he is really a s_______ man.

14. i was too s_________ to hear the end of her talk.

15. my father t___________ me swimming when i was young. 16. he s____________ in the examination.

18. he is s_______ because he often does foolish things like this. 19. sixteen-year-olds are not o_____ enough to drive cars.

20. he has lots of r_______ at home. he can’t do this or do that casually. 21. linda has many friends .

she often s________ time with them.

22. do you have a driver’s l____________?

23. kathy made a s________ mistake in the examination. 24. you can go i____________ of me , if you want. 25. you are not a__________ to talk during the exam.

26. they retired to a s_________ little village in the west of yorkshire. 27. she r________ that it was 12 o’clock.

28. the health report stresses the i____________ of fresh food in a diet.

29. she has been trying to pass her driving test for six years and she’s finally s___________. 30. what he said sounds impossible, so i d___________ with him. 31. i e__________ a lot of different things in last summer holiday. 32. tom is one of the m__________ in our club. 33. i a___________ the aim that i made last term.unit 4

1. jim can’t speak in front of people loudly and fluently. he is s________.

2. i’ll study very hard every day. i don’t want to let my parents and teachers d________. 3. the noisy situation didn’t do with you in the s___________.

4. ---i am very busy. don’t b_________ me, ok? -----ok, i’m sorry. 5. the people who like art and music are e_____________.

6. if you get burned by the oil, cold running water is very h___________. 7. he is c______________ to pass the exam, in fact he did it.

8. some of the students feel tired after the whole day’s work, but the r______ are ok. 9. we all like that science teacher, he is k________________.

10. if a friend offers you a cigarettes in a public place, you should r_____________.

11. i’m planning to buy a t_____ for my father as a birthday present.

12. look! all the trees and houses are c__________ with snow. how beautiful! 13. work hard , or you’ll fail the e________. 14. hot water is o_________ on the train. 15. the river is about 100 meters d_______.

1. i will give a million dollars to m__________ research. 2. i get n_________ before big parties.

3. taking a long walk can help you r__________.

4. what would you do if your brother borrowed your clothes without p_______________. 5. now let me

i___________ a new student to you.

1. scientists like to do r__________ work. 2. little ann washes clothes by h__________. 3. that river has p_______ of fishes.

4. i asked him some questions, but he r________ to answer me. 5. many americans t_______ their pet dog as their close friend.

1. hemingway is famous as an a___________. i like his works very much.

4. the meat you bought has gone bad. the s________ is terrible.

5. her ten f_______ are long and thin. they are suitable for playing the piano. 6. listen ! how strongly the w____ is blowing! 7. i wonder who the dictionary b_________ to.

8. we can’t get to school on time b_________ of the heavy traffic. 9. ----what do you often do in your n_____________?

----well, we often have a music festival. most of my neighbors can sing and dance. 10. it made such a big n_______ that all of us woke up.

11. the police said that the noise m_______ be some kids having fun.

12. the zookeeper was very a__________ because no one went to visit the zoo. 13. what do you m_______ by saying this?

14. the workers merely e________ death in the accident. they are still afraid now. 15. mark twain and shakspeare must his favorite a____________.

16. next sunday we are going to have a school trip and we will have a p________ on the hill. 17. ---why are you so scared? -----something strange is c_________ me.

18. look! this is a hair b_____ for your birthday. it will look nice on your hair. 19. put the b_____ part under the cold running water . it’s helpful to it. 20. the advice he o________ was indeed a good help in need.

21. he is a famous doctor who has a lot of e___________ dealing with teenagers. 22. your friends will think you are a good l__________.

23. everyone thinks that she will be here. it’s p_________(可能) true。24. the prisoners attempted to e___________, but failed.

1. mum bought the skirt for me as a birthday p___________. 2. the fruit d________ down from the tree
