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时间:2017-05-07 07:13 来源:免费论文网

篇一:乡村生活与城市生活的对比 英文


Today we will holddebate about the country lifestyle and the city lifestyle which is better ? The answer is not certain. Nowadays, more and more people in the city want to live in the country. And many people in the country want to live in the city. It is an interesting fancy thing for our society. There are two points 甲方

In ours view the country lifestyle is much better and relaxed than city lifestyle.(总)


1 In the country people have their farm and even their own stores but in the cities people are

mostly working for companies operated or even owned by a bigger company

2 Also in the country people are more open in exchanging goods and services in return for such and in the cities it is only the money that makes everything possible

3 Peace of mind also comes free in the country simply because there is less to worry

and stress about.

4 The environment in the country is by far beyond comparison with the cities, there are

less pollution, fewer factories and less noise in the country; where as the cities are filled with cars and factories which are the essential reasons to noise and pollution. 5 The people in the country are less stressed and more happy simply because there is

less items in their mind and life to deal with and they also tend to be more friendly towards others,



People usually lack cultural activities. Things go fairly slowly there. What's more, they also miss some golden opportunities of making a fortune.


In ours view the city lifestyle is much better than country lifestyle.(总)


Living in a city, people have certain advantages.

AFirst, people enjoy various entertainments, such as movies or chat on the net with friends.

B Second, there are more cultural activities in a city.

C Third, city dwellers gain access to better information service and educational facilities. In the city, people can take the chances to study and work best. There are many good university for u to choose in a big city. There you can express your ability to study what you like.

D Opportunities for bright young people are greater in the cities and there has been a steady stream of hopeful jobseekers from the villages and farms to the large metropolitan areas.

E the transport is very convenient in the city. We can take bus ,taxi ,subway in our diary life。Certainly,aircraft and train is necessary


1 The overcrowded population, traffic jam, housing problem, industrial pollution and

other issues may result in depression, nervousness and diseases. It is very difficult to find a good place where people can enjoy peace and fresh air as in the countryside.

2living in a city is often very expensive. You must find a well-paid job, otherwise, you will not be able to afford the things you will do.


4 People who living in the city have great pressure of employment Nowadays, in the city, there are more and more crimes. They do not give people

security. Every day, people live in the fear. And the quality of living will fall. Now many people feel that many people are cold to each other. It also makes our heart to tire.


It is really hard to say which is better than the other, city life or rural life, because each has its merits and shortcomings. Obviously, whatever life they lead, people can never feel perfectly satisfied, for conveniences and inconveniences always coexist.


乡村扩写 乡村里住着一户户农家,竹子做篱笆,茅草做屋顶,一家家,一户户靠着水边聚集在一起。天有点亮的时候,一缕缕炊烟袅袅升起。那炊烟飘呀飘呀,飘过水边的杨柳,飘过柳边的桃李,飘向了更远的地方。一双燕子也早早地起床了,它们飞的忽高忽低,身手非常敏


篇三:农村城市生活比较 英文

The Comparing and Contrasting Urban Lives and Rural Lives

Nowadays there still exits differences between urban and rural lives, but it is hard to judge which kind of live is better than anther. As one of the central issues, quality of life should be considered in such comparison, such as a great diversity of living ways, education, medical security system and employment.

Living in the city, people have a lot of opportunities to come into contact with many new things, from the newest high tech products to the latest news. In their spare time people also enjoy various entertainments, both foreign and domestic. In addition, there are more cultural activities in a city. So a general statement to be made about urban living is that there is a great deal of diversity and choice. In urban areas, there are many more choices people can make about a number of aspects of their daily lives. As a result they have the opportunity to be more cultured and are more likely to encounter those from other class, cultural, and ethnic groups. But with the rapidly development of society, people’s living needs are increasing, so in order to live better than before, they exert great pressure upon themselves, the most terrible thing is that a few people are died because of karoshi. Besides, people who live in the city begin to face more problems, for instance, traffic jam, housing problem, industrial pollution, property and personal security. On the other hand,

rural places do not offer the same level of choice and in very isolated areas. Still, despite this lack of choice, there are a number of positive sides to rural living in terms of quality of life. Living in a rural area

allows residents to enjoy the natural world more easily instead of having to go to parks. In addition, people do not have to fight with the daily stresses of urban life such as being stuck in traffic, dealing with higher rates of crime, and in many cases, paying higher taxes. These absences of stressors can have a great effect on the overall quality of life. So people living in rural and sparsely populated areas are less likely to have mental health problems than those living in urban areas and may also be less likely to relapse into depression or mental illness once they have recovered from these in more densely populated areas.

People often like to say our next generation is the hope of future, so education for the children is also play a vital role in our life. But city dwellers gain access to better information service and educational facilities. Study in urban areas, students can own an abundant and qualified teaching faculty, advanced teaching equipment and elegant learning environment. However, children who live in rural areas even don’t have books to read. Although our leaders have paid more attentions to these people, there still exits a big disparity between urban and rural areas. The first reason is that people there usually lack cultural activities. They are ill informed, so people miss some golden opportunities of

making a fortune. The result is that the chances of their children being admitted to colleges are slim. What’s more, rural areas are relatively poorer than urban areas; they don’t have enough money to support educational undertaking.

Besides, urbanites have better access to choices in healthcare as well and if they suffer from diseases they have a number of specialists to choose from in their area. But in rural areas, they lack of big hospitals and talented doctors, and they also don’t have spare money to see a doctor. But a satiric thing is that the majority of people in rural areas are live longer than people who live in urban areas. That is because for the

purpose of earning more profits, sellers add some chemical substance into the food which harm to human beings. But people in rural areas can eat what they grow, which is much healthier. However, the disadvantage is that living in a rural area; residents do not have the best opportunity to choose from a range of employment options. While they can commute to larger towns, this gets expensive and is not as convenient as working close to their residence.

Obviously, whatever life they have, people can never feel perfectly satisfied, for conveniences and inconveniences always coexist. People wish that they could enjoy the pleasures of both lives. Nowadays city dwellers can relax themselves in the country during vacation; and country people have chance to experience city lifestyle when they come to cities.
